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为研究雅鲁藏布江全流域水化学特征及其控制因素,2016年先后采集雅鲁藏布江干流及其支流丰、平、枯三个水期水样212个,综合运用数理统计、Piper三线图、Gibbs模型和离子比等方法,分析了全流域河水的水文地球化学特征,并探讨了流域的水化学演化规律.结果表明,河水中阳离子均以Ca2+、Na+和Mg2+为主;阴离子以HCO3-和SO42-为主;TDS平均值为204.51mg/L,矿化度较低;水化学类型以HCO3·SO4(SO4·HCO3)-Ca·Mg(Mg·Ca)型水为主;雅鲁藏布江主干河流内的主要离子含量变化存在波动且季节性变化显著.空间上,河水中绝大多数离子遵循着先增大后减少的趋势;水化学样品均分布在Gibbs模型左中部,说明该流域水化学离子组成受岩石风化作用控制;主成分分析及相关分析表明雅鲁藏布江流域水化学组分受人为影响作用控制,方解石、白云岩的风化及硫酸溶解也起到非常重要的作用.流域三个水期的重金属元素的含量绝大多数能满足地表水I类水体的要求.  相似文献   
黄亚玲  唐莉  黄金良  肖才荣 《环境科学》2019,40(12):5340-5347
本研究应用现场监测、地理信息技术(GIS)、模型模拟和数理统计等方法,基于2015年3月至2017年2月九龙江流域不同主导土地利用类型源头小流域和两条干流河流表层水总磷(TP)、总溶解态磷(TDP)和颗粒态磷(PP)的浓度监测,探究河流磷浓度与输出负荷的时空变化特征,揭示九龙江流域磷输出对土地利用模式及水文状况的响应.结果发现,九龙江流域河流磷浓度和磷输出负荷具有明显的时空变异性.在空间上,农业流域 > 城市流域 > 自然流域,西溪>北溪.在季节上,不同类型流域不同形态磷浓度总体表现为春、冬季节较高,而夏、秋季节较低.TP、TDP、和PP输出负荷春、夏季高于秋、冬季,与径流深度的变化趋势基本一致.磷浓度、输出负荷与林地和裸地面积百分比呈负相关关系,与耕地、果园面积百分比呈正相关关系.但不同季节,磷浓度和输出负荷对土地利用和水文状况的响应存在差异,在夏季的相关性最强.结果表明农业非点源污染是九龙江流域河流磷的关键源,提升林地比例有助于保持水土,改善河流水质,尤其在雨季.  相似文献   
Matching the trend seen among the major large rivers of the globe, the Amazon River and its tributaries are facing aquatic ecosystem disruption that is affecting freshwater habitats and their associated biodiversity, including trends for decline in fishery resources. The Amazon’s aquatic ecosystems, linked natural resources, and human communities that depend on them are increasingly at risk from a number of identified threats, including expansion of agriculture; cattle pastures; infrastructure such as hydroelectric dams, logging, mining; and overfishing. The forest, which regulates the hydrological pulse, guaranteeing the distribution of rainfall and stabilizing seasonal flooding, has been affected by deforestation. Flooding dynamics of the Amazon Rivers are a major factor in regulating the intensity and timing of aquatic organisms. This study’s objective was to identify threats to the integrity of freshwater ecosystems, and to seek instruments for conservation and sustainable use, taking principally fish diversity and fisheries as factors for analysis.  相似文献   
洱海流域水质时空变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据2009年洱海流域62个样点的水质调查数据,应用聚类分析对洱海流域水质时空变化特征进行分析,将样点在空间上分为4组,分别为无干扰的苍山林区源头溪流(A1)、受到一定程度人类干扰的流经农业区和城镇区溪流的中上游段及湖泊(A2)、干扰较严重的流经农业区和城镇区溪流的下游段(A3)以及干扰最为严重的洱海岸边带(A4),判别分析结果表明聚类准确率达95.2%。应用主成分分析方法得到影响洱海流域水质的4个主成分为:第1主成分,Alk、Ca2+、Mg2+、HS;第2主成分,TP;第3主成分,TN和NO3--N;第4主成分,DOC和TOC,这些主成分空间差异明显。在时间尺度上,Alk表现为丰水期高于枯水期;Ca2+表现为枯水期高于丰水期;TP没有表现出明显的季节性变化规律;TN在A1和A3组表现为丰水期高于枯水期。  相似文献   
Daily PM_(2.5)(particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of below 2.5 μm) mass concentrations were measured by gravimetric analysis in Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences(CRAES), in the northern part of the Beijing urban area, from December 2013 to April 2015. Two pairs of Teflon(T1/T2) and Quartz(Q1/Q2) samples were obtained, for a total number of 1352 valid filters. Results showed elevated pollution in Beijing,with an annual mean PM_(2.5)mass concentration of 102 μg/m~3. According to the calculated PM_(2.5)mass concentration, 50% of our sampling days were acceptable(PM_(2.5) 75 μg/m~3), 30% had slight/medium pollution(75–150 μg/m~3), and 7% had severe pollution( 250 μg/m~3). Sampling interruption occurred frequently for the Teflon filter group(75%) in severe pollution periods,resulting in important data being missing. Further analysis showed that high PM_(2.5)combined with high relative humidity(RH) gave rise to the interruptions. The seasonal variation of PM_(2.5)was presented, with higher monthly average mass concentrations in winter(peak value in February, 422 μg/m~3), and lower in summer(7 μg/m~3 in June). From May to August, the typical summer period, least severe pollution events were observed, with high precipitation levels accelerating the process of wet deposition to remove PM_(2.5). The case of February presented the most serious pollution, with monthly averaged PM_(2.5)of 181 μg/m~3 and 32% of days with severe pollution. The abundance of PM_(2.5)in winter could be related to increased coal consumption for heating needs.  相似文献   
