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以内蒙古呼伦湖为研究对象,对其在冰封过程中总氮、总磷和有机物在冰体和水体中的浓度及分布特征及其在呼伦湖的空间变异性进行分析。结果表明,冰封条件下,呼伦湖水体中总氮、总磷和有机物的含量均大于其在对应冰体中的含量,其含量均值分别是其对应冰体中的3.144倍、2.200倍和3.042倍,即低温冷冻过程对水体中的污染物有一定的浓缩效应;水体中各营养盐和有机物的空间变异性明显小于其在冰体中的;从固-液相平衡理论、结晶学理论和热力学理论三个方面对冷冻浓缩效应做出了合理的解释。研究认为,可以将冷冻浓缩效应运用到给水处理和污水处理领域,这样既可以进行大规模的处理,也可以节约资源、保护环境。  相似文献   
针对乌鲁木齐市最突出的环境问题——冬季采暖期空气污染,从主客观二方面进行了原因分析,并结合“十一五”和2020年环境保护目标,从7个方面分析论述了解决乌鲁木齐市空气污染的途径,使多年困扰乌鲁木齐市的空气污染问题有望从根本上得到解决。  相似文献   
Fenoll J  Ruiz E  Flores P  Hellín P  Navarro S 《Chemosphere》2011,85(8):1375-1382
Laboratory and field studies were conducted in order to determine the leaching potential of eight pesticides commonly used during pepper cultivation by use of disturbed soil columns and field lysimeters, respectively. Two soils with different organic matter content (soils A and B) were used. Additionally, soil B was amended with compost (sheep manure). The tested compounds were cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos-methyl, bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos, cyfluthrin, endosulfan, malathion and tolclofos-methyl. In soil B (lower organic matter content), only endosulfan sulphate, malathion and tolclofos-methyl were found in leachates. For the soil A (higher organic matter content) and amended soil B, pesticide residues were not found in the leachates. In addition, this paper reports on the use of common agronomic practices (solarization and biosolarization) to enhance degradation of these pesticides from polluted soil A. The results showed that both solarization and biosolarization enhanced the degradation rates of endosulfan, bifenthrin and tolclofos-methyl compared with the control. Most of the studied pesticides showed similar behavior under solarization and biosolarization conditions. However, chlorpyrifos was degraded to a greater extent in the solarization than in biosolarization treatment. The results obtained point to the interest in the use of organic amendment in reducing the pollution of groundwater by pesticide drainage and in the use of solarization and biosolarization in reducing the persistence of pesticides in soil.  相似文献   
长江口区域饮用水源地有机污染特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南通市为例,对长江口区域饮用水源地53种挥发性有机物( VOCs)、64种半挥发性有机物(SVOCs)、33种农药、20种多氯联苯等有机污染物进行定性、定量检测,选取汇龙镇水厂、如皋水厂、海门长江水厂3个水厂水源地进行r枯水期、平水期、丰水期3个水期的监测.结果表明:(1)VOCs中仅在枯水期有四氯化碳检出,33种农...  相似文献   
山西省近50年无霜期变化特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
范晓辉  王麒翔  王孟本 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2393-2397
根据山西省108个地面站近50 a(1959—2008年)的初霜日、终霜日和无霜期系列数据,采用非参数Mann-Kendall检验法,对山西省近50 a无霜期的变化特点进行了研究。计算结果表明,全省108个地面站的平均无霜期在124.6~232.9 d之间。Mann-Kendall检验结果显示,在所有地面站中,77个站初霜日推后,78个站终霜日提前,87个站无霜期延长,其中35个站显著延长。全省初霜日显著推后(+1.41 d/10 a),终霜日显著提前(-2.57 d/10 a),无霜期显著延长(+3.72 d/10 a)。初霜日推后和终霜日提前对无霜期延长的贡献约分别为1/3和2/3。Pearson相关分析证明,在全省范围内,初霜日、终霜日和无霜期与年平均气温、纬度和海拔具有密切关系。直线回归分析显示,气温每升高1℃,初霜日迟4.7 d,终霜日早4.1 d,无霜期延长8.8 d。纬度每北移1o,初霜日早6.1 d;终霜日迟4.5 d;无霜期短10.6 d。海拔每升高100 m,初霜日早3.4 d;终霜日迟2.8 d;无霜期短6.2 d。对初霜日、终霜日和无霜期这些特点的认识,对本区自然和人工生态系统管理、生态恢复和生态工程实施等具有重要意义。  相似文献   
