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Genetically identical animals are very much in demand as laboratory objects because they allow conclusions about environmental and epigenetic effects on development, structures, and behavior. Furthermore, questions about the relative fitness of various genotypes can be addressed. However, genetically identical animals are relatively rare, in particular, organisms that combine a high reproduction rate and a complex organization. Based on its exclusively parthenogenetic reproduction mode, it has been suggested that the Marmorkrebs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Astacida), a recently discovered crayfish, is an excellent candidate for research addressing the aforementioned questions. However, until now, a study using molecular markers that clearly proves the genetic uniformity of the offspring has been lacking. Here, with this first molecular study, we show that this crayfish indeed produces genetically uniform clones. We tested this with 19 related individuals of various generations of a Marmorkrebs population by means of six different microsatellite markers. We found that all examined specimens were identical in their allelic composition. Furthermore, half of the analyzed loci were heterozygous. These results and the absence of meioses in previous histological studies of the ovaries lead us to conclude the Marmorkrebs propagates apomictically. Thus, a genetically uniform organism with complex morphology, development, and behavior is now available for various laboratory studies.  相似文献   
苯乙烯对几种海洋生物的急性毒性效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在封闭静水式条件下,苯乙烯对小新月菱形藻和扁藻的96 hEC50分别为8.96 mg/L和5.94 mg/L.苯乙烯对甲壳动物和鱼类的实验采取开放静水式方法.中国对虾仔虾和中华绒螯蟹幼蟹的96 hLC50 分别为7.96 mg/L和72.27 mg/L,牙鲆的96 h LC50为18.55 mg/L.按新化学物质危害评估导则中的分级标准,苯乙烯对两种实验藻和中国对虾的毒性属高毒性,对中华绒螯蟹和牙鲆具有中毒性.计算出苯乙烯的无影响阈值(ENEV)为0.594 mg/L,可以为制定苯乙烯的水生生物安全阈值提供参考.  相似文献   
Pollution monitoring of marine organisms grown in the Zhoushan Sea of China   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
PolutionmonitoringofmarineorganismsgrownintheZhoushanSeaofChinaZhouQixing,ZhuYinmeiDepartmentofEnvironmentalSciences,Zhejiang...  相似文献   
综述了转基因作物根系分泌物和转基因作物残茬对土壤微生物和土壤动物的影响,主要表现在3方面:(1)对某些微生物和土壤动物有毒害作用;(2)为特定的微生物和土壤生物提供营养;(3)对土壤生物可能产生长期累积影响,但对此尚无定论。  相似文献   
The safe application of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) requires a risk assessment prior to their proposed use. Based on methods from the chemical industry, we developed a hazard identification procedure for the risk assessment of field tests with genetically modified plants. This risk assessment method, GMHAZID, is carried out in the form of guided brainstorm sessions. GMHAZID was tested with a case study for which a risk assessment had previously been made, and the results of the assessments were compared. The results showed that some new hazards potentially leading to uncontrolled spreading, in addition to those from the previous assessment, were identified using GMHAZID. GMHAZID also recognised some hazards leading to failures in the field experiments. We suggest that GMHAZID provides systematics, reliability, and transparency to the risk assessment procedure.  相似文献   
砷是一种强毒性化学物质,毒性不但与其在环境中的总量有关,更与其化学形态密切相关。砷在海洋环境中普遍存在,而海洋生物体内砷化合物的含量较高,是海洋环境中的"砷库"。本文结合国内外对海洋生物体内总砷及砷形态的分析,总结了国内外对各类海洋生物,包括海藻、海葵、多毛类、贝类、鱼类和其他高营养级海洋动物体内不同形态砷含量、累积和形态转化等研究概况和进展。针对目前研究工作和技术水平差异,建议我国应在检测技术、样品前处理、标准品制备、砷对生物体的健康效应等方面开展深入研究,以期揭示海洋生物对砷的累积规律、形态转化机制以及在人类体内代谢过程与危害性,为保护海洋生态环境、维护海洋食品安全提供科学依据。  相似文献   
基因工程作物(GMO)自70年代出现以来就引起了人们的关注,特别是近年GMO安全性成为世界性的热点问题.本文就GMO产生的背景、GMO的种类及其对环境和食品的安全性评价作了肤浅的探讨.  相似文献   
鱼类模式生物在化学品生态毒性测试中占有重要地位,中国尚没有合适的标准化本土实验鱼种。国家环境保护部第7号令《新化学物质环境管理办法》对本土受试生物用于生态毒性测试提出了要求。稀有鮈鲫(Gobiocypris rarus)是一种我国特有的小型淡水鲤科鱼类,具有成为标准试验鱼种的潜能。首个以稀有鮈鲫为标准供试生物的化学品鱼类急性毒性试验国家标准已经发布实施,其他测试方法的标准化工作正在持续进行中。本文阐述了研发稀有鮈鲫为标准供试生物的依据,对相关标准化研究工作进行了分析、归纳和总结,并提出了未来工作的方向和需求。  相似文献   
实验利用序批式反应器(SBR)考察反硝化除磷颗粒污泥搁置1个月后重新投入运行,其活性恢复能力及对实际生活污水的处理效果。结果表明,颗粒污泥搁置后外观由淡黄色转变为灰黑色,颗粒重新投入反应器,11 d后颜色基本恢复,污泥浓度及活性迅速增加;对COD处理能力的恢复历时14 d,去除率稳定在80.32%以上;颗粒污泥对NH4+-N和PO34--P的去除在40 d时也恢复到正常水平;反硝化聚磷菌(DNPAOs)活性恢复期为50 d。颗粒污泥对低碳氮比的实际生活污水处理结果显示,当C/N<5.1时(生活污水比例>60%),无法满足系统内微生物生长要求,需要外加适量碳源进行补充。  相似文献   
双酚A(BPA)已被证实是一种类雌激素类物质。本研究根据BPA对水生生物毒性效应的特点,按照不同的毒性终点将BPA的毒性数据进行归类,采用物种敏感度分布法(species sensitivity distribution,SSD)推导了BPA对水生生物的预测无效应浓度(predicted no effect concentration,PNEC)。结果表明:以雌激素效应为暴露终点的急、慢性PNEC分别为25.11μg·L-1、1.075μg·L-1;而以所有数据的急、慢性毒性效应为暴露终点推导的PNEC值分别为355.7μg·L-1、7.549μg·L-1。BPA对水生生物的雌激素效应更为敏感,建议在推导BPA这类内分泌干扰物的PNEC值时,应依据其毒性终点分别推导,从而得到更加合理的基准值。研究成果以期为我国地表水环境质量标准的制修订提供数据支持。  相似文献   
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