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Metal oxides( Fe, Mn oxides) in natural surface coatings(biofilms and associated minerals) are believed to play a significant role n the fate and transport of trace metal in aquatic environments. Seasonal variation of Fe, Mn oxides and organic materials in surface oatings, which were developed periodically on glass slides in Nanhu Lake, Jilin Province, China over the time frame of three seasons,was investigated in order to understand the influence of metal oxides on Pb and Cd adsorption to heterogeneous surface coating materials(biofilm). Pb and Cd adsorption was measured under controlled laboratory conditions( mineral salts solution with defined speciation, ionic trength 0.05 mol/L, 25~C and pH 6.0). The classical Langmuir adsorption isotherm was applied to estimate equilibrium coefficients of Pb nd Cd adsorption to the surface coatings. In general, components in the surface coatings varied greatly with seasons altering and btained higher concentrations in summer while the content of iron oxides always exceeded that of manganese oxides. Correlation nalyses between the maximum adsorption of Pb and Cd and components in the surface coatings developed periodically indicated that Pb hase association with Mn oxides and Cd phase association with Fe oxides as well as Mn oxides were statistically significant. Effect of Mn xides on Cd adsorption was confirmed in view of its higher content in the surface coatings. The importance of ferromanganese oxides for b and Cd adsorption to the natural surface coatings developed in different seasons was evidenced.  相似文献   
The combined pollution of heavy metal Pb2+ and bensulfuron-methyl (BSM), originating from chemical herbicides, in agroecological environments has become commonplace in southern China. The adsorption of BSM on three paddy soils in the presence of Pb2+ was examined using high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC). Results indicated that adsorption of BSM could accurately be described by a Freundlich isotherm equation with correlation constant (R) > 0.98, irrespective of the presence of spiked Pb2+. Of the various factors influencing BSM sorption, soil pH appeared to be the most influential. The constant Kf of Freundlich isotherm equation tended to increase with increasing Pb2+ concentration in soil which indicated that the spiked of Pb2+ in paddy soils would promote the sorption of BSM. ΔGθ of BSM in three paddy soils was less than 40 kJ/mol in all treatments, indicating the adsorption of BSM is mainly physical in nature. The elution of soil dissolved organic matter (DOM) enhanced the adsorption of BSM in paddy soils. The mechanisms involved in the promotion effects of the spiked Pb2+ on BSM adsorption might be the modified surface characteristics of paddy soil solids due to the soil acidification and the increase of soil organic matter concentration because of DOM binding.  相似文献   
镧-铅复合污染下AM真菌对玉米生长和镧、铅吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
常青  郭伟  潘亮  王起凡  周昕南  杨亮  李娥 《环境科学》2017,38(9):3915-3926
