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地势起伏度对三峡库区人口及经济发展水平的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在1[DK]∶10万三峡库区DEM的基础上,采用窗口分析等方法提取了地形起伏度,利用均值变点分析方法确定三峡库区地势起伏度的最佳统计单元是015 km2。首次绘制了基于最佳统计单元的三峡库区地势分布图,确定地形起伏度是影响三峡库区人口分布和经济发展的重要因素之一。在系统分析了三峡库区地形起伏度的分布规律基础上,选择城镇化率、农村居民恩格尔系数、经济密度、人口密度等指标,定量揭示地形起伏度对人口和经济发展的影响。结果显示三峡库区的地形总体以起伏山地为主。地形起伏度与人口密度、经济密度呈极显著的负相关,地势起伏度大的区域,人口密度较小,经济发展相对滞后,农村居民生活相对贫困。地势起伏度小的区域,人口密度较大,经济相对发达。这对认知山区人口和经济的空间格局,将三峡库区资源开发利用以及产业布局在适度的地势起伏度范围,对于有效进行三峡库区资源开发、促进区域经济效益最大化具有重要的参考价值  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to test two hypotheses: (1) that condition-dependent secondary sexual traits reflect an individual's immune capacity and (2) that immune capacity and secondary sexual traits covary with primary sex traits, specifically ejaculate quality. We used the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata as a study species, since the traits that females find attractive in males of this species, song rate and beak colour, are well established. A paired experimental design comprising 31 pairs of brothers was used; for each pair, one male was assigned to a control group provided with ad libitum food and no additional exercise, and the other male was assigned to an experimental group which experienced additional exercise and a reduced rate of food intake. After 11 weeks, the experimental group differed significantly from the control group in a range of variables, including body mass, haematocrit, granulocyte:lymphocyte (G:L) ratio and several primary sex traits, indicating that condition in this group was reduced. Birds in the experimental group showed a differential response to the treatment. We used the rank order in which birds could be captured by an experimenter as an index of condition. Birds easily caught were assumed to be in poorer condition than those which were more difficult to capture. Rank capture order was repeatable and was significantly correlated with the G:L ratio in the experimental group, but not in the control group. In the experimental group, rank capture order was correlated significantly with both secondary sex traits: birds in better condition had redder beaks and a higher song rate. However, beak colour and song rate did not covary significantly, suggesting that these two traits provide different types of information. Secondary sex traits did not covary with primary sex traits or any sperm features. Thus, there was no evidence for Trivers' sexual-competence hypothesis or the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis. We used four assays of immune capacity, two general (G:L ratio and spleen mass) and two specific [antibody titres to sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) and Brucella abortus (BA)]. The G:L ratio was significantly higher in the experimental group, spleen mass (absolute and relative) did not differ between the groups, anti-SRBC antibody titres were significantly higher in the control group (contrary to expectation), and anti-BA antibody titres were close to being significantly lower in the experimental group. Within the experimental group, there was no evidence that antibody titres covaried with secondary sex traits. Although we demonstrated that beak colour and song rate were condition dependent, our experiment provided no evidence that either of these traits covaried with immune capacity or sperm features. Received: 9 February 1998 / Accepted after revision: 5 September 1998  相似文献   
