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Models of sexual selection by female choice require heritable variation in female mating preferences in order for sexual selection to operate. However, recent theoretical work shows that female preferences which are transmitted non-genetically can result in exaggeration of male ornamentation. Guppies exhibit both mate copying and considerable heritable variation in female preferences. I studied the importance of these phenomena by measuring repeatability of female mate choice, which acts as an estimate of the upper limit to which a feature may be heritable, and the incidence of mate choice reversal in paired-trial binary mate choice experiments. Mate choice was significantly repeatable except in the treatment where females were given the opportunity to copy a female that contradicted their original choice. Apart from this, I found no evidence that females copy the mate choice of others. The differences between males in ornamentation had no effect on the consistency of female mate choice or the probability that they would reverse their original choice decision (in both controls and the copying experiment). The interval between choice trials did not influence repeatability significantly, indicating that the independence of choice decisions is not related to the time interval between them. Received: 9 February 1996/Accepted after revision: 6 July 1996  相似文献   
Male paternity assurance behaviour during the female fertile period has been widely documented amongst birds. In contrast, how sex-specific behavioural strategies vary with local breeding synchrony levels remains largely unknown. This is important because, in many species, intra-population patterns of extra-pair fertilisation rates, and hence cuckoldry risk, are known to vary with the number of simultaneously fertile females. Each sex may therefore differ in how they behave towards male conspecifics during different degrees of breeding synchrony. Here I provide evidence of such sex-specific differences in the golden whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis), a species in which within-pair paternity assurance is negatively associated with breeding synchrony. Via simulated territorial intrusions using decoy males, I show that males, but not females, increase levels of aggression to male intruders during periods of low synchrony, possibly because cuckoldry risk is greatest during this period. In addition, males appear to invest more effort into mate guarding after, but not before, territorial intrusions during this period. These inter-sexual differences may reflect conflicts in interest between the sexes, with females consistently showing interest in males during the fertile period regardless of synchrony levels and males investing more resources into expelling intruders when the risk of paternity loss is greatest. This study thus provides evidence that males may be able to detect variation in breeding synchrony and cuckoldry risk and adjust their paternity assurance behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   
Males often face strong mating competition by neighboring males in their social environment. A recent study by Plath et al. (Anim Behav 75:21–29, 2008a) has demonstrated that the visual presence of a male competitor (i.e., an audience male) affects the expression of male mating preferences in a poeciliid fish (Poecilia mexicana) with a weaker expression of mating preferences when an audience male observed the focal male. This may be a tactic to reduce sperm competition, since surrounding males likely share intrinsic preferences for female traits or copy mate choice decisions. Here, we examined the hypothesis that a same-sex audience would affect female mate preferences less than male mating preferences. Our hypothesis was based on the assumptions that (1) competition for mates in a fashion that would be comparable in strength to sperm competition or overt male–male aggression is absent among Poecilia females, and (2) P. mexicana females typically form female-biased shoals, such that almost any female mate choice in nature occurs in front of a female audience. Poecilia females (P. mexicana, surface and cave form, and the closely related gynogenetic Poecilia formosa) were given a choice between a large and a small male, and the tests were repeated while a conspecific, a heterospecific, or no audience female (control) was presented. Females spent more time in the neutral zone and, thus, less time near the males during the second part of a trial when an audience was presented, but—consistent with predictions—females showed only slightly weaker expression of mate preferences during the second part of the tests. This decline was not specific to the treatment involving an audience and was significantly weaker than the effect seen in the male sex.  相似文献   
The female aggression hypothesis states that resident females may be able to prevent polygyny by behaving aggressively towards intruding females. A critical test of the hypothesis is to provide prospecting females with a choice between displaying mated males some of which have initial mates with artificially reduced levels of aggressiveness. Here we present a mate choice experiment on pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. The species is a cavity nester, and resident females were prevented from behaving aggressively by enclosing them within their own nestboxes: narrowing the entrance hole so that they could not escape but could still let their head out and have some contact with their mate. This treament had only a minor influence on male behaviour. We studied whether the experimental males were better able to attract a new female than a control group of mated males. Four predictions from the female aggression hypothesis were supported. (1) Mating success of control males was positively related to the distance between their primary and secondary territory. (2) For experimental males, mating success was unrelated to interterritorial distance. (3) Experimental males had higher mating success than control males when the interterritorial distance was short but (4) not when it was long. Experimental males had much lower mating success than unmated males, as would be expected if prospecting females are able to discover male mating status from cues other than visits by primary females to their mates' secondary nest sites. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted after revision: 30 December 1998  相似文献   
Individuals may associate with each other due to a variety of selective forces, such as intra- and intersexual selection, and conspecific recognition. Previous studies have concluded that mate choice governs association behavior in polygynous species of fish. I examined whether mate choice underlies the preference for larger individuals by examining preference for association (time spent in proximity to a fish) not only between opposite-sex individuals but also between same-sex individuals of the live-bearing sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna). Males and females from three size classes were tested with a large and a small object fish of the same and opposite sex. Females preferred to associate with larger over smaller males. Males also preferred to associate with larger over smaller females, as expected. The same female and male test fish also preferred to associate with larger over smaller fish of the same sex. Moreover, females demonstrated no significant difference in their strength of preference (large–small) when offered males or females. The same held true for males. When males and females were subsequently tested with one large male and one large female, females tended to prefer large males while males showed no significant preference for association based on sex. In another experiment, females were tested with a large female and a small male, and significantly preferred the former. These findings suggest that association patterns may have arisen under a variety of conditions, such as predation pressures, shoaling behavior, and associative preference behavior. The assumption that association behavior is a uniformly sufficient predictor of mate choice in fish needs to be re-examined for P. latipinna and other species. Received: 6 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 12 May 1999 / Accepted: 12 May 1999  相似文献   
