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湘乡市16年生不同密度的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)飞播林林分单株生物量随密度的增加而明显减小,低密度林分是高密度林分的2 42倍,高出18.33kg;当林分密度一定后,林分生物量同样随密度的增加而减小,低密度林分比高密度林分高出21.81t/hm2。林分各组生物量随密度增大而减小,并出现W>W根>W枝>W皮>W叶的规律。年均净生长量低密度林分是高密度林分的1.40倍。  相似文献   
Humans have severely impacted riparian ecosystems through water diversions, impoundments, and consumptive uses. Effective management of these important areas is becoming an increasingly high priority of land managers, particularly as municipal, industrial, and recreational demands for water increase. We examined radial tree growth of four riparian tree species (Pinus jeffreyi, Populus trichocarpa, Betula occidentalis, and Pinus monophylla) along Bishop Creek, California, and developed models relating basal area increment (BAI) and relative basal area increment (RBAI) to climatic and stream flow variables. Between years 1995–1999, univariate regression analysis with stream flow explained 29 to 61% of the variation in BAI and RBAI among all species except P. trichocarpa; growth by P. trichocarpa was not significantly related to stream flows over this period. Stepwise linear regression indicated that species responded differently to climatic variables, and models based on these variables explained between 33 to 86% of variation in BAI and RBAI during the decade of the 1990s. We examined branch growth of P. trichocarpa for sensitivity to differences in stream flow regimes and found that annual branch growth did not vary between a high- and low-flow site, but that annual branch growth was significantly higher in wet years with greater stream flows. Our results support the establishment of site-specific management goals by land managers that take into account all of the important tree species present in riparian ecosystems and their differential responses to altered hydrologic condition. Instream flow requirements for maintaining tree growth and vigor are only one of the species-specific responses that need to be evaluated, and these assessments should attempt to separate experimentally stream-flow (managed) controls from climatic (unmanaged) controls on growth.  相似文献   
Air pollution has become an actual problem in Balikesir because of rapid urbanisation and increasing of the polluting sources. Air pollutionproblems occur under the unfavorable meteorological conditions which increase in frequency of occurrence in winter due to use of low quality lignite coals for heating. The `Protection of Air Quality' in Turkey dated 1986 is based on the human health criteria. But the critical limit values are lethal for the forest trees as far as SO2 is concerned. The field observations showed that leaves of the trees have yellow spots indicating acid burns in Balikesir. This study aims at determining the relationships between the SO2 concentrationsin the air under selected climatic conditions, and the effects of air pollution on forest trees in Balikesir. Samples of leaves were collected from the City Parks in Balikesir, Deirmenboaz forested area located 10 km far fromBalikesiron the Balikesir-Bursa highway, and from the forestation areas near the Balikesir-Edremit highway. Sulfur contents of the leaves were very high especially in the city (2650–5300 g m-3).Samples from other areas had values lower than this range but above the usual values (850–3612 g m-3). The diameter increments of the trees were found to be lower and these results clearly showed the adverse impacts. Negative correlations were found between these sulfur concentrations and the daily mean temperatures and wind speeds. Positive correlation was seen between these concentrations and pressures, humidities. Emission sources must be controlled in order to safeguard the forests which protects the soil, facilitate water production, assimilate carbon dioxide in air and produce oxygen. It must be considered that the problems are not only regional but have a global identity.  相似文献   
小陇山自然保护区华山松群落8个主要种群的生态位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小陇山国家级自然保护区是中国华山松的主要分布区之一。在野外大量调查基础上,运用Levins和Shan-non-Wiener生态位宽度、生态位重叠和生态位相似比例等指数,对林区华山松群落中8个主要种群生态位特征进行研究。结果表明,生态位宽度值大小依次为华山松、锐齿栎、披针叶忍冬、漆树、甘肃山楂、毛栗、辽东栎和少脉椴。华山松Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度值最大,为0.988 8,其次是锐齿栎,为0.877 6,少脉椴最小,为0.352 9。该群落种群间生态位重叠值普遍较低,表明多数种群间竞争较小。建群种华山松与其他种群间生态位重叠值较大,为0.079 1~0.101 3,而其他种群与华山松间生态位重叠值却较小,为0.015 4~0.069 0,华山松与毛栗的重叠值最大,为0.101 3,华山松与少脉椴的重叠值最小,为0.079 1。生态位相似比例在0.5以上的种群对有4对,占14.28%,分别是华山松-锐齿栎、华山松-披针叶忍冬、锐齿栎-披针叶忍冬和锐齿栎-漆树种群对,在0.5以下的有24对,占85.72%,表明群落中多数种群对资源利用的相似性程度较小。作为中国华山松的分布地之一,秦岭西段小陇山林区具有暖...  相似文献   
