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采用活性污泥富集与回收废水中碳源的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘宏波  文湘华  赵芳  梅益军 《环境科学》2011,32(4):1042-1047
以活性污泥为吸附剂,研究了城市污水中的有机物的强化富集与有效回收的方法与参数.在连续运行模式下,活性污泥对废水中的有机物具有较好的富集效果,COD平均吸附率达到63%,且约50%的溶解性碳源分布在细胞外部,在温和条件下就能被解吸;对氮、磷的吸附效果差异较大,磷的吸附量可达76%,对氮的吸附量较小,氨氮吸附率仅13%.同时,实验还研究了常规 (pH=7.5, 20℃)、加热(pH=7.5, 60℃)和碱性加热(pH=11, 60℃)条件下,污泥水解对有机物、氮和磷的释放情况.结果表明,碱性加热条件更有利于碳源的释放,水解24 h后,挥发性悬浮固体(VSS)对COD的释放率达到了320 mg/g;但氮、磷的释放量有限,释放率(水解8 h,稳定)分别为18 mg/g和2 mg/g.利用活性污泥对污染物的吸附与解吸作用,能够实现废水中碳源的回收,且回收碳源中氮、磷浓度低,对回收碳源的再利用效果影响较小.  相似文献   
考察了基质类型及季节变化对人工湿地氮去除效果的影响,结果显示:基质类型对水平潜流人工湿地氮的去除效果有显著影响,煤渣基质比组合基质更利于提高人工湿地对氮的去除效果;季节不同,人工湿地氮的去除效果存在差异,平均去除率由高到低的顺序为:夏季>秋季>春季>冬季.  相似文献   
黄河三角洲自然保护区的酶活性季节特征一定程度影响了该地植被分布类型,为研究黄河三角洲自然保护区不同植被土壤酶活性的季节特征,分别选取碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)、柽柳(Tamarix chinensis)、芦苇(Phragmites communis)、刺槐(Black Locust)和高粱(Sorghum)5种典型植被作为研究对象,分别在4个季节采集不同深度土壤,测定土壤脲酶、过氧化氢酶、碱性磷酸酶、脱氢酶、蔗糖酶活性。结果表明,土壤脱氢酶活性规律表现为碱蓬>柽柳>刺槐>高粱>芦苇,其他酶活性总体变化规律表现为刺槐>柽柳>高粱>芦苇>碱蓬;在同一季节中,不同植被间酶活性存在显著性差异,柽柳和刺槐林土壤脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性普遍高于其他群落,碱蓬最低;土壤酶活性与土壤基础理化指标有着密切关系,土壤过氧化氢酶活性、脲酶活性和蔗糖酶活性之间存在极显著性正相关(P<0.01),过氧化氢酶,脲酶和蔗糖酶与有机质、碱解氮呈显著性正相关(P<0.01),脱氢酶与速效磷呈显著性正相关与pH之间呈负相关(P<0.01);在0—...  相似文献   
Abstract:  There is growing interest among conservation decision makers in promoting harvesting of forest products as an incentive for communities to retain forest cover. Assessments of the sustainability of existing harvests are essential for implementing such policies. Madagascar's endemic freshwater crayfish, Astacoides spp., are harvested throughout their range. Despite their importance to human communities, Madagascar's crayfish, like much of the island's freshwater biodiversity, are poorly known, and there is concern that the harvest may be unsustainable. We investigated sustainability of the crayfish harvest in and around Ranomafana National Park in eastern Madagascar, focusing on the heavily harvested A. granulimanus. Several villages around the park have traditional taboos against selling crayfish, resulting in widely varying levels of crayfish exploitation. We used two approaches to assess sustainability of the harvest. First we used participatory mapping combined with a geographic information system analysis to produce a spatially accurate map of harvesting intensity. We then carried out mark-and-recapture sampling at 74 sites across a range of harvest intensities to test whether the level of harvesting was a significant predictor of crayfish density and structure. Second, we used size-structured matrix population models to estimate the forest area necessary to provide the observed annual harvest from one harvesting village and compared this estimate with the area available to the harvesters. Our findings show that the crayfish harvest in Ranomafana may be sustainable under current socioeconomic conditions, suggesting that A. granulimanus is less vulnerable to overexploitation than previously thought. We emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to assessing sustainability involving both ecological information about the harvested species and socioeconomic data about the level and spatial pattern of the harvest.