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九龙江流域潜在病原菌污染分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
侯丽媛  胡安谊  马英  于昌平 《环境科学》2014,35(5):1742-1749
近年来,由于流域经济快速发展和城镇化进程加快等原因,九龙江水污染问题日趋严重.为全面认识九龙江流域病原菌的分布状况,应用16S rRNA基因-454焦磷酸测序技术测定九龙江支流西溪、北溪水体和沉积物中细菌16S rRNA基因V1~V3高变区,共获得204 216条高质量序列.通过与病原菌参考数据库对比分析发现,九龙江分布有68个潜在病原菌属,占序列总量的6.1%.其中梭菌属(Clostridium)、分支杆菌属(Mycobacterium)和鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)在所有样品中都有检出,且丰度最高,分别占病原菌属序列总量的54.5%、5.9%和5.6%.在种水平上,九龙江分布有48种病原菌,占序列总量的0.76%.其中Afipia felis、Mycobacterium asiaticum、Clostridium baratii、Brucella melitensis和Delftia tsuruhatensis是丰度最高的5种病原菌,分别占病原菌种序列总量的48.9%、20.3%、8%、2.7%和1.7%.统计分析表明,九龙江水体中分布的病原菌种类数(属或种)显著高于沉积物中,且西溪水体检出的病原菌种类(属或种)和丰度最高,说明九龙江水体,尤其是西溪水体受病原菌污染的风险较高.此外,相关分析表明,九龙江水体中病原菌的种类数(属或种)和丰度与营养盐(氮、磷)有着显著的正相关关系,说明九龙江水体中分布的病原菌与沿岸的人类活动,如养殖业、污水排放等密切相关.因此,为保证流域的公共卫生安全,需进一步加强污染源清理整顿工作,开展水环境病原菌的实时监测.  相似文献   
郭琳  桑楠 《环境科学学报》2015,35(1):311-316
为了探讨不同季节可吸入颗粒物(PM10)对神经元的损伤效应,本研究通过建立小鼠大脑皮层原代神经元体外染毒模型,考察了不同季节PM10对炎性因子诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)、环氧化酶-2(COX-2)和黏附分子(ICAM-1)表达水平的影响,并探讨了与之耦联的磷酸化Ca2+/钙调蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶Ⅱα(p-Ca MKⅡα)、环磷腺苷效应元件结合蛋白(p-CREB)及即早基因(c-jun、c-fos)的表达情况.结果表明,PM10暴露刺激神经元炎性细胞因子释放增加,显著上调p-Ca MKⅡα和p-CREB的水平,并刺激即早基因的高表达,且以冬季PM10的效应最为明显.由此提示,PM10暴露可能通过炎症反应机制激活Ca2+-Ca MK-CREB通路,进而刺激即早基因表达引发神经毒性作用,而冬季PM10中多环芳烃类物质负荷可能是造成效应季节性差异的主要原因.  相似文献   
植物滞尘分析及其数学表达模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在植被的树冠结构分析、植物滞尘机理和粉尘沉降速度半经验公式的基础上,建立了植物滞留大气颗粒物的数学表达式。利用Beta功能函数φθ(X)、叶面的投影面积、叶面积密度a(z)、叶投影面积分布参数Kx、Kz等描述不同植被冠层的结构特征,并分析了冠层内的空气动力变化和树冠内气溶胶的平衡公式。借鉴Slinn的颗粒物沉降半经验公式、Petroffa等的阔叶滞尘计算模式,植物滞尘沉降通量数学表达式以树冠中树叶的位置为变量、由颗粒物在单片树叶上的各物理机制的沉降速度积分而成。结合国内外植物上沉降速度的试验结果和植物滞尘沉降通量公式的分析结果对影响植物滞尘的主要因素进行了比较分析。  相似文献   
The protective effect of Spirulina platensis (SP) powder against aluminium-induced nephrotoxicity and DNA damage in rats was studied. Male rats receiving daily 40 mg/kg b.wt. aluminium chloride (AlCl3) orally had increased serum levels of urea and creatinine, up regulated kidney injury molecule-1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 genes, down regulated catalase and glutathione peroxidase genes, and increased all parameters of kidney DNA damage using comet assay. Treatment with SP alleviated all AlCl3-induced effects of toxicity, especially when the animals were pre-treated.  相似文献   
随着转基因作物的大规模商业化种植,转基因作物的花粉漂移所引起的生物安全问题倍受关注.以抗小麦黄花叶病毒(WYMV)转基因冬小麦品种N12-1为花粉供体材料,连续2 a在江苏省徐州市转基因作物环境安全实验基地进行可控的农田试验.为了研究风向对转基因小麦花粉漂移的影响,采用同心圆设计,在花粉供体周围8个方向不同距离处检测小麦花粉密度,结果显示8个方向上转基因小麦花粉密度均随与花粉源距离的增加而显著下降,但不同方向小麦花粉密度的衰减速率有显著差异,下风向转基因小麦花粉密度的衰减速率相对较慢.同时,为了研究花粉源大小对转基因小麦花粉漂移的影响,平行设置2块不同面积(100和400 m2)的花粉源,在其下风向检测小麦花粉密度,结果显示花粉源面积增大可以在一定范围内减缓转基因小麦花粉密度的衰减速率.研究结果表明,风向、风速和距离是影响转基因小麦花粉漂移的主要因素.  相似文献   
抗生素环境污染是影响抗生素抗性基因传播和扩散的主要因素,然而关于抗生素耐药菌在抗生素暴露下抗性基因的表达机制研究甚少。本研究利用RT-PCR方法检测了土壤中优势耐药菌菌株炭疽芽孢杆菌(Bacillus anthracis SYN201,G+)和弗氏志贺菌菌株(Shigella flexneri NJJN802,G-)在含有不同浓度磺胺类药物的培养基中生长不同时间后抗性基因(sul 1、sul 2、sul 3)的表达变化。结果发现:无论培养基中是否存在磺胺类药物,菌株SYN201和NJJN802中的3种磺胺类抗性基因均分别在培养的第72小时或36小时出现一个明显的表达峰,而在其他培养时间下不表达或表达量处于相对极低的水平;磺胺嘧啶的存在有助于提高菌株在此特征表达时间下抗性基因的表达水平,与未加磺胺嘧啶组相比,暴露于磺胺嘧啶(60μg·m L~(-1))组的sul 1、sul 2和sul 3在菌株SYN201中的相对表达量分别提高了2.5、4.8和3.2倍,而在菌株NJJN802中的相对表达量分别提高了3.7、6.0和5.0倍。通过将耐药菌暴露于不同磺胺嘧啶浓度下考察sul基因相对表达情况,研究发现随着培养基中磺胺嘧啶浓度的升高(0~1 024μg·m L~(-1)),菌株SYN201和NJJN802中sul基因的表达量整体上呈现出明显的上升趋势。本研究对揭示磺胺耐药菌的抗性表达规律及抗生素暴露对其抗性表达发挥的作用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
