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2035年美丽中国建设目标及路径机制研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
建设美丽中国,建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化,是中国特色社会主义现代化建设的重要基础与主要内容。本文通过文献分析、对标分析、模型预测等方法,识别了美丽中国建设的科学内涵及特征要求,分析美丽中国建设中长期面临的形势,基于到2035年达到中等发达国家水平、人均GDP翻一番的目标,对标发达国家以及浙江、广东等国内先进地区,构建了美丽中国建设的目标指标体系框架,并从绿色发展、气候变化、生态环境质量、环境治理体系与治理能力等方面,设计美丽中国建设生态环境保护的总体框架与主要路径,提出美丽中国建设的规划建议。  相似文献   
高盐度废水处理技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高盐度废水中含有大量的溶解性物质,无机盐类在微生物生长过程中可以促进酶反应、保持持膜平衡和调节渗透压,但盐浓度过高,使离子强度大,会造成质壁分离、细胞失活,一般微生物难以在其中生长、繁殖,所以传统的生物难以处理高盐度废水。介绍了高盐废水的来源、组成及特点,综述了5种高盐度废水的出来方法,分别为电解法、焚烧法、膜-生物技术、适盐生物法、臭氧催化氧化-生物法,并重点阐述了适盐生物技术及臭氧催化氧化-生物法技术在高盐度废水处理中的应用。  相似文献   
分析了国内外湿法脱硫工艺中亚硫酸钙的氧化反应控制因素研究成果,指出浆液pH值一般控制在4.5—5,采用Mn^2+作为催化剂时,CaSO3有较高的氧化效率。对我国亚硫酸钙氧化技术的继续研究提出了一些建议,为湿法脱硫工艺设计提供参考。  相似文献   
浅谈环境空气自动监测网的系统建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了我国环境空气自动监测网的现状及其发展趋势,并且提出了一套全面有效的系统建设的新思路.该思路把以计算机为特征的新的管理手段和管理模式引进到现实的自动监测工作中,使监测信息为管理服务的手段得到了提升,推动了监测工作人员转变监测观念,提高了工作效率及用户管理监测数据的能力,为技术管理人员通过系统分析、预测,达到及早提出优化管理建议的目的,为领导决策科学化、合理化提供了更有力的技术支撑.  相似文献   
铬盐废渣解毒研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过试验测定了长沙铬盐厂铬盐废渣的性质。正交试验研究得出了以硫酸铵[(NH4)2SO4]为解毒剂的铬渣干法解毒最佳工艺。即以粒径为75μm铬渣与加入量为13.3%(质量百分比)、粒径为427μm的硫酸铵混合均匀,于500℃急速加热30min、闭炉门冷却,解毒处理效率达96.41%。  相似文献   
污染减排是中国环境保护工作的中心任务。"十二五"污染减排必须基于污染源普查动态更新调查结果确定减排基数。根据2009年珠海高新区动态更新调查结果,从企业规模和行业规模的角度对珠海高新区工业源的主要污染物排放特点进行分析,为明确减排基数奠定基础。并从加强前期研究、发展循环经济、创新工作机制等三个方面对珠海高新区污染减排工作提出对策建议,促进污染减排工作可持续发展和产业结构优化升级,推进资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设。  相似文献   
城市交通方式和道路系统的布局对城市的规模和空间结构具有重大影响。以芜湖市为例,通过对不同历史时期的比较,提出了城市在水运时期的单侧带状布局、陆路时期的放射布局和综合高速交通时期的都市区三种空间布局形式。此外,借用长度-半径维数模型与关联维数模型对交通方式与城市空间形态之间的关系进行了论证和探讨。  相似文献   
为了探究喷吹管开孔个数和开孔位置对长滤袋(φ160 mm×6 000 mm)清灰效果的差异,在自建脉冲喷吹实验台上,利用QSY8135压电式压力传感器,测试喷吹压力0.1~0.4 MPa,喷吹孔数4~8个时,不同开孔位置沿滤袋方向的侧壁压力。结果显示:脉冲喷吹压力0.2 MPa下的电磁阀一次喷吹实际耗气量是脉冲喷吹压力0.1 MPa的1.23倍,沿滤袋方向的平均侧壁压力是1.68倍,0.2 MPa的标准差为0.418 3,脉冲喷吹压力0.3 MPa下的电磁阀一次喷吹实际耗气量是喷吹压力0.1 MPa的1.48倍,沿滤袋方向的平均侧壁压力是2.34倍,0.3 MPa的标准差为2.430 4,得到本实验条件最佳喷吹压力0.2 MPa;喷吹压力0.2 MPa,当开孔个数不同时,沿喷吹管方向靠近电磁阀的第二个喷吹孔沿滤袋方向平均侧壁压力最小,开孔位置中最远离脉冲阀的孔沿滤袋方向平均侧壁压力最大,最小的侧壁压力是最大侧壁压力的0.539倍,当开孔数为8个,标准差0.170 5,值最小,清灰均匀性最好。对长滤袋喷吹管上开孔个数和喷吹位置的研究为袋式除尘器喷吹系统的改进和设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Spillover effects are an expansion of conservation benefits beyond protected areas through dispersal of species that reside within. They have been well documented in marine but not terrestrial systems. To understand the effects on wildlife created by conservation fences, we explored the internal and external gradients of activity in mammal, reptile, and bird species at a conservation reserve in arid Australia that is fenced to exclude invasive rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), cats (Felis catus), and foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Two methods were used: counts of animal tracks along transects on sand dunes and captures at pitfall-trapping sites. In both cases, sites were spaced at different distances from the reserve fenceline inside and outside the reserve. We recorded a range of spillover, source-sink, step, and barrier effects that combined to create a zone within and around the reserve with fence-induced species-specific wildlife gradients. Two endemic rodents but none of the 4 mammal species reintroduced to the reserve showed positive