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为探索适合我国的事故数据深度采集标准,并分析城市道路交通事故特征及致因,基于《道路交通事故深度调查信息采集表》(简称采集表),调查人员随交警赴事故现场随机详细调查87起城市道路交通事故。借鉴"Haddon Matrix"思想建立致因分析矩阵系统,分析事故的致因。发现采集表对事故地点、事故形态及原因项分类更加具体、明确,女性驾驶员的事故发生率略低于男性驾驶员,驾驶员年龄超过60岁后,发生事故的危险性显著提高,"交叉口影响区"事故50%由变更车道引起,非机动车驾驶员未戴安全头盔是造成严重伤害的重要原因。  相似文献   
This paper studies the dynamic behavior of an economy under different environmental policy regimes in a New Keynesian model with nominal and real uncertainty. We find the following results: (i) an emissions cap policy is likely to dampen macroeconomic fluctuations; (ii) staggered price adjustment alters significantly the performance of the environmental policy regime put in place; (iii) the optimal environmental policy response to shocks is strongly influenced by the degree to which prices adjust and by the monetary policy reaction.  相似文献   
Hurricanes devastated the Gulf coast of the USA in 2005. Hurricane Katrina, in particular, highlighted the compelling need to build more sustainable and hazard-resilient communities. Much can be learned from recovery efforts to rebuild the Gulf coast. Personal observations and interviews with planners, academics and others involved in recovery efforts inform this analysis, which focuses on New Orleans. A conceptual framework is developed and principles and operational imperatives outlined to guide action for building sustainable, hazard-resilient communities. Such communities will remain elusive unless ‘business as usual’ is confronted by a transformational process of developmental planning. Sustainable, hazard-resilient coastal communities are founded upon robust ‘critical infrastructure’ that is secured by planning and decision-making processes that enable coastal communities to build ‘layers of resilience’ to overcome ‘waves of adversity’. Planners need to take on a redefined role—as ‘new naval architects’—to design and build communities that are ‘sea-worthy’ in this age of coastal storms.
Bruce C. GlavovicEmail:

This article, through the use of political ecology perspectives on coercive conservation, aims to explain how in two separate Colombian Natural Parks and buffer zones, environmental policies designed to (re)take control of the frontier, have produced a similar territorial differentiation in the contention of illicit activities. Los Farallones in the Colombian Pacific and La Macarena/Puerto Rico in the Ariari region have experienced different stages of the armed conflict and are at the center of this analysis. I argue that in the contexts of both conflict escalation (1998–2007) and conflict de-escalation (2008–2016), the State in its attempt to control the frontier has not only had military intervention in areas of conservation but has also reinforced environmental programs that attack illegal mining and coca, producing both a territorially differentiated containment of illicit activities and an uneven progression of the illicit frontier.  相似文献   
Late Quaternary extinctions and population fragmentations have severely disrupted animal‐plant interactions globally. Detection of disrupted interactions often relies on anachronistic plant characteristics, such as spines in the absence of large herbivores or large fruit without dispersers. However, obvious anachronisms are relatively uncommon, and it can be difficult to prove a direct link between the anachronism and a particular faunal taxon. Analysis of coprolites (fossil feces) provides a novel way of exposing lost interactions between animals (depositors) and consumed organisms. We analyzed ancient DNA to show that a coprolite from the South Island of New Zealand was deposited by the rare and threatened kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), a large, nocturnal, flightless parrot. When we analyzed the pollen and spore content of the coprolite, we found pollen from the cryptic root‐parasite Dactylanthus taylorii. The relatively high abundance (8.9% of total pollen and spores) of this zoophilous pollen type in the coprolite supports the hypothesis of a former direct feeding interaction between kakapo and D. taylorii. The ranges of both species have contracted substantially since human settlement, and their present distributions no longer overlap. Currently, the lesser short‐tailed bat (Mystacina tuberculata) is the only known native pollinator of D. taylorii, but our finding raises the possibility that birds, and other small fauna, could have once fed on and pollinated the plant. If