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A grazing experiment was started in 1984 and 1989 respectively, in two parts of a dune grassland in the nature reserve ‘Zwanenwater’, North Holland; a third part with similar geology and topography was used as a control area and not grazed. An evaluation of the effects of grazing on vegetation patterns, species composition, vegetation structure and humus form was made with the help of vegetation maps from 1986 and 1992 as well as field surveys. Dense tall-grass communities dominated byAmmophila arenaria increased over the period 1986–1992 in the grazed areas, and especially in the non-grazed area (increase in area to 20%, 22% and 50%, respectively). Open communities decreased in the grazed areas, but are still prevalent, while in the ungrazed area they virtually disappeared, with the result that the present percentage areas are 53%, 38% and 17%. Field survey data were classified by TWINSPAN producing four vegetation types. These occur more or less equally in grazed and ungrazed areas, albeit with different percentage areas: (1) open vegetation dominated byCorynephorus canescens; (2) open vegetation characteized, byKoeleria macrantha; (3) heathland dominated byEmpetrum nigrum; and (4) tall-grass communities dominated byAmmophila arenaria. Within a vegetation type, species composition was only marginally affected by grazing regime. Within the open communities the number of species, vegetation height, vegetation cover and soil organic horizons were not affected by grazing. In the tall-grass communities the number of species was significantly larger and the height of the vegetation significantly lower in the area grazed since 1984. In the heathland community the number of species and cover of the moss layer were significantly higher in the 1984 area and ectorganic and endorganic horizons significantly thicker in the ungrazed area. It is suggested that these effects are the result of an increased availability of light, but possibly also of a decreased stock of organic matter and nutrients, due to a decreased input of litter and accelerated rates of decomposition.  相似文献   
山西芦芽山旅游影响因子及其系数与地理因子间的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
旅游影响因子及其系数是评价旅游开发对生态环境影响程度的一种主要指标。本文采用样方调查的方法,对芦芽山旅游影响因子及其系数与地理因子进行了相关分析,结果表明:6个旅游影响因子之间的正负相关性均很好地体现了旅游活动对各因子影响的规律性,同时也说明了旅游影响因子的选择与确定以及对其赋值的正确性,旅游影响因子及其系数与自然地理因子间较小的正负相关性,说明它们几乎不受自然地理因子的作用,它们共同作用为评价旅游开发程度强弱的指标,具有一定的可行性,旅游影响因子及其系数与人文地理因子间的高相关性,完全可以说明,它们能够正确地反映旅游活动对植被环境的作用。此外,加强景区管理和旅游规划尤为迫切,图2表4参8。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Selecting reserve areas based on percentages, such as 10% or 12% of a bioregion, is common in conservation planning despite widespread admission that such percentages are arbitrary and likely to be inadequate for the conservation of all biodiversity. Reserve systems based on these relatively low percentage targets are likely to require expansion in the future, resulting in the assembly of reserve systems over many years (incremental reserve design). How then will incremental reserve design, such as increasing percentage targets over time, affect the long-term efficiency of marine reserve systems? We used South Australia as a case study to investigate how changing percentage targets affects the contribution of individual planning units to efficient reserve design. Selection frequency counts provided a measure of a planning unit's conservation value. For the majority of planning units, changing targets led to a change in their conservation value indicating, for example, that planning units identified as high-value sites at a low-percentage conservation target may be of lesser importance when targets are increased. Despite the variability in the value of individual planning units at different targets, there was no loss in efficiency from incremental design of reserve systems based on systematic methods compared with purpose-built reserve systems (i.e., the system is assembled in a single iteration). The exception was when incrementally designed systems were based on South Australia's existing marine reserve system—a system developed in an ad hoc method. The result was reserve systems that were less efficient, less compact, and larger in size. This suggests that systematic approaches have an important role for efficient reserve design when there is uncertainty about the target level of reservation .  相似文献   

