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柳迪  方迪  武攀峰  张瑞昌 《环境化学》2012,31(5):687-691
在一套小型搅拌反应器中,研究了碱沉淀(KOH,处理a)、碱沉淀及硫酸盐废水厌氧处理产生的硫化物出水混合(KOH+出水混合,处理b)、碱沉淀及N2吹脱硫酸盐废水厌氧处理产生的硫化物(KOH+N2吹脱,处理c),以及碱沉淀、硫酸盐废水厌氧处理产生的硫化物出水混合和N2吹脱硫化物联合(KOH+出水混合+N2吹脱,处理d)等4组处理方式对含Zn2+、Pb2+的钢丝绳酸洗废水处理效果的影响.废水pH值为0.7,Zn2+和Pb2+含量分别为450和3274 mg.L-1.结果表明,KOH+出水混合+N2吹脱的处理方式对废水有较好的处理效果,Zn2+和Pb2+的去除为氢氧化物、硫化物沉淀的共同作用结果,处理后,废水中Zn2+和Pb2+的去除率均达99.6%以上,满足污水综合排放标准(GB 8978—1996).  相似文献   
泰山降水的离子组成特征分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
 为了解泰山降水的离子组成特征,于2004年8月~2005年7月对泰山降水进行了化学观测.共收集到37场降水,结果表明,降水pH值的雨量加权均值为4.73,酸性降水的出现频率达60%;电导率的雨量加权均值为2.96mS/m;降水离子的平均浓度为559.04μeq/L,主要离子SO42-111.48μeq/L、NO3-30.76μeq/L、NH4+80.92μeq/L、Ca2+49.94μeq/L,均高于我国西南、西北地区背景点的降水浓度;SO42-是该地区降水的主要致酸物质,在阴离子中的相对含量约为65%,NH4+是降水酸度的主要中和因子,在阳离子中的相对含量约为40%.因子分析表明,泰山降水的离子组成有不同的来源.  相似文献   
乌鲁木齐降水特征分析李德忱ANALYSISOFURUMQIPRECIPITATIONCHARACTER¥LiDecheng(UrumqiEnvironmental6ResearchandMonitoringCentre,Urumqi,830000)C...  相似文献   
Full-scale experiments have been carried out to adapt the activated sludge model ASM2d to include the influence of metal dosage (Fe3+ and Al3+) for phosphorus removal. Phosphorus removal rates, nitrification rates, as well as pH and sludge settling performance, were evaluated as functions of the metal dosages. Furthermore, models relating certain parameters to the dosage of chemicals have been derived. Corresponding parameters in the ASM2d and the secondary settler models, included in the Benchmark Simulation Model No 1 (BSM1), have been modified to take the metal influence into consideration. Based on the effluent limits and penalty policy of China, an equivalent evaluation method was derived for the total cost assessment. A large number of 300-day steady-state and 14-day open-loop dynamic simulations were performed to demonstrate the difference in behavior between the original and the modified BSM1. The results show that 1) both in low and high mole concentrations, Fe3+ addition results in a higher phosphorus removal rate than Al3+; 2) the sludge settling velocity will increase due to the metal addition; 3) the respiration rate of the activated sludge is decreased more by the dosage of Al3+ than Fe3+; 4) the inhibition of Al3+ on the nitrification rate is stronger than that of Fe3+; 5) the total operating cost will reach the minimum point for smaller dosages of Fe3+, but always increase with Al3+ addition.  相似文献   
