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餐厨垃圾的有机组成是影响其干式厌氧消化性能的重要因素。以实际餐厨垃圾为研究对象,通过向其中投加馒头改变其有机组成,进而研究不同有机组成下物料厌氧消化过程中的流变特性变化及产甲烷特性。结果表明,不同有机组成物料的甲烷产气量与其粘度具有一定的负相关关系,表明物料流动性的提高有助于其产甲烷效率的提高。而物料流变特性的差异则主要可归因于TS、VS以及溶解性有机物释放的差异。物料的屈服应力与其TS、VS具有一定的线性相关关系。CFD模拟结果表明,随着厌氧消化的进行,反应器内流场逐渐变好,死区率降低,且死区率与物料TS质量分数、屈服应力及表观粘度呈正相关关系。因此,针对不同有机组成物料流变特性及反应器流场的不同需选取合适的搅拌策略,以实现搅拌效率与搅拌能耗之间的平衡。本研究结果可为优化干式厌氧消化反应器的运行提供参考。 相似文献
安全投资决策优化模型 总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10
安全投资决策是安全生产决策的重要内容。企业生产系统的安全投资 ,是生产成本的组成部分 ,合理地安排投资项目 ,可以最大限度地提高企业的安全效果和经济效益。当安全投资额度不能完全满足投资需求时 ,不同的投资组合导致系统安全效果差异较大。分析了生产系统的安全效果与费用的关系 ,根据系统的安全需要确定投资项目费用 ,将安全投资项目通过系统安全要素与安全效果直接挂钩 ,建立了安全投资决策的目标规划模型 ,确定了合理的安全投资组合 ,使有限的安全投资取得最佳的安全效果。通过一个案例验证了模型的有效性 ,可作为企业确定安全投资项目和政府有关部门进行安全管理的决策依据。 相似文献
Alessandra Pugnetti Francesco Acri Luisa Alberighi Donato Barletta Mauro Bastianini Fabrizio Bernardi-Aubry 《Chemistry and Ecology》2013,29(6):399-409
Taxonomic composition, biomass, primary production and growth rates of the phytoplankton community were studied in two stations in the NW Adriatic Sea on a seasonal basis, in areas characterized by differing hydrological and trophic conditions. The main differences between the two stations were quantitative rather than qualitative, most phytoplankton species being common to both stations. The effects of differing nutrient concentrations and plume spreading were evident. Biomass and primary production rates were significantly higher in the coastal station (S1), and the phytoplankton distribution in the water column was markedly stratified in S1 and more even in the offshore station (S3). However, chlorophyll a specific production, potential growth rate and production efficiencies were very similar in both stations, even when phosphorus concentrations were limiting. A discrepancy between potential and actual growth rate was observed: as a feature common to both stations, comparisons between potential and actual growth rates revealed that little carbon produced by phytoplankton accumulated as algal biomass; therefore, very high loss rates were estimated. 相似文献
The control of exposure to welding fumes is of increasing importance in promoting a healthy, safe and productive work environment. This article describes the effects of shielding gas composition on the amount and composition of welding fumes produced during gas metal arc welding (GMAW). The amount of fumes generated during welding was measured for steady current over a range of wire-feed speeds and arc voltages using the standard procedures contained in ANSI/AWS F1.2 [American Welding Society. ANSI/AWS F1.2. Laboratory method for measuring fume generation rates and total fume emission of welding and allied processes. Miami, Florida; 1992]. Results of these measurements show that the fume formation rates (FFRs) increase with CO2 and O2 in the shielding gas mixture. The lowest FFRs were obtained with the mixtures of Ar?+?2%CO2 and Ar?+?3%CO2?+?1%O2. The highest FFRs were obtained with the mixtures of Ar?+?18%CO2 and Ar?+?5%CO2?+?4%O2. The welding fumes contains mainly iron, manganese, silicon, titanium and sodium under oxide forms. The fume cluster particles have dimensions between 0.5 and 2?µm. The FFR was found to be governed by the transfer modes of molten metal, i.e. the current intensity and arc voltage, as well as by the shielding gas mixtures composition. Thus these parameters have to be taken into consideration before designing a welding process. Whenever possible, users of GMAW should use the lowest current intensity. However, when this is not possible, due to the constraints of process productivity, welders should use higher currents, but with Ar?+?2%CO2 and Ar?+?3%CO2?+?1%O2 shielding mixtures, which will lead to smaller fume emissions. 相似文献
