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为增加有效降水,降低干旱和雾霾等环境污染的影响,保护生态环境安全,研制了以提高开发空中水资源能力为主要目的、基于GIS技术的人工增雨作业决策指挥系统,依托新一代多普勒天气雷达、Micaps数据资料和自动站数据库,应用Microsoft C#语言开发了增雨作业预警和指挥功能、指挥信息和作业信息收集互传功能、增雨效果评估功能、常规业务管理功能,构建了功能较为完善的业务系统。  相似文献   
Watershed managers often use physical geomorphic and habitat assessments in making decisions about the biological integrity of a stream, and to reduce the cost and time for identifying stream stressors and developing mitigation strategies. Such analysis is difficult since the complex linkages between reach‐scale geomorphic and habitat conditions, and biological integrity are not fully understood. We evaluate the effectiveness of a generalized regression neural network (GRNN) to predict biological integrity using physical (i.e., geomorphic and habitat) stream‐reach assessment data. The method is first tested using geomorphic assessments to predict habitat condition for 1,292 stream reaches from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. The GRNN methodology outperforms linear regression (69% vs. 40% classified correctly) and improves slightly (70% correct) with additional data on channel evolution. Analysis of a subset of the reaches where physical assessments are used to predict biological integrity shows no significant linear correlation, however the GRNN predicted 48% of the fish health data and 23% of macroinvertebrate health. Although the GRNN is superior to linear regression, these results show linking physical and biological health remains challenging. Reasons for lack of agreement, including spatial and temporal scale differences, are discussed. We show the GRNN to be a data‐driven tool that can assist watershed managers with large quantities of complex, nonlinear data.  相似文献   
为了解决青藏铁路运营过程中,由于多年冻土地基的升温退化,部分多年冻土区桥梁桩基础承载性能下降,产生有害沉降变形,进而造成桥梁上部结构移位破坏,甚至部分桥梁桩基础在短时间内产生较大的沉降变形这一严重问题。基于当前多年冻土区桥梁桩基础沉降病害快速抢修技术空缺,提出人工冻结技术处置多年冻土区桥梁桩基础沉降病害的新设想,利用数值软件建立冻结管-桩基础三维模型分析该技术的可行性与调控效果,分析冻结参数、场地冻土条件等对冻结效果的影响。研究结果表明:人工冻结法可以快速降低桩周多年冻土温度;同时,冻结96 h可以对桩基地温场起到较好的冷却效果;冻结管至桩的距离对冻结效果的影响最为显著,冻土的含冰量越大,则降温速率越慢。  相似文献   
红三叶牧草作为一个优良牧草品种,在川东高海拔山区表现尤为突出。本文就红三叶、红三叶─鸭茅和红三叶─黑麦草三个人工群落进行了比较系统的生物量观测,比较了三个群落的总生物量、地上生物量、地下生物量特点,分析了各群落生物量在不同部位的分配情况,垂直空间上的配置,以及各器官在垂直空间上的配置和各个群落的茎、叶、花、立枯在垂直空间上所构成的分布带谱,通过以上分析发现,红三叶─黑麦草群落的总生物量最高,为46.47kg/ha,其中地上部分为24.57kg/ha,而红三叶─鸭茅群落的地下部分最为发达,地下生物量达24.74kg/ha。根据群落生产结构,发现以红三叶为主的人工群落,其生产结构为不规则塔型分布,在离地面20─40cm处,生物量有一个高峰,并且红三叶─黑麦草群落的地上、地下生物量在垂直空间上分布较为均匀,其生产结构较为合理。通过各器官垂直空间分布分析,发现茎主要分布在40cm以下,叶量最大是在40cm左右,生殖器官最大量在50cm附近,并且根据群落的茎:叶:花(穗):立枯垂直分布带谱可以发现,各个器官在不同层次中所处的地位,而且根据此带谱可以掌握草地的刈割时间和刈割高度。  相似文献   
The weekly water quality monitor data of Liuhai lakes between April 2003 and November 2004 in Beijing City were used as an example to build an artificial neural networks (ANN) model and a multi-varieties regression model respectively for predicting the fresh water algae bloom. The different predicted abilities of the two methods in Liuhai lakes were compared. A principle analysis method was first used to select the input variables of the models to avoid the phenomenon of collinearity in the data. The results showed that the input variables for the artificial neural networks were T, TP, transparency(SD), DO, chlorophyll-a (Chl-a),pH and the output variable was Chl-a. A three layer Levenberg-Marguardt feed forward leaming algorithm in ANN was used to model the eutrophication process of Liuhai lakes. 20 nodes in hidden layer and 1 node of output for the ANN model had been optimized by trial and error method. A sensitivity analysis of the input variables was performed to evaluate their relative significance in determining the predicted values. The correlation coefficient between predicted value and observed value in all data and in test data were 0.717 and 0.816 respectively in the artificial neural networks. The stepwise regression method was used to simulate the linear relation between Chl-a and temperature, of which the correlation coefficient was 0.213. By comparing the results of the two models, it was found that neural network models were able to simulate non-linear behavior in the water eutrophication process of Liuhai lakes reasonably and could successfully estimate some extreme values from calibration and test data sets.  相似文献   
