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The application of a sustainable tourism management and development framework, including the enhancement of cultural heritage is presented for the city of Nafpaktos (Western Greece) and the surrounding area. Through a qualitative SWOT analysis and a quantitative Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC)–Tourism Carrying Capacity (TCC) framework, an attempt is made to establish thresholds, monitor current conditions, and upgrade tourism activities, with simultaneous development of the tourism-associated economic sectors and the cultural heritage of the city. Activity zones are identified and 18 indicators are selected to describe the environmental/cultural, economic, and social conditions of the area. Reference conditions for each indicator are established either as measured or negotiated thresholds and indicators are accordingly scored to depict the current divergence from reference. The Leopold matrix is used to compare scores and identify restrictions of development. Results reveal high potential for sustainable tourism development of the area, as 9 of 18 indicators received high scores, indicating sustainable conditions, and a variety of underdeveloped tourism endpoints were identified, including the castle of the city, which could potentially support a 90-fold increase in tourism flow. However, restricting factors of development were detected, related to the lack of a tourism management plan, the weak on-site protection of the natural and cultural heritage and the lack of awareness for sustainability among the local people. A strategic plan is finally proposed to provide managers, stakeholders, and the local communities with a guiding framework to upgrade the tourism flow in and around the city within a step-by-step sustainable process.  相似文献   
甘孜州非物质文化遗产旅游开发对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以国内外学者对非物质文化遗产的研究理论为依据,结合甘孜州非物质文化遗产实情、旅游现状,提出非物质文化遗产旅游开发的观念、“YON”评价指标、原则、基础设施建设、传承人利益保障体制和产品开发对策,为地区文化旅游事业的发展提供参考依据,对同质旅游区域具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
当今文化消费成为时尚,文化旅游成为旅游业发展的新趋势,而文化旅游资源的产业化开发是文化旅游发展的基础工程。2010年8月河南登封天地之中古建筑群申报世界文化遗产成功,在此背景下登封文化旅游资源的产业化开发与保护问题引起人们的关注。国内外实践证明,积极科学的产业化开发是保护的保证,基于此登封文化旅游资源的产业化开发成为重要的研究课题。分析了登封文化旅游资源开发的优势,对制约登封文化旅游资源产业化的主要因素进行了探讨,提出了登封文化旅游资源产业化开发的构想。  相似文献   
景区内部交通构成旅游景区碳排放的主体,创建低碳旅游景区必然要走低碳交通之路。旅游景区的低碳交通建设是一个系统工程。从低碳景区创建角度出发,对景区内几种典型交通方式的碳排放情况进行定量分析和初步比较,从交通工具的选择与改进、交通站点的合理设置、景区道路的科学规划、运营管理的技术引入等方面构建旅游景区的低碳交通模式,为相关景区选择低碳化的交通方式提供依据。  相似文献   
人工封育区沙化草地植被生态位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用样线和样方结合法对宁夏人工封育草原进行野外调查,运用重要值、Levins生态宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数对封育外围区、边缘区、核心区3种不同措施下的植物生态位宽度及生态位重叠进行分析,以揭示人工封育区沙化草地植被生态位变化规律。结果表明:在整个人工封育区,重要值之和较大的为黑沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica Krasch.)和刺沙蓬(Salsolaruthenica IIjin.),分别为689.53、455.83。外围区与边缘区生态位宽度最大的均为黑沙蒿,生态位宽度分别为0.846、0.790,核心区生态位宽度最大的是阿尔泰狗娃花(Heteropappus altaicus(Willd.)Novopokr.),生态位宽度为0.640,是人工封育区的优势种。生态位重叠计测结果表明,植被的生态位宽度和生态位重叠并不存在直接的线性关系;生态位重叠度平均值和重叠对百分数表现为外围区〉核心区〉边缘区。不同封育措施间生态位宽度和生态位重叠度的差异表明适度封育有利于草地植被恢复,但随着封育时间延长,植物的再生和幼苗的形成会受到一定程度抑制。  相似文献   
近年来,随着旅游业的快速发展,赛里木湖旅游开发活动产生的生态环境问题越来越突出.本文对赛里木湖旅游资源开发过程中引发的环境问题进行分析和探讨,针对目前赛里木湖自然资源破坏严重的现状,提出了合理的开发利用和保护对策.  相似文献   
在分析“蚩尤故里”湖南新化县丰富的山水文化、历史文化、名人文化、洞穴文化、民俗文化等旅游资源特色和开发利用条件的基础上,提出在其开发旅游资源的一些构想及科学规划的建议.参3.  相似文献   
Effects of Tourists on Behavior and Demography of Olympic Marmots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  If changes in animal behavior resulting from direct human disturbance negatively affect the persistence of a given species or population, then these behavioral changes must necessarily lead to reduced demographic performance. We tested for the effects of human disturbance on Olympic marmots ( Marmota olympus ), a large ground-dwelling squirrel that has disappeared from several areas where recreation levels are high. We assessed the degree to which antipredator and foraging behavior and demographic rates (survival and reproduction) differed between sites with high recreation levels (high use) and those with little or no recreation (low use). Compared with the marmots at low-use sites, marmots at high-use sites displayed significantly reduced responses to human approach, which could be construed as successful accommodation of disturbance or as a decrease in predator awareness. The marmots at high-use sites also looked up more often while foraging, which suggests an increased wariness. Marmots at both types of sites had comparable reproductive and survival rates and were in similar body condition. Until now, the supposition that marmots can adjust their behavior to avoid negative demographic consequences when confronted with heavy tourism has been based on potentially ambiguous behavioral data. Our results support this hypothesis in the case of Olympic marmots and demonstrate the importance of considering demographic data when evaluating the impacts of recreation on animal populations.  相似文献   
刘任涛  赵哈林  赵学勇 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1794-1798
通过调查科尔沁沙质退化草地不同强度放牧干扰(重度放牧,HGR;适度放牧,MGR)后自然恢复草地中大型土壤动物群落特征,分析了放牧干扰对大型土壤动物功能群的长期影响。结果共获得大型土壤动物1门2纲8目32个类群,优势类群为象甲科(鞘翅目)和蚁科(膜翅目)2类,共占捕获量的41.54%。大型土壤动物功能群包括植食性、肉食性和杂食性3类,分别具有16、15和1个类群,其个体数分别占总捕获数的64.08%、32.39%和3.52%。HGR有23个动物类群,分属于3个功能群;MGR有19个类群,但只有2个功能群(无杂食性)。HGR大型土壤动物个体数、类群数和多样性指数均略高于MGR,但HGR和MGR间无显著差异性(P〉0.05)。植食性和肉食性土壤动物个体数占总个体数比例HGR均略低于MGR,但植食性动物和肉食性动物个体数间的比例较稳定。与中度放牧干扰产生的影响相比,重度放牧干扰对大型土壤动物群落(包括功能群特征)产生的长期影响更为明显。重度放牧后沙质草地自然恢复过程中大型土壤动物群落的营养结构变得更为复杂,但12年恢复时间对大型土壤动物群落结构恢复的影响有限。  相似文献   
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