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The availability of genomic data for an increasing number of species makes it possible to incorporate evolutionary processes into conservation plans. Recent studies show how genetic data can inform spatial conservation prioritization (SCP), but they focus on metrics of diversity and distinctness derived primarily from neutral genetic data sets. Identifying adaptive genetic markers can provide important information regarding the capacity for populations to adapt to environmental change. Yet, the effect of including metrics based on adaptive genomic data into SCP in comparison to more widely used neutral genetic metrics has not been explored. We used existing genomic data on a commercially exploited species, the giant California sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus), to perform SCP for the coastal region of British Columbia (BC), Canada. Using a RAD-seq data set for 717 P. californicus individuals across 24 sampling locations, we identified putatively adaptive (i.e., candidate) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) based on genotype–environment associations with seafloor temperature. We calculated various metrics for both neutral and candidate SNPs and compared SCP outcomes with independent metrics and combinations of metrics. Priority areas varied depending on whether neutral or candidate SNPs were used and on the specific metric used. For example, targeting sites with a high frequency of warm-temperature-associated alleles to support persistence under future warming prioritized areas in the southern coastal region. In contrast, targeting sites with high expected heterozygosity at candidate loci to support persistence under future environmental uncertainty prioritized areas in the north. When combining metrics, all scenarios generated intermediate solutions, protecting sites that span latitudinal and thermal gradients. Our results demonstrate that distinguishing between neutral and adaptive markers can affect conservation solutions and emphasize the importance of defining objectives when choosing among various genomic metrics for SCP.  相似文献   
大气CO2浓度升高已成为世界范围内重要环境问题。为了解大气CO2浓度升高对春小麦光合作用及水分生理生态特性的影响,在典型半干旱区定西利用开顶式气室(OTC)试验平台,以春小麦“定西24号”为供试品种,开展了CO2浓度增加模拟试验。试验设对照(390μmol·mol?1)、480μmol·mol?1和570μmol·mol?1等3个CO2浓度(摩尔分数)梯度。结果表明:在对照和增加CO2浓度条件下,春小麦叶片净光合速率和蒸腾速率日变化均呈“双峰型”分布,出现明显的“午休”现象;胞间CO2浓度的日变化表现为斜“V”字型曲线;叶水势日变化呈现反抛物线曲线走向,在中午后出现水势曲线拐点。在不同生育时期内,净光合速率、气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度均表现为开花期最大,乳熟期最小。而蒸腾速率表现为开花期最大,拔节期最小,叶片水平水分利用效率表现为孕穗期最大,乳熟期最小。随着CO2浓度升高,春小麦叶片净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、水分利用效率和水势提高,气孔导度和蒸腾速率降低。与对照大气CO2浓度相比,在480μmol·mol?1浓度和570μmol·mol?1浓度下,整个生育期净光合速率平均分别提高了14.68%和28.20%,气孔导度平均降低了15.29%和24.83%,胞间CO2浓度平均提高了10.38%和26.15%,蒸腾速率平均减小了6.63%和12.41%,WUE平均增加了22.9%和46.9%。随着CO2浓度升高,蒸腾失水减少,叶片水势不断增加,从而增强了春小麦对干旱胁迫的抵御能力。研究结果为我国半干旱区春小麦对全球气候变化下的敏感性及适应性提供理论参考。  相似文献   
