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苜蓿培养细胞抗羟脯氨酸变异体的筛选和特性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以返地卫星搭载的苜蓿(MedicagosativaL.)种子为实验材料,取其无菌苗下胚轴切段诱导愈伤组织,该愈伤组织经正筛选法,获得抗脯氨酸类似物L羟脯氨酸(Hyp)的变异细胞系(Hypr).Hypr脱离选择压力3mo后,对Hyp的抗性仍比对照强,FW细胞内游离脯氨酸w=0.72mg/g,是CK的3.43倍,同时还具有对NaCl和PEG的交叉抗性.和CK相比,Hypr愈伤组织可溶性蛋白质SDSPAGE图谱出现两条新多肽(Mr≈56×103、32×103);其过氧化物酶同工酶谱中酶活性明显高于对照,并出现1条新带,酯酶同工酶酶谱中亦出现3条新带.这些特性分析表明,该变异细胞系对Hyp的抗性是稳定的.  相似文献   
While the oil industry along the Atlantic coast of Cameroon has made important contributions to the national economy, this has been accompanied with adverse environmental impacts. There has been significant pollution from oil drilling, refinery waste, oil spillage, gas and flaring. After discussing these impacts, this paper argues that prevailing regulations are inadequate and need overhauling. It proposes that cleaner production requires:
specific laws to protect dwellers in the neighbourhood of oil refineries, filling stations, service stations and pipelines;  相似文献   
A survey of the crown status of Turkey oak Quercus cerris L.) trees in the boron-rich area atTravale (Southern Tuscany, Italy) was carried outin order to evaluate the impact ofgeothermal power plants. Crown thinness was assessed andmorphological and chemical tests werecarried out on leaf samples. Leaf area and dry weight weredetermined as morphological parameters;while the chemical measurements performed included nitrogenand potassium (among the nutrients),and sulphur, boron, arsenic and mercury (among the elements ofgeothermal origin). Acute damagewas found only in the area immediately adjacent to the outletsand is the result of the action of boron;crown thinness, on the other hand, is affected by the natureof the geological substrate. High quantitiesof sulphur were found in leaves throughout the survey area,due both to the availability of this elementin the geopedological substrate and to the atmospheric inputof geothermal H2S. The leafcontent of this element correlates negatively with thedistance from the power plants. Boron andarsenic are the other geothermal origin elements most commonlyfound in plant matrices. The presenceof these two elements is associated with leaf area reductionand/or an increase of specific dry weight.The most significant impact on the environment appears to beexerted by the southernmost powerplant, where there is an unfavourable ratio between quantityof emissions and height of the chimneys.  相似文献   
探讨了经加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis L.)提取物处理后,铜绿微囊藻(Microc ystis aeruginosa)细胞膜相关特性的变化,如膜脂过氧化程度、细胞膜透性、脂肪酸组成和所占比例变化等,并通过电子显微镜观察了铜绿微囊藻细胞的亚显微结构变化,以初步揭示加拿大一枝黄花提取物对铜绿微囊藻抑制效应的机制.结果表明,添加加拿大一枝黄花提取物可使铜绿微囊藻细胞内丙二醛(MDA)累积量增加,加剧了膜脂过氧化反应;改变了铜绿微囊藻细胞内脂肪酸的组成,使不饱和脂肪酸所占比例上升,饱和脂肪酸所占比例下降;经加拿大一枝黄花提取物处理过的藻细胞膜初期出现模糊褶皱、质壁分离等现象,中后期则出现受损、甚至严重破裂等现象,膜系统受损之后,提取物更易进入细胞内,进一步影响藻细胞的内部结构,最终细胞的亚显微结构明显遭到破坏.  相似文献   
