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在传统食物型人口承载力的基础上,把河南焦作地区设为研究区域,依据耕地资源、粮食生产和人口增长的历史状况,运用相关数学模型进行预测分析,并以此为依据对研究区域未来30年不同情景下的耕地资源人口承载潜力的可能变化过程进行了多情景模拟分析。研究表明:①随着社会经济的发展,无论以何种发展情景及人口消费水平,焦作地区耕地资源人口承载力均为富载状态,是重要的粮食主产区;②本区域在理想情景与适中情景发展模式下,耕地资源人口承载潜力均能超过现在的承载能力;③从模拟结果看,理想情景为最优方案,但考虑到研究区域的现状发展水平,适中情景发展模式可能更具操作性和合理性。 相似文献
A fuzzy logic model is developed to estimate pseudo steady state chlorophyll-a concentrations in a very large and deep dam reservoir, namely Keban Dam Reservoir, which is also highly spatial and temporal variable. The estimation power of the developed fuzzy logic model was tested by comparing its performance with that from the classical multiple regression model. The data include chlorophyll-a concentrations in Keban lake as a response variable, as well as several water quality variables such as PO4 phosphorus, NO3 nitrogen, alkalinity, suspended solids concentration, pH, water temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration and Secchi depth as independent environmental variables. Because of the complex nature of the studied water body, as well as non-significant functional relationships among the water quality variables to the chlorophyll-a concentration, an initial analysis is conducted to select the most important variables that can be used in estimating the chlorophyll-a concentrations within the studied water body. Following the outcomes from this initial analysis, the fuzzy logic model is developed to estimate the chlorophyll-a concentrations and the advantages of this new model is demonstrated in model fitting over the traditional multiple regression method. 相似文献
对含盐有机电镀废水进行预处理,考察了多元氧化微电解工艺对废水有机污染物的去除效果和可生化性的改善效果。结果表明,多元氧化微电解工艺的最佳条件为:pH 3.0,填充比(填料与废水的体积比)1∶1,微电解时间45min,气水比(体积比)1∶1;在此条件下,COD去除率可达67.1%。多元氧化微电解工艺能使BOD5/COD由原来的0.10升高到0.32~0.41,提高了废水的可生化性,减轻了后续生化处理负荷,是预处理含盐有机电镀废水的有效方法。 相似文献
Effects of cadium, zinc and lead on soil enzyme activities 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Heavy metal (HM) is a major hazard to the soil-plant system. This study investigated the combined effects of cadium (Cd), zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) on activities of four enzymes in soil, including calatase, urease, invertase and alkalin phosphatase. HM content in tops of canola and four enzymes activities in soil were analyzed at two months after the metal additions to the soil. Pb was not significantly inhibitory than the other heavy metals for the four enzyme activities and was shown to have a protective role on calatase activity in the combined presence of Cd, Zn and Pb; whereas Cd significantly inhibited the four enzyme activities, and Zn only inhibited urease and calatase activities. The inhibiting effect of Cd and Zn on urease and calatase activities can be intensified significantly by the additions of Zn and Cd. There was a negative synergistic inhibitory effect of Cd and Zn on the two enzymes in the presence of Cd, Zn and Pb. The urease activity was inhibited more by the HM combinations than by the metals alone and reduced approximately 20%--40% of urease activity. The intertase and alkaline phosphatase activities significantly decreased only with the increase of Cd concentration in the soil. It was shown that urease was much more sensitive to HM than the other enzymes. There was a obvious negative correlation between the ionic impulsion of HM in soil, the ionic impulsion of HM in canola plants tops and urease activity. It is concluded that the soil urease activity may be a sensitive tool for assessing additive toxic combination effect on soil biochemical parameters. 相似文献
为研究高海拔环境下离心风机的运行性能规律,采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法对海拔高度分别为0,1000,2000,3000,4000和5000 m条件下的离心风机流场及性能进行三维数值模拟.研究结果表明:相同工况风量条件下,风机内部流场形态不受海拔高度影响,但随着海拔的升高,内流场各处压力绝对值均减小,风机叶片载荷减小,... 相似文献
省级政府承担着改善地区环境质量,守护一方绿水青山的重任。探究不同制度条件下地方政府环境治理绩效的组态生成机制,对加强生态文明建设,促进人与自然和谐共生的中国式现代化具有重要意义。基于多重制度逻辑理论,本文对30个省级行政区2017—2019年的数据进行了动态的汇总型FSQCA分析。研究发现:单一条件不能构成省级政府环境治理高绩效的必要生成条件;生成省级政府环境治理高绩效的组态机制共有四种,分别为:数据赋能单向机制、市场—法治协同机制、市场—公众协同机制以及政治—数据协同机制。进一步分析表明,在我国不同地区,生成省级政府环境治理高绩效的组态机制具有差异性。 相似文献
目的 评估飞行器产品在飞行过程对热–离心综合环境的适应性,研制一套热–离心综合环境试验用热控装置。方法 从热–离心试验需求出发,完成综合试验系统总体研制目标及系统方案设计。针对高g值离心环境(离心加速度值≥90g)下的热载荷加载需求,开展基于热传导的热载荷加载方法研究,并完成适用于高g值环境的热控装置硬件布局优化设计。提出基于分段包络思想的产品响应温度梯度分布效应模拟方法及实现,减少过试验考核。结果 利用该热控装置完成了热–离心综合环境功能验证试验,设置最大加速度为92g,保载时间为3 min,最高加热温度为150℃,最大温升速率为3℃/min,3温区控制,升温过程中,温度误差优于±1.5℃。结论 该热–离心综合环境试验用热控装置可用于飞行器产品热–离心综合环境试验的考核。 相似文献
目的 验证多失效模式下弹上舱段结构件的贮存寿命。方法 通过开展贮存条件下失效模式分析,确定复合材料贮存薄弱环节,依此制定高温摸底试验方案。开展高温极限应力试验,确定不改变复合材料失效机理的高温贮存极限应力,并据此开展加速因子试验,基于阿伦尼兹模型,计算不同失效模式的激活能,并以激活能最小的性能参数作为贮存薄弱环节,计算舱段结构件加速因子,设计舱段结构件加速贮存寿命验证试验,评估其贮存寿命。结果 计算了某防热材料各失效模式下的激活能,确定了其性能参数的薄弱环节,根据薄弱环节的激活能计算了舱段结构件加速因子和加速贮存试验时间,验证了其贮存寿命。结论 通过确定防热材料的贮存薄弱环节,开展了加速贮存试验,验证了舱段贮存寿命。 相似文献
为提高颗粒阻尼器对高层结构多模态控制性能,将颗粒阻尼技术与多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)结合,提出了多重调谐冲击阻尼器(MTID),基于一个 20 层非线性 Benchmark 结构验证了多目标优化设计的 MTID 相对于单个调谐冲击阻尼器(STMD)的减震优越性,并研究了采用不同布置准则的分布式 MTID 的减震性能。结果表明:优化设计的 MTID 在减小主体结构的动力响应、非线性变形和塑性损伤等方面均具有更优异的控制性能;基于主体结构的模态特性确定 MTID 系统中 TID 的安装位置非常有效,将各个 TID 均安装于振型幅值最大的楼层可获得最优的振动控制性能。 相似文献