采用温室盆栽试验的方法,模拟不同程度的镧-铅复合污染土壤(50、200、800 mg·kg~(-1)),研究接种丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)、真菌Claroideoglomus etunicatum(CE)和Rhizophagus intraradices(RI)对玉米(Zea mays L.)菌根侵染率、生物量、矿质营养元素吸收、C∶N∶P生态化学计量比、稀土镧(La)和重金属铅(Pb)吸收、转运的影响,旨在为稀土-重金属复合污染土壤的治理和修复提供科学依据.结果表明,AM真菌CE和RI均与玉米建立了共生关系,平均菌根侵染率为26.7%~95.8%;随着La-Pb复合污染含量的增加,玉米植株菌根侵染率、地上部和根部生物量以及N、P、K、Ca、Mg这5种矿质营养元素含量显著降低,而玉米植株C∶P和N∶P以及地上部和根部La、Pb含量显著增加.接种2种AM真菌使玉米植株生物量显著提高了17.8%~158.9%,地上部和根部P含量显著提高了24.5%~153.8%,降低了C∶P和N∶P,符合生长速率假设.在3种程度La-Pb复合污染含量土壤上,AM真菌使玉米植株根部Pb含量显著增加了51.3%~67.7%,地上部Pb含量显著降低了16.0%~67.7%,Pb从玉米根部向地上部的转运率降低了31.5%~54.7%;同时,接种AM真菌显著增加了轻度LaPb复合污染土壤上玉米植株的La含量,在中度La-Pb复合污染土壤上却显著减少了玉米地上部的La含量,增加了玉米根部的La含量,抑制了La从根部向地上部的转运,重度La-Pb复合污染土壤上均没有显著影响.试验结果初步证明,AM真菌具有促进稀土-重金属复合污染土壤植物修复的潜力,对于稀土-重金属复合污染土壤生态系统的植被恢复具有潜在应用价值.  相似文献   
酿酒酵母吸附Pb(Ⅱ)的表面特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈灿  王建龙 《环境科学学报》2011,31(8):1587-1593
为深入探讨酿酒酵母吸附Pb(Ⅱ)的微观作用机制,本文利用表面显微分析技术(SEM-EDS、TEM-EDS、AFM)研究了酿酒酵母细胞吸附重金属离子Pb(Ⅱ)前后的细胞表面变化.研究结果表明,酿酒酵母细胞与Pb(Ⅱ)作用后,细胞表面除吸附Pb(Ⅱ)外,同时产生大量更高浓度的含Pb(Ⅱ)沉淀,导致Pb(Ⅱ)从溶液中被去除.酵母与Pb(Ⅱ)反应前,酵母细胞表面可检测到的主要元素包括C、O、N、P、S、K、Mg;酵母与Pb(Ⅱ)作用后,细胞表面始终保持C、O、P吸收峰,而N、K、Mg、S吸收峰随反应条件不同而减弱、消失或增强.P作为细胞表面组分可能与Pb(Ⅱ)结合.酵母与Pb(Ⅱ)作用过程中,重金属离子促进酵母细胞释放细胞内含物.原子力显微镜(AFM)证实,云母片表面对酵母吸附Pb(Ⅱ)后细胞的铺展变形作用明显增大.  相似文献   
抚仙湖沉积物重金属垂向分布及潜在生态风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于环境放射性核素210Pbex和137 Cs计年法确定抚仙湖北、中和南部三个沉积物柱芯的沉积年代,分析了各个柱芯近150年的重金属(Cr、Cu、Zn、As和Pb)的垂向分布特征,并用潜在生态风险指数法进行了潜在生态风险分析。结果表明,抚仙湖不同湖区沉积物重金属的垂向分布存在明显差异,其中Zn、As和Pb呈现整体向上增加的趋势,Cr和Cu分别呈现微波动变化和下降趋势。重金属元素之间相关性表明Zn、As和Pb具有较好的同源性,而Cr和Cu来源不同。重金属元素与营养盐TP之间呈较好的相关性,与TN和TOC则相关性较差或无相关性存在。潜在生态风险指数评价显示近150年来抚仙湖不同湖区沉积物重金属污染水平差异明显,其中北部和南部As是主要的生态风险贡献因子,而中部Cu是主要的生态风险贡献因子。抚仙湖中部和南部沉积物重金属总体处于中等生态风险,而北部沉积物重金属由中等上升为较高生态风险出现在20世纪90年代末期。  相似文献   
钙、氯对磷酸盐稳定污染土壤中铅的促进作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨促进磷酸盐稳定污染土壤中铅的方法,在全铅含量为517 mg·kg-1的铅冶炼污染土壤中加入5 mmol·kg-1磷酸盐,同时加入10mmol·kg-1硝酸钙或5 mmol·kg-1氯化钾,在15%或30%的含水率下培养40 d,之后种植黑麦草.结果表明,与单独施用磷酸盐相比,采用磷酸盐与钙、氯结合或增加培养期间的土壤含水率后,土壤DTPA-Pb含量下降3.92%~26.1%;对于同一添加剂处理,培养期间土壤含水率从15%增加到30%,土壤有效铅(DTPA-Pb)含量下降8.83%~24.4%.增加土壤含水率后,土壤有效磷(Olsen-P)含量均显著升高(p0.05).土壤铅的EXAFS分析表明,与未施用磷酸盐的对照相比,土壤中加入磷酸盐后矿物态铅的比例由57%上升至81%,加施钙、氯或增加土壤含水率后,多数处理矿物态铅的比例有所下降,而有机结合态铅比例上升.与对照相比,污染土壤中施用磷酸盐后,植物产量大幅增加,但施用钙、氯或增加培养期间含水率后,部分处理植物产量有所下降.以上结果表明,在铅冶炼污染土壤中加入磷酸盐时,加入钙、氯或者增加土壤含水率均有利于铅的稳定,但以上措施可能对植物生长产生不利影响.  相似文献   
采用温室栽培试验比较莴笋根际与非根际土壤pH、TOC、Pb化学形态和有效Pb含量的变化,研究根际土壤pH、TOC和Pb化学形态变化对土壤Pb有效性的影响,并为低分子有机酸作为提取剂研究土壤Pb植物有效性进行尝试.研究表明,与非根际土壤相比,莴笋根际土壤的pH降低,TOC含量增加.随着土壤Pb处理浓度的增加,根际土壤的酸化作用增强,TOC含量进一步增加.与非根际相比,根际交换态Pb含量较高.随着Pb(NO3)2添加量的增加,Pb的形态发生了由残渣态向碳酸盐态和交换态的转化.在土壤风干过程中,Pb的交换态、碳酸盐态和铁锰态增加.由于受到根际酸化作用和TOC结合的影响,根际土壤有效Pb含量高于非根际,并且随着Pb处理浓度的增加,有效铅含量增加.风干土壤有效Pb含量高于新鲜湿润土壤.根际土壤交换态和碳酸盐态Pb含量的变化影响根际土壤Pb有效性.与莴笋体内Pb含量的相关分析的结果表明,用低分子有机酸提取的莴笋根际新鲜湿润土壤中的Pb可以表征土壤Pb对莴笋的有效性.  相似文献   