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Few demographic models for any species consider the role of multiple, interacting ecological threats. Many forest herbs are heavily browsed by white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ) and a number of these are also harvested for the medicinal, floral, or horticultural trades. Previous studies of the viability of American ginseng ( Panax quinquefolius ) have separately examined the effects of harvesting and deer herbivory. We followed individually marked ginseng plants in 6 populations for 8 years and documented deer browse levels, conducted helicopter surveys to estimate the deer herd size, and documented 2 ginseng harvests. We used this long-term data set to develop a stochastic demographic model that quantified the separate and interactive role of these threats to ginseng viability. Although harvesting and deer herbivory negatively affected ginseng population growth, their effects were not additive. Deer herbivory negatively affected population growth in the absence but not in the presence of harvesting. Life table response experiments revealed that in the presence of harvesting, deer herbivory had some positive effects on vital rates because browsed plants were less apparent to harvesters. Ginseng populations that were harvested responsibly (i.e., planting seeds from harvested individuals) had higher growth rates than those that were harvested irresponsibly. We concluded that both deer populations and harvesting must be managed to ensure sustainable populations of American ginseng. Our findings underscore the importance of long-term monitoring to assess threats to viability and the need for a broad ecological understanding of the complexity of ecosystem management.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes how sustained yield (SY) forestry is defined and implemented in Sweden and Russia, two countries with different forest-industrial regimes. We first compare definitions of SY forestry in national legislation and policies. Then we study forest management planning in two large forest management units with respect to: delivered forest products and values, how the harvest level of timber is defined, where the harvest takes place, and what treatments are used to sustain desired forest products and values. In Sweden SY forestry is maximum yield based on high-input forest management, and in Russia it is forestry based on natural regeneration with minimum investments in silviculture. We conclude that how SY forestry contributes to SFM depends on the context. Finally, we discuss the consequences of SY forestry as performed in Sweden and Russia related to its ability to support diverse forest functions, as envisioned in sustainable forest management policy.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Relatively few studies have examined the ecological effects of group-selection timber harvesting, and nearly all have been short-term and have lacked experimental manipulations that allow pre- and posttreatment comparisons. We have been documenting the effects of a group-selection timber harvest on bird abundance in a Maine forest for 24 years (preharvest, 1983–1987; postharvest, 1988–2006). Here we characterized the trends in bird abundance over the first 20 years of the study in the managed and control halves of the 40-ha study area. Species responses to the group-selection harvest were idiosyncratic, but in general the mature-forest bird community was retained and species dependent on early successional habitat temporarily (≤8 years) benefited. The Eastern Wood-Pewee ( Contopus virens ) , Winter Wren ( Troglodytes troglodytes ) , Pine Warbler ( Dendroica pinus ) , and White-throated Sparrow ( Zonotrichia albicollis ) increased in abundance in the managed half of the study area following timber harvest, whereas the Veery ( Catharus fuscescens ) decreased. The Black-and-White Warbler ( Mniotilta varia ) , Nashville Warbler ( Vermivora ruficapilla ) , and Common Yellowthroat ( Geothlypis trichas ) responded positively to harvesting, as indicated by decreases in abundance in the control area and more protracted declines or stable abundances in the managed area. This study constitutes the longest experimental investigation to date of the effects of a group-selection harvest on birds and thus provides important information on the strength, direction, and duration of temporal changes in bird populations following forest management.  相似文献   