During eight years, the Biological Research Center of the Northwest promoted the federal decrees to attain legal protection of three key zones for biodiversity conservation in Mexico: La Sierra de La Laguna, El Desierto del Vizcaíno, and E1 Archipiélago Revillagigedo Biosphere Reserves. In this work, we discuss the biological and socioeconomical importance of these three regions, the necessary steps to attain a Presidential decree in Mexico, and the required strategies to promote local and political support for each decree. In a country like Mexico, the promotion of one Presidential decree to declare a zone as a biosphere reserve must successfully address two different goals: the technical and the political. The technical phase can be successfully completed by a research centre or university in 6 to 12 months; while the political phase may or may not be successfully completed. If successful, in our experience, it can be attained with 2 to 96 months of continuous efforts.  相似文献   
江西九连山阔叶林雪灾后主要树种残存量的恢复时间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年初的南方冰雪灾害对江西九连山自然保护区常绿阔叶林生态系统造成了巨大损失.对受灾4 hm2样地中的1 5901株林木(DBH≥1 cm)进行了统计分析,其中对枫香、马尾松、米槠、木荷、拟赤杨、丝栗栲这6个代表树种进行了残存率恢复研究.结果显示:6种植物残存率为木荷>拟赤杨>米槠>枫香>马尾松>丝栗栲;恢复时间为枫香>丝栗栲>马尾松>木荷>米槠和拟赤杨.恢复时间最长的为枫香(33年),最短的为米槠和拟赤杨(15年左右),种群恢复到受灾前.同时对残存率和恢复时间的关系进行了Logistic非线性曲线模拟.样地中植物种群残存率恢复时间由受灾状况和物种生长速度决定,采用Logistic模型拟合的相关度非常显著.  相似文献   
This essay examines zoos as a site of struggle in the construction of meanings and memories of human–nature relations. Modern zoos are symbols of imperial power and celebrations of the domination of nature. The grafting of “tropic worlds” onto these monuments of modernity renders the meaning of zoos more ambiguous, reflecting discursive struggles over the meaning of nature, questions about the wisdom of development and progress, recognition of the need for conservation and preservation, and nostalgia for a nature that has been lost. Through a close textual reading of “The Rainforest” at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, this essay explores the simulation of nature in zoos and “tropic worlds” in North American cities. These hyperreal spaces contain an extraordinary amount of the history and politics of the culture that constructs them for fascination, edification, conservation, commodification, and salvation. At stake in these simulated natures is not only the constructions of nature as spectacle and animals as commodities, but also the use of knowledge to maintain certain forms of domination and the “writing” of industrial culture's historical memory of nature and human–nature relations.  相似文献   
This essay examines two Nike commercials, a TapOut commercial, and the proliferation of mixed martial arts (MMA) t-shirt visual culture, all of which symbolically link wildness and “nature” as primitivity to their particular sport contexts. MMA in particular, it is argued, is more symbolically available to symbolic discourses of the “natural” and the “primitive” because of the sport's technological minimalism. The MMA t-shirt is posited as a safe, masculine primitive performance, functioning as an expressive personal substitute (or supplement) to the analogous tattoos “worn” by many fighters and fans. Additionally, this paper reviews and connects several disparate bodies of literature, moving from a discussion of eco-critical principles for critiquing the cultural production of nature / the natural, to an assessment of “nature” as primitivity, and finally to highlight how critical analyses of sport and MMA implicate related categories. While environmental communication has addressed the place of “nature” in advertising, little has been written about how discourses of nature, gender, and the environment intersect with the highly mediatized culture of sports. This article adds to the subfield by initiating just such a critical discussion. Finally, I contend that one of the main ideological functions of the employment of nature imagery here is to implicitly authorize notions of wildness or the “primitive” in close association with a male animal ideology, and also to symbolically reinforce existing narratives which naturalize aggression. These advertisements posit, I argue, a metaphysical rather than realist ecological discourse, enabling an unsustainable narrative of the naturalness of human-on-human violence and aggression.  相似文献   
通过对祁连山自然保护区青海云杉群落物种组成及α多样性垂直分布格局的研究,结果表明:祁连山自然保护区青海云杉群落内有维管植物25科51属96种,其中乔木4种,灌木29种,草本62种;植物种相对集中分布于海拔2 680~2 890 m的阴坡;随海拔梯度升高,群落内植物种数减少,且相邻样地的共有种数呈不明显的先减少而后增加的趋势,Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数呈降低趋势;不同林型的植物种的丰富度依次为:青海云杉混交林〉草类-青海云杉林〉苔藓-青海云杉林〉灌木-青海云杉林〉马先蒿-青海云杉林。  相似文献   
长江口中华鲟保护区及临近水域大型底栖动物研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2004年5月、8月、11月和2005年2月(Ⅰ年度)及2005年8月、11月和2006年2月、5月(Ⅱ年度)共2个水文年对T长江口中华鲟保护区水域(30°15′~31°45′N、121°30′~122°15′E)15个取样站8个航次的采泥样品和阿氏网样品,对底内动物和底上动物的种类组成、生物量、栖息密度、重要种的优势度、群落多样性和结构及时间空间动态变化进行分析.结果表明,底内动物共出现15种,种类组成贫乏,优势种变化明显,底内动物生物量和栖息密度平均值分别为1.44 g/m2和11.33个/m2,生物量和栖息密度总体呈现下降趋势,物种多样性指数低并有下降趋势,群落结构极不稳定;底上动物底栖动物59种,组成有明显季节和年度变化,底内动物生物量和栖息密度平均值分别为15.58 ×10-2g/m2和6.81×10-2个/m2;底上动物生物量和栖息密度略呈现下降趋势,优势种的种类及优势度年际有较大变化,种类数和生物量北支高于南支.底内动物2个年度生物量平均值季节变化为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季,底上动物2个年度生物量平均值季节变化为春季>冬季>秋季>夏季,底内动物与底上动物的季节变化具有一定的不平衡性.  相似文献   
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