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The objectives of this work were to study the formation mechanisms of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) in thermal aluminium recycling processes by use of laboratory experiments. The pattern of isomers of PCDD/F indicates that de novo synthesis is important in aluminium smeltery. The mechanisms of PCDD/F formation in aluminium smelting are similar to that of various incineration processes of waste material. The results of bioanalysis (EROD-test) confirms the existence of de novo synthesis of PCDD/F, but points out to the existence to some additional, toxic compounds of unknown structure. To reduce the amount of PCDD/F the input of carbon at the metal should be reduced; in addition the metal smeltery plants should be cleaned from fly ash particles. It is suggested to use good primary methods in the technical plants like constant feeding of the metal into the oven will minimise PCDD/F concentration. The biological EROD-bioassay is a good tool to estimate PCDD/F-TEQ values also for this technical process simulated in the laboratory.  相似文献   
An environmental assessment of six scenarios for handling of garden waste in the Municipality of Aarhus (Denmark) was performed from a life cycle perspective by means of the LCA-model EASEWASTE. In the first (baseline) scenario, the current garden waste management system based on windrow composting was assessed, while in the other five scenarios alternative solutions including incineration and home composting of fractions of the garden waste were evaluated. The environmental profile (normalised to Person Equivalent, PE) of the current garden waste management in Aarhus is in the order of −6 to 8 mPE Mg−1 ww for the non-toxic categories and up to 100 mPE Mg−1 ww for the toxic categories. The potential impacts on non-toxic categories are much smaller than what is found for other fractions of municipal solid waste. Incineration (up to 35% of the garden waste) and home composting (up to 18% of the garden waste) seem from an environmental point of view suitable for diverting waste away from the composting facility in order to increase its capacity. In particular the incineration of woody parts of the garden waste improved the environmental profile of the garden waste management significantly.  相似文献   
We analysed growth strategies (biomass allocation, nutrient sequestration and allocation) of heather (Calluna vulgaris) and purple moor-grass (Molinia caerulea) seedlings in monocultures and mixtures in relation to N, P, and N + P fertilisation in a greenhouse experiment in order to simulate a heath’s pioneer phase under high airborne nitrogen (N) loads. N fertilisation increased the total biomass of both species in monocultures. In mixtures, M. caerulea sequestered about 65% of the N applied, while C. vulgaris suffered from N shortage (halving of the total biomass). Thus, in mixtures only M. caerulea will benefit from airborne N loads, and competition will become increasingly asymmetric with increasing N availability. Our results demonstrate that the heath’s pioneer phase is the crucial tipping point at which the competitive vigour of M. caerulea (high belowground allocation, efficient use of belowground resources, shortened reproductive cycles) induces a shift to dominance of grasses under increased N availability.  相似文献   
2011年9月22日,国务院总理温家宝主持召开国务院常务会议,部署建立完整、先进的废旧商品回收体系。在深刻学习、理解会议精神的基础上,提出了全力推动再生资源回收体系建设向纵深发展,必须要做到“四个坚持,一个加强”。  相似文献   
分别用3种不同材料电极(不锈钢、Ti/Pt和Ti/RuO2-IrO2)作阳极、石墨电极作阴极在同一条件下分别对循环式准好氧填埋垃圾场渗滤液进行电解处理对比研究。研究结果表明,随着电解时间的变化,渗滤液中的COD、BOD5、BOD5/COD、重金属离子浓度、色度和pH值均会发生改变。当电解时间为10—20min时,用上述3种电极作阳极电解均会出现渗滤液COD、BOD5、BOD5/COD增大的现象;当电解时间为30—40min时,用Ti/RuO2-IrO2或Ti/Pt电极作阳极电解均可使渗滤液的色度降为0;当电解时间为120min时,分别用3种电极作阳极电解都可使渗滤液中的COD、BOD5和重金属得到有效的去除,其中用Ti/RuO2-IrO2电极作阳极电解对COD、BOD5的去除效果最好:用Ti/Pt电极作阳极电解对Pb^2+的去除效果最好。  相似文献   
为避免因FAS释放过量有机物和氮而产生的潜在不利影响,分析了以给水厂铁铝泥(FAS)构建过滤柱处理富营养化河水的特征与机制,研究了以厌氧热处理改性后的FAS作为辅助基质(2%)构建过滤柱。结果表明:在对其他性质无影响的情况下,FAS的添加显著提高了过滤柱对水体中磷的去除率,促使出水磷浓度在整个运行期间小于0.01 mg·L-1;被FAS吸附的磷主要以NaOH提取态、HCl可提取态和残渣态存在。高通量测序分析结果表明,FAS的添加促使过滤柱中富集了Rhodoplanes、Sulfuritalea、Nitrospira、Leucobacter、Geobacter、Dechloromonas等有助于生物地球化学循环和复合污染控制的菌群。FAS作为辅助基质构建过滤柱可有效控制富营养化河水中磷污染。  相似文献   
By analyzing the relationship between a recycling economy and sustainable development theory, this article puts forward the basic concept of a recycling economy as a dynamic economic operational model, and explains the four basic characteristics. It is stressed that the essential element of a recycling economy is the use of resources circularly. In the end, this article analyzes the phenomena of utilizing the recycling economy concept incorrectly, and sets forth a number of problems that should be noted during the process of developing a recycling economy in China.  相似文献   
天津市供销合作总社全力打造天津市再生资源回收利用网络体系,对天津市供销合作总社再生资源行业的基本情况、历史沿革及近期重点工作进行介绍,分析了工作中存在的问题,并提出今后工作设想。为推进天津市再生资源回收体系建设,起到引领和示范作用。  相似文献   
建筑废弃物处理是城市建设中的一大难题,如果实行简单填埋,不仅污染环境、造成资源浪费,而且也耗费政府大量财力。介绍了深圳市龙岗区通过创新招标方式,公开出让特许经营权,引入企业运用先进技术对建筑废弃物实行综合再利用的一些做法,同时对城市建筑废弃物回收再利用如何实现规模化和产业化发展,以及政府在推动循环经济发展方面如何将经济效益与社会效益有机结合提出了一些看法。  相似文献   
应用生命周期评价法(LCA),采用日本农林水产省和环境省的调查数据和统计数据,对不同资源化技术处理食品废物碳排放进行评价.10种资源化技术相比于3种非资源化(主要是焚烧)技术的结果表明,食品废物生命周期各阶段碳排放最多的是预处理+处理阶段,约占85%;最少的是回收阶段,可抵消部分排放.此外,全生命周期总排放,甲烷化(循...  相似文献   
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