基于田间原位测定结果,作者建立了不同水分管理方式下稻田N2O排放估算的统计模型. 在模型验证和输入参数检验的基础上, 本研究应用模型估算了20世纪50~90年代我国稻田水稻生长季N2O直接排放量. 结果表明, 由于水稻种植面积和氮输入量的增加、以及水分管理方式的变化, 稻田N2O-N季节排放量从20世纪50年代平均每年9.55 Gg增加到了90年代每年32.26 Gg, 同期伴随着水稻单产的增加. 在20世纪50~90年代间, 我国水稻生产的N2O-N排放量以平均每10 a6.74 Gg的速度递增. 20世纪50年代和90年代稻田N2O-N季节排放通量平均分别为0.32 kg·hm-2和1.00 kg·hm-2, 相当于季节氮输入总量的0.37%和0.46%. 本研究模型估算50~90年代间稻田N2O季节排放量的不确定性为59.8%~37.5%. 就全国稻田的不同种植区域而言, 长江中下游地区稻田水稻生长季N2O排放量占全国稻田N2O排放总量的51%~56%. 20世纪90年代水稻生长季N2O排放量约占我国农田N2O年总排放量的8%~11%. 相对于旱地作物而言, 过去几十年水稻生产的发展在很大程度上减缓了我国农业生产的N2O排放. 然而, 随着水稻生产中节水灌溉的推广和氮肥施用量的增加, 我国稻田N2O季节排放量预计将相应增加.  相似文献   
Hydroxyl free radicals(OH radicals) play the main role in atmospheric chemistry and their involving reactions are the dominant rate determining step in the formation of secondary fine particulate matter and in the removal of air pollutants from the atmosphere.In this paper,we studied the seasonal variation characteristics of OH radicals during the daytime in Lanzhou and explored the potential formation mechanism of high concentration OH radicals.We found that the OH radicals in four seasons was ...  相似文献   
2010年广州亚运期间空气质量与污染气象条件分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用2010年11月4日~12月10日广州地区NO2、O3、SO2、PM、能见度实测资料,区域空气污染指数RAQI及大气输送扩散特征参数,分析广州亚运期间空气质量与气象条件变化特征.结果表明,亚运期间空气质量比亚运前后好,能见度比亚运前后大,PM1和PM2.5浓度比亚运前后小,能见度与PM1和PM2.5有较好的反相关;亚运期间NO2和SO2日均值和小时均值均达到国家一级标准,PM10日均值和O3小时均值均满足国家二级标准,污染物得到较好的控制;广州地区SO2受本地源和外地源远距离输送叠加影响,NO2受本地源影响较大;广州周边城市NO2、SO2和PM10有向广州输送的潜势,而广州O3有向其周边城市扩散的潜势;亚运期间污染气象条件比亚运前后有利,亚运期间污染物浓度降低得益于政府实施的减排措施及良好的气象条件.  相似文献   
中国黄土高原地区大雨频次演变特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王毅荣 《灾害学》2005,20(1):80-83,89
利用黄土高原40年降水资料,研究了该区域大雨以上降雨频数演变.结果表明:黄土高原地区大雨频次是自西北向东南逐渐增多;大雨频次存在减少趋势;小波分析表明大雨频数存在4~5年、8年左右和15年左右的周期振荡;大雨频数存在4个特征区域,各区变化幅度和时段明显不同.  相似文献   
Pan X  Qiang Z  Ben W  Chen M 《Chemosphere》2011,84(5):695-700
The scientific interest in the occurrence and fate of antibiotics in animal husbandry has increased during the past decades because of the emergence and development of antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic bacteria. This study developed a method for simultaneous detection of five sulfonamides, three tetracyclines and one macrolide in swine manure with stable recoveries (73.0-110.6%) and high sensitivity (limit of quantification <90 μg kg−1). Thereafter, a total of 126 swine manure samples, collected from 21 concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in Shandong Province of China during summer and winter, were analyzed. The potential influences of different sampling seasons, swine types and food sources on residual antibiotic concentrations were examined in detail. The maximum concentration of residual antibiotic could reach up to 764.4 mg kg−1 (chlortetracycline), and the detection frequencies were 84.9-96.8% for tetracyclines, 0.8-51.6% for sulfonamides and 4.8% for macrolide. These data reveal that antibiotics were extensively used in CAFOs in this district and the manure may act as a non-specific source of antibiotic residue in farmlands and aquatic environments.  相似文献   
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