This study examined the crucial prediction of the conditional-handicap theory, the relationship between male sexual trait size and male viability, in the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata. In this species, males court females by drumming dry leaves with their abdomen, and males with the highest drumming rate enjoy highest mating success. We determined male drumming rate, body mass, and mobility, which reflects mate-searching activity, in relation to male survival. Because it is often difficult to know how results obtained from laboratory studies reflect the natural world, particularly when the measured variable is survival, we repeated our study in both laboratory and field conditions. Males drumming at the highest rate survived better than males drumming at a lower rate in both laboratory and field conditions. These results are in accordance with the predictions of conditional-handicap models of sexual selection. Survival was independent of male body mass and there was no significant correlation between male drumming activity and body mass. However, large males moved further than smaller males, and males moving longer distances lost less mass than those moving shorter distances. These results suggest that, moving, and consequently mate-searching activity, may be a condition-dependent trait and that there may be a advantage for large males in mate searching. Received: 22 October 1998 / Received in revised form: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 14 February 1999  相似文献   
Sperm allocation in an uncertain world   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Models of optimal sperm allocation are constructed using stochastic dynamic programming techniques, yielding predictions about sperm allocation when males mate sequentially, breeding time is finite, sperm stores are limited and females vary in quality. The models suggest that uncertainty of future reproductive opportunities should favour withholding of sperm, so that males tend to allocate less (for a given level of stored sperm) earlier in the breeding season. This effect is more pronounced the greater the variance in female quality. We also show that while allocation will be influenced by mate value, it is not necessarily optimal to allocate preferentially to high-quality females, since the benefits of a higher-quality mate may be offset by increased risk of rejection of sperm or higher sperm competition. The relationship between mate quality and level of allocation will depend strongly on the amount of remaining stored sperm, with males whose supplies are depleted being more likely to favour lower-quality partners. Received: 12 September 1997 / Accepted after revision: 28 June 1998  相似文献   
Extra-pair copulations create a potential for sexual conflict in pair-bonding birds. Here we report an experimental study of the bluethroat, Luscinia s. svecica, in which the throat ornament of males was blackened with Nyanzol D in order to reduce their sexual attractiveness and thus increase the sexual conflict over fertilizations. In an earlier study, we showed that males blackened before pairing had a lower success in attracting social mates than controls, whereas males blackened after pairing guarded their mates more intensely and sang less than controls. Here we add behavioural data from one more year on males blackened after pairing and corroborate our previous finding that the manipulation caused males to guard their mates more intensely and advertise less for additional mates. Blackened males did not suffer more intrusions from neighbouring males than did controls. Paternity analyses of the combined data set, using multilocus DNA fingerprinting and microsatellite typing, revealed that blackened males lost significantly more paternity than controls. There was also a tendency for blackened males to show a lower success in achieving extra-pair fertilizations. These results indicate that females have the upper hand in the sexual conflict over fertilizations, as females paired with unattractive males can achieve more extra-pair paternity despite the greater constraint posed by the intensified mate guarding. Still, within the blackened group, there were some indications that males guarding more intensely and singing less had higher paternity than males guarding less and singing more, suggesting a marginal positive effect of guarding for unattractive males. Male mate guarding must nevertheless be considered a best-of-a-bad-job strategy in this species. Received: 4 December 1997 / Accepted after revision: 14 June 1998  相似文献   
For intersexual selection to occur, it is necessary that females choose between males. It is now well appreciated that constraints exist, which preclude females sampling all the available males in a population. These constraints are likely to have caused the evolution of sampling rules (such as the “best-of-n” rule) by which females sample males. Here we investigate the impact of female subsampling of the male population, not on the evolution of sampling behaviour, but on the population-level correlation between a male trait and currencies such as reproductive success. This study is important as it illustrates when population-level correlations can be safely used to infer the presence and strength of sexual selection in the field. We find that the correlation between a male trait and a mate choice variable rises steeply as the number of males sampled by each female increases, flattening above seven to ten males sampled. This shape is found to be remarkably robust, and little affected by, for example, the mate choice variable used, by noise in assessment, by sampling behaviour depending on female quality, or by population size. The only variable found to have a large impact is male clumping according to their “quality”. If females are sampling about four males, the maximum correlation that can be found at the population level is in the range 0.4–0.6, perhaps as little as 0.1 if males are strongly clumped. A recent review of the literature suggests that four is the average number of males that females sample. Thus, the absence of a strong correlation cannot by itself be used to infer that sexual selection is weak, as it may be due to females sampling few males. Received: 18 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 18 July 1998  相似文献   
In the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), effective courting by a male requires visual contact with the female. Therefore, environmental light intensity may affect male display behavior, particularly initial courtship distance. We found that male guppies courted at exact and predictable distances from the female given a particular light level, both in field and laboratory studies. In lower light levels (<0.1 μmol m−2 s−1), for example at dawn, dusk, or under heavy canopy, males court females at closer and less variable distances (<3 cm). At higher light levels, which occur during most of the day and with less canopy cover, males often court from twice or three times further out. Light levels over guppy streams change over relatively short time periods and ranges, correlating with variation in courtship distances. Laboratory manipulations of irradiance confirmed that courtship distance depends on illumination. Hence, courtship distances may be set by the effect of lighting on signal efficiency, minimization of energy or time expenditures, or predation risk. Received: 16 December 1997 / Accepted after revision: 8 August 1998  相似文献   
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