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以本地富硒土壤提取的胡敏素(humin,HM)、制备的赤铁矿(hematite,α-Fe2O3)和胡敏素-赤铁矿复合物(HM-α-Fe2O3)作为钝化剂,对富硒土壤中的镉(Cd)进行钝化研究。结果表明,有效态Cd浓度与pH呈显著负相关(r=−0.729)(0.01<P<0.05)。与空白对照组(CK)处理对比,添加3种不同水平用量的HM(H1~H3),α-Fe2O3(F1~F3)和HM-α-Fe2O3 [(F-H)1~(F-H)3]处理并培养60 d后,土壤中有效Cd浓度分别降低14.21%~22.96%、21.25%~37.55%和13.45%~27.75%;可交换态Cd的浓度分别降低17.77%~23.34%、33.93%~45.39%和18.56%~22.07%。比较不同钝化剂的钝化效果,发现单独钝化剂中最佳处理组为F2(20 d),有效态Cd浓度的降低幅度最大(37.55%),但施加量也最大,易导致土壤碱性化;HM钝化剂在5 d达到最佳效果(H2);HM-α-Fe2O3中最佳处理组为(F-H)3(60 d),有效态Cd浓度的降低量与钝化剂用量、钝化时间都呈极显著正相关(r=0.631,0.428)(P<0.01),说明其钝化效果与钝化剂用量、钝化时间呈现较好的线性增长关系,施用率低且效果明显。因此,HM适用于短期修复,而HM-α-Fe2O3适用于长期修复。HM与α-Fe2O3复合应用为充分利用土壤腐殖质和控制重金属流动性提供了新途径。  相似文献   
Consider the removal experiment used to estimate population sizes. Statistical methods towards testing the homogeneity of capture probabilities of animals, including a graphical diagnostic and a formal test, are presented and illustrated by real biological examples. Simulation is used to assess the test and compare it with the χ2 test.
Chang Xuan MaoEmail:
This study presents a special problem on vertical distribution for sediment and copper in hyper-concentrated turbulent solid-liquid system that is essentially different from the ordinary low-concentrated turbulent system. A resonance type turbulent simulation equipment is used for the experimental study in which a vertically uniform turbulent field of the mixture of loess and water is produced in a testing cylinder with a grille stirrer that moves up and down harmoniously with varying vibration frequencies, in order to compare the variations of the vertical profiles of sediment and copper in low- and hyper-concentratod solid-liquid system, different scenarios for input sediment content ranging from 5 to 800 kg/m^3 was considered in the experimental studies. It was found that solids copper content increases with input sediment content, So, and reaches its peak as So goes to 10 kg/m^3 and then decreases rapidly with increasing input sediment content. Such a behavior is possibly resulted from the joint effect of the specific adsorption of copper on loess, precipitation of carbonate and hydroxide of copper due to high carbonate content in the loess and the so-called "particulate concentration effect" due to the present of the sediment variation in water. The vertical sediment concentration distribution resulted from the uniform turbulence is generally uniform, but slight non-uniformity does occur as sediment concentration exceeds certain value. However, the vertical concentration distributions of soluble copper seem not to be affected much by the variation of sediment concentrations.  相似文献   
To reveal the effects of particle characteristics, including particle thermal characteristics and size distributions, on flame propagation mechanisms during dust explosions clearly, the flame structures of dust clouds formed by different materials and particle size distributions were recorded using an approach combining high-speed photography and a band-pass filter. Two obviously different flame propagation mechanisms were observed in the experiments: kinetics-controlled regime and devolatilization-controlled regime. Kinetics-controlled regime was characterized by a regular shape and spatially continuous combustion zone structure, which was similar to the premixed gas explosions. On the contrary, devolatilization-controlled regime was characterized by a complicated structure that exhibited heterogeneous combustion characteristics, discrete blue luminous spots appeared surrounding the yellow luminous zone. It was also demonstrated experimentally that the flame propagation mechanisms transited from kinetics-controlled to devolatilization-controlled while decreasing the volatility of the materials or increasing the size of the particles. Damköhler number was defined as the ratio of the heating and devolatilization characteristic time to the combustion reaction characteristic time, to reflect the transition of flame propagation mechanisms in dust explosions. It was found that the kinetics-controlled regime and devolatilization-controlled regime can be categorized by whether Damköhler number was less than 1 or larger than 1.  相似文献   
