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在不同工艺参数下对转炉钢渣进行了固相氧化改质,并对改质后钢渣进行了磁选处理,分析对比了干式磁选和湿式磁选对改质钢渣的磁选效果。实验结果表明:通过氧化改质处理,能够使钢渣中无磁性铁氧化物向有磁性镁铁尖晶石发生转变,后者可通过磁选进行有效分离。原钢渣进行氧化改质的最佳加热温度和气体通入速率分别为1 100 ℃和7.5 L·min-1。钢渣通过固相改质后,更容易获得高回收率的高品位精矿,对钢渣的磁选宜为湿式弱磁选,实验范围内磁选工艺的最佳磁感应强度为0.102 T。在加热温度1 100 ℃,保温时间30 min,气体通入速率7.5 L·min-1的条件下,改质钢渣产率达到22%,铁品位达到62%,回收率达到64.95%。  相似文献   
制备了负载铝沸石(Al-Z)和负载钛沸石(Ti-Z)复合材料并测试了2种吸附材料对氟离子的吸附性能。未改性的人造沸石对氟离子几乎没有吸附作用,室温下2 g·L-1的Al-Z和4 g·L-1的Ti-Z的最大吸附量分别为32.94 mg·g-1和15.03 mg·g-1。在偏酸性和中性条件下有利于Al-Z对氟离子的吸附;Ti-Z对氟离子的吸附效果在酸性条件下较好;Zeta电位结果表明Al-Z对氟离子的吸附较Ti-Z有更广泛的pH适应能力;Al-Z和Ti-Z受CO32-和PO43-共存离子的影响对氟离子的去除率下降,且Ti-Z受影响程度更大,这是因为CO32-和PO43-的存在会改变溶液的pH值,使溶液呈碱性,从而影响吸附剂对氟离子的吸附效果;准二级动力学模型和Freundlich等温线方程符合描述这两种改性沸石对氟离子的吸附行为。与Ti-Z相比,Al-Z在吸附剂用量、氟离子吸附量、对pH与共存阴离子的适应性方面表现更好,是一种非常具有应用前景的氟离子吸附剂。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to clarify the ethical issuessurrounding GM crops by examining the various stages or levels intheir development, production, and consumption. Previous workabout the acceptability or non-acceptability of GM crops hastended to conflate these various levels, partly as a result ofwhich GM crops are all-too-often simply said to be ``good' or``bad.' There are, though, various problems with such a binarycategorization. I look in particular at the duties of scientists,companies, regulatory systems, farmers, retailers, and consumers.  相似文献   
针对水分存在条件下分子筛吸附VOCs吸附容量急剧下降的问题,以汽车涂装过程产生的二甲苯、甲苯、乙酸丁酯为VOCs代表,采用三甲基氯硅烷 (TMCS) /正己烷对NaY分子筛进行疏水改性,以提高高湿度条件下分子筛对VOCs的吸附性能。结果表明,最佳的TMCS/正己烷体积比为1:7 (NaY-4) ,在RH=65%条件下,NaY-4对甲苯的吸附量为7.15 mg·g−1,是未改性NaY分子筛吸附量的2.58倍,且经5次吸附脱附循环实验,吸附容量仍保持在92.56%以上。BET、XRD、FTIR及接触角等表征结果表明,改性并未对分子筛的晶型结构造成影响,但会减小其比表面积;改性后Si—CH3和Si—O—Si疏水官能团增多,接触角由13.2°增加到121.6°,疏水性增强。该研究结果可为分子筛转轮VOCs吸附技术的工业应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Underground coal mine explosions is perhaps the most hazardous danger in the coal mining industries. Efforts have been made to abate the coal dust explosion by applying rock dust either dry or wet. Dry dust has the best lift characteristic which efficiently quenches the flame propagation of a potential explosion. As a trade-off, undesired respirable dust particles are thereby generated imposing a severe health hazard on coal miners. Wet dusting is an alternative to dry dusting which significantly reduces the exposure to respirable dust particles. However, wet dust is subject to adverse caking issues which lead to a drastic reduction in the dispersibility of the particles. The present work summarizes the studies conducted to date regarding the surface modification of rock dust particles for the purpose of eliminating or alleviating the problems accompanying coal mine dusting applications, meanwhile improving the dispersive properties of dust particles and the ability to suppress the coal dust explosion.  相似文献   