T3-induced Xenopus metamorphosis is an ideal model for detecting thyroid hormone(TH)signaling disruption of chemicals. To optimize the T3-induced Xenopus assay and improve its sensitivity and reproducibility, we intend to develop quantitatively morphological endpoints and choose appropriate concentrations and exposure durations for T3 induction.Xenopus laevis at stage 52 were exposed to series of concentrations of T3(0.31–2.5 nmol/L)for 6 days. By comparing morphological changes induced by T3, we propose head area,mouth width, unilateral brain width/brain length, and hindlimb length/snout-vent length as quantitative parameters for characterizing T3-induced morphological changes, with body weight as a parameter for indicating integrated changes. By analyzing time-response curves, we found that following 4-day exposure, T3-induced grossly morphological changes displayed linear concentration–response curves, with moderate morphological changes resulting from 1.25 nmol/L T3 exposure. When using grossly morphological endpoints to detect TH signaling disruption, we propose 4 days as exposure duration of T3, with concentrations close to 1.25 nmol/L as induction concentrations. However, it is appropriate to examine morphological and molecular changes of the intestine on day 2 due to their early response to T3. The quantitative endpoints and T3 induction concentrations and durations we determined would improve the sensitivity and the reproducibility of the T3-induced Xenopus metamorphosis assay.  相似文献   
Achondroplasia is the most common form of short-limbed dwarfism in humans and is caused by mutations in the FGFR3 gene. Currently, prenatal diagnosis of this disorder relies on invasive procedures. Recent studies have shown that fetal single gene point mutations could be detected in cell-free DNA (cf-DNA) from maternal plasma by either the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) assay with single allele base extension reaction (SABER) approach or the size fractionation of cf-DNA in maternal plasma. Here, we combined the two approaches to non-invasively examine the fetal G1138A mutation in maternal plasma. cf-DNA was extracted from maternal plasma samples obtained from two pregnant women at risk for achondroplasia. The fetal G1138A mutation was determined by the analysis of size-fractionated cf-DNA in maternal plasma using MALDI-TOF MS with SABER approach and homogenous MassEXTEND (hME) assay, respectively. The fetal G1138A mutation was detectable in the two achondroplasia-affected pregnancies by the analysis of cf-DNA in maternal plasma using MALDI-TOF MS. However, the size-fractionation approach led to a more precise detection of the fetal mutation in both analyses. This analysis would be suitable for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of diseases caused by fetal single gene point mutations. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Free sialic acid storage disorders, Salla disease (SD) and Infantile sialic acid storage disease (ISSD), are lysosomal storage diseases due to impaired function of a sialic acid transporter, sialin, at the lysosomal membrane. Several mutations of the sialin gene, SLC17A5, are known, leading either to the severe neonatal/infantile disease or to the milder, adult-type developmental disorder, Salla disease. Free sialic acid accumulation in lysosomes causes increased tissue concentration and consequently elevated urinary excretion. Prenatal diagnosis of SASD is possible either by determination of free sialic acid concentration or by mutation analysis of the SLC17A5 gene in fetal specimen, in chorionic villus biopsy particularly. Both techniques have been successfully applied in several cases, sialic acid assay more often in ISSD cases but mutation analysis preferentially in SD. Sialic acid assay of amniotic fluid supernatant or cultured amniotic fluid cells may give erroneous results and should not be used for prenatal diagnosis of these disorders. The present comments are mainly based on our experience of prenatal diagnosis of SD in Finnish families. A founder mutation in SLC17A5 gene, 115C-> T, represents 95% of the disease alleles in the Finnish SD patients, which provides a unique possibility to apply mutation analysis. Therefore, molecular studies have successfully been used in 17 families since the identification of the gene and the characterization of the SD mutations. Earlier, eight prenatal studies were performed by measuring the free sialic acid concentration in chorionic villus samples. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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