Pollinator welfare is a recognized research and policy target, and urban greenspaces have been identified as important habitats. Yet, landscape-scale habitat fragmentation and greenspace management practices may limit a city's conservation potential. We examined how landscape configuration, composition, and local patch quality influenced insect nesting success across inner-city Cleveland, Ohio (U.S.A.), a postindustrial legacy city containing a high abundance of vacant land (over 1600 ha). Here, 40 vacant lots were assigned 1 of 5 habitat treatments (T1, vacant lot; T2, grass lawn; T3, flowering lawn; T4, grass prairie; and T5, flowering prairie), and we evaluated how seeded vegetation, greenspace size, and landscape connectivity influenced cavity-nesting bee and wasp reproduction. Native bee and wasp larvae were more abundant in landscapes that contained a large patch (i.e., >6 ha) of contiguous greenspace, in habitats with low plant biomass, and in vacant lots seeded with a native wildflower seed mix or with fine-fescue grass, suggesting that fitness was influenced by urban landscape features and habitat management. Our results can guide urban planning by demonstrating that actions that maintain large contiguous greenspace in the landscape and establish native plants would support the conservation of bees and wasps. Moreover, our study highlights that the world's estimated 350 legacy cities are promising urban conservation targets due to their high abundance of vacant greenspace that could accommodate taxa's habitat needs in urban areas.  相似文献   
酒泉地区城镇类型较多,城镇体系中的许多关系需要统筹协调,本文侧重从城镇的规模和空间关系分析,城乡一体化和区一发展,基础产业和环境建设等三个角度,探讨了区域城市可持续发展问题。  相似文献   
基于主成分分析的矿区地下水水质评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用多元统计主成分分析方法对焦作矿区9个地下水样的6个水质指标进行了分析计算,结果表明:从原始数据中提取占总方差84.809%的3个因子来反映该矿区地下水的污染程度,大部分水质总体较好,经轻度处理后还可以作为生活饮用水或工业用水利用.  相似文献   
The designation of no‐take marine reserves involves social and economic concerns due to the resulting displacement of fishing effort, when fishing rights are removed from those who traditionally fished within an area. Displacement can influence the functioning of the fishery and success of the reserve, yet levels of displacement are seldom quantified after reserve implementation and very rarely before that. We devised a simple analytical framework based on set theory to facilitate reserve placement. Implementation of the framework requires maps of fishing grounds, fishing effort, or catch per unit effort for at least 2 years. The framework quantifies the level of conflict that a reserve designation might cause in the fishing sector due to displacement and the opportunities to offset the conflict through fisher spatial mobility (i.e., ability of fishers to fish elsewhere). We also considered how the outputs of the framework can be used to identify targeted management interventions for each fishery. We applied the method in Honduras, where the largest marine protected area in Central America is being placed, for which