介绍了栖息地模拟方法原理及步骤,以姜射坝水电站减水段为例,应用栖息地模拟模型PHABSIM计算了重口裂腹鱼繁殖期适宜生境需水量。结果表明,该河段内重口裂腹鱼繁殖期适宜生态流量为40.6m3/s,其与水文学法的结果对比表明,该流量可以满足维持水生生物良好的生存条件的要求。指出当工程河段涉及珍稀鱼类关键生境时,采用栖息地模拟法确定受影响河段的生态需水量,可以更好地保护珍稀鱼类关键生境。研究结果可为已建电站减水河段生态修复工作提供依据,为拟建电站水生生态环境影响评价工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Ex situ conservation tools, such as captive breeding for reintroduction, are considered a last resort to recover threatened or endangered species, but they may also help reduce anthropogenic threats where it is difficult or impossible to address them directly. Headstarting, or captive rearing of eggs or neonate animals for subsequent release into the wild, is controversial because it treats only a symptom of a larger conservation problem; however, it may provide a mechanism to address multiple threats, particularly near population centers. We conducted a population viability analysis of Australia's most widespread freshwater turtle, Chelodina longicollis, to determine the effect of adult roadkill (death by collision with motor vehicles), which is increasing, and reduced recruitment through nest predation from introduced European red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). We also modeled management scenarios to test the effectiveness of headstarting, fox management, and measures to reduce mortality on roads. Only scenarios with headstarting from source populations eliminated all risks of extinction and allowed population growth. Small increases in adult mortality (2%) had the greatest effect on population growth and extinction risk. Where threats simultaneously affected other life‐history stages (e.g., recruitment), eliminating harvest pressures on adult females alone did not eliminate the risk of population extinction. In our models, one source population could supply enough hatchlings annually to supplement 25 other similar‐sized populations such that extinction was avoided. Based on our results, we believe headstarting should be a primary tool for managing freshwater turtles for which threats affect multiple life‐history stages. We advocate the creation of source populations for managing freshwater turtles that are greatly threatened at multiple life‐history stages, such as depredation of eggs by invasive species and adult mortality via roadkill.  相似文献   
王书锦  刘云根  王妍  侯磊  张超 《环境科学》2016,37(12):4615-4625
以云南洱海罗时江河口湿地为典型对象,利用柱状底泥分层采样器采集罗时江河口湿地表层(0~10 cm)、中层(10~30 cm)和底层(30~60 cm)沉积物样品,分析干、湿季沉积物总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、有机质(OM)垂向分布特征,并对沉积物进行污染风险评价.结果表明:1干季罗时江河口湿地表层、中层和底层沉积物TN平均含量分别为1.734、1.453和1.255g·kg~(-1),TP平均值分别1.085、1.034和0.992 g·kg~(-1),OM平均值分别为59.051、47.730和42.133 g·kg~(-1);湿季罗时江河口湿地表层、中层和底层沉积物TN平均含量分别为1.147、0.948和0.895 g·kg~(-1),TP平均值分别0.599、0.523和0.519g·kg~(-1),OM平均值分别为53.098、46.897和43.395 g·kg~(-1);干、湿季各指标含量垂向分布随沉积深度的增加呈下降趋势,表层富集明显;三层沉积物各指标含量均为干季高于湿季,且除OM外,TN和TP均达到显著差异(P0.01).2单因子指数(PI)、有机氮指数(ON)和有机指数(OI)评价结果表明,整体上干季沉积物氮磷属于重度污染,有机质属于中度污染;湿季沉积物氮和有机质均为中度污染,磷为轻度污染;总体上沉积物氮、磷、有机质污染水平为干季高于湿季,且干、湿季各污染指数均为表层最高,中层次之,底层最低,表层污染最为严重.3干、湿季罗时江河口湿地污染来源存在差异,干季以外源为主,湿季以内源为主;干季沉积物营养盐潜在释放风险较湿季大,且以表层释放风险最大.  相似文献   
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