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用氯化铈 (CeCl3 )沉淀的电镜细胞化学方法 ,对常温下及 2℃低温处理后的冬小麦 (TriticumaestiviumL .)幼苗质膜Ca2 ATPase活性进行定位 .结果显示 :(1)常温下生长的冬小麦幼苗 ,质膜上有部分Ca2 ATPase活性反应 .(2 )冬小麦幼苗经 2℃低温处理 1h ,质膜上Ca2 ATPase活性增加 .处理 3h ,活性进一步加强 .2℃下处理 12h ,有强的酶活性反应 .处理 2 4h后 ,活性反应达到最强 .2℃处理 3d ,Ca2 ATPase活性有所下降 ,但仍高于CK .细胞结构完整 .据结果推测 ,质膜Ca2 ATPase活性受细胞内Ca2 浓度反馈调节 .图 1参 10  相似文献   
[CO2]和温度增加的相互作用对植物生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
CO2 和温度是影响植物生长、发育和功能的两个关键因子 .在过去一个世纪中 ,[CO2 ]从 2 80 μmol/mol增加到 36 0μmol/mol且每年增长速率为 1~ 5 μmol/mol,到 2 0世纪末达到更高的浓度[1] .最近的模型预测表明 ,到 2 10 0年 ,全球表面温度可能会增加 1~ 4 .5℃ [2 \〗.CO2 是光合作用的底物 ,而且还是初级代谢过程 (气孔反应和光合作用 )、光合同化物分配和生长的调节者 .温度几乎影响植物所有的生物学过程 .因此 ,在全球气候变化要素中 ,大气 [CO2 ]和温度升高对植物的生理过程和生物量及产量具有极为重要的…  相似文献   
为了改善堆肥微环境 ,提高生活垃圾堆肥速率 ,研究堆肥工艺条件及其反应动力学是非常必要的。通过控制堆肥工艺条件 ,如初始温度、含水率、C/N比及堆料颗粒大小 ,研究生活垃圾堆肥过程中生物、化学及物理因素的变化。试验结果表明 ,生活垃圾堆肥反应符合一级反应动力学 ;合理控制堆肥初始反应条件 ,能明显提高堆肥效率。  相似文献   
洪云  徐慧 《环境工程学报》2015,9(9):4421-4426
针对低温低浊水处理难度大的问题进行了一系列的混凝实验,实验结果表明,随着混凝剂投加量的增加,剩余浊度呈现先降低后升高的趋势,单独使用HPAC时,剩余浊度在投加量为14 mg/L时达到最低(2.39 NTU)。pH值对余铝含量具有重要的影响,3种铝系混凝剂均在pH=7.0时余铝含量达到最低。AlCl3对水中有机物的去除率较其他3种混凝剂低。絮体形成与破碎受搅拌强度的影响很大,当破碎强度增加到50 r/min,使用PACl、HPAC、FeCl3作混凝剂时絮体粒径下降不明显,当破碎强度增加到100 r/min时,絮体粒径有明显的下降。破碎结束后,絮体粒径有所恢复,但是并不能增长到破碎前的粒径。PACl、HPAC以及FeCl3形成的絮体的沉降性较好,上覆水浊度下降较快,经过3 h的沉降后,剩余浊度分别达到1.82、1.44和0.97 NTU。  相似文献   
通过融合污泥粘度与污泥浓度关系式、污泥粘度与温度关系式,得到一个新的关系式:污泥粘度与污泥浓度、温度的关系式,并通过实验数据拟合出各项参数,拟合效果比较理想.得出的污泥粘度与污泥浓度、温度的关系式对了解污泥的粘度变化非常有帮助,同时,该关系式也将为污泥处理、处置方案的制定提供参考依据.  相似文献   
为了解我国进口再生塑料颗粒中重金属溶出特性,以某检测机构的5种再生塑料颗粒PP、PE、PS、PET和ABS为研究对象,研究不同温度、不同接触时间和不同模拟液等条件下,再生塑料颗粒中重金属溶出特性。结果表明,在25、40、70 ℃这3种温度下,PP、PE、PET和ABS再生塑料颗粒中重金属铬、铅、锰、镉、汞和铜的溶出量随着温度的升高而增加,PS中重金属浓度随温度升高变化不大;随着接触时间的增长,样品中的6种重金属Cr、Pb、Mn、Cu、Cd、Hg溶出量增长趋势由快至慢,5种再生塑料颗粒中重金属Cr的溶出浓度最高;PE、PS、PET和ABS再生塑料颗粒在4种模拟液中重金属溶出量大小整体呈现出:50%乙酸>3%乙酸>10%乙醇>95%乙醇,但PP再生塑料颗粒中重金属Cu在3%乙酸中的溶出量比10%乙醇中的多。本研究结果可为建立塑料接触材料及制品中重金属溶出量的标准方法提供依据。  相似文献   
Removal of selenite [Se (IV)] from aqueous solution on to industrial solid ‘waste’ Fe(III)/Cr(III) hydroxide as adsorbent was investigated in the present article. Maximum adsorption was found to be at pH 4.0. Pretreated Fe(III)/Cr(III) hydroxide was found to be more efficient for the removal of selenite compared to untreated adsorbent. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms have been studied. The Langmuir adsorption capacity (Q 0) of the pretreated and untreated adsorbents was found to be 15.63 and 6.04?mg?g?1, respectively. The adsorption process fit into the second-order kinetics. Thermodynamic parameters show that the adsorption process is spontaneous and endothermic in the temperature range 32 to 60°C. Coexisting anions vanadate and phosphate significantly affect the adsorption of selenite for both the pretreated and untreated adsorbents. Molybdate, thiocyanate, sulphate, nitrate and chloride do not significantly affect the removal of selenite for pretreated adsorbent.  相似文献   
Study of the ecology of mesopelagic fishes is central for assessing the active biological pump in the ocean, especially in the mesopelagic layers. The use of δ13C and fatty acid analysis can help to analysis the ecology of mesopelagic fishes. Here, we analysed the fatty acid composition of mesopelagic fishes from the continental northern slope of the South China Sea (NSSCS) and compared with nearshore SCS fishes and mesopelagic fishes collected from the Southern Ocean. The mesopelagic fishes had unusually high lipids, which resulted in Δδ13C values exceeding 1‰, more than the enrichment factor in the food web. The mesopelagic fishes had higher C18:1n-9/C18:1n-7 and C20:1n-9/ C18:1n-7 ratios compared with other fishes in the SCS, which confirmed that plankton were their main dietary source. The mesopelagic fishes from SCS and Southern Ocean had different ratios of C20:5n-3/C22:6n-3 (EPA/DHA), suggesting geographical locations and diet sources had obvious influence on their fatty acid composition. The SCS mesopelagic fishes had higher C20:4n-6/C22:6n-3 (ARA/DHA) and C20:4n-6/C20:5n-3 (ARA/EPA) ratios than mesopelagic fishes in the Southern Ocean, indicating the influence of physical factors on fatty acid composition. Thus, future studies of the fatty acids in mesopelagic fishes should consider both dietary sources and physical environments.  相似文献   
