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国内城市构建"休闲之都"的资质条件分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了国内部分城市构建休闲都市的资质条件.休闲是时代发展的必然趋势,构建“休闲之都”是当今社会发展的需要,国内不少优秀的旅游城市正在探索营造休闲都市。在给出对休闲都市的概念、特征后,遴选国内20个城市运用离差最大化法进行构建休闲都市的资质分析,以期得出一个较为客观的结论。  相似文献   
城市边缘湿地是城市的生态屏障,是城市可持续发展的自然基础,具有一定的经济功能和巨大的生态、社会服务功能,休闲与旅游是其中的组成部分之一,但是由于城市边缘湿地本身存在生态脆弱性,加上受城市化、工业化影响,其休闲与旅游功能不断退化,为实现城市边缘湿地旅游资源可持续利用的目的,应当采取相应的治理措施。  相似文献   
秦皇岛市气候变化对可持续发展的影响及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦皇岛市46年来气候变暖变干,年平均气温提高1.8℃,≥10℃年积温增加11.4%,无霜期延长22天,但年平均降水量却减少11.5%。这对农业和工业的影响弊大于利,对旅游业的影响则有利有弊。为此应趋利避害,加强水资源的开源节流,发展节水经济和循环经济,发展休闲度假旅游,延长旺季。  相似文献   
Going beyond the relation of work and family, the present three‐wave longitudinal study spanning one year assessed different forms of conflict and facilitation between leisure and the life domains work and family and their relation to subjective well‐being. A sample of N = 277 employed men and women reported their perceived conflict and facilitation between leisure, work, and family and subjective well‐being. Results suggest that leisure is a source of facilitation for work and family, and, at the same time, a major recipient of conflict from work and family. Moreover, leisure conflict was negatively correlated and leisure facilitation was positively associated with concurrent subjective well‐being. Both conflict and facilitation between all three life domains remained highly stable over the course of one year. Only few and non‐systematic lagged effects were found, indicating that the variance of the stability of the constructs and their relations over time leave little room for longitudinal predictions. Taken together, the study demonstrates that, similar to work–family relations, conflict and facilitation with the leisure domain are also associated with subjective well‐being and remain highly stable over the course of a year in the lives of young and middle‐aged adults. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of golf courses around the world has been phenomenal, particularly since the 1990s where an estimated 350 new courses were added annually to the more than 25 000 existing ones. In terms of recreational sports spaces, golf arguably uses the greatest amount of land. Using the case study of Singapore, it is argued that the continual expansion of golf courses runs counter to the broad ideal of urban sustainability. The arguments that support golf course expansion viz. reducing the issue to a matter of supply and demand and extolling golfs economic benefits pay scant attention to principles of equity and sustainability. Although existing green spaces risk being converted into golf courses, golf course maintenance itself can be ecologically benign. However, the elitist nature of golf in Singapore ultimately imposes greater and unnecessary demands on resources in general. Given Singapore's land scarcity, golf course expansion is opposed not so much because of its ecological impacts but because of how it compromises spatial equity.  相似文献   
上海市休闲农业布局及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
休闲农业是上海市都市现代农业规划的重要部分。采用上海市农业委员会公布的122个休闲农业景点及土地利用数据,综合运用GIS及计量地理方法,包括:最邻近指数、地理集中指数;土地利用多样化指数、洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数;灰色关联分析和OLS分析等,对上海市休闲农业布局及影响因素进行探究。结果表明:(1)上海市休闲农业景点最邻近指数为0.673 8,分布模式为凝聚型,景点分布地理集中指数为42.31,集中程度较高;(2)上海市休闲农业土地利用多样化指数分布在0.2~0.7之间,区县间休闲农业用地多样化程度差异较大,休闲农业土地利用基尼系数为0.558 2,休闲农业用地在区县间分布不均衡;(3)农业资源、交通条件对休闲农业布局有显著的积极影响,旅游业发展对休闲农业布局有显著的消极影响。  相似文献   
城镇居民在休闲特征上呈现出总体一致、细部有异的特点,城镇居民年龄对休闲行为的影响甚微。总体上表现为:每周外出有偿休闲次数少、花费低、休闲场所和目的指向集中、休闲活动参与程度低的特点。各年龄段居民在每周有偿休闲2次、"消磨时间"这一休闲目的对自己的休闲活动"不满意"层面和部分休闲场所、休闲活动参与度层面差异显著。  相似文献   
阜康市休闲农业资源定量评价初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
休闲农业资源评价是休闲农业规划与设计的基础工作。本文采用层次分析法,构建了包括资源条件、开发条件、旅游条件三方面的休闲农业资源定量评价模型并计算分析相应权重,最后选取同属乌鲁木齐都市圈中间层的呼图壁县、昌吉市和五家渠市进行评价研究。通过分析和计算得出:资源条件因素权重最大为0.7306,其次是开发条件因素为0.1884,最后是旅游条件因素为0.0810;呼图壁县、昌吉市、五家渠市和阜康市休闲农业开发总得分分别为67.8、84.7、78.4、82.4,阜康市居第二位,开发潜力大。阜康市农业资源丰富,交通便捷,区位条件优良,经济和旅游业发展较快,具备发展休闲观光农业的优势。  相似文献   
成都市休闲旅游资源空间分布特征及影响因素   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
休闲旅游是旅游消费的发展趋势,休闲旅游资源是休闲旅游产业发展的载体与基础。以成都市休闲旅游资源POI数据为基础,运用最近邻层次聚类分析、Ripley’s K函数及地理探测器等方法,研究成都市休闲旅游资源空间格局及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)成都市休闲旅游资源整体呈现中心集聚与外围分散的分布模式,康娱类、文化类、专项类以及自然类休闲旅游资源分别表现出以传统商圈、文化中心、绿地公园以及自然景点为依托的布局特征。(2)不同类型休闲旅游资源的特征空间尺度存在差异,康娱类特征空间尺度最大,专项类和文化类特征空间尺度次之,自然类特征空间尺度最小。(3)距市中心距离、游客密度、街道活力、居民密度、资源禀赋、道路密度等是影响成都市休闲旅游资源空间分布的重要因素。(4)在影响因素中,距市中心距离、游客与当地居民密度是主导因素;资源禀赋、街道活力是驱动因素;道路密度、距主干道距离与区域经济是诱发因素;政府行为、重大事件是调节因素,四个维度共同作用,形成成都市休闲旅游资源的空间格局。  相似文献   
为了准确把握湖南省城市居民娱乐休闲意向的特征及其影响因素,进行了一项辅助和补充研究。通过对宁乡和常德的居民抽样调查得到基础数据,运用因子分析和聚类法得出3个大类生活形态相异的细分市场,采用对应分析和多重反应分析,得出了不同生活形态细分市场的娱乐休闲意向差异,为湖南省的娱乐市场营销问题提供基础数据和结论。  相似文献   
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