Adsorption rates of Sb(V) ions on an activated alumina (AA) were analyzed by batchwise experiments, while the continuous adsorption, desorption, regeneration of AA, and multiple reuse cycles were studied by flow column tests. The adsorption rates increased quickly with the increases of shaking speed and operation temperature. The adsorbed Sb(V) ions were desorbed easily by a 50 mM NaOH solution, and a 41–90 times concentrated Sb(V) solution was yielded correspondingly. AA was effectively regenerated by desorption operation and ca. 93% of the initial adsorption capacity was retained after six times adsorption/desorption cycles. 相似文献
烟花爆竹用氧化剂的研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在调查研究的基础上,分析、总结、研讨用于烟花爆竹的氧化剂的历史、现状及发展方向。分析和讨论氯酸盐类、高氯酸盐类、硝酸盐类以及金属氧化物等氧化剂的物化性质、燃爆性能及各自用于烟火剂的优缺点。研究指出:将不同类型的氧化剂复合使用,当选择的组分及搭配的比例合适时,不仅能使各种氧化剂充分发挥其优点,而且还将产生一些新的实际的性能。同时提出:复合氧化剂是配制燃放效果好、安全性能高、价格低廉的烟花爆竹氧化剂的发展方向。 相似文献
Franco Lucarelli Pier Andrea Mand Silvia Nava Marina Valerio Paolo Prati Alessandro Zucchiatti 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,65(1-2):165-173
An extensive investigation is in progress aiming at the characterisation of the air particulate composition in Florence. For our investigation, we use the external PIXE-PIGE beam facility of the I.N.F.N. Van de Graaff accelerator at the Physics Department of the Florence University. In order to gather information on both the longer- and shorter-time trends of the aerosol elemental composition, we are analysing both long temporal series (about 1 year) of 24-h Millipore filters collected by the health authorities in 3 different sites, and filters collected simultaneously in two of the above sites for about one month, by two streakers with one-hour resolution, providing size fractionation between particle size smaller than 2.5 µm and from 2.5 µm to 10 µm. The streakers sampling period includes two days during which the Municipality of Florence has banned the circulation of non-catalytic cars, due to the increase of NO2 above the "recommended safety values". We present here the first obtained results for the sampling site located near a heavy traffic road. 相似文献
重庆市黔江区降水地球化学特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
为了解生态旅游城市重庆市黔江区大气污染状况,2015年采集了91个降水样品,分析了降水中离子组分分布特征,运用富集因子法、海盐示踪法、相关性分析、主成分分析、聚类分析和HYSPLIT模型分析了降水化学组分来源。研究结果表明:黔江区域降水p H为5.66~6.96,加权平均值为6.34,降水离子组分浓度大小次序为SO_4~(2-)Ca~(2+)NH_4~+Mg~(2+)NO_3~-Cl~-Na~+K~+F~-,SO_4~(2-)、Ca~(2+)之和占总离子的63.95%;除Mg~(2+)和K+外,其余组分离子浓度与总离子浓度随季节变化(冬季春季秋季夏季)呈同样的变化特征。Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)和K+大部分均来源于陆源贡献,Na~+可能受到了海洋源的影响,SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-主要来源于人为输入源的贡献,Cl~-是受土壤物质和海洋的双重影响。轨迹水汽运输结果表明:黔江区域的降水主要受到西北气团、西南季风、西风环流和极地气候共同作用输入。降水中各个离子组分均表现出显著性或极显著性关系,主成分分析结果表明,第一主成分上研究的降水离子组分中都具有相对较大正载荷,第二组分pH、降水量和气温为一类。 相似文献