We investigated quantitatively the sensitivity of plant species response curves to sampling characteristics (number of plots, occurrence and frequency of species), along a simulated pH gradient. We defined 54 theoretical unimodal response curves, issued from combinations of six values for optimum (opt = 3, 4, …, 8), three values for tolerance (tol = 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5, sensu ter Braak and Looman [ter Braak, C.J.F., Looman, C.W.N., 1986. Weighted averaging, logistic regression and the Gaussian response model. Vegetatio 65, 3–11]), and three values for maximum probability of presence (pmax = 0.05, 0.20, and 0.50). For each of these 54 theoretical response curves, we built artificial binary data sets (presence/absence) to test the influence of species occurrence, frequency, or number of available plots. With real data extracted from EcoPlant, a phytoecological database for French forests [Gégout, J.-C., Coudun, Ch., Bailly, G., Jabiol, B., 2005. EcoPlant: a forest sites database linking floristic data with soil characteristics and climatic conditions. J. Veg. Sci. 16, 257–260], we compared the ecological response of 50 plant species to soil pH, based first on a small data set (100 randomly sampled plots), and then based on the whole data set available (3810 plots).  相似文献   
泰安台是“九五计划”全国第一个数字化改造台站,改造了水管仪,又增添了伸缩仪、数字水平摆、垂直摆三种仪器,数字化改造已运行了六年多。本文利用四套仪器数字与模拟资料从漂移量、潮幅因子、记录精度、年变曲线进行对比研究,得出数字仪器代替模拟仪器的可行性。  相似文献   
黄河变迁史上的第三次大改道导致黄河突发北徙,彻底改变了泛滥区城市的自然和人文环境,是开展复杂人地耦合系统研究的理想区域。利用水平横剖面法、数理统计与GIS手段相结合的方法,探索黄泛城市的数目、时空变化特征和适应性类型。结果表明:(1)黄河7个行河期的决溢泛滥,产生29座受灾城市;(2)受灾城市总体分布广泛,但又相对集中分布在黄河决口所形成的洪积扇顶部附近,地势低洼的冀中平原以及黄、御等河流交汇处;(3)黄泛城市主要呈现出避河患迁城、因河患省并、原址加固防御、直接湮废四种适应性类型,以避河患迁城型居多,占45%;(4)朝廷政策和城市规模是影响城市在黄河突发灾害下的空间分异和适应性举措的重要人文因素。黄泛区受灾城市具有重要的地方性保存和可持续发展演进模式。建议将其纳入“黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展”国家战略,作为讲好黄河故事的重要区域。  相似文献   
依据地形起伏度研究的理论和方法,充分运用地理信息系统软件的分析功能和制图技术,以1∶50000DEM数据为基础,利用0.01km2的动态格网以街道为评价单元进行空间信息的处理和分析,计算大连旅顺口区的地形起伏度,制成地形起伏度专题地图,划分相应起伏区,分析得出旅顺口区局部地区地形起伏度较大,起伏度指数以中低值为主,并测算出各街道实际用地情况,为本区域经济发展和城市建设提供参考,也为区域制定科学的发展规划提供依据.  相似文献   
运行中的GIS内置传感器因其不易拆装,很难对其可靠性及有效性进行校验。根据GIS的结构特点以及特高频信号在GIS内的传输特点,提出一种对内置式特高频传感器的有效性进行校验的方法。通过在相邻传感器注入特高频信号并对信号幅值进行检测,通过检测及计算结果来判断特高频传感器的有效性,经现场验证,该方法简单有效。  相似文献   
地形不仅通过制约人口和产业布局作用于污染物排放的空间分布,而且对PM2.5的形成、传输、累积、扩散和沉降有深刻影响,是PM2.5空间分布的重要影响因素,盆地地区表现尤为显著.本文基于栅格数据,利用均值变点法、回归分析、地理探测器和双变量空间自相关分析等方法,从自然和人为因素两方面选取指标,探讨汾渭平原PM2.5浓度分布的地形效应及影响机制.结果表明:①汾渭平原地形起伏度总体呈中部低、四周高分布,与海拔分布基本一致.②PM2.5分布格局与地形起伏度相反,总体呈中部高、四周低,且随地形起伏度的升高呈对数关系递减.③地理探测器分析结果显示,汾渭平原PM2.5分布格局主要由人口、GDP和能源消费等人为因素决定,气象和植被等自然因素对PM2.5分布也有一定的调节作用.④地形对人为和自然因素均有显著影响,随着地形起伏度的增加,人口、GDP和能源消费而呈幂函数关系递减,气温呈线性递减,降水量、相对湿度和风速呈线性递增,植被指数呈对数关系递增.  相似文献   
重庆地区1999~2008年雷电参数变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用重庆地区1999~2008年闪电定位系统监测资料,通过数理统计、回归分析、趋势分析等方法,重点分析重庆地区反映雷电活动规律的闪电频次、雷电流幅值、雷电日等雷电参数时空分布及其变化特征。结果表明:闪电发生在时间分布上存在明显季节性(54%~83%集中在夏季)和日变化特征(主要集中在两个区域:16〖DK〗∶00~18〖DK〗∶00、0〖DK〗∶00~2〖DK〗∶00);在空间分布上,雷电日和闪电频次都呈现出渝西地区较大(其次是渝中和渝东南部,最小的是渝东北部)。正闪雷电流强度明显大于负闪,且冬季各月正闪所占比例与平均雷电流强度均显著高于其它季节,在此基础上获得雷电流幅值频率的累积概率分布公式,为防雷减灾工作提供理论依据  相似文献   
用江苏盐城台与浙江杭州台组成台组 ,应用线性去倾及二次去倾的幅相法提取了临震标志指标 ,对上述两台站的 8年地磁Z分量日变资料进行分析 ,发现对江苏地区ML5 0以上地震有较好的映震关系且标准值L一直保持在一个固定值 ,其标志体系受人为干扰较小 ,异常的可信度较高 ,但虚报、漏报率有待进一步降低。  相似文献   
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