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This study investigated the levels, sources and ecological risks of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in two sediment cores that were collected along the Huaxi Reservoir. The spatial distributions and residue levels of the 16 priority PAHs in the sediments from the Huaxi Reservoir were analyzed for their potential ecological risk, source apportionment and contribution to the total PAH residue. The concentration level of the total PAHs (TPAHs) was in the range 1805 ng·g?1 to 20023 ng·g?1 based on dry weight, and the content of PAHs in the Huaxi Reservoir exhibited a gradual upward trend. The PAH congener ratios fluoranthene/(fluoranthene + pyrene) and indeno[1, 2, 3-cd]pyrene/(indeno[1, 2, 3-cd]pyrene + benzo[g, h, i]perylene) were used to identify the source. The main source of the low molecular weight PAHs was wood and coal combustion, whereas the high molecular weight PAHs were primarily from petroleum combustion sources. The results of an ecological risk assessment demonstrated that ACE poses a potential ecological risk, while FLU, NAP, ANT, BaP, DBA, PHEN and PYR can have serious ecological risks.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the toxicity for fish of two active ingredients (lambda-cyhalothrin-20?g L?1, a pyrethroid, and acetamiprid-15?g L?1, a neonicotinoid) which are components of a commercial insecticide (Acer 35 EC) used in cotton crop in many West African countries. The juveniles of Oreochromis niloticus (4.01?±?0.34?g, mean body weight) were exposed for 96?h to increasing concentrations of active ingredients (lambda-cyhalothrin and acetamiprid) or a mixture similar to Acer 35 EC (composed by 20?g of chemical compound lambda-cyhalothrin and 15?g of acetamiprid dissolved in 1?L of acetone). The experiments were carried out under controlled conditions in aquaria according to OECD Guidelines. During the experiments, the behavioral responses (loss of balance, color change, hyperactivity, etc.) that usually precede death were observed in exposed fish. Mortalities were recorded in each aquarium and the LC50-96h of each chemical was determined. The LC50-96h obtained were respectively 0.1268, 0.0029, 182.9 and 0.5685?ppm for Acer 35 EC, lambda-cyhalothrin, acetamiprid and mixture. All insecticides used in this study had profound impact on Nile tilapia behavior which may confirm the neurotoxicity of each single active compound as well as of their mixture.  相似文献   
海河干流、大沽排污河沉积物中有机氯农药的残留状况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
调查了海河干流和大沽排污河沉积物中持久性有机氯杀虫剂(OCPs)的残留状况.在所选取的16个断面沉积物样品中均有大量HCHs、DDTs检出,表明海河和大沽排污河的DDT和HCH污染相当严重.海河沉积物中HCHs和DDTs总质量浓度分别为3.30~75.96、1.57~221.57 ng/g.大沽排污河沉积物中HCHs和DDTs的残留量分别为2.30~124.61、11.28~237.30ng/g.与国内外部分河流表层沉积物中HCHs、DDTs的含量相比,海河和大沽排污河沉积物中有机氯农药含量较高.最后根据两条河流沉积物中的OCPs的残留量,分析了其可能的污染源.  相似文献   
介绍了前处理-水解-生物接触氧化工艺处理染料废水的工程实例.当进水COD≤8000 mg/L时,出水可达到国家〈污水综合排放标准〉(GB8978-1996)二级标准.  相似文献   
Margoum C  Malessard C  Gouy V 《Chemosphere》2006,63(11):1835-1841
Diffuse pollution by pesticide applied in rural catchments may contribute to alter water quality. Besides actions relative to the way the substances are introduced into the environment, it is also possible to limit the contamination by interfering on their transfer pathways from fields to the main river network. Especially, interface areas such as buffer strips or small ditches may play a major part in pesticide diffuse pollution decrease. In ditches a great variety of materials may act as sorbents for organic contaminants: grass, leaves, wood debris or sediments. In this study, laboratory experiments were designed to determine sorption characteristics for three herbicides with different physicochemical properties on sediment and leaves in decay commonly found in agricultural ditches. Sorption capacities were assessed for the herbicides isoproturon, diuron and diflufenican.