• Mechanisms for selective recovery of materials in electrochemical processes are discussed. • Wastewaters that contain recoverable materials are reviewed. • Application prospects are discussed from both technical and non-technical aspects. Recovering valuable materials from waste streams is critical to the transition to a circular economy with reduced environmental damages caused by resource extraction activities. Municipal and industrial wastewaters contain a variety of materials, such as nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), lithium, and rare earth elements, which can be recovered as value-added products. Owing to their modularity, convenient operation and control, and the non-requirement of chemical dosage, electrochemical technologies offer a great promise for resource recovery in small-scale, decentralized systems. Here, we review three emerging electrochemical technologies for materials recovery applications: electrosorption based on carbonaceous and intercalation electrodes, electrochemical redox processes, and electrochemically induced precipitation. We highlight the mechanisms for achieving selective materials recovery in these processes. We also present an overview of the advantages and limitations of these technologies, as well as the key challenges that need to be overcome for their deployment in real-world systems to achieve cost-effective and sustainable materials recovery.  相似文献   
中国PM2.5污染状况和污染特征的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近10 余年来在中国的城市地区和清洁地区进行了PM2-5 的采集和分析,其中包括PM2-5 的质量浓度、离子和元素成分、酸度和酸化缓冲能力以及来源解析,研究结果表明,中国大部分地区PM2-5 的污染较重,不论是质量浓度,还是各种主要成分浓度,在TSP 和PM10 中都占有很高的比重,而PM2-5 的酸度也远远高于TSP 和PM10 ,特别是近年来PM2-5 污染还有相对加剧的趋势  相似文献   
以5~30 min的时间间隔,收集、分析了2007年4月~2008年6月期间广州市各单次大气降水样品中稳定同位素数据.选取2008年初中国南方冰雪灾害期间(2008年1月10日~2月2日)五场大气降水,分析了极端天气条件下降水中稳定同位素的变化特征及其影响因素.研究发现,在2008年初冰雪灾害期间,广州市大气降水中的δD、δ18O及d-excess发生了明显的下降;d-excess及大气降水线分析指示在此次冰灾过程中水汽来源发生了异常;气团轨迹追踪显示冰灾最盛期降水水汽为内陆和海洋的混合水汽,且远距离的海洋水汽输送占主导.冰雪灾害历次单次降水过程中稳定同位素呈现3种不同的变化形态,即上升型、V型和W型,这些变化可能与水汽来源及降水形成条件导致的再蒸发、再凝结作用及降雨类型有关.  相似文献   
对2003年春季陕西省沙尘暴、扬沙天气的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯明全  李平  周丽峰  张宏 《灾害学》2004,19(3):68-71
通过对2003年春季天气气候背景和天气气候变化的研究,指出2003年春季陕西沙尘暴、扬沙明显减少是由高空纬向环流偏强、径向环流偏弱和前期降水偏多共同所致.  相似文献   
一种度量区域旱涝灾害严重性的指标   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出以洛仑兹曲线和基尼系数作为度量降水量空间分布不均匀程度的指标,来表示区域性旱涝程度.对我国区域多年逐日降水量计算的结果表明,它确实可用来做为评价区域性旱涝程度的一种新指标.  相似文献   
鄂南棕红壤区不同植茶年限茶园CH4通量特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2014年3月—2015年12月,采用静态箱-气相色谱法测定了鄂南棕红壤丘陵区茶园和樟树林地土壤CH_4通量,研究了不同植茶年限茶园及临近林地土壤CH_4通量特征.结果表明,不同植茶年限对茶园土壤CH_4通量有显著影响,中、低龄茶园土壤CH_4以排放为主,植茶20 a和植茶8 a茶园土壤CH_4累积排放量分别为0.26和0.27 kg·hm~(-2),高龄茶园和对照林地土壤CH_4以吸收为主,植茶50 a茶园和林地土壤CH_4累积吸收量分别为0.39和1.95 kg·hm~(-2).降雨促进了鄂南棕红壤丘陵区茶园和林地土壤CH_4排放,除了植茶8 a茶园外,高、中龄茶园和樟树林地土壤CH_4通量均与7 d累积降雨量呈显著的正相关关系.施肥造成了茶园土壤CH_4排放量增加,同时土壤中矿质氮类型对该地区茶园和林地土壤CH_4通量有不同影响,CH_4排放通量与土壤硝态氮含量呈显著正相关关系,而与铵态氮含量相关关系不显著.研究表明,降雨量是影响鄂南红壤丘陵区茶园和林地土壤甲烷通量的主要因素;随着茶园种植年限的延长,土壤CH_4排放通量呈降低的趋势,高龄茶园土壤为大气CH_4汇.  相似文献   
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