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In addition to providing key ecological functions, large old trees are a part of a social realm and as such provide numerous social‐cultural benefits to people. However, their social and cultural values are often neglected when designing conservation policies and management guidelines. We believe that awareness of large old trees as a part of human identity and cultural heritage is essential when addressing the issue of their decline worldwide. Large old trees provide humans with aesthetic, symbolic, religious, and historic values, as well as concrete tangible benefits, such as leaves, branches, or nuts. In many cultures particularly large trees are treated with reverence. Also, contemporary popular culture utilizes the image of trees as sentient beings and builds on the ancient myths that attribute great powers to large trees. Although the social and cultural role of large old trees is usually not taken into account in conservation, accounting for human‐related values of these trees is an important part of conservation policy because it may strengthen conservation by highlighting the potential synergies in protecting ecological and social values. Incorporación del Significado Social y Cultural de Árboles Añejos a Políticas de Conservación  相似文献   
MFAM模型在河流水质污染模拟及预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张学成 《四川环境》1994,13(4):10-15
文中以时间序列分析为基础,介绍了均值生成函数这一崭新概念,并且经成份因子提取分析推导建立了模拟序列的数字模型(简记为MFAM),经对黄河下游花园口断面的1988-1989年实测水质污染指标溶解氧(DO),氨氧,化学耗氧量(COD),五日生化需氧量(BOD5)等序列模拟,结果表明MFAM模型能较好地模拟河流水质污染指标的变化趋势,拟合平均误差只有5.2-6.4%,MFAM模型应用于预测1990-1991年水质污染指标变化,结果表明预测精度达85%以上,文中最后得出结论:MFAM模型应用于河流污染模拟和预测,是完全可行且十分方便。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: By integrating literature from flood hazard research and urban economics a theoretical structure is developed to explain changes in residential land values following flood events. The negative aspects of the flood hazard are shown to be capitalized in the value of the property. It is further suggested that land values (i.e., capitalization) will vary both spatially across the floodplain and temporally depending on the frequency, severity and spatial characteristics of the flood event. Previous work in this area has not addressed the capitalization process explicitly and has not specifically examined the ability of the land market to recover. This may account for the contradictory findings in the published literature.  相似文献   
Methods for life cycle assessment of products (LCA) are most often based on the general prevention principle, as opposed to the risk minimization principle. Here, the desirability and feasibility of a combined approach are discussed, along with the conditions for elaboration in the framework of LCA methodology, and the consequences for LCA practice. A combined approach provides a separate assessment of above and below threshold pollution, offering the possibility to combat above threshold impacts with priority. Spatial differentiation in fate, exposure, and effect modelling is identified to play a central role in the implementation. The collection of region-specific data turns out to be the most elaborate requirement for the implementation in both methodology and practice. A methodological framework for the construction of characterization factors is provided. Along with spatial differentiation of existing parameters, two newly introduced spatial parameters play a key role: the sensitivity factor and the threshold factor. The practicability of the proposed procedure is illustrated by an example of its application. Providing a reasonable data availability, the development of separate LCA characterization factors for the respective assessment of pollution levels above and below environmental threshold values seems to be a feasible task that may add to LCA credibility.  相似文献   
介绍了智慧林业的概念、基本特征及形成背景、新观念,分析了数字林业、智慧林业与泛在林业的关系,阐述了中国及智慧林业发展战略,建议深入研究智慧林业定义、内涵、外延、特征、观点、问题及对策,以便形成一门崭新的科学——智慧林业科学.  相似文献   
2016年,中国国务院印发《土壤污染防治行动计划》(简称《土十条》),明确提出对农用地土壤实施分类管理,按照污染程度划分为优先保护类、安全利用类和严格管控类;对建设用地要防范新增污染,针对疑似污染地块,开展土壤环境状况调查评估,保障地块安全再利用;以影响农产品质量和人居环境安全的突出环境问题为重点,制定土壤污染治理与修复规划,组织开展治理与修复。实施严格的土壤环境质量保护、污染土壤的风险管控、高风险污染土壤的治理与修复是落实《土十条》的重要任务,也是建设我国土壤环境监管制度的重要内容。土壤环境标准是实施土壤环境管理的重要依据。本文基于《土十条》重要任务以及当前及今后一段时期国家土壤环境管理需求,以土壤环境管理需求为导向,探讨提出了包括土壤环境质量保护标准值、土壤环境风险管控标准值、污染土壤修复标准值的土壤环境标准值体系,可望为国家土壤环境标准体系的建立和标准制修订方法的发展提供技术参考。  相似文献   
邓地娟  杨渺  王静雅  徐伟  吴瑕 《四川环境》2021,40(2):96-102
生态保护红线是国家和区域生态安全的底线,以阿坝州汶川县划定的生态保护红线区为研究区域,利用GIS软件对研究区域内人类活动遥感影像进行遥感解译,并对研究区生态保护红线内的人类活动进行本底实地调查,结合遥感解译和实地调查结果,对红线内人类活动强度进行了评价.结果 表明:红线内人类活动面积共计142.04hm2,人类活动斑块...  相似文献   
东北农牧交错带典型区土地利用变化及其生态效应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
东北农牧交错带是典型的生态环境脆弱区,具有敏感性强、退化趋势明显等生态脆弱性特征。本文利用1986、2002年两期TM/ETM影像,揭示了吉林西部16年来土地利用/覆被的时空变化规律,并依据Costanza R.等人对全球生态系统服务价值的评估方法。分析了土地利用变化对区域生态系统服务价值的影响。结果表明:16年来,吉林西部土地利用/覆被发生了剧烈变化。耕地、盐碱地面积大幅度增加,草地、水域和湿地的面积大幅度减少,区域生态系统服务功能出现明显的衰退。生态系统服务价值显著地减少。吉林西部生态系统服务价值由1986年的767.1亿元/a下降到2002年的624.1亿元/a,减少幅度达18.6%,年均递减速率达1.6%。16年来该区域生态环境恶化和以经济利益为目的的土地利用结构调整,给区域生态系统服务功能和可持续发展能力带来巨大负面影响。  相似文献   
大气背景监测站多位于高山且相对清洁地区,在运行维护方面和城市点位有很大不同,低量程仪器和其他自动监测仪器在运行维护上也有所不同。国家大气背景监测福建武夷山站是国内14个大气背景监测站之一,该站于2011年3月4日运行,文章总结该站运行以来的维护经验,从运行条件、日常维护、简单故障判断、数据处理等几个方面详细叙述,给出维护经验和注意事项,以期为其他类似背景站的运行维护提供参考。  相似文献   
选取衡阳市区和衡山背景站臭氧自动监测数据,分析两地的臭氧污染特征。对空气质量的优良率情况、臭氧作为首要污染物的变化情况、臭氧浓度的日变化特征、典型时段的浓度变化特征、臭氧浓度的月际变化特征和臭氧与PM_(2.5)的关联情况等进行了分析。结果表明,多云及阴雨天气时,衡阳市区的臭氧浓度日变化幅度大于衡山背景站。夏季,衡阳市区和衡山背景站的臭氧浓度的日变化特征规律差异较大,臭氧浓度分布比较分散,前者为典型的单峰形,后者则波动平缓。冬季,日变化幅度不大,但衡阳市区的臭氧浓度明显低于衡山背景站。衡山背景站和衡阳市区的臭氧基本同步变化,但日均值高于衡阳市区。  相似文献   
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