confirmed, through experimental work and observations, this finding may inform conservation of the plant. For example, it may be possible to translocate D. taylorii to predator‐free offshore islands that lack bats but have thriving populations of endemic nectar‐feeding birds. The study of coprolites of rare or extinct taxonomic groups provides a unique way forward to expand existing knowledge of lost plant and animal interactions and to identify pollination and dispersal syndromes. This approach of linking paleobiology with neoecology offers significant untapped potential to help inform conservation and restoration plans. Un Eslabón Perdido entre un Loro No Volador y una Planta Parásita y el Papel Potencial de Coprolitos en Paleobiología de la Conservación  相似文献   
长江上游泥石流灾害的特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
长江上游地区地质条件复杂、新构造运动强烈、地震活跃、地形起伏巨大、降水丰沛而集中,对泥石流发育极为有利;而长期不合理的人类经济活动(如过度采伐森林、毁林开荒、陡坡耕作、建设和采矿不合理弃渣等)则对生态环境造成强烈破坏,加剧了泥石流灾害的发生,使长江上游成为我国泥石流活动最强烈及灾害最严重的地区。据统计,1753~2002年的200多年中,区内仅一场泥石流致死百人以上的特大灾害点就达17个,累计死亡近6 000人;致死百人以下的灾害点更多,致死十人以下的灾害点不计其数,死亡人数总和远远大于上列数字;有60余个市县政府驻地城镇受泥石流危害或威胁,乡镇则多达上百个。由泥石流造成的人员伤亡每年数十到数百人,经济损失10~15(亿元/a)。其灾害的严重性由此可见一斑。泥石流灾害已成为制约长江上游地区经济发展的重要因素之一。研究泥石流灾害,掌握其特征,是长江上游防灾减灾所必需,对促进长江上游地区社会经济发展和西部大开发具有重要意义。长江上游己查明的泥石流沟6 800余条。其特殊的地理位置和巨大的地形高差及岩性差异,使区内发育的泥石流不仅数量众多,而且类型石相当齐全,除无火山泥石流外,几乎 包含了世界上目前己发现的其他各种类型的泥石流。在青藏高原边缘等岭谷高差变化大的地貌过渡带,泥石流极为发育;沿深大断裂带和强烈地震带泥石流集中分布;泥石流主要出现在流域面积小于10 km\+2的小流域内,分布呈非地带性特征。泥石流活动频率高,每年都有成百上千处发生,导致了泥石流灾害频繁。如云南东川的蒋家沟,从1965~2001年的37年中,共发生泥石流459次,平均12.4次/a;甘肃武都柳弯沟平均每年暴发泥石流11次。此外,泥石流搬运泥沙石块的能力惊人,搬运物以粗粒物质为主,据干流和支流的69个泥石流堆积物样品分析,堆积物中粒径大于20 mm 的石块占43.%~64.8%,平均50.4%;由此,常常造成其汇入的主河被堵塞而形成淹没和溃决后水毁等次生灾害。泥石流冲刷与淤积能力极强,运动中可将基岩下切10余m,金沙江、雅砻江、大渡河、岷江及其支流被泥石流堵塞成湖,形成淹没灾害,溃决后对下游造成严重的水毁灾害,均屡见不鲜。  相似文献   
Ken Burns' series on the national parks reveals the evolving values of the American nation, particularly in relation to nature. Through both the beauty and the history of these set apart spaces, Burns presents and to some extent critiques America's mythic dreams of nature. Nature as new world garden and as frontier shapes the story that is told. This essay focuses on two themes, science and pluralism, and argues the presentation of each (the former with less depth, the latter with more) is constrained by the mythic narrative of pristine America that seems unable to evolve, either in the face of ecological values of interrelationships or pluralistic values that re-shape understandings of democracy. More attention to the problematic of the notion of preservation of pristine America would have enabled the film to speak more powerfully not only of the history of the parks, but also of their future.  相似文献   
苏州城市化进程对降雨特征影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市化的发展过程中,城市下垫面的改变以及人类的生产生活共同作用使大气边界层的特性发生变化,从而影响了城市地区的降雨。位于太湖流域平原水网地区的苏州城市化发展迅速。在分析了苏州城市化发展进程的特点及1953~2000年降雨时间序列特征基础上,采用同时期城区(苏州站)与郊区(望亭站)雨量横向对比、城市化发展不同时期同一站雨量纵向对比的方法,研究了城市化对该地区降雨量、降雨年内分配、降雨发生次数等的影响。通过研究发现:城市化对年雨量、汛期雨量和最大日雨量都有不同程度的增加作用,其中对最大日雨量的影响最显著;受城市化影响,降雨年内分配有集中的趋势;城市化使不同类型降雨发生次数均增加,其中对暴雨发生次数的影响最大。  相似文献   
Based on the analysis on the global economic crisis,climate change crisis and their mutual underlying reasons,the authors believe that low-carbon economy has become an inevitable choice to break through the dual crises,coordinate the economic development,and protect the global climate.The global trend of low-carbon economy finds expression in Green Recovery currently,while,in a long run,it will give rise to a new pattern of world competition in politics,economy,technology,trade and finance.The impact of the...  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Local governments often face environmental problems that cross political boundaries. The onus for solution usually falls on the moat severely affected jurisdiction, others do nothing until impacted. Resolution of these problems requires cooperation across political boundaries which means that local governments must be persuaded first that there is a problem, and second that action is required to solve it. This paper presents a method to supply low cost, credible information that can be used to achieve consensus on problem solution. A case study of a lake water quality management problem is described. Formative evaluation techniques was adapted to provide a minimum of evidence which was then used to persuade less impacted local jurisdictions to cooperate in the problem solution.  相似文献   
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