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Lerch, R.N., E.J. Sadler, K.A. Sudduth, C. Baffaut, and N.R. Kitchen, 2010. Herbicide Transport in Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed: I. Long‐Term Research on Atrazine. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1‐15. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00503.x Abstract: Atrazine continues to be the herbicide of greatest concern relative to contamination of surface waters in the United States (U.S.). The objectives of this study were to analyze trends in atrazine concentration and load in Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed (GCEW) from 1992 to 2006, and to conduct a retrospective assessment of the potential aquatic ecosystem impacts caused by atrazine contamination. Located within the Central Claypan Region of northeastern Missouri, GCEW encompasses 72.5 km2 of predominantly agricultural land uses, with an average of 21% of the watershed in corn and sorghum. Flow‐weighted runoff and weekly base‐flow grab samples were collected at the outlet to GCEW and analyzed for atrazine. Cumulative frequency diagrams and linear regression analyses generally showed no significant time trends for atrazine concentration or load. Relative annual loads varied from 0.56 to 14% of the applied atrazine, with a median of 5.9%. A cumulative vulnerability index, which takes into account the interactions between herbicide application, surface runoff events, and atrazine dissipation kinetics, explained 63% of the variation in annual atrazine loads. Based on criteria established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, atrazine reached concentrations considered harmful to aquatic ecosystems in 10 of 15 years. Because of its vulnerability, atrazine registrants will be required to work with farmers in GCEW to implement practices that reduce atrazine transport.  相似文献   
玄武湖沉积物中重金属污染的潜在生物毒性风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用ICP-MS仪测定了玄武湖沉积物中Zn、Cd、Ni的含量,并应用沉积物质量基准法(SQGs)和地累积指数法(Igeo)对重金属的潜在生物毒性进行分析。结果表明:玄武湖沉积物中Zn、Cd和Ni的含量分别为7526~17911、517~898和4776~14728 mg/kg,分别是为南京土壤环境背景值的108~291、5170~8980和133~411倍,表明Zn的污染程度较轻,Cd和Ni的污染较重,且人为活动对重金属含量有重要影响。沉积物中重金属的分布具有明显的区域特征,Zn、Cd、Ni浓度的最大均值均出现于东南湖(SE L)的沉积物中。利用地累积指数法和生物数据库基准对玄武湖表层沉积物进行生物毒性风险评价得出的结论与此相似,潜在生物毒性风险的顺序依次为Cd>Ni>Zn。从采样点的布设来看,东南湖的潜在生物毒性风险最严重。  相似文献   
重金属对淡水生物生态风险的物种敏感性分布评估   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
蠡湖水体悬浮物的时空变化及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2012~2013年的现场调查资料和历史监测资料,分析了浅水湖泊蠡湖总悬浮物(TSS)的时空分布特征、组成、变化规律,并探讨了水体悬浮物的影响因素及其与氮、磷的关系.结果表明, ρ(TSS)的年内变化范围在1.00~78.00mg/L之间,平均值为17.35mg/L,空间上呈现东蠡湖大于西蠡湖,沿岸高于湖心区的分布趋势;季节变化表现为秋季>夏季>春季>冬季,且冬季显著低于其他季节;全湖水体中ρ(OSS)和ρ(ISS)所占ρ(TSS)的比例相当,分别为51.52%和48.48%,但组成比例空间差异较大,东蠡湖ρ(OSS)比例较大,而西蠡湖ρ(ISS)的比例较大.线性拟合表明, ρ(TSS)与ρ(PN)、ρ(TN)、ρ(PP)、ρ(TP)均具呈显著正相关(P<0.01).浮游藻类增殖、水生植物的残体以及底泥的再悬浮是影响水体ρ(TSS)的主要因素.  相似文献   
The most important constituents of traffic exhaust are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, polycyclic hydrocarbons and lead. Satisfactory analytical methods are available for measuring these compounds, but the required expenditure in their application to air pollution studies is quite different. Due to correlations between the concentrations of several exhaust components in road air conclusions regarding the expected level of some substances can be drawn by measurement of another emitted compound. But the selection of indicator compounds must be made under the aspect of the source‐specific relationship of emitted substances. The temporal and spatial distribution of air pollutants in street air is affected by traffic emissions more than by meteorological conditions. “Fingerprints”; of typical organic gaseous components of traffic exhaust also were found in residential areas.  相似文献   
