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沉积物微生物群落在水生态系统的物质循环中发挥着关键的作用,群落结构组成的变化经常与环境的改变有关.以辽河四平段流域为研究区域,运用高通量测序结果对沉积物微生物群落的结构组成和多样性进行分析.结果表明,辽河四平段流域河流沉积物微生物群落α多样性以北河支流最高,干流次之,南河支流最低;β多样性表现为干流、北河支流和南河支流的微生物群落的相似性较低,差异性较大.变形菌门是该流域微生物群落门水平上丰度最高的优势菌门,并且与其他东北地区的河流类似,该流域河流沉积物中的厚壁菌门含量较低;γ-变形菌纲是该流域河流沉积物微生物群落占比最高的菌纲,但是β-变形菌纲在该流域丰度很低;而属于β-变形菌纲Ellin6067菌属在该流域分布很广.环境因子例如沉积物重金属和水体理化性质也会对微生物群落的多样性和种群结构产生多种影响.结果为实现修复辽河四平段流域河流的水体污染工作提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
Boards of directors play important roles when responding to one of the biggest challenges for companies today: environmental sustainability. Research has mainly been focused on the separate impacts of board structure, composition, and processes on corporate environmental performance. Understanding how these three dimensions of the board, which help to successfully fulfill the board roles, interact in complementary or substitutive ways is crucial for improving companies' environmental performance. Using a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis on a sample of 86 European-listed companies in greenhouse gas (GHG)-intensive sectors, our study shows that board dimensions and the attributes that shape them have complementary or substitutable effects on corporate environmental performance. Specifically, we identified four board archetypes that arise from different configurations promoting environmental performance. Finally, we considered CEO-Board interaction, showing that both longer and shorter CEO tenures together with certain combinations of board attributes could be linked to higher environmental performance.  相似文献   
张扬  王启元  李丽  田杰  李钰  冉伟康  张勇 《环境化学》2025,44(1):255-264
当前,对青藏高原牦牛粪燃烧排放的含黑碳(BC)颗粒物在老化过程中的演变机制了解还不足. 为深入研究这一问题,本文采用氧化流动反应器模拟牦牛粪燃烧排放BC颗粒物的不同老化程度,并利用单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪对老化前后BC颗粒物的化学组成、混合状态、老化机制等进行了表征. 结果显示,在不同程度的老化模拟过程中,牦牛粪燃烧排放的BC颗粒物均呈现显著的有机碳(OC)、硫酸盐(HSO4)和硝酸盐(NO3)离子峰特征. 老化前,有机碳(其特征峰主要为m/z = 27C2H3+/CNH+37C3H+43C2H3O+50C4H2+51C4H3+63C5H3+)在正离子相对峰面积中占比为42.8%,而硫酸盐在负离子相对峰面积中占比高达72.4%. 基于自适应共振神经网络算法(ART-2a),将BC颗粒物分为4类:BC、BCN、BCOCS和Other. 硫酸盐与BCOCS颗粒类型高度混合(99%),而硝酸盐与BCN颗粒类型高度混合(98%). 此外,随着老化程度的增加,二次组分(如43C2H3O和62NO3)在各颗粒类型中的混合程度也越高. 硝酸盐、草酸盐(89HC2O4)和铵盐(18NH4+)的数量百分比与老化程度呈显著的正相关关系,表明在BC颗粒物老化的过程中它们的贡献会增加. 本研究有助于更加全面地理解青藏高原大气中BC颗粒物的行为,为该区域大气环境保护提供科学依据.  相似文献   
当前以土壤有机质提升为核心的耕地质量提升是保证粮食安全的基础,但在有机质提升过程中土壤磷素的累积和转化特征仍不清楚.在等碳施用条件下,研究对比不同有机物料投入对菜地不同土层土壤磷的累积、转化和迁移规律,以期同步实现有机质提高和磷肥高效管理.试验设置对照(不施肥)、农户传统施肥、生物炭、鸡粪、餐厨废弃物和玉米秸秆施用这6个处理,于辣椒收获期测定各处理下不同土层有效磷(Olsen-P)和水溶性磷(CaCl2-P)含量、土壤磷组分、有机质(SOM)和pH等指标.在0~5 cm和5~10 cm土层中,农户传统施肥处理有效磷含量最高,4种有机物料处理下有效磷顺序依次为:秸秆>生物炭>鸡粪>餐厨废弃物,秸秆和生物炭处理较餐厨废弃物分别增加59.6%~67.3%和29.1%~36.9%.秸秆处理最易于提升土壤活性磷库,0~5 cm土层土壤活性磷较鸡粪和餐厨废弃物处理分别增加47.3%和35.1%.随着土层深度增加鸡粪处理的有效磷降低比例最少,20~30 cm土层有效磷占表土层的55.9%,而在其他3种物料处理下仅占16.0%~34.0%.和农户传统施肥相比,有机物料施用后pH显著升高0.18~0.36个单位,鸡粪和餐厨废弃物处理的pH显著高于生物炭和秸秆(P <0.05).生物炭处理下SOM含量相比其他3种有机物料显著增加7.7%~17.6%. 4种有机物料中,秸秆提高土壤活性磷库的效果最佳,有利于快速提升植物可利用磷;鸡粪处理下磷素最易向下迁移;在基于土壤地力提升的农田管理下,施用生物炭既有利于改善土壤酸碱度和提高SOM,也可避免磷素在耕层过量积累,降低环境风险.  相似文献   
This work mainly focuses on the mineralogical study of particulate matter(PM10) in Beijing. Samples were collected on polycarbonate filter from April, 2002 to March, 2003 in Beijing urban area. Scanning electronic microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray(SEM/EDX) was used to investigate individual mineral particles in Beijing PM10. 1454 individual mineral particulates from 48 samples were analysed by SEM/EDX. The results revealed that mineral particulates were complex and heterogeneous. 38 kinds of minerals in PM10 were identified. The clay minerals, of annual average percentage of 30.1%, were the main composition among the identified minerals, and illite/smectite was the main composition in clay minerals, reaching up to 35%. Annual average percentage of quartz, calcite, compound particulates, carbonates were 13.5%, 10.9%, 11.95%, 10.31%, respectively. Annual average percentage less than 10% were gypsum, feldspar, dolomite, and so on. Fluorite, apatite, halite, barite and chloridize zinc(ZnCl2) were firstly identified in Beijing PM10. Sulfurization was found on surface of mineral particles, suggested extensive atmospheric reaction in air during summer.  相似文献   