spatial data on fishing effort were available for 6 fisheries over 3 years. The proposed closure had a greater negative impact on the shrimp and lobster scuba fisheries, which concentrated respectively 28% and 18% of their effort inside the reserve. These fisheries could not accommodate the displacement within existing fishing grounds. Both would be forced to stretch into new fishing grounds, which are available but are of unknown quality. These stakeholders will likely require compensation to offset costly exploratory fishing or to travel to fishing grounds farther away from port.  相似文献   
三峡蓄水期间汉丰湖消落区营养状态时间变化   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
为探明三峡蓄水后汉丰湖消落区水质营养状态的变化特征,于2013年10月至2014年2月对水质进行连续观察,测定了水质物理参数、营养盐与叶绿素(Chl-a)的质量浓度.结果表明,水体中营养盐与Chl-a质量浓度的增加,在淹水后营养程度有升高现象,2014年2月与2013年10月相比,TN、TP、高锰酸盐指数与Chl-a质量浓度分别增加了4.7、1.0、0.2、3.27倍,TN、TP质量浓度均超过藻类生长限值,随滞留时间延长易造成水体富营养化,应引起重视.Chl-a单因子评价反映出水质由贫营养向富营养演变.TN/TP结果表明,TN、TP分别在不同时间内制约着藻类的生长;2013年10~12月与2014年2月,藻类生长受TN限制;2014年1月,藻类生长受TP限制.Chl-a与p H、DO、NH+4-N、NO-3-N、TN、高锰酸盐指数及TP呈显著正相关,而与SD、水温呈显著负相关;蓄水期间,水质受到了同一污染源的影响.因子分析结果表明,汉丰湖消落区水质主要受p H、DO、NO-3-N、TN的影响,同时Chl-a、TP、NH+4-N与好氧性有机物的污染不可忽视;在蓄水稳定初期水体具有自净能力,随蓄水滞留时间的延长,水质污染程度整体上呈现逐步恶化的趋势,应加以控制;三峡蓄水期间,南河、东河营养程度相对较高,应加强治理.  相似文献   
微生物对汞矿区农田土壤汞甲基化的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究典型汞矿区农田土壤中汞的甲基化作用,实验以受汞污染的旱田土壤和稻田土壤为对象,分别进行灭菌,促进硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)活性处理,抑制SRB活性处理以及促进铁还原菌(FeRB)活性处理,分析非微生物作用和微生物作用对土壤甲基汞(MeHg)生成的影响.结果表明,促进SRB活性处理的土壤MeHg生成量最高,其中旱田土MeHg增量为0.15~0.38μg·kg~(-1),稻田土壤MeHg增量为1~2μg·kg~(-1);抑制SRB活性处理和促进FeRB活性处理的MeHg增量较小,最高值仅为0.025μg·kg~(-1).相比于旱田土壤,稻田土壤具有更高的汞甲基化能力,其MeHg生成量是旱田土壤的4~9倍.土壤SRB数量与MeHg生成量具有相同的变化趋势,二者具有显著的正相关性(R~2=0.57,P0.01).因此,该研究区土壤汞甲基化作用主要是微生物汞甲基化作用,且主要的汞甲基化细菌是SRB.此外,稻田是农田中MeHg生成的活跃地区,在评估和控制MeHg对人体健康危害时需要重点关注.  相似文献   
北京市新建城区不透水地表径流N、P输出形态特征研究   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
2010年通过对北京市新建城区典型不透水地表径流水样的采集与分析,研究新建城区地表径流水质特征及其N、P输出形态组成,以期为城市地表径流污染的源区控制提供科学依据.结果表明,北京市新建区典型不透水地表屋面和道路地表径流污染初期冲刷效应显著,屋面径流污染负荷的输出主要集中在初期10 mm径流,而道路径流污染负荷的输出主要集中在初期15 mm径流.屋面地表径流TSS、COD、TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N和TP事件浓度均值分别为50.2、81.7、6.07、2.94、1.05和0.11 mg·L-1;道路地表径流TSS、COD、TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N和TP事件浓度均值分别为539.0、276.4、7.00、1.71、1.51和0.61 mg·L-1.屋面径流颗粒态COD、TN和TP分别占20.8%、12.3%和49.7%,道路径流颗粒态COD、TN和TP分别占68.6%、20.0%和73.6%.屋面径流溶解性氮素占总氮87.7%,其中NH4+-N和NO3--N分别占57.6%和22.5%,道路径流溶解性氮素占总氮的80.0%,其中NH4+-N和NO3--N分别占42.1%和35.0%.城市地表径流污染控制应加强NH4+-N和NO3--N的去除.  相似文献   
受污染土壤重金属随降雨径流输出已成为河流、湖泊等水体重金属超标的主要来源之一,近年来日益受到关注.研究表明湘江中下游农田土壤重金属超标问题日益严峻,以镉超标最为严重.研究以湘中矿区Cd超标农业小流域为实验场,选取流域内水稻、旱田、荒草地这3类土地利用模式设置径流小区进行自然降雨水文过程的原位观测.结果表明,雨水pH值由春季到夏季呈升高趋势,径流水相溶解态Cd浓度呈明显的季节性差异,春季显著高于夏季,雨水pH值可显著影响土壤溶解态Cd向径流水相迁移,与径流水相溶解态Cd浓度呈负相关关系.相同降雨条件下,稻田径流水相溶解态Cd浓度显著低于旱田和荒草地,旱田与荒草地Cd面源输出负荷显著高于水稻田,由于降雨量差异,3类土地利用类型溶解态Cd面源输出负荷的季节性规律不明显.本研究可为流域尺度重金属面源输出负荷定量估算以及湘江流域水环境安全与水质预警提供数据支持和科学依据.  相似文献   
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