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基于实测光谱分析和MODIS数据鄱阳湖叶绿素a浓度估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于遥感的大面积水体监测技术为水环境监测提供了一种有效手段。以鄱阳湖为研究区,以反映水体营养状态的重要指标叶绿素a为研究对象,在测定研究区水体光谱及叶绿素a浓度和收集了相应时间的MODIS数据的基础上,采用浮游藻类指数法(Floating Algae Index,FAI)提取鄱阳湖水体范围,对鄱阳湖水体实测光谱数据进行剔除异常、归一化及光谱微分处理,构建波段差值、比值、归一化差值等光谱指数,利用最小二乘原理迭代分析水体叶绿素光谱响应特征,得出敏感波段范围:673~680 nm与650~665 nm、680~710 nm与650~670 nm、662~671 nm与700~720 nm光谱区间组合。选择最佳通道组合,建立基于MODIS影像的鄱阳湖叶绿素a浓度反演模型,相关系数为067。应用该模型得到2011年秋季鄱阳湖的叶绿素浓度估算值,反演结果显示湖区水体叶绿素浓度总体不高,且在空间分布上湖区水体周边与陆地交界处比湖中心区浓度偏高。分析认为:通过对实测光谱的定量分析,获得对鄱阳湖地区水体叶绿素浓度的光谱特征认识,揭示出其反射光谱的长波漂移现象,为鄱阳湖这一富营养化程度底,且水体分布不均匀区域建立一种叶绿素浓度反演方法,可为该区域长期的水环境管理提供方法借鉴  相似文献   
Using historical General Land Office record as a reference, this study employed a landscape-scale disturbance and succession model to estimate the future cumulative effects of six alternative management plans on the tree species composition for various physiographic settings for the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri. The results indicate that over a 200-year horizon, the relative abundance of black oak and pine species groups will decrease and the relative abundance of the white oak species group will increase, regardless of management strategy. General Land Office witness tree records provide a measure of tree species composition in the period from 1800 to 1850, prior to the large-scale influx of European settlers. Compared to the tree species composition described in the General Land Office records, the six contemporary management alternatives considered all would lead to a lower abundance of pine species, a higher abundance of red/black oak species, and a slightly higher abundance of white oak species after 200 years. Impacts of management on tree species composition varied with physiographic settings. The projected relative abundance of pine differed significantly across the five physiographic classes over the first 40 years of the simulation. In the medium term (simulation years 41-100) the projected relative pine abundance differed significantly among only four physiographic classes. In the long term (simulation years 100-200) the projected relative pine abundance differed for only one physiographic class. In contrast, differences among physiographic classes in the relative abundance of black oaks and white oaks increased over time. In general, the expected long-term differences in relative tree species abundance among six proposed alternative management plans are small compared to shifts in tree species composition that have occurred from 1850 to the present.  相似文献   
云南高原湖泊流域土地利用与水质变化异质性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以云南省九大高原湖泊为例,通过面板数据方式分析对高原湖泊流域土地利用类型变化,通过库兹涅兹曲线相关内容对利用强度的分析以及与水质的动态变化情况,得到耕地、园地、湿地面积与湖泊含磷量存在一定负相关.林地、牧草地、建设用地面积与湖泊含磷量存在一定正相关.牧草地、耕地、园地、湿地面积与湖泊含氮量存在一定负相关,建设用地面积与湖泊含氮量存在一定正相关.园地和耕地面积与污染综合指数存在负相关,建设用地面积与污染综合指数存在负相关.分析指出,滇池、泸沽湖处于流域协调区间,阳宗海、抚仙湖、星云湖、程海处于流域冲突区间,洱海、异龙湖处于冲突区间向协调区间转型过程中.  相似文献   
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allows industrialized countries to comply with the Kyoto Protocol by using carbon offsets from developing countries. There are two puzzles within this carbon market: additionality (the proposed activity would not have occurred in its absence) and co-benefits (the project has other environmental benefits besides climate mitigation). This paper proposes an econometric approach to evaluate the CDM effect on sulfur dioxide emission reductions and assess its additionality indirectly. Our empirical model is applied to China's emissions at the prefecture level. We found that the CDM does not have a statistically significant effect in lowering sulfur dioxide emissions. This result casts doubt on additionality of these CDM activities, that is, they would have happened anyway.  相似文献   
