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于德爽  吴国栋  李津  周同  王骁静 《环境科学》2018,39(4):1688-1696
废水因含盐量高而导致其生物处理效率降低,对于如何提高高盐环境下的生物处理效率已成为目前的研究热点.采用厌氧氨氧化工艺处理高盐废水,以不同甜菜碱浓度对厌氧氨氧化脱氮效能为研究对象,探讨了甜菜碱对厌氧氨氧化脱氮效能的影响.结果表明:①投加甜菜碱对系统脱氮效能有明显的改善作用,甜菜碱浓度为0.1~0.4 mmol·L-1时,添加甜菜碱缓解了盐胁迫对厌氧氨氧化菌生长的抑制,也促进了反硝化菌的生长;甜菜碱浓度为0.4~0.5 mmol·L-1时,推测反硝化菌为优势菌群,但对总氮去除表现为促进作用.甜菜碱浓度大于0.5 mmol·L-1后,添加甜菜碱已无法缓解盐胁迫对反应器脱氮效能的抑制,最终在甜菜碱浓度0.8 mmol·L-1时对反应器产生完全抑制.②甜菜碱的添加浓度为0.3 mmol·L-1时,反应去除效能达到最佳,NH4+-N和NO2--N分别提升了16%和32%,NRR提升了26.8%.③在最后的恢复试验中,随着甜菜碱浓度的降低反应器脱氮效能得到快速恢复,NH4+-N恢复到50.6%,NO2--N平均去除率为63.7%,NRR恢复到0.65 kg·(m3·d)-1,这说明甜菜碱对反应器的影响是可逆的.  相似文献   
结构面长期强度的确定对工程岩体长期安全稳定性评价具有重要意义。在对水泥砂浆结构面试件分别进行了不同法向应力条件的剪切应力分级剪切蠕变试验和循环剪切应力松弛试验的基础上,分别利用过渡蠕变法、应力-应变等时曲线法和应力松弛法对结构面的长期强度进行了求解。结果表明:过渡蠕变法确定的长期强度精度依赖于蠕变试验中加载应力级的划分;等时曲线法将长期强度值视为考虑时效作用的屈服强度值,结果偏保守;应力松弛法考虑了循环加载条件应力松弛的终止条件和长期强度之间的关系求得,结果合理明确。该研究对考虑时效作用的工程岩体安全稳定性支护提供设计依据。  相似文献   
The thermal resistance of Daphnia magna Straus is a trait depending on the interaction between individuals. The group effect is expressed in D. magna as both a decrease in thermal resistance and a marked individual differentiation with respect to thermal resistance. Two types of interactions between individual D. magna have been found: (1) the release of an unidentified factor decreasing thermal resistance (without noticeably changing the phenotypic variability of this trait) into the medium and (2) a decrease in the thermal resistance of individuals poorly adapted to heat stress, with the thermal resistance of well-adapted individuals (determined by the dependence of thermal resistance on interactions between individuals) remaining the same or even slightly increasing.Translated from Ekologiya, No. 2, 2005, pp. 126–131.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kalinnikova, Krasnoperova, T. Gainutdinov, Sadykova, M. Gainutdinov.  相似文献   
Evolution from a solitary way of life to sociality involves changes in the modalities of within-population aggression. This paper is concerned with environmental causes of variation in aggression within the complex of mole-rat species Spalax ehrenbergi. We focus on physiological constraints associated with aggressive behaviour, i.e. those resulting from emotional arousal and thus stress. Aggression, social stress sensitivity and urine osmolarity were studied in males of two chromosomal species of Spalax ehrenbergi, 2n = 52 (occurring in cool humid areas) and 2n = 60 (occurring in warm arid zones). Males with 2n = 52 reached a higher level of within-population aggression during a 3-round tournament (an average, 488 ± 140 acts) than males with 2n = 60 (163 ± 54 acts). The species with 2n = 52 displayed a higher corticosterone response after a social encounter (in average, 5.15 ± 0.54 μg/100 ml) than that with 2n = 60 (3.0 ± 0.3 μg/100 ml) whereas resting levels of this hormone were low and not different between the two species. Urine osmolarity was significantly higher in males with 2n = 60 (331.9 ± 18.6 mmol/kg) than males with 2n = 52 (267.3 ± 10.9 mmol/kg). Considering the overall general trend urine osmolarity tended to be negatively related to the level of aggression, while corticosterone levels tended to vary positively with aggressiveness (Fig. 3). Our results allow further discussion of the hypothesis that high levels of aggression could be selected against in arid habitats due to their physiological correlates (decrease in water economy, increased corticosterone leading to potential energy mobilisation and loss). We propose that behavioural ecophysiology could have contributed to the radiation of the S. ehrenbergi superspecies into increasingly arid environments, and may favour evolution toward social tolerance. Received: 10 June 1995/Accepted after revision: 25 October 1995  相似文献   