按时间(季节)差异将重庆市绵雨划分为:春绵雨、初夏绵雨、盛夏绵雨、秋绵雨和冬绵雨5种。提出了重庆市绵雨的单站指标、区域指标和分区指标,进而全面分析了各季节绵雨的发生情况,揭示了重庆绵雨的时空分布规律。从季节来看,以秋绵雨最为突出,发生频率达77.9%,初夏次之,为59.6%,其它季节在30%左右;重绵雨和严重绵雨主要发生在秋季和初夏;其区域分布特征是,春季以东南部较多,盛夏分布差异相对较小,初夏、秋季和冬季都是西部和东南部多,东北部少。分别划分了各季节绵雨的分布类型变化趋势。  相似文献   
湖南省水旱灾害及其时空分布   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用公元2世纪以来的水旱的灾害资料,分析了湖南省水旱灾害的成因及其时空分布,并重点研究了1980年以来的演变趋势,从领导,生态宣传,绿色工程,人口控制和水利投入五个方面提出防治对策。  相似文献   
2000—2010年深圳湾及其邻近海域溶解无机氮的时空分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据2000—2010年每月一次的调查资料,简要描述和讨论了深圳湾及邻近水域中溶解无机氮(DIN)质量浓度的时空分布,并结合现场盐度(S)、氨氮(NH3-N)、亚硝酸盐氮(NO2-N)和硝酸盐氮(NO3-N)实测数据探讨DIN的组成和来源.结果表明,深圳湾和伶仃洋东部沿岸多年平均DIN质量浓度分别为(2.445±1.841) mg·L-1和(0.517±0.366) mg·L-1.在深圳湾,DIN质量浓度的年内变化特征为丰水期较低,枯水期较高.在伶仃洋东部沿岸,DIN质量浓度的年内变化呈明显的年周期循环特征,夏季达到最高而冬季最低.11 a研究期间,伶仃洋东部沿岸DIN质量浓度略呈上升趋势;深圳湾DIN质量浓度在2000—2004年呈上升趋势,2005—2010年则呈下降趋势.各形态DIN质量分数的大小顺序从深圳湾内的NH3-N>NO3-N>NO2-N转变至湾外的 NO3-N>NH3-N>NO2-N.DIN 与 S 之间存在着显著的负相关,依二元混合质量平衡模式估算的伶仃洋东部沿岸 DIN的陆源质量分数约为77.9%,而深圳湾的都>92%.  相似文献   
Lerch, R.N., E.J. Sadler, C. Baffaut, N.R. Kitchen, and K.A. Sudduth, 2010. Herbicide Transport in Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed: II. Long‐Term Research on Acetochlor, Alachlor, Metolachlor, and Metribuzin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1‐15. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00504.x Abstract: Farmers in the Midwestern United States continue to be reliant on soil‐applied herbicides for weed control in crop production, and herbicide contamination of streams remains an environmental problem. The main objective of this study was to analyze trends in concentration and load of acetochlor, alachlor, metolachlor, and metribuzin in Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed (GCEW) from 1992 to 2006. A secondary objective was to document the effects of best management practices (BMPs) implemented within GCEW on herbicide transport trends. Median relative herbicide loads, as a percent of applied, were 3.7% for metolachlor, 1.3% for metribuzin, 0.36% for acetochlor, and 0.18% for alachlor. The major decrease in alachlor use and increase in acetochlor use caused shifts in flow‐weighted concentrations that were observed over the entire concentration range. The smaller decrease in metolachlor use led to a consistent decreasing time trend only for the upper end of the concentration distribution. Metribuzin also showed moderate decreases in concentration with time since 1998. Annual loads were generally correlated to second quarter discharge. Despite extensive education efforts in the watershed, conservation BMPs within GCEW were mainly implemented to control erosion, and therefore had no discernable impact on reducing herbicide transport. Overall, changes in herbicide use and second quarter discharge had the greatest effect on trends in flow‐weighted concentration and annual load.  相似文献   
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