Estimating influence of stocking regimes on livestock grazing distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Livestock often concentrate grazing in particular regions of landscapes while partly or wholly avoiding other regions. Dispersing livestock from the heavily grazed regions is a central challenge in grazing land management. Position data gathered from GPS-collared livestock hold potential for increasing knowledge of factors driving livestock aggregation patterns, but advances in gathering the data have outpaced advancements in analyzing and learning from it. We fit a hierarchical seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model to explore how season of stocking and the location where cattle entered a pasture influenced grazing distributions. Stocking alternated between summer on one side of the pasture one year and fall on another side of the pasture the next year for 18 years. Waypoints were recorded on cattle for 50 d each year. We focused our analysis on the pasture's 10 most heavily grazed 4-ha units, because these units were the most prone to negative grazing impacts. Though grazing of the study units was always disproportionately heavy, it was much heavier with the summer than fall stocking regime: Bayesian confidence intervals indicate summer grazing of study units was approximately double the average fall grazing value. This is our core result, and it illustrates the strong effect stocking season or date or both can have on grazing distributions. We fit three additional models to explore the relative importance of stocking season versus location. According to this analysis, stocking season played a role, but stocking location was the main driver. Ostensibly minor factors (e.g. stocking location) can greatly influence livestock distributions.  相似文献   
提质增效是目前旅游产业发展面临的重要课题。基于数据包络分析法,选用Python爬取技术,对陕西省107个县域的旅游效率进行测度分析,探讨县域旅游效率的空间格局及其影响的主要因素。研究表明:(1)陕西省旅游效率达到有效的县域数量整体偏低,高旅游效率县域多集中于市辖郊县。(2)县域旅游效率分布不均衡。陕北地区高旅游效率县域主要集中在黄河沿岸,关中地区呈现“西高东低”的现象,陕南地区高旅游效率县域则集中在地市交界处。(3)影响县域旅游总效率、技术效率和规模效率的主导因素不同。旅游收入占GDP比例(反映旅游业水平)、人口密度(反映县域发展水平)及汽车站数量(反映交通服务水平)是影响陕西省县域旅游总效率及技术效率的主导因素,而旅游资源禀赋(反映旅游业水平)、人口密度(反映县域发展水平)则是影响陕西省县域旅游规模效率的主导因素。  相似文献   
李刚  刘灵芝 《自然资源学报》2021,36(8):2095-2112
水禽产业快速发展离不开技术进步的贡献。准确审视水禽产业全要素生产率的时空演进规律,探讨不同阶段水禽全要素生产率(TFP)的提升策略十分重要。基于中国水禽体系产业经济团队的调研数据和固定观测点数据,结合有关年鉴整理出水禽的投入和产出数据,运用GIS技术分析后得出结论:2010—2018年水禽产业时空演进特征为“东退西进,北向南移”。结合永续盘存法和索洛余值,运用数据包络分析法(DEA-Malmquist)估算全国29个省份水禽TFP指数,比较各地区的TFP增长率和贡献率,进而分析此期间的时空演进规律,结果显示:2014年TFP增长率大幅下跌,2015年又逐渐上升,2016年以后才趋于平稳增长,概括水禽TFP增长率的时空变化规律为先降后升的“U”型走势。运用Tobit模型分析其变动的影响因素,结果表明:受H7N9突发事件影响,水禽产业劳动力投入和资本投入发生了改变,主要影响因素为水电及燃料动力投入、基础设施维护及新增投入、疫苗防疫及医疗投入等,这些因素对水禽TFP增长的时空变动影响显著,进一步说明水禽技术效率有待提升,风险规避机制有待完善。  相似文献   
选取30个省级行政单位作为空间单元,采用探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)方法对交通碳排放时空分布格局进行研究,同时考虑空间单元的差异性,构建地理加权回归(GWR)模型分析交通碳排放影响因素的时空异质性.研究发现:2000~2015年交通碳排放量呈现显著的空间聚类特征,聚类趋势逐年加强.双变量空间自相关指数为0.165~0.274,显著性水平介于0.016~0.045,表明交通碳排放同机动车保有量、GDP、货运周转量及客运周转量之间存在显著的空间正相关关系.GWR模型的R2在0.783~0.865之间,而OLS模型的R2在0.675~0.844之间,且GWR模型的AICc值均低于OLS模型的,说明GWR模型的拟合结果明显优于OLS模型,可以更好地解释交通碳排放的影响机制.GWR的回归结果表明碳排放的影响因素存在明显的时空异质性特征,其中GDP是主要的推动因素,部分地区回归系数高达0.91,2000年影响程度由东向西递减,而2005、2010和2015年由北向南递减.客运周转量起到关键的抑制作用,影响程度由东北向西南递减.因此建议应当充分考虑碳排放影响因素的时空异质性特征,制定差异化的碳减排政策.  相似文献   
Carbon monoxide monitoring using continuous samplers is carried out in most major urban centres in the world and generally forms the basis for air quality assessments. Such assessments become less reliable as the proportion of data missing due to equipment failure and periods of calibration increases. This paper presents a semi-empirical model for the prediction of atmospheric carbon monoxide concentrations near roads for the purpose of interpolating missing data without the need for any traffic or emissions information. The model produces reliable predictions while remaining computationally simple by being site-specifically optimized. The model was developed for, and evaluated at, both a suburban site and an inner city site in Hamilton, New Zealand. Model performance statistics were found to be significantly better than other simple methods of interpolation with little additional computational complexity.  相似文献   
为了解决瓦斯浓度预测使用的单一数据在预测中影响还不够深入的问题,提出基于LSTM神经网络的多源数据融合瓦斯浓度预测模型。模型将上隅角瓦斯浓度、采煤机速度、工作面吨煤瓦斯涌出量等不同数据融合作为输入层参数,使用Adam优化算法更新LSTM网络层参数,利用Attention机制突出关键影响瓦斯浓度的因素,开展多源数据融合的瓦斯浓度预测,结合某矿1008工作面的实际数据,分析不同数据在瓦斯浓度预测中的作用。研究结果表明:单变量下的Attention-aLSTM预测效果相比LSTM提升14.2%;多源数据融合下的Attention-aLSTM相比自身提升了5%。  相似文献   
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