The main results of research work carried out since 1998 with regard to the application of hydro-acoustic technologies for the evaluation of biomass and distribution of small pelagic fish species off the southern coast of Sicily are presented, taking into account information from hydrology and from ecology of the fish populations targeted. The biomass estimates and the population‐density charts presented concern the two main species, i.e. sardine Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758). Both the sardine and anchovy populations experienced large inter-annual fluctuations, with biomass estimates ranging from 6000 to over 36,000 tonnes (t) (sardine) and from about 7000 to 23,000 t (anchovy). Acoustic estimates are largely consistent with landings recorded in Sciacca (the main fishing port for small pelagic species in the study area) during the year following the evaluation surveys. In addition, trends in sardine and anchovy biomass estimates appears to be negatively correlated with the mean sea surface temperature calculated over the time intervals January–September (sardine) and June–November (anchovy) of the preceding year, which correspond to larval and juvenile growth periods of target species. Observed patterns would suggest the importance of enrichment processes relevant to the survival of early stages, so determining recruitment success and finally higher population sizes.  相似文献   
The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of malic, tartaric, oxalic, and citric acid on the adsorption and desorption characteristics of Cd by two typical anthropic soils (lou soil and irrigation-silted soil) in North-west China. Cadmium adsorption and desorption were studied under a range of temperatures (25°C, 30°C, 35°C, 40°C), organic acid concentrations (0.5–5.0 mmol·L-1), and pH values (2–8). The results showed that the Cd adsorption capacity of the lou soil was significantly greater than that of the irrigation-silted soil. Generally, Cd adsorption increased as the temperature increased. In the presence of NaNO3, the adsorption of Cd was endothermic with ΔH values of 31.365 kJ·mol-1 for lou soil and 28.278?kJ·mol-1 for irrigation-silted soil. The endothermic reaction indicated that H bonds were the main driving force for Cd adsorption in both soils. However, different concentrations of organic acids showed various influences on the two soils. In the presence of citric acid, chemical adsorption and van der Waals interactions were the main driving forces for Cd adsorption rather than H bonds. Although the types of organic acids and soil properties were different, the effects of the organic acids on the adsorption and desorption of Cd were similar in the two soils. The adsorption percentage of Cd generally decreased as organic acid concentrations increased. In contrast, the adsorption percentage increased as the pH of the initial solution increased. The exception was that adsorption percentage of Cd increased slightly as oxalic acid concentrations increased. In contrast, the desorption percentage of Cd increased with increasing concentrations of organic acids but decreased as the initial solution pH increased.  相似文献   
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