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差异性区域网格化环境管理是在环境状况存在明显分异区域进行环境管理的有效的方式。依托网格化管理在资源整合和信息共事方面的优势.探讨在环境状况差异明显区域构建网格化管理体系的目标、步骤与管理思路。以上海市宝山区的实践为例.根据区内环境现状差异明显的特征。将全区划分为150个网格.从中选取环境矛盾较为突出的网格.开展区域环境综合整治与环境建设.逐年逐块提升区域网格环境状况.实现区域环境网格等级的提升.初步达成区域生态、生产、生活的协调。实践表明.差异性区域网格化管理是建设环境友好型社会的一种有效的环境管理手段。  相似文献   
鏍规嵁鍖哄煙鏈簳鐢熸€佽冻杩瑰拰鏃呮父鐢熸€佽冻杩圭殑璁$畻妯″瀷,瀵瑰簮灞辩殑鐢熸€佽冻杩硅繘琛屼簡鍒嗘瀽璁$畻,缁撴灉琛ㄦ槑(1)搴愬北鐢熸€佽冻杩归渶姹備负0.354 603 hm2,鍏朵腑鍖哄煙鏈簳鐢熸€佽冻杩逛负0.343 510 hm2,鏃呮父鐢熸€佽冻杩逛负0.011 093 hm2.(2)搴愬北鍙埄鐢ㄧ殑浜哄潎鐢熸€佹壙杞藉姏涓?.219 805 hm2,浜哄潎鐢熸€佽丹瀛楄揪O.123 543 hm2,鍏朵腑鏃呮父鐢熸€佽冻杩瑰崰鎬昏丹瀛楃殑3.13%.(3)鍦ㄩ渶姹傝冻杩圭粨鏋勪腑鍗?8.31%鐨勫寲鐭宠兘婧愬湴,澶уぇ瓒呰繃浜嗗簮灞辩殑鎵胯浇鍔涢潰绉?鑷翠娇搴愬北鐨勭敓鎬佺幆澧冧繚鎶ょ殑鍘嬪姏涓嶆柇鍔犻噸.(4)搴愬北鍗曚綅鏃呮父鐢熸€佽冻杩逛骇鍊间负33缇庡厓/hm2,鍏朵腑鍗曚綅鏃呮父娓歌銆佹梾娓镐綇瀹垮拰鏃呮父璐墿鐨勪骇鍊艰緝楂?鏃呮父浜ら€氬拰鏃呮父椁愰ギ鐨勫崟浣嶄骇鍊肩浉瀵硅緝浣?鏃呮父浜у€艰繕鏈夎緝澶х殑鍙戝睍绌洪棿.(5)鏀垮簻閮ㄩ棬鍜岀ぞ浼氬悇鐣屽繀椤绘帹杩涙洿涓虹郴缁熷寲鐨勬棤闅滅鏃呮父涓?杞彉楂樿兘鑰楃殑缁忔祹鍙戝睍閬