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防火线的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述了植物防火线采用的植物,建立和维护方法,并对生土带的建立和维护方法作了概述。最后,提出了与防火建设结合的 其他措施,如营造针阔混交林,林内放牧等。  相似文献   
保留带与造林带水土和养分再分配效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保留带( 保留现有灌丛的带状区域)与造林带( 砍掉现有灌丛用于栽植林木的带状区域) 沿等高线交替配置的生态技术在四川西部逐渐被推广应用,本文定量分析了该技术中保留带与造林带的水土和养分再分配效应.结果表明:①坡度和雨量级是影响保留带与造林带水土流失的重要因子,其越大则水土流失量越大.②保留带净存储水61 464 ~125 179tkm -2a-1 ,拦截土壤2 136 ~2 817tkm -2a-1 .③保留带表土层的养分比造林带的提高了14.68% ~74.89% ,造林带表土层的养分比对照提高了3 .31% ~114.16% .④保留带和造林带内从上至下的表土层养分有逐渐富积的趋势,且保留带与造林带相邻处的养分变化速率最大.⑤保留带通过地表径流的养分流动净积累了575 .59 ~1 690 .66 kg km -2a-1有效N;而对P、K 而言,保留带是否能通过地表径流来净积累养分则主要取决于坡度,坡度越大,越有利于保留带通过地表径流来净积累有效P、K.  相似文献   
武汉城市群城镇用地空间扩展时空特征分析   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15  
基于Landsat影像数据,利用遥感和GIS技术获取了武汉城市群地区3个阶段(1980—1990、 1990—2000、 2000—2010年) 的城镇用地信息,采用城镇扩展指数和城镇扩展模型分析了城镇用地扩展的时空格局、 过程及其驱动力。结果表明:①武汉城市群城镇用地空间迅速扩张,三个时段内的城镇扩展强度指数依次为0.073 2、 0.028 9和0.099 3,呈现显著的阶段性与波动性特征;②城镇用地扩展格局具有明显的空间集中性,主要表现为以武汉为扩展中心的圈层状形态,沿武汉三环、 京广线等交通干道的轴带分布形态,不同阶段的扩展格局各具特质;③城镇用地扩展呈现"一核四带"、 "一核一带"和"三核六带"的空间扩展轨迹,与经济发展的阶段性具有明显的耦合关系;④经济体制改革、 国家非均衡发展战略、 "两型"社会建设以及长江黄金水道、 京广大动脉等交通干道建设是武汉城市群地区城镇用地变化的主要驱动因素,但各时期的主导驱动机制有所差别。  相似文献   
喀喇昆仑山—西昆仑山地区属于青藏高原西北部寒冷干旱的荒漠、半荒漠地带,是连结高山荒漠和山地荒漠的关键区域。根据垂直自然带谱的基带及各分带的组合配置形式,可区分出干旱、极干旱、高寒干旱及高寒半干旱四种结构类型组。垂直自然带的区域变化明显,喀喇昆仑山与西昆仑山育显著不同,不仅南北翼有别,东西方向的递变也很突出,反映出大尺度的地域分异规律。全新世以来,干旱化的趋势十分明显,人类活动引起的环境问题突出,建议对雪岭云杉和昆仑圆柏等采取保护措施,并在羌塘高原腹地建立高原自然景观及野生动植物自然保护区。  相似文献   
Local studies show upslope shifts in the distribution of tropical birds in response to warming temperatures. Unanswered is whether these upward shifts occur regionally across many species. We considered a nearly 2000-km length of the Northern Andes, where deforestation, temperature, and extreme weather events have increased during the past decades. Range-restricted bird species are particularly vulnerable to such events and occur in exceptionally high numbers in this region. Using abundant crowd-sourced data from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology database, eBird, and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, we documented distributions of nearly 200 such species. We examined whether species shifted their elevational ranges over time by comparing observed versus expected occurrences below a low elevational threshold and above a high elevational threshold for 2 periods: before and after 2005. We predicted fewer observations at lower elevations (those below the threshold) and more at upper elevations (those above the threshold) after 2005. We also tested for deforestation effects at lower elevations within each species’ distribution ranges. We compared relative forest loss with the differences between observed and expected occurrences across the elevational range. Species’ retreats from lower elevations were ubiquitous and involved a 23–40% decline in prevalence at the lowest elevations. Increases at higher elevations were not consistent. The retreats occurred across a broad spectrum of species, from predominantly lowland to predominantly highland. Because deforestation showed no relationship with species retreats, we contend that a warming climate is the most parsimonious explanation for such shifts.  相似文献   
沱江源森林群落生物多样性垂直格局研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在野外样带调查的基础上,分析了沱江源头九顶山植被生物多样性随海拔而变化的规律,并简要分析了植被生物多样性垂直格局的影响因子。从河谷到林线,乔木占据群落上层,其郁闭度对林下灌草层群落发育影响很大,生物多样性体现出乔木层与灌草层的相互关系:乔木盖度大的群落其灌木和草本层稀疏,而盖度小的次生林和林线上的高海拔区域灌木和草本种类与个体都迅速增加。多样性指数Hill指数及N1、N2指数变化规律基本相似:林线以下乔木层多样性指数最高,灌木层次之,草本层多样性指数最小,尤其在中度海拔体现明显,海拔3 500 m以上,草本多样性指数最高,灌木次之,而乔木已退出竞争。  相似文献   
山地垂直带谱研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙建  程根伟 《生态环境》2014,(9):1544-1550