小陇山林区主要森林群落凋落物及死木质残体储量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用固定面积样方取样法研究了小陇山林区锐齿栎和油松天然林死木质残体及凋落物的总储量.结果表明:小陇山林区锐齿栎天然林粗死木质残体(Coarse woody debris,简称CWD)和细小木质残体(Fine woody debris,简称FWD)储量分别为29 350.92 kg hm-2和2 298.41 kg hm-2,分别为油松天然林的3.8和1.3倍.油松林CWD组成中枯立木占到85.65%,倒木只占14.35%,而锐齿栎天然林枯立木和倒木所占的比例基本为1.从CWD的径级结构上来说,锐齿栎林内以大径级CWD为主(≥20 cm),占样地CWD总储量的60.81%,天然油松林以小径级(20 cm≥小径级≥10 cm)CWD为主,大、小径级分别占CWD储量的55.33%和44.67%.油松林内凋落物储量为30 472.31 kg hm-2,是天然锐齿栎凋落物储量8 902.29 kg hm-2的3倍以上.凋落物和死木质残体储量的不同是锐齿栎天然林和油松天然林种群结构、林分更新和群落内部竞争状况及凋落物分解状况差异所导致的结果.  相似文献   
This study examined the influence of distance to the forest edge, forest type, and time on Cl, SO42−, NO3, and NH4+ throughfall deposition in forest edges. The forests were dominated by pedunculate oak, silver birch, or Corsican/Austrian pine, and were situated in two regions of Flanders (Belgium). Along transects, throughfall deposition was monitored at distances of 0-128 m from the forest edge. A repeated-measures analysis demonstrated that time, forest type, and distance to the forest edge significantly influenced throughfall deposition of the ions studied. The effect of distance to the forest edge depended significantly on forest type in the deposition of Cl, SO42−, and NO3: the edge effect was significantly greater in pine stands than in deciduous birch and oak stands. This finding supports the possibility of converting pine plantations into oak or birch forests in order to mitigate the input of nitrogen and potentially acidifying deposition.  相似文献   
在广东西江林业局仙菊林场湿地松(Pinus elliotii)种子园对13年生母树分别于每年雌花期和坐果期喷施两次不同浓度的稀土“常乐”,三组处理为(花-果期)0.25—0.25gL~(-2)、0.25—0.50gL~(-1)和0.50—1.00gL~(-1),并以喷清水为对照。结果表明,三组稀土处理都使母树的球果和种子产量提高,单株产果量平均提高3ε.9%,产种量平均提高35.1%;种子的饱满度和生活力改善,千粒重提高3.9—26.4%,发芽率提高6.2—18.5%;各观测项都以喷施0.50—1.00g L~(-1)浓度的效果最显著。这一研究成果为优化松树品质与提高经济收入创造了有利条件。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Stomatal closure during periods of moisture deficiency should theoretically lead to elevated 13C/12C ratios as reduction of available CO2 leads to diminished photosynthetic discrimination against 13C in favor of 12C. Stable-carbon isotope ratio chronologies developed from 5-yr tree-ring groups at 17 sites in six southwestern states were tested for a drought relationship by first fitting a spline curve to each chronology to remove the long-term trend and calculating indices as the ratio of actual to spline curve value. The time series of “Del Indices” so developed are significantly correlated with 5-yr mean Palmer Hydrological Drought Indices (post-1930 period) and reconstructed July Palmer Drought Severity Indices from respective areas. Overall, in the period since 1790, the driest pentads were 1900–04 and 1960–64, whereas the wettest were 1980–84 and 1915–19. Maps of drought represented for two pentads seem to be reasonable representations, although spatial correlations of Del Indices with PHDI were generally not significant. These Del Index drought reconstructions may provide a useful measure of past physiological response to drought (stomatal closure), although the present cost of analysis would prevent this from being a routine method.  相似文献   
任悦  高广磊  丁国栋  张英  赵珮杉 《环境科学》2024,45(7):4241-4250
为揭示毛乌素沙地樟子松人工林根内真菌群落结构和功能时间动态特征,以毛乌素沙地不同林龄(23、33和44 a)樟子松人工林为研究对象,采用高通量测序技术,比较分析不同月份(4~9月)樟子松人工林根内真菌群落组成及其对环境因子的响应. 结果表明:①樟子松根内真菌群落分布存在明显的季节性,月份对樟子松根内真菌多样性指数影响显著(P<0.05),在5月和7月较高;樟子松根内真菌多样性指数随林龄的增大而逐渐减小,林龄对其的影响不显著. ②毛乌素沙地樟子松根内真菌优势菌门为子囊菌门(Ascomycota);不同营养型真菌相对丰度随月份变化,优势类群为腐生-共生营养型真菌、未定义腐生菌和外生菌根真菌;5月、7月和9月的指示外生菌根真菌分别为囊蘑属(Melanoleuca)、缘腺革菌属(Amphinema)和口蘑属(Tricholoma). ③毛乌素沙地樟子松根内真菌群落分布受年均相对湿度、年均降水量、土壤孔隙度、土壤铵态氮、年均日照时数、年均温和土壤含水量的显著影响(P<0.05),指示菌种主要受土壤有机碳含量、孔隙度、年均降水量和年均空气湿度的影响. 气候和土壤性质等环境因子的变化塑造了毛乌素沙地樟子松人工林根内真菌群落结构和功能的时间动态特征,而林龄的贡献较小. 研究结果可为樟子松人工林可持续经营管理提供理论依据.  相似文献   
近年来大气CO2体积分数不断升高,虽然CO2体积分数升高对植物影响的研究已取得一定进展,但目前针对城市森林树种的相关研究甚少。利用开顶式气室研究了大气CO2体积分数升高对沈阳市城市森林主要树种油松(PinustabulaefomisCarr.)光合生理特性的影响。结果表明,整个生长季内,与对照相比,在大气CO2体积分数为700×10-6条件下,油松叶片的Chla、Chlb及Chl(a b)质量分数提高,Chla/Chlb值降低,而类胡萝卜素质量分数则呈现出降低—升高—降低的趋势;整个处理期间,净光合速率显著提高,提高幅度为23.68%~133.18%(P<0.05或P<0.01);可溶性蛋白质量分数增加,并随着处理时间延长增加幅度增大,在通气40d时就达到差异极显著水平(P<0.01);大气CO2体积分数升高促进了油松叶片中可溶性糖、淀粉的积累;实验中并未观察到光合下调现象。  相似文献   
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