Introduction. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a physical activity (PA) program on weight control, physical fitness, occupational stress, job satisfaction and quality of life of overweight and sedentary employees in high-tech industries. Methods. Participants in the intervention group (n?=?37) were instructed to carry out a PA program at moderate intensity for 60?min/session, 3 sessions/week for 12 weeks. Those in the control group (n?=?38) received no PA program and were asked to continue their routine lifestyle. Evaluations were performed at baseline and at the end of the intervention. Results of structured questionnaires and blood biochemistry tests and evaluations of physical fitness were analyzed. Results. The PA program effectively reduced the number of risk factors for metabolic syndrome and body fat percentage, and improved physical fitness such as flexibility, muscular strength and endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance. The intervention also significantly decreased levels of serum triglyceride, total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Significant positive effects on work control, interpersonal relationships at work, global job satisfaction and quality of life were also demonstrated. Conclusion. This study showed that a PA program can be helpful in improving physical, physiological and psychological outcomes for overweight and sedentary employees in high-tech industries.  相似文献   
在非对称开采条件下,工作面受上覆岩层自重应力、超前支承应力、采空区侧向支承应力和回风巷煤柱应力等“多向应力”叠加影响,使得工作面应力呈“非对称”性。为研究非对称开采条件下工作面“多向应力”变化特征,基于微震监测、应力在线监测和理论计算,对母杜柴登煤矿30202工作面回采过程中所形成的非对称开采条件下的应力变化进行分析;并基于工作面所受应力条件和围岩体结构条件,分析了“多向应力”叠加显现机理。结果表明:30202工作面回采期间,煤柱支承应力沿走向分为应力升高区、应力明显降低区、应力缓慢降低区和应力稳定区,其应力峰值主要集中在工作面前方40 m左右,应力集中系数平均为1.61;在非对称开采阶段,在走向方向工作面超前支承应力影响范围较回采初期增加了100 m左右;在不考虑垂直应力影响的情况下,相邻工作面采空区的侧向应力对30202工作面倾向方向的影响范围为44 m,应力最大值为56.1 MPa。在“多向应力”耦合作用下工作面在回采过程中产生能量集聚,并在采动扰动下发生能量释放,满足了大能量事件发生的基本应力条件;同时在扰动条件下采空区发生高位顶板错动,以及围岩支护薄弱为大能量事件的发生提供了围岩结构条件。研究结果可为工作面非对称开采条件下采场矿压显现规律研究、顶板控制和巷道支护设计提供指导。  相似文献   
大气颗粒物氧化潜势(Oxidative potential)常用于表征颗粒物对人体健康的影响.二硫苏糖醇(DTT)法是近年发展的一种测定颗粒物氧化潜势的方法,本研究改进了该方法的颗粒物提取方式和反应流程,并开展了广州市区PM2.5氧化潜势(DTTm&DTTv)的测量.结果表明,广州市区2018年1月和4月PM2.5的DTTm值分别为(13.47±3.86),(14.66±4.49)pmol/(min·μg),DTTv值分别为(4.67±1.06),(4.45±1.02)nmol/(min·m3),与国内外研究结果相当.DTTv与PM2.5质量浓度、OC、EC、BC具有较强的相关性,但DTTm与以上参数相关性低,说明含碳组分不是广州市PM2.5氧化潜势的主要贡献者.  相似文献   
硫酸锰废渣浸出液对斑马鱼的毒性及抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
已有研究表明,堆积在湘西花垣河河岸的硫酸锰废渣含有多种重金属,可能是导致花垣河河水和沉积物重金属污染的主要原因.为了评价硫酸锰废渣的潜在生态风险和对水生动物的毒性,本研究分析了硫酸锰废渣浸出液中的主要重金属成分,用漫出液对斑马鱼进行了急性毒性实验,观察在急性胁迫下斑马鱼的体征变化,测定了斑马鱼在亚致死浓度下的生化指标的...  相似文献   
近年来,微生物胞外聚合物(EPS)在吸附重金属方面的潜能引起了人们的广泛关注,但关于重金属对微生物及其EPS特性的影响鲜有报道.Bacillus vallismortis对锌铜矿捕收剂苯胺黑药具有良好的降解能力.为了解重金属对菌株的胁迫影响,探讨二者之间的相互作用,研究了Zn(Ⅱ)、Cu(Ⅱ)胁迫对菌株EPS产量、组分变化特征及其吸附性能的影响.结果表明,在Zn(Ⅱ)胁迫下,菌株培养至稳定期产生的EPS最多,当Zn(Ⅱ)为12 mg·L~(-1)时EPS产量翻倍,达到100.84 mg·g~(-1)(以VSS计),Zn(Ⅱ)能刺激菌株产生更多富含—COOH和—OH的胞外多糖;菌株在Cu(Ⅱ)胁迫下需培养至对数期产生的EPS最多,在Cu(Ⅱ)为6 mg·L~(-1)情况下EPS产量最高为60.65 mg·g-1(以VSS计),Cu(Ⅱ)的胁迫作用提高了菌株EPS中富含N—H和C—N的蛋白质含量;吸附实验结果表明,2种金属能通过胁迫菌株产生特异性EPS,为金属离子提供大量适用性结合点位,显著提高对重金属的去除能力.研究结果对应用生物法处理同时含有重金属和有机物的复合型选矿废水具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   
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