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对立窑烟尘排放特点与立窑除尘工艺中的问题及对策进行了讨论。分析了立窑烟尘排放特征,对几种常见的立窑除尘的设备和工艺进行了比较,指出袋式除尘器可成功地用于立窑烟气除尘。并且从滤料选择、清灰方式、烟温控制、灰斗的气密性等方面详细地完善了袋式除尘器在立窑烟气除尘中的应用。  相似文献   
我国自然环境优越但很脆弱,人均自然资源较少,生态破坏很严重,生态欠帐很多。目前我国在科技水平还比较低的条件下进行大规模的工业化、城市化也对环境产生巨大冲击,产生一些新的环境问题。因此我国环境保护具有长期性和艰巨性,必须坚持不懈地努力,打攻坚战和持久战。  相似文献   
超声辐照去除焦化废水中的氨氮   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用超声辐照去除焦化废水中的氨氮,在废水初始pH为8~9、氨氮初始质量浓度为121mg/L、饱和气体同时曝气同时超声的作用方式下对氨氮去除效果最佳。通过测定自由基清除剂对氨氮去除过程的影响和氨氮的转化形态,提出了超声去除氨氮的作用机理可能是溶液中的氨分子进入空化泡内进行高温热解反应最终转化成氮气和氢气的过程。  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the toxicity for fish of two active ingredients (lambda-cyhalothrin-20?g L?1, a pyrethroid, and acetamiprid-15?g L?1, a neonicotinoid) which are components of a commercial insecticide (Acer 35 EC) used in cotton crop in many West African countries. The juveniles of Oreochromis niloticus (4.01?±?0.34?g, mean body weight) were exposed for 96?h to increasing concentrations of active ingredients (lambda-cyhalothrin and acetamiprid) or a mixture similar to Acer 35 EC (composed by 20?g of chemical compound lambda-cyhalothrin and 15?g of acetamiprid dissolved in 1?L of acetone). The experiments were carried out under controlled conditions in aquaria according to OECD Guidelines. During the experiments, the behavioral responses (loss of balance, color change, hyperactivity, etc.) that usually precede death were observed in exposed fish. Mortalities were recorded in each aquarium and the LC50-96h of each chemical was determined. The LC50-96h obtained were respectively 0.1268, 0.0029, 182.9 and 0.5685?ppm for Acer 35 EC, lambda-cyhalothrin, acetamiprid and mixture. All insecticides used in this study had profound impact on Nile tilapia behavior which may confirm the neurotoxicity of each single active compound as well as of their mixture.  相似文献   
介绍了“电改袋”除尘系统的工艺特征,分析了130t/h煤粉炉烟气除尘器系统改造为长袋低压脉冲袋式除尘器的技术方案。改造后,除尘器已经稳定运行1年多,各项技术指标均达到设计要求,环境效益与经济效益显著。  相似文献   
规划环境影响评价是环境影响评价在规划层次的应用,是对规划或计划及其替代方案的环境影响进行规范、系统、综合的评价过程.就政策导向性和项目导向性规划,从规划环评的方法与程序方面进行了比较、分析,并结合嘉兴滨海新区和巢湖皖维化工基地两个规划环评实例进行了案例研究.  相似文献   
Crop damage is the most common impact of negative interactions between people and elephants and poses a significant threat to rural livelihoods and conservation efforts. Numerous approaches to mitigate and prevent crop damage have been implemented throughout Africa and Asia. Despite the documented high efficacy of many approaches, losses remain common, and in many areas, damage is intensifying. We examined the literature on effectiveness of crop-damage-mitigation strategies and identified key gaps in evaluations. We determined there is a need to better understand existing solutions within affected communities and to extend evaluations of effectiveness beyond measurement of efficacy to include rates of and barriers to adoption. We devised a conceptual framework for evaluating effectiveness that incorporates the need for increased emphasis on adoption and can be used to inform the design of future crop-damage mitigation assessments for elephants and conflict species more widely. The ability to prevent crop loss in practice is affected by both the efficacy of a given approach and rates of uptake among target users. We identified the primary factors that influence uptake as local attitudes, sustainability, and scalability and examined each of these factors in detail. We argue that even moderately efficacious interventions may make significant progress in preventing damage if widely employed and recommend that wherever possible scientists and practitioners engage with communities to build on and strengthen existing solutions and expertise. When new approaches are required, they should align with local attitudes and fit within limitations on labor, financial requirements, and technical capacity.  相似文献   
通过两套大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)水溶性离子在线监测仪与蜂巢式固气分离器膜采样系统作对比,评估了在线监测仪器对主要水溶性组分SO24-、NO3-和NH4+的测定结果.美国URG公司生产的在线连续监测分析系统(AIM URG-9000B)对NH4+和NO3-的监测结果较好,但对SO24-的测定结果存在明显高估,其原因是AIM的平板溶蚀器系统无法完全去除大气中高浓度SO2,从而对SO24-的测定结果有干扰.为解决这一问题,进行了一系列实验,结果表明采用两个溶蚀器串联并用5 mmol.L-1H2O2+5 mmol.L-1NaOH混合溶液作吸收液时,高浓度的SO2(甚至达到260μg.m-3)可以被完全吸收而对SO24-的测定结果不产生影响.由荷兰能源研究所(ECN)、Metrohm和Applikon共同研制的在线气体组分及气溶胶监测系统(MARGA,ADI2080)对NH4+和SO24-的监测结果较好,可以满足实验要求;但NO3-的测定结果偏高,其准确性需作进一步评估.新型监测仪器在不同大气环境中投入使用前需进行对比测试,以确定其准确性和精确性.  相似文献   
本文从阿尔山--柴河旅游区的自然环境现状出发,探讨了在此进行环境监测的必要性.  相似文献   
介绍了GB/T28001—2001标准修订的背景及修订原则,解读了新版标准的主要变化。  相似文献   
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