Effects of Storage Time on Properties of Soybean Protein-Based Plastics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soybean protein has been considered as a potential biodegradable polymer in the manufacture of plastics. The purpose of this investigation was to characterize the effect of storage time on thermal and mechanical properties of soybean protein isolate (SPI) plastics. SPI was separated from defatted soy flour, modified with 1M or 2M urea, or plasticized with glycerol, and compression molded into plastics. Plastic made from SPI alone was used as a control. For all SPI plastics, glass transition temperatures and dynamic storage modulus increased and loss tangent decreased during storage. Excess enthalpy of relaxation of all SPI plastics had an exponential relationship with storage time, indicating a fast aging rate at the beginning of storage. All SPI plastics tended to be stiff and brittle during storage. The plastics with glycerol had the slowest aging rate and were fairly stable after 60 days, with about 8.8 MPa tensile strength and 168% strain at break. Plastics with the 2M urea-modification SPI also had a slow aging rate and became relative stable after 60 days, with about 10 MPa tensile strength and 72% elongation.  相似文献   
对回收聚丙烯(RPP)进行增韧改性,制备回收聚丙烯,回收胶粉(RPP/WRP)和回收聚丙烯/热塑性弹性体POE(RPP/POE)共混材料,研究两种共混材料的韧性、力学、热、流变性能和形态。结果表明,RPP/WRP改性体系有较好的韧性和耐热性,较高的硬度,属于假塑性流体,回收胶粉可以部分替代POE作为某些制品的增韧剂。  相似文献   
生物炭及改性生物炭对水环境中重金属的吸附固定作用   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
生物炭是由植物或动物废弃生物质在完全或部分缺氧条件经裂解炭化产生的一类高度芳香化、抗分解能力极强的碳质固体物质,是一种富含碳元素的有机连续体。生物炭比表面积大、疏松多孔,含有羟基、羧基、羰基等活性官能团,对多种重金属离子具有吸附固定作用,可以用来去除或削减水体中的有毒有害重金属。此外,利用酸、碱、石墨烯等物质对其进行修饰或改性,可提高对重金属的吸附能力。根据当前研究现状,综述了不同生物炭对水溶液中重金属离子的去除作用,并比较了一些生物炭改性前后与重金属的作用效果差异,同时归纳了生物炭与重金属的相互作用机理及其影响因素。在此基础上,展望了生物炭在去除水体环境中有毒有害重金属的研究方向,以期望生物炭得到更好应用。  相似文献   
重金属以及氨氮是造成水体污染的重要物质,在对水体重金属以及氨氮的去除方法中,活性炭吸附法有一定的进展.本文参照常见的酸类物质如硝酸、盐酸、硫酸、磷酸、柠檬酸和其他酸性物质对活性炭改性去除重金属和氨氮的研究,综述了各种酸改性的机理和对活性炭的影响,定性地比较了活性炭在各种酸改性后的去除能力.总结了对酸性改性活性炭在去除重金属和氨氮应用中的发展方向和前景,对于日后用酸性废水改性活性炭以达到以废治废的功效有着指导、借鉴作用.  相似文献   
对壳聚糖(CTS)进行了两亲改性,通过响应曲面实验对比各因素对取代度影响的显著程度且优选出最佳的制备条件,并采用3种两亲性CTS进行了表面改性气浮(PosiDAF)除藻实验,对比了不同条件下的除藻效果且探究除藻机理.结果表明,两亲性CTS水溶性增强,但热稳定性降低;对响应值影响的显著程度为:碳链长度>反应时间>反应温度>原料投加比;以丁基N-2羟丙基三甲基壳聚糖氯化铵(C4-HTCC)为改性剂,投加量为1.0mg/L时改性气浮除藻效果最佳,可达93.47%,源于其改性的微气泡具有较强的静电吸引作用.  相似文献   
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