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The biotransformation of the nonylphenol isomer [ring-U-14C]-4-(3′,5′-dimethyl-3′-heptyl)-phenol (4-353-NP, consisting of two diastereomers) was studied in soybean and Agrostemma githago cell suspension cultures. With the A. githago cells, a batch two-liquid-phase system (medium/n-hexadecane 200:1, v/v) was used, in order to produce higher concentrations and amounts of 4-353-NP metabolites for their identification; 4-353-NP was applied via the n-hexadecane phase. Initial concentrations of [14C]-4-353-NP were 1 mg L?1 (soybean), and 5 and 10 mg L?1 (A. githago). After 2 (soybean) and 7 days (A. githago) of incubation, the applied 4-353-NP was transformed almost completely by both plant species to four types of products: glycosides of parent 4-353-NP, glycosides of primary 4-353-NP metabolites, nonextractable residues and unknown, possibly polymeric materials detected in the media. The latter two products emerged especially in soybean cultures. Portions of primary metabolites amounted to 19–22% (soybean) and 21–42% of applied 14C (A. githago). After liberation from their glycosides, the primary 4-353-NP metabolites formed by A. githago were isolated by HPLC and examined by GC-EIMS as trimethylsilyl derivatives. In the chromatograms, eight peaks were detected which due to their mass spectra, could be traced back to 4-353-NP. Seven of the compounds were side-chain monohydroxylated 4-353-NP metabolites, while the remaining was a (side-chain) carboxylic acid derivative. Unequivocal identification of the sites of hydroxylation/oxidation of all transformation products was not possible. The main primary metabolites produced by A. githago were supposed to be four diastereomers of 6′-hydroxy-4-353-NP (about 80% of all products identified). It was concluded that plants contribute to the environmental degradation of the xenoestrogen nonylphenol; the toxicological properties of side-chain hydroxylated nonylphenols remain to be examined.  相似文献   
The heterotrophic microbial communities of the Rouge River were tracked using Biolog Ecoplates to understand the metabolic diversity at different temporal and spatial scales, and potential link to river pollution. Site less impacted by anthrophogenic sources (site 1), showed markedly lower metabolic diversity. The only substrates that were utilized in the water samples were carbohydrates. Sites more impacted by anthrophogenic sources (sites 8 and 9) showed higher metabolic diversity. Higher functional diversity was linked to the physico-chemical and biological properties of the water samples (i.e. higher concentrations of DO, DOC, chlorophyll, and bacterial density). Biolog analysis was found to be useful in differentiating metabolic diversity between microbial communities; in determining factors that most influence the separation of communities; and in identifying which substrates were most utilized by the communities. It can also be used as an effective ecological indicator of changes in river function attributable to urbanization and pollution.  相似文献   

The growth and total carbohydrate contents of Nostoc muscorum and Tolypothrix tenuis were greatly and significantly reduced by the application of parathion. “Chlorophyll a”, carotene biosynthesis and the rate of glucose absorption were enhanced after supplementation of parathion to the culture media of both cyanobacteria. Nitrogen released to the media, total nitrogen content and total nitrogen fixed were increased in both organisms‐ Increase in protein content was accompanied by remarkable drop in amino, peptide and ammonia fractions‐ Phosphorus uptake, RNA, DNA and total phosphorus content were accelerated to reach maximum accumulation at the highest insecticide level. In metabolism study using 14C‐labelled compound, parathion was readily degraded by Nostoc and Tolypothrix. Following ten days incubation, the aqueous fractions contained 21.1% and 18.1% of the initial activity in Nostoc and Tolypothrix respectively. TLC analysis of the hydrolytic products revealed the presence of three metabolites: p‐aminophenol, p‐nitrophenol and aminoparathion.  相似文献   