The Sambhar Salt Lake hydrological system, including river waters, groundwaters, evaporating pans and sub-surface brines, has been analyzed for the salt content (TDS) and naturally occurring radionuclides (210Po, 210Pb and 226,228Ra). The abundance of these radionuclides and their activity ratios show a wide variation in different hydrological regimes, which helps to geochemically characterize the lake system. A significantly lower Ra to total dissolved solids (TDS) ratio in the brines (by two to three orders of magnitude), when compared to the groundwaters and river waters, suggests removal of dissolved Ra by co-precipitation with Ca–Mg minerals at an early stage of the brine evolution. The concentration of Ra in evaporating lake/pan waters saturates at a value of about 35 Bq L−1 over the salinity range of 100–370 g L−1; attributable to its equilibration with the clay minerals. The two distinct regimes, saline lake system (lake water, evaporating pans and sub-surface brines) and groundwaters have been identified based on their differences in the distribution of 226,228Ra isotopes. This observation points to the conclusion that the groundwaters and the lake brines are not intimately coupled in terms of their origin and evolution. The abundances of 210Po and 210Pb along with their activity ratios (210Po/210Pb) are markedly different among the surface lake waters/evaporating pans, sub-surface lake brines and groundwaters. These differences are explained in terms of different geochemical behaviour of these nuclides in presence of algae and organic matter present in these water regimes.  相似文献   
An inexpensive and effective adsorbent was developed from waste tea leaves for the dynamic uptake of Pb(II). Characterization of the adsorbents showed a clear change between physico-chemical properties of activated tea waste and simply tea waste. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the potential of activated tea waste in continuous flow removal of Pb(II) ions from synthetic aqueous effluents. The performance of the system was evaluated to assess the effect of various process variables, viz., of bed height, hydraulic loading rate and initial feed concentration on breakthrough time and adsorption capacity. The shape of the breakthrough curves was determined for the adsorption of Pb(II) by varying different operating parameters like hydraulic loading rate (2.3–9.17 m3/h m2), bed height (0.3–0.5 m) and feed concentration (2–10 mg/l). An attempt has also been made to model the data generated from column studies using the empirical relationship based on the Bohart–Adams model. There was an acceptable degree of agreement between the data for breakthrough time calculated from the Bohart–Adams model and the present experimental study with average absolute deviation of less than 5.0%. The activated tea waste in this study showed very good promise as compared with the other adsorbents available in the literature. The adsorbent could be suitable for repeated use (for more than four cycles) without noticeable loss of capacity.  相似文献   
通过共存元素对土壤小麦系统Cd、Pb行为影响的调查研究发现:大田条件下共存元素以正对数模式与根系Cd、Pb密切相关,同种元素间相关程度最高;根系Cd、Pb积累主要取决于土壤环境Cd、Pb的含量,共存元素也产生一定的影响,认为要防止重金属通过食物链对人类的危害,就必须降低土壤环境中重金属的总量。  相似文献   
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