Nanoscale silica is an important industrial material and extensively used in medicines. The objective of this study was to determine potential cytotoxicity and genotoxic effects attributed to nanosilica exposure in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (L929) cells. Nanosilica produced mild cytotoxicity in L929 cells. Results showed that nanosilica increased thiobarbituric acid reactive substance levels and enhanced superoxide dismutase activity but decreased levels of glutathione. This was accompanied by a concomitant generation of reactive oxygen species, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and activation of caspase-3 activity. In addition, in the single-cell gel test, nanosilica (50–300 μg/ml) at two treatment times 24 and 48 hr produced concentration- and time-dependent increase of DNA damage. Therefore, the obtained results indicate that nanosilica may induce genotoxic effects in cultured L929 cells associated with induction of oxidative stress.  相似文献   
侧柏、香樟枝叶挥发物对人体生理的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用多导电生理技术手段,采用与情绪有较大关系的最常见的生理指标为因变量,从嗅觉的角度研究侧柏和香樟两种常见绿化树种的挥发物对人体的影响,结果表明:嗅闻侧柏(Platycladus orientalis(L)Franco)挥发物后人体手指温度极显著升高,人体血氧含量略有增加,平均心率、心电RR间期值显著降低;嗅闻香樟(Cinnamomum camphora(L)Presl)气味后人体手指温度、血氧含量显著降低,平均心率略有变化,心电RR间期值极显著升高。说明人处在侧柏环境中情绪趋于放松状态,感觉清新、舒爽、愉悦;而在香樟气味环境中人表现出紧张、不快,甚至长时间在这样的环境中会产生厌恶情绪。研究结果有助于从植物保健功能指导人居、游憩环境中绿化树种的科学配置。  相似文献   
于1996年晚季,从移栽到收割水稻高产品种特三矮2号种植于高CO2浓度(xco2=600X10-6)与目前大气CO2浓度(xco2=350X10-6)的塑料大棚内.xco2浓度由自动监控系统调节控制在整个生育期内,地上部生物学产量在高xco2下显著增加抽穗前,绿叶面积在高CO2浓度下显著增加;但抽穗后,绿叶面积在高CO2浓度下下降更快高CO2浓度下,谷产量、结实率和千粒重增加,而穗数和每穗谷粒数下降蒸煮品质(包括直链淀粉含量,胶稠度和碱消值)不受CO2浓度影响;而营养品质(蛋白质与氨基酸含量)在高CO2浓度下显著下降.我们认为,为了获得水稻的最大生产力和保持米的营养品质,施氮的数量与时间在高CO2浓度下应该有所调整.  相似文献   
红厚壳在海南岛的分布及其生长习性   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
红厚壳在海南岛一直是适应性强,分布广泛的珍贵植物资源。调查结果表明,在经济建设,农业土地开发等压力下,海南岛的红厚壳植物资源正日趋减少,目前仅在琼山,文昌等地区还保留较丰富,南部地区已绝迹,西部地区也难以见到。  相似文献   
Measurements of flammability and explosion parameters for dust/air mixtures require uniform dispersion of the dust cloud inside the test vessel. In a previous work, we showed that, in the standard 20 L sphere, the dust injection system does not allow generation of a uniform cloud, but rather high gradients of dust concentration are established. In this work, we used a previously validated three-dimensional CFD model to simulate the dust dispersion inside the 20 L sphere at different dust nominal concentrations (and fixed dust diameter). Results of numerical simulations have shown that, as the dust nominal concentration is increased, sedimentation prevails and, thus, when ignition is provided, the dust is mainly concentrated at the vessel walls.  相似文献   

Treatment of pea and tobacco leaf discs with the resistance inducer DL‐β‐amino‐n‐butyric acid (BABA) led to a substantial induction of glutathione reductase (GR, E.C. enzyme activity. After exposure to 1 mM BABA for 96 hrs, the GR activities were 3.2‐fold and 2.9‐fold higher in pea and tobacco leaf discs, respectively, than GR activities in untreated controls. Elevated GR levels may contribute to the antioxidative protection of plants during pathogen attack.  相似文献   
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