● Metabolomic temporal profiling of cells exposed to xenobiotics. ● Global metabolome dysregulation patterns with time-resolved landscapes. ● Synchronized regulation behavior and specific dysregulation sensitivity. ● Temporal metabolic adaptions indicated cellular emphasis transition. The biochemical consequences induced by xenobiotic stress are featured in dose-response and time-resolved landscapes. Understanding the dynamic process of cellular adaptations is crucial in conducting the risk assessment for chemical exposure. As one of the most phenotype-related omics, metabolome in response to environmental stress can vary from seconds to days. Up to now, very few dynamic metabolomics studies have been conducted to provide time-dependent mechanistic interpretations in understanding xenobiotics-induced cellular adaptations. This study aims to explore the time-resolved metabolite dysregulation manner and dynamically perturbed biological functions in MCF-7 cells exposed to bisphenol A (BPA), a well-known endocrine-disrupting chemical. By sampling at 11 time points from several minutes to hours, thirty seven significantly dysregulated metabolites were identified, ranging from amino acids, fatty acids, carboxylic acids and nucleoside phosphate compounds. The metabolites in different pathways basically showed distinct time-resolved changing patterns, while those within the common class or same pathways showed similar and synchronized dysregulation behaviors. The pathway enrichment analysis suggested that purine metabolism, pyrimidine metabolism, aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis as well as glutamine/glutamate (GABA) metabolism pathways were heavily disturbed. As exposure event continued, MCF-7 cells went through multiple sequential metabolic adaptations from cell proliferation to energy metabolism, which indicated an enhancing cellular requirement for elevated energy homeostasis, oxidative stress response and ER-α mediated cell growth. We further focused on the time-dependent metabolite dysregulation behavior in purine and pyrimidine metabolism, and identified the impaired glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation by redox imbalance. Lastly, we established a restricted cubic spline-based model to fit and predict metabolite’s full range dysregulation cartography, with metabolite’ sensitivity comparisons retrieved and novel biomarkers suggested. Overall, the results indicated that 8 h BPA exposure leaded to global dynamic metabolome adaptions including amino acid, nucleoside and sugar metabolism disorders, and the dysregulated metabolites with interfered pathways at different stages are of significant temporal distinctions.  相似文献   
Indole, a typical nitrogen heterocyclic aromatic pollutant, is extensively spread in industrial wastewater. Microbial degradation has been proven to be a feasible approach to remove indole, whereas the microbial resources are fairly limited. A bacterial strain designated as SHE was isolated and found to be an efficient indole degrader. It was identified as Cupriavidus sp. according to 16S rRNA gene analysis. Strain SHE could utilize indole as the sole carbon source and almost completely degrade 100 mg/L of indole within 24 hr. It still harbored relatively high indole degradation capacity within pH 4–9 and temperature 25°C–35°C. Experiments also showed that some heavy metals such as Mn2 +, Pb2 + and Co2 + did not pose severe inhibition on indole degradation. Based on high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrum analysis, isatin was identified as a minor intermediate during the process of indole biodegradation. A major yellow product with m/z 265.0605 (C15H8N2O3) was generated and accumulated, suggesting a novel indole conversion pathway existed. Genome analysis of strain SHE indicated that there existed a rich set of oxidoreductases, which might be the key reason for the efficient degradation of indole. The robust degradation ability of strain SHE makes it a promising candidate for the treatment of indole containing wastewater.  相似文献   
An incubation experiment lasting 111 d was carried out to study the effect of the addition of three clay minerals (Na-bentonite, Ca-bentonite, and zeolite) to soil derived from sewage sludge on water-extractable and exchangeable forms of four heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Cu, and Ni), as well as on soil organic matter mineralization, microbial biomass C and the release of inorganic N. The addition of clay minerals led to a significant decrease in water-extractable and exchangeable forms of heavy metals. The extent of decrease ranged from 14 to 75% for the water-extractable heavy metals and from 12 to 42% for the exchangeable form over the incubation time, as compared with untreated soil. The reduction in extractability of heavy metals was greater due to the addition of Na-bentonite and Ca-bentonite than that due to the addition of zeolite. Addition of clay minerals did not affect any of the following microbiological parameters in the soil: microbial biomass C, organic C (Corg) mineralization, and metabolic quotient (qCO2), and release of inorganic N during the first 3 weeks of incubation. However, as the incubation period increased, these parameters were significantly increased by the addition of clay minerals, especially by the addition of Na-bentonite and Ca-bentonite. This result is explained by a strong reduction in extractability of heavy metals after the addition of Na-bentonite and Ca-bentonite.  相似文献   