spillover effects. Barrier effects, where activity was highest close to the fence, were recorded for the feral cat and native bettong (Bettongia lesueur), species that could not breach the fence. In comparison, some reptiles and native mammal species that could permeate the fence displayed source-sink effects; that is, their activity levels were reduced close to the fence likely due to constant emigration to the side with lower density. Activity of some reptiles was lowest at sites inside the reserve and gradually increased at outside sites with distance from the fence, a gradient likely related to trophic cascades triggered by predator exclusion. Our result shows that fenced reserves can create overlapping layers of species-specific gradients related to each species’ ability to permeate the fence and its varying susceptibility to threats. Managers should be aware that these gradients may extend for several kilometers either side of the fence and that not all contained species will increase in abundance. Creating wider conservation benefits may require increased fence permeability and threat reduction outside the fence.  相似文献   
Mortality of animals on roads is a critical threat to many wildlife populations and is poised to increase strongly because of ongoing and planned road construction. If these new roads cannot be avoided, effective mitigation measures will be necessary to stop biodiversity decline. Fencing along roads effectively reduces roadkill and is often used in combination with wildlife passages. Because fencing the entire road is not always possible due to financial constraints, high-frequency roadkill areas are often identified to inform the placement of fencing. We devised an adaptive fence-implementation plan to prioritize road sections for fencing. In this framework, areas along roads of high, moderate, and low levels of animal mortality (respectively, roadkill hotspots, warmspots, and coldspots) are identified at multiple scales (i.e., in circles of different diameters [200–2000 m] in which mortality frequency is measured). Fence deployment is based on the relationship between the amount of fencing being added to the road, starting with the strongest roadkill hotspots, and potential reduction in road mortality (displayed in mortality-reduction graphs). We applied our approach to empirical and simulated spatial patterns of wildlife–vehicle collisions. The scale used for analysis affected the number and spatial extent of roadkill hot-, warm-, and coldspots. At fine scales (e.g., 200 m), more hotspots were identified than at coarse scales (e.g., 2000 m), but combined the fine-scale hotspots covered less road and less fencing was needed to reduce road mortality. However, many short fences may be less effective in practice due to a fence-end effect (i.e., animals moving around the fence more easily), resulting in a trade-off between few long and many short fences, which we call the FLOMS (few-long-or-many-short) fences trade-off. Thresholds in the mortality-reduction graphs occurred for some roadkill patterns, but not for others. Thresholds may be useful to consider when determining road-mitigation targets. The existence of thresholds at multiple scales and the FLOMS trade-off have important implications for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   
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