运用极值分布理论对1970~1999年间台湾和华东地区的地震资料进行统计性研究,得出其地震相应震级的复发周期[T(M)]、理论发震次数(η)和华东地区中强地震的发震概率阈值(PO)。通过对T(M)的同比分析,发现两地中强地震存在着较好的相关性。用以上研究的结果对华东地区5级以上地震的发震概率、发震时间和地震强度进行综合判定,效果较好。  相似文献   
Storm in-sag inlets, which typically have inflow capture efficiency of 100%, can violate the allowable water spread criterion of roadways, thus slowing the traffic movement and contributing to accidents. This is especially evident during severe storms of high return periods and when a storm sewer inlet of grate type is adopted, because it is subject to debris and trash clogging factors. In this study, the water spread on pavement for in-sag grates located in a residential area in Kuwait is analyzed in terms of return period and clogging factor. It is found that for a single grate inlet with a return period of 10 years, a clogging factor of 50% can lead to a water spread value exceeding the local design constraint assigned for residential areas, which is one traffic lane of 4m width. It is also shown that for in-sag locations, a double-grate inlet is more preferable than the single one, because the former tends to reduce the adverse hydraulic effect of total inflow on water spread width. The effect of clogging factor on a multiple-grate inlet located in sag is determined from a simple expression suggested in this study.  相似文献   
The application of microwave heating technology to conventional gas stripping processes has been investigated in the remediation of contaminated drill cuttings. The technical feasibility and limitations of nitrogen and steam stripping processes are demonstrated, and it is shown that the combination of microwave heating with the stripping process offers a step change in performance. Order of magnitude improvements in processing time are shown for the microwave-assisted processes, as well as greatly improved levels of remediation. The mechanisms of contaminant removal are discussed, along with the phenomena which occur with microwave heating processes. The energy requirements of each of pure gas and microwave-assisted processes are also discussed, and the potential applications of each technology are highlighted relative to the overall remediation requirements.  相似文献   
2种改性活性炭对甲苯吸附性能的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
利用微波、电炉加热对活性炭进行改性,并测定了改性前后不同种类活性炭对甲苯的吸附性能、表面酸碱官能团含量以及比表面积.结果表明,对于微波改性,随着改性温度升高,活性炭对甲苯的吸附量逐渐增大,表面碱性官能团含量也相应增加,比表面积相应减小.改性温度850℃时活性炭吸附甲苯性能最高,650℃与450℃改性后活性炭吸附甲苯的性能相差不大.电加热改性也具有类似的趋势,但对甲苯的吸附性能总体低于微波改性.扫描电镜表征显示,热改性去除了活性炭孔道内的杂质,使活性炭内部孔道更加通畅,有利于提高吸附甲苯的能力,但温度升高同样存在炭骨架收缩,孔道变窄的弊端.微波加热和电炉加热在原理和热传递方向上的不同.是导致改性结果之间差别的关键问题.  相似文献   
湖南地区是长江中游新石器时期文化发源地之一,为了更有效地了解新石器时期的人地关系,以高程、坡度、坡向、水体、地貌、土壤和植被类型这7个指标构建新石器时期聚落遗址人居环境模糊指数综合评价体系,运用地理探测器的因子探测法确定各要素的权重,在ArcGIS中将各因子的权重值进行加权叠加和综合等级类型分类,最终得到湖南新石器时期聚落遗址人居环境适宜度评价结果:宜居度中等以上的区域面积最大,总面积为18.59万km2,占湖南省总面积的87.77%;水体权重值占比最高;古人偏爱聚水而居,且集中分布在洞庭湖区域,湘、资、沅、澧周边沿干流分布或在河流的交汇区域分布;适宜度等级较高的遗址类型偏向于丘陵型、台地型和平原型;宜居度中等及以上的遗址多分布在地形较低、朝南、微斜坡、地貌、土壤和植被类型最为丰富的区域.本文可为今后史前聚落遗址分布与自然环境分析提供借鉴意义.  相似文献   
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