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以型钢高强混凝土(SRHSC)梁为研究对象,结合SRHSC梁受力机理及承载能力的试验研究成果,提出了极限状态下的承载能力是评价梁力学性能的关键指标,将损伤前后梁正截面抗弯承载力之比和斜截面抗剪承载力之比的均值作为自变量,给出了SRHSC梁损伤表征函数,并借助"预定损伤法",揭示了主要设计参数对SRHSC梁损伤演化的影响规律。研究成果将为建立地震激励下SRHSC框架结构楼层损伤模型提供理论和数据支持。  相似文献   
石灰凝胶阻化剂防灭火技术在高硫矿的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析现有凝胶阻化剂防灭火机理的基础上 ,笔者针对我国高硫煤矿采空区发火特点 ,研制出石灰凝胶阻化剂的配方 ,并对其防灭火机理进行了详细探讨 ,确定了喷洒该种阻化剂的工艺过程及其应注意的问题。根据现场试验的测定数据表明 ,石灰凝胶阻化剂对高硫煤矿的防灭火效果好  相似文献   
总结了乌鲁木齐市冬季逆温的形成及其特点,着重分析逆温强度等与可吸入颗粒物浓度的相关关系,最终得出线性方程,并做出线性拟合图。  相似文献   
研究了用固相萃取富集高效液相色谱法测定环境水样中痕量重金属镍、铜、银、铅、镉和汞的方法。环境水样中的镍、铜、银、铅、镉和汞用四 -(对二甲氨基苯基 ) -卟啉 (T4 -DMAPP)柱前衍生 ,用C18固相萃取小柱萃取富集镍、铜、银、铅、镉和汞的T4 -DMAPP络合物 ,富集倍数为 1 0 0倍 ,然后用甲醇和四氢呋喃梯度洗脱为流动相 ,WatersXter raTMRP18( 3 9mm× 1 5 0mm)色谱柱为固定相分离 ,用二极管矩阵检测器检测。镍、铜、银、铅、镉和汞的检测限分别为3、2、4、3、1 5ng/L和 3ng/L。方法相对标准偏差为 1 8%— 3 2 % ,标准回收率为 92 %— 1 0 7%。该方法用于测定环境水样中的痕量重金属 ,结果令人满意  相似文献   
Gupta B  Rani M  Kumar R  Dureja P 《Chemosphere》2011,85(5):710-716
The widespread occurrence of pesticide residues in different agricultural and food commodities has raised concern among the environmentalists and food chemists. In order to keep a proper track of these materials, studies on their decay profiles in the various segments of ecosystem under varying environmental conditions are needed. In view of this, the metabolites of quinalphos in water and soil under controlled conditions and in plants, namely tomato and radish in field conditions have been analysed and possible pathways suggested. In order to follow the decay of the pesticide, an HPLC procedure has been developed. Studies conducted in water at different temperatures, pH and organic content reveal that the persistence of the pesticide decreases with the increase in all the three variables. In the three different types of soils studied, the effect of pH is more or less apparent on a similar line. On an average a faster decay is observed in the case of plants than in water and soil. The decay profiles in all these cases follow first order kinetics. The metabolites were identified by GC-MS. The investigations reflect that degradation occurs through hydrolysis, S-oxidation, dealkylation and thiono-thiol rearrangement. The pathways seem to be complex and different metabolites were observed with the change in the matrix. Quinalphos oxon, O-ethyl-O-quinoxalin-2-yl phosphoric acid, 2-hydroxy quinoxaline and quinoxaline-2-thiol were observed in all the matrices. Results further indicate that the metabolites, 2-hydroxy quinoxaline and oxon, which are more toxic than parent compound, persist for a longer time.  相似文献   
中国与欧洲禾谷镰刀菌DON毒素HPLC定量比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用4个来自中国、7个来自欧洲的代表性禾谷镰刀菌菌株,经脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)毒素特异引物鉴定,确认其具有产生DON毒素的遗传物质基础后,接种于PDB培养基培养7d,从培养基上清中经硅胶柱分离、纯化DON毒素,经HPLC定量分析表明,纯化的禾谷镰刀菌DON毒素,与购自公司的DON毒素标准样品一样,其HPLC检测谱峰清晰明显,基线平稳,无干扰,保留时间为9.5min左右;供试菌株的DON毒素含量分布在0.023~1.934μg/mL之间,德国菌株F703产毒量最大,比位居第二的中国菌株5005(1.232μg/mL)高57%;其余的6个欧洲菌株中,除意大利菌株Lor9(0.128μg/mL)略低于另一个中国菌株7105(0.135μg/mL)外,均比3个中国菌株(4020、7105、8029)的产毒量大.欧洲镰刀菌产生DON毒素的能力远远大于中国菌株,这说明欧洲菌株长期在欧洲生态环境下已演变形成其特有的高毒素代谢类型,我国有必要严防欧洲禾谷镰刀菌入侵,加强对来自欧洲的禾谷类粮食及其产品的镰刀菌和毒素的检疫和监控;同时,本研究建立的毒素样品制备与HPLC检测体系可用于准确定量分析样品的DON毒素.图3表2参14  相似文献   
聚丙烯以其优异的机械性能、高的性价比和多重改性方式成为重要的通用树脂之一,这些产品废弃后产生了种类繁多和数量巨大的再生聚丙烯.通过将再生聚丙烯根据性能和来源进行分类,然后分类阐述各再生聚丙烯物料特点,结合再生聚丙烯改性方式,为高质化应用提出方向.  相似文献   
超高效液相色谱法测定土壤中微量阿特拉津   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超高效液相色谱仪,建立了土壤中微量阿特拉津的快速检测方法.研究结果表明:采用反相C18色谱柱,以甲醇/水(70:30,v/v)为流动相,流速为0.2 ml/min,柱温为30℃,检测波长为220 nm条件下,在12.5~1000μg/L质量浓度范围内线性关系良好(r=0.9999),检出限0.18×10-3 mg/...  相似文献   
Recently, a building-based air quality model system which can predict air quality in front of individual buildings along both sides of a road has been developed. Using the Macau Peninsula as a case study, this paper shows the advantages of building-based model system in data capture and data mining. Compared with the traditional grid-based model systems with input/output spatial resolutions of 1–2 km, the building-based approach can extract the street configuration and traffic data building by building and therefore, can capture the complex spatial variation of traffic emission, urban geometry, and air pollution. The non-homogeneous distribution of air pollution in the Macau Peninsula was modeled in a high-spatial resolution of 319 receptors·km-2. The spatial relationship among air quality, traffic flow, and urban geometry in the historic urban area is investigated. The study shows that the building-based approach may open an innovative methodology in data mining of urban spatial data for environmental assessment. The results are particularly useful to urban planners when they need to consider the influences of urban form on street environment.  相似文献   
耐高温酵母高浓度发酵生产燃料乙醇工艺优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用两水平部分因子设计(23Fractional Factorial),选取发酵温度、接种量、初始糖浓度为自变量考察因素,以最终发酵乙醇浓度和9 h生物量浓度为响应值,考察耐高温高浓度酵母的燃料乙醇发酵能力,并对实验数据进行二次模型变异分析(Ahalysis of variance,ANOVA),建立了三元二次方程数学...  相似文献   
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