Proximal mechanisms underlying a faster growth rate in male compared to female California sea lion pups were investigated. Males are significantly larger at birth than females. Specifically, we asked if differential maternal investment contributed to enhanced male growth via: (1) larger mothers having disproportionately more male pups, (2) more time and energy put into foraging by mothers of male pups, and (3) greater milk production in mothers of male pups. We also considered four aspects of differential energy utilization and acquisition by male and female pups: (1) male pups attempting to save energy for growth by changes in behavior, (2) longer suckling bouts with mother and more sneak suckling of non-filial females by male pups, (3) lower maintenance costs in males via a lowered resting metabolic rate, and (4) increased assimilation efficiency in males. Our study showed that there are no differences in the size of females or length of foraging trips for mothers of male and female pups. Male pups received more milk from their mothers, but the difference was no longer significant when the larger body size of males was considered. There were no differences in either the activity budgets or suckling behavior of male and female pups. Male pups, however, did have lower resting metabolic rates than females. We conclude that enhanced male perinatal growth is a consequence of a larger size at birth, proportionally more milk from mothers to support the greater demands of larger body size, and lower maintenance costs due to a lower resting metabolic rate. Received: 28 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 25 July 1995  相似文献   
生物降解三氯乙烯的研究及其进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
三氯乙烯(TCE)的大规模使用,已使其成为地表水、地下水中分布最广泛的污染物之一。TCE在环境中具有持久性,对生物的毒作用很强并具有致癌性,引起各国的普遍重视。该文综述了近年来生物降解转化TCE的研究及其进展,由于TCE生物降解过程中共代谢物的竞争性抑制和TCE代谢毒性,使TCE的降解受到很大限制,但通过创造和保持适当的环境条件,可TCE降解取得很好的效果。  相似文献   
元谋干热河谷植物功能性状组合的海拔梯度响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物功能性状能够显示对环境变化的响应,不同的适应对策呈现出不同的功能性状组合。干热河谷地区水分是最主要的限制性环境因子,之前的大部分研究都是集中关注于干热河谷局部地段,对于从垂直海拔上来研究不同植物在环境梯度下的变化的研究较少。干热河谷地区由于梵风效应,水分胁迫沿海拔梯度发生变化,一般表现为随海拔高度升高,气温降低,湿度和降水量增加,而蒸发量减小,辐射增强。以云南元谋干热河谷4个海拔梯度(1491.33、1730.20、1850.00、1925.57 m)中的植物为研究对象,选取叶片干物质含量(LDMC)、叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶片厚度(LT)和叶密度(LD)5个功能性状,研究它们的相互关系,比较了海拔间的差异。结果表明:1)5个功能性状在不同海拔间均呈现出一定差异,变异系数由高到低为LD>LA>SLA>LT>LDMC(分别是101%、64%、56%、41%和19%);方差分析结果也表明,5个功能性状在不同海拔之间差异显著(F=56.218,P<0.01;F=7.829,P<0.01;F=11.21,P<0.01;F=7.429,P<0.01;F=19.213,P<0.01),尤其是在最低(1491.33 mm)和最高(1927.57 mm)海拔之间,各性状均具有极显著的差异;2)性状之间存在组合关系, LD与其他性状间相关性最为明显,除LDMC以外,LD与LA、SLA、LT均呈现出极显著负相关关系;LDMC与LA和LT呈极显著负相关;SLA与LA和LT呈正相关,而与LDMC显著负相关;LT与SLA显著正相关,与LA之间相关性不显著;3)在不同的海拔梯度之间,性状组合存在非同步变化现象。研究显示,元谋干热河谷地区,植物对水分环境的海拔梯度变化产生功能性状组合的响应,低海拔和高海拔物种对所处环境的适应策略不同,使得植物在海拔梯度上出现叶片功能性状组合的分化和差异。  相似文献   
This paper is the first of three on the coffee production system consisting of (1) the coffee plant, (2) coffee berry borer (CBB) and (3) the role of CBB parasitoids. A previous simulation model of the coffee plant was developed using data from Brazil where coffee phenology is characterized by distinct seasonal flowering (Gutierrez et al., 1998). In contrast, flowering in Colombia is continuous with low seasonality. To capture the differences in coffee phenology and growth in the two climatic regions, the Gutierrez et al. (1998) model was modified using new data from Colombia.The modifications to the model include:
The effect of solar radiation on floral buds initiation;
An age structure population model to track the daily input and development of the floral buds;
The effect of leaf water potential on breaking dormancy in flower buds, and hence on the timing and intensity of flowering;
The incorporation of both the vegetative and the reproductive demands to predict the photosynthetic rate.
The effect of low temperature on photosynthesis and defoliation.
Other aspects of the model were re-interpreted and refinements made to generalize its structure for use across coffee varieties and geographic areas. The model, without modification, realistically simulates field data from Brazil and two Colombian locations having different varieties, patterns of rainfall and hence flowering phenology.The model will be used as the base trophic level for incorporating CBB and high tropic levels effects, and for the analysis of management options in the coffee production system.  相似文献   
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