大香格里拉地区植被空间分布的环境特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以植被种类丰富的大香格里拉地区为研究区,利用气象站点数据、数字高程数据(DEM)以及该地区植被分布图,通过最大熵模型(Maxent)和ArcGIS软件的空间分析功能,研究该地区典型植被空间分布的环境特征,分析了大香格里拉地区植被分布的气候特征和地形特征,量化了植被空间分布的气候范围,并根据二者的关系特征,得到了植被与气候因子关系模型。同时,界定了不同植被分布的海拔、坡度、坡向范围。发现大香格里拉地区影响不同植被空间分布的气候因子不同,影响草甸分布的是多年平均最低气温和多年7月平均气温,影响针叶林分布的是多年平均最低气温和多年平均日照时数,影响灌丛分布的较分散。同时不同植被的海拔分布界限和坡度不同,坡向对植被分布的影响不明显。研究结果可为该地区植被保护和管理,以及植被的气候变化响应提供基础参考。  相似文献   
采用气相色谱对厦门西港1号站和5号站柱状沉积物样中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)进行分离鉴定,结果显示,16种多环芳烃含量的垂直分布范围为158~337ng/g,半定量后的ΣPAHs分布为1.1~6.0μg/g。5号站(位于港湾内)较1号站(位于港口外围区)受PAHs沾污严重,但相比于世界上靠城市的近岸港口,污染则较轻微。厦门西港PAHs主要来源于油类污染及城市工业、生活污水的排放  相似文献   
珠江三角洲空气中多氯联苯污染的区域背景研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
选择肇庆市鼎湖山自然保护区作为珠江三角洲地区大气中多氯联苯(PCBs)污染评价的区域性环境背景.研究表明,背景区夏季空气中PCBs的平均浓度为216.94pg/m3,其中气态PCBs的浓度是183.42pg/m3,是颗粒态的5.47倍;PCBs总量的氯数分布以三氯和四氯取代的PCBs为主,两者的总贡献率为86.41%.冬季空气样品中PCBs的总浓度是176.43pg/m3,其中气相中的浓度为123.20pg/m3,仅是颗粒相中浓度的2.31倍.与夏季空气样品不同的是,冬季气相样品中二氯到四氯取代的PCBs浓度仅是颗粒相样品中的2.94倍,几乎是夏季的1/2.与国外研究相比,鼎湖山自然保护区空气中PCBs的浓度很高.  相似文献   
东北地区农业源一次颗粒物排放清单研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用自下而上的清单编制方法,搜集各农业环节(秸秆燃烧、整地、收割、谷物处理、化肥施用、农机排放、风蚀)排放因子、作物面积和耕作方式等信息,编制了2010年东北地区县级尺度的农业一次颗粒物(PM10和PM2.5)排放清单,并分析了农业源颗粒物排放的时空分布特征.结果表明:1)2010年东北地区农业源一次颗粒物PM10总排放量54.6万t,PM2.5总排放量35.6万t;2)东北地区农业源一次颗粒物PM10排放量最大的农业活动环节是秸秆燃烧,占农业源总排放量的比例为60%,秸秆燃烧排放PM2.5占PM2.5农业源排放量的87%,整地环节是一次颗粒物排放的第2大农业排放源,对农业源排放PM10和PM2.5总量的贡献率分别是27%和6%; 3)PM10和PM2.5的排放强度空间分布表明,东北地区农业源颗粒物排放区域集中在黑龙江省东北部和中部地区,吉林省中部和辽宁省中部地区; 4)PM10和PM2.5排放的时间变化特征显示,PM10农业源排放年变化曲线中,5月份和9、10月份是农业源排放一次颗粒物PM10较多的月份,PM2.5排放集中在9、10月份;5)本研究估算的污染物排放清单的不确定性为184.3%.未来的工作将侧重于典型农业区本土排放因子测定,从而有效减小排放清单的不确定性.  相似文献   
应用物种敏感性分布(Species Sensitivity Distribution,SSD)方法构建了邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(Diethylhexyl phthalate,DEHP)对淡水生物的SSD曲线。在此基础上,计算了DEHP对不同生物的5%危害浓度(HC5),分析比较DEHP对不同生物类别的毒性敏感性差异及其特征,并针对在不同污染物质量浓度下,评价了我国不同地区水体DEHP对不同生物类别的生态风险。结果表明,不同物种对DEHP污染物的耐受范围存在差异,从小到大依次为无脊椎动物〈脊椎动物〈藻类,这可能与各物种的组别多样性有关,耐受范围越大,表示随着质量浓度增加,风险增大的趋势较缓慢;DEHP对不同物种的HC5从小到大依次为藻类〈无脊椎动物〈脊椎动物。HC5越小,DEHP对该物种的生态风险越大,其中藻类对DEHP最敏感,其HC5为41.01μg·L-1,从总体上看,DEHP对淡水生物系统的HC5为4 521.46μg·L-1;不同质量浓度值得出的PAF值的大小,反映不同类别生物的损害程度。质量浓度在1 000μg·L-1以下,全部物种的PAF值几乎为0;当质量浓度达1 000μg·L-1时,藻类和无脊椎动物开始受到影响;当质量浓度达10 000μg·L-1时,61.85%和88.04%的藻类和无脊椎动物分别受到影响,全部物种有64.34%受到影响。我国不同地区河流湖库水体水生态风险评估表明其水生态风险极低,PAF接近于0。  相似文献   
As declines in biodiversity accelerate, there is an urgent imperative to ensure that every dollar spent on conservation counts toward species protection. Systematic conservation planning is a widely used approach to achieve this, but there is growing concern that it must better integrate the human social dimensions of conservation to be effective. Yet, fundamental insights about when social data are most critical to inform conservation planning decisions are lacking. To address this problem, we derived novel principles to guide strategic investment in social network information for systematic conservation planning. We considered the common conservation problem of identifying which social actors, in a social network, to engage with to incentivize conservation behavior that maximizes the number of species protected. We used simulations of social networks and species distributed across network nodes to identify the optimal state-dependent strategies and the value of social network information. We did this for a range of motif network structures and species distributions and applied the approach to a small-scale fishery in Kenya. The value of social network information depended strongly on both the distribution of species and social network structure. When species distributions were highly nested (i.e., when species-poor sites are subsets of species-rich sites), the value of social network information was almost always low. This suggests that information on how species are distributed across a network is critical for determining whether to invest in collecting social network data. In contrast, the value of social network information was greatest when social networks were highly centralized. Results for the small-scale fishery were consistent with the simulations. Our results suggest that strategic collection of social network data should be prioritized when species distributions are un-nested and when social networks are likely to be centralized.  相似文献   
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