Experimental design was carried out to investigate the effects of five parameters on herbicide sorption on sediment and dead leaves. These parameters have been chosen according to parallel field experiment needs. Thus, the influence of initial sorbent moisture, herbicide form, i.e. active substance or commercial formulation, water quality (tap or natural ditch water), bromide ions (used as conservative tracers) and solid/liquid ratio have been tested. Within the parameters investigated, pesticide formulation and solid/liquid ratio were the most important parameters affecting pesticide sorption on both ditch materials.  相似文献   

在中温(35℃±1℃)厌氧条件下,以葡萄糖为共基质,采用间歇实验方法,研究了2,6-二硝基酚(2,6-DNP)的厌氧产甲烷毒性和厌氧降解动力学.厌氧毒性试验(ATA)以累计产甲烷量和相对活性(RA)为指标,评价了不同浓度2,6-DNP对产甲烷菌的抑制程度;结果表明,2,6-DNP浓度<20 mg/L时,对产甲烷菌没有抑制作用,浓度为40 mg/L时产生轻度抑制,浓度为80~120 mg/L时产生重度抑制;24 h 2,6-DNP的75%、50%、25%相对抑制浓度分别为30、70和>120 mg/L.2,6-DNP降解动力学可用Haldane方程来描述,利用非线性拟合求得动力学参数Ks、Rm、Ki分别为179.7 mg/L、4.84 mg/g VSS·h、206.5 mg/L,方差R2=0.94,拟合效果很好.  相似文献   
利用低温等离子体(NTP)净化车用柴油机尾气中的颗粒相多环芳烃(PAHs),基于电晕放电的原理,设计了NTP发生装置。使用色谱质谱联用仪分析经过NTP净化前后柴油机尾气中颗粒相多环芳烃的含量,观察NTP对颗粒相多环芳烃的净化效果。结果表明,颗粒相小分子量PAHs除菲、蒽外,其他4种多环芳烃的含量显著增加,其中萘、苊变化率达1 130.4%和758.57%;大分子量PAHs除苯并(ghi)芘外,多环芳烃的含量降低达80%以上;NTP对柴油机尾气中颗粒相多环芳烃含量及毒性当量的净化率分别达58.4%和82.8%。  相似文献   
电解锰渣是湿法冶炼金属锰的残渣,为降低其对环境的浸出毒性影响并提高其在水泥产品中的掺入量,利用碱激发技术处理电解锰渣制备水泥掺合料是一种可行的方法。主要研究了碱激发剂种类、掺量对电解锰渣的激发效果,并将碱激发电解锰渣用作水泥掺合料与水泥按不同比例混合研究对水泥抗压强度和浸出毒性的影响。结果表明:碱激发电解锰渣活性显著提高,NaOH中Na2O当量为10%时试件M-SH10的3、7、28 d抗压强度最高,分别为7.15、9.46、10.03 MPa;将此条件下激发的电解锰渣按质量比取15%与85%的水泥混合制得的掺合料其抗压强度较净水泥试件有一定程度的提高;浸出毒性结果显示Cd、Cr、Pb、Ni、Mn和Zn浓度均下降,且低于GB 8978-1996限值。  相似文献   
采用多相催化臭氧氧化技术对某染料废水一级好氧生化出水进行系统实验研究,考察该技术对废水COD、色度的去除能力,并探讨其提高废水可生化性的能力。结果表明:在最佳操作条件下,即臭氧投加量200 mg·L-1,接触时间20 min时,COD平均从647 mg·L-1降低到440 mg·L-1,臭氧化指数约等于1;进水色度2 000倍左右,色度去除率达95%以上;SOUR值平均提高至原水的4倍;毒性由65%左右降低至0%;GC-MS结果显示废水中苯胺类、挥发酚类和硝基苯类等有毒污染物几乎全部被去除。另外,对实验所用的自制催化剂(连续使用90 d)进行ICP、BET、SEM、EDS分析,其有效成分锰、铈基本无损耗,催化剂性能稳定。研究表明在废水处理一级生化阶段后增加多相催化臭氧技术,不仅能够进一步去除COD,还可以明显提高二级好氧生化脱氮能力,对于污水处理的升级改造具有重要意义。  相似文献   
采用稳定剂(SR)协同水泥(PC)固化/稳定化重金属污染土壤,以Pb、Zn浸出毒性和药剂吨处理成本为综合指标确定PC和SR的最优配比,并对固化土体进行无侧限抗压强度、不固结不排水三轴压缩实验和柔性壁渗透实验,探讨固化土体强度以及渗透特性。结果表明,最优配比为SR掺量 2.5%,PC掺量8%;最优配比下固化土体中重金属铅锌的浸出浓度分别降低97.5%和74.5%,均低于固体危险废物浸出标准值。其养护28 d无侧限抗压强度达到1 080 kPa,比未固化土体对应值高9.6倍;随着PC掺量增加,固化体的有效黏聚力及有效内摩擦角均不断增大,其中最优配比固化土体有效黏聚力达到216.9 kPa,有效内摩擦角为34.8°。加入稳定剂SR使固化体渗透系数增大,但随着PC掺量增加,渗透系数急剧降低。其中最优配比固化土体渗透系数相对未固化复合污染土体降低一个数量级至10-6cm·s-1,可有效增强土体的防渗阻隔能力,提高稳定化土壤的安全利用率。  相似文献   
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