山地垂直带谱研究是地学地域分异规律研究的重要内容之一,垂直带谱受土壤、气候和生物条件的影响,呈现不同的分布特征.在气候变化的影响下,垂直带谱也发生着剧烈的变化,并对气候变化起指示作用.本文通过梳理山地垂直带谱研究的主要历程,就山地垂直带谱的成因和格局以及研究方法的革新进行了探讨,并对我国的山地垂直带谱研究以及落基山脉和阿尔卑斯山脉等其他地域的研究状况进行综合论述.分析认为利用现有的观测数据,如气象、生物、土壤和地形等方面资料,研究山地垂直带谱的演替过程以及格局变化,关注未来气候变化情景下垂直带谱对于生态安全和环境保护显得尤为重要.同时,多学科的介入和交叉知识的融合对山地垂直带谱研究有着重要的意义,如研究带谱的形成,需要对地质构造、气象成因、植物生理、土壤生态等各方面的知识,在大尺度的研究中,遥感技术以及计算机信息工程要纳入其中.目前山地垂直带谱的理论基础也无法满足科学研究的需求,理论化研究需要进一步推进.综述期望为我国山地科学研究、综合地域分异、地理区划和环境变化研究提供-定的参考.  相似文献   
A telephone survey was conducted in four countries in November 1998 to compare drivers in the United States with those in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom regarding their attitudes toward seat belts and belt use laws. More than 90 percent of the 2251 respondents said they thought seat belts are effective, but self-reported belt use was significantly lower in the United States than in the other countries. Respondents in Australia and the United Kingdom had similar views about what they thought were important reasons for using seat belts and had the highest self-reported use. Reasons given for using belts by Canadian and US respondents were quite similar to one another, yet US respondents had significantly lower self-reported use rates, a difference thought to be due to vigorous enforcement of the law in Canada. US drivers were less likely than Australian and UK drivers to say they used belts out of habit, to avoid a ticket, or because it is required by law and more likely to say they used belts for situational reasons. US drivers were least likely to be in favor of belt use laws. Canadian drivers reported the most experience being checked by police for belt use and were most likely to think that nonusers would be caught. US drivers in primary enforcement jurisdictions were more likely than those in secondary jurisdictions to think that drivers not using belts would be caught and more likely to say they always used belts. Results of this survey indicate that seat belt use in the United States could be increased by adoption of primary enforcement laws and highly visible enforcement programs of the type used in Canada, and that seat belt use could be increased in all countries by increasing the penalties for nonuse.  相似文献   
按地震在空间上的相似活动过程排列的华北与闽粤沿海及银川地震区 (带 )地震活动周期表 ,以华北地震活动为主线 ,将公元前 2 80年咸阳 5 级地震至 1 988年 2月 2 5日彰武 4 8级地震间 2 2 6 7年的华北地震活动划分为 4个时间层次。其组合关系是 ,一个超长地震周期由初、前、主、余震期 4个地震期组成 ;除前震期只有一个地震周期外 ,初、主、余震期都包含前弱后强两个地震周期 ;每个地震周期多分为初、前、主、余震段 4个地震段。闽粤沿海地震区和银川地震带的主震段分别与华北初、余震段同期活动。地震周期是介于前人划分的地震幕与地震活动期之间一个新的更为重要的时间层次。华北 7个地震周期的起止时间是 :-2 80 .5 0~ 8.2 2~ 880 .1 2~ 1 337.6 9~ 1 5 6 8.37~ 1 730 .75~ 1 85 5 .95~ 1 988.1 5年。并从时空强 3方面阐述了华北地震周期性活动规律 ,分析了 3个地震区、带地震周期的相互关系。华北地震周期可作为标准地震周期与不同地区地震周期相对比 ,具有重要的预报意义  相似文献   
Specific features in the distribution of plant species differing in their attitude toward thermal conditions have been studied in communities of the present-day timberline ecotone on Mount Iremel’ in the Southern Urals. It has been shown that the distribution of such species is characterized by significant spatial nonuniformity. Elevation above sea level, local conditions in habitats located at the same altitudinal level, and specific features of mountain slopes account for 13–84, 5–30, and 0.4–14% of the total variance of test parameters, respectively. The abundance of plants changes nonlinearly along the altitudinal gradient, whereas changes in the species diversity of different plant groups have an almost linear pattern. Marked differences between plant communities with respect to the proportions of species differently responding to changes in thermal conditions have been revealed on all slopes in the upper part of the timberline ecotone, upon transition from the slopes proper to the plateau-like areas of intermontane depressions.  相似文献   
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