Aerosol particles were collected in the situation of the widespread dust suspension on 21 February 1991 at Qira in the southern edge of the Taklamakan Desert, western China. The collected particles were examined by a transmission electron microscope equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyzer in order to obtain the size and elemental composition of individual mineral particles.On the basis of EDX analyses for 386 particles, mineral particles were present in high number fractions (>99%) of particles in the radius range of 0.1–4 μm. Particles mainly composed of silicates comprised 76% of mineral particles. “Ca-rich” particles were detected in 7% of all the particles. Ca in the particles would be present not only as CaCO3 but also as an internal mixture of CaCO3 and CaSO4. Particles containing halite (NaCl) were detected in number proportions of about 10% and were mainly present in the radius range of 0.5 μm. Some halite particles would be modified by chemical reactions with sulfuric acid.  相似文献   
Scots pine seedlings were exposed to wet-deposited nickel (Ni) and removal of lichen cover in a dry heath Scots pine forest. Ni deposition affected the colonization of roots by indigenous ectomycorrhizal fungi in contrasting ways in intact and skimmed quadrats. Highest frequencies of tubercle morphotypes of ectomycorrhiza were found in quadrats exposed to 100 mg m−2 year−1 Ni in lichen covered treatment, while in skimmed quadrats these peaked after the treatment with 10 mg Ni m−2 year−1. Removal of the lichen layer increased the value of diversity index (H′) of ectomycorrhizal fungal community, probably due to the increase in the evenness of the morphotype distribution. Lichen removal seemed also to improve the condition of the short roots, as the frequencies of poor and senescent short roots were decreased by the removal.  相似文献   
Threshold concentrations for biological impairment by nutrients are difficult to quantify in lotic systems, yet States and Tribes in the United States are charged with developing water quality criteria to protect these ecosystems from excessive enrichment. The analysis described in this article explores the use of the ecosystem model AQUATOX to investigate impairment thresholds keyed to biological indexes that can be simulated. The indexes selected for this exercise include percentage cyanobacterial biomass of sestonic algae, and benthic chlorophyll a. The calibrated model was used to analyze responses of these indexes to concurrent reductions in phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended sediment in an enriched upper Midwestern river. Results suggest that the indexes would respond strongly to changes in phosphorus and suspended sediment, and less strongly to changes in nitrogen concentration. Using simulated concurrent reductions in all three water quality constituents, a total phosphorus concentration of 0.1 mg/l was identified as a threshold concentration, and therefore a hypothetical water quality criterion, for prevention of both excessive periphyton growth and sestonic cyanobacterial blooms. This kind of analysis is suggested as a way to evaluate multiple contrasting impacts of hypothetical nutrient and sediment reductions and to define nutrient criteria or target concentrations that balance multiple management objectives concurrently. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or of the U.S. Government.  相似文献   
长江上游滇西北地区植物区系组成及物种多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江上游滇西北地区是全球重要的生物多样性热点地区之一,也是长江流域重要的生态屏障。利用最新的文献数据,结合过去5 a的野外考察成果,分析了滇西北地区的植物区系组成及其物种多样性。研究结果表明:滇西北地区拥有种子植物6 559种,分属于205科,1 281属。滇西北地区以04%的国土面积,拥有我国种子植物科数的74%,属数的41%和物种数的20%。同时也以10%的土地面积,拥有云南地区种子植物科数的77%,属数的55%和物种数的43%。在热带区系组成方面,比重较大的分布区类型为泛热带分布(165%)和热带亚洲分布(122%);在温带区系方面,北温带分布和东亚分布所占比重比较高,分别为193%和145%。热带区系成分与温带区系成分所占的比重非常接近,分别为47%和53%,表现出强烈的区系过渡性,这可能与地层抬升、板块漂移和温性植物类群的迁入有关。温带区系比重略高于热带区系,说明该区域的植物区系具有一定的温凉性质,这与滇西北地区相对温凉的气候环境是一致的。科的分化强度为63;属的分化强度为51。研究区域内丰富的植物多样性与其复杂的生境、强烈的区系过渡性和区系分化是一致的。滇西北地区可能是验证、发展各种生物多样性假说的理想场所。因此,滇西北地区的植物多样性不仅值得人们关注和保护,而且也值得研究和探索。与滇东北的药山自然保护区相比,滇西北地区拥有更高比重的热带亚洲成分,这可能与古南大陆的“掸邦 马来亚”板块的位移和旋转有关。滇西北地区与滇西南的铜壁关自然保护区在植物区系高级分区和系统进化的起源上具有一定的联系,在一定程度上证实了“田中线”的真实存在。联系滇西北地区植物区系与铜壁关自然保护区植物区系的节点可能是研究区域内的独龙江地区.  相似文献   
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