An integrated biomonitoring program for marine and coastal ecosystems quality assessment combines the chemical characterization of a site with the evaluation of the possible structure alterations of its living communities. This can be considered an useful tool for better identifying the summarized effects of all the components interacting with the biota. Such an integrated procedure was carried out for the assessment of the quality of the Lesina Lagoon (Southern Adriatic Coast, Italy). The water parameters levels showed a high primary production (2-6 μg l-1); the sediment and pore water toxicity bioassays recorded a low or moderate diffused toxicity. Besides, the benthic meiofauna community structure was characterized by prevalent Nematoda taxa with a homogeneous spatial distribution. On these basis, the Lesina Lagoon seems to be characterized by a prevalent organic pollution mainly related to agricultural and zootechnical activities which, due to the lagoon's conformation, presents a homogeneous spatial distribution.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The application of no-take areas in fisheries remains controversial. Critics argue that many targeted species are too mobile to benefit from area protection and that no-take areas are only appropriate for resident species. The degree of protection does not depend on the size of the no-take area but rather on the time fish reside inside its boundaries during key life-history events (i.e., spawning) and during periods of peak fishing activity. We evaluated the potential of a small no-take marine protected area (MPA) inside a coastal embayment as a harvest refuge for a mobile, possibly migratory, long-lived fish species. We used acoustic telemetry to track movements of 30 transmitter-tagged white stumpnose (Rhabdosargus globiceps) across and on both sides of the boundary of a small (34 km2) no-take area over a full year. Being landlocked on 3 sides, the location of the MPA inside the lagoon made it practical to detect all boundary crossings and to calculate the time individual fish used the MPA. We detected frequent movements across the boundary, with strong seasonal and individual variations. There were significant differences in MPA use patterns between fish from different release areas. The time spent in the MPA by individual fish during summer (mean 50%; max 98%) was out of proportion with the size of that area (4% of total habitat). Summer coincided with peak recreational fishing activity and with the spawning season of this species. The small MPA provided a refuge for a part of the spawning stock of white stumpnose. Our findings suggest that if strategically placed, a small no-take area can be effective in protecting mobile species and that models of spillover from no-take areas should account for seasonal and individual variation in area use and the spatiotemporal distribution of fish and fishers.  相似文献   
为获得大跨度刚构桥在多维多点地震激励下的响应特征,基于功率谱模型合成了满足给定相关函数的多维多点人工地震波。采用有限元软件SAP2000分别在线性与非线性领域对某大跨度刚构桥进行计算分析,研究刚构桥在多维多点地震下的响应特点。结果表明,多点激励下刚构桥主梁的横向弯矩往往较一致激励下的大;考虑非线性特性后,刚构桥在三向地震作用下的响应并不等于单向地震响应的简单叠加,且刚构桥的墩顶比墩底部位更易形成塑性铰,建议在实际工程中重视刚构桥墩顶部位的延性设计。  相似文献   
为深度解析人工强制混合充氧过程中细菌群落的演替,以西安金盆水库为研究对象,对2018年8月~2019年4月水库主库区垂向细菌种群结构进行连续监测.结果表明,受人工强制混合充氧作用影响,水库水体中的优势菌群蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)的丰度由11.7%~19.2%降至6.3%~8.9%.其中,表层、中层和底层水体蓝细菌的丰度分别由18.3%、11.7%、19.2%降至8.9%、6.3%、7.9%.人工强制混合作用使垂向水体细菌的种群结构差异降低,样本之间的离散度逐渐减小,其中优势菌群放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria)在水体垂向的丰度分别由"中 > 底 > 表"和"表 > 底 > 中",逐渐变为表、中、底层趋于均一.人工强制充氧作用使底部水体溶解氧(DO)含量逐渐升高,好氧型细菌的丰度得到明显的增加,其中Polynucleobacter的丰度从0.06%增加到1.06%,甲基孢囊菌属(Methylocystis)的丰度由0.18%增至2.20%,甲基杆菌属(Methylobacter)的丰度由0.02%增加到1.96%.通过冗余分析可知,影响细菌群落组成的主要因素为水体热分层稳定性、水温、DO、总磷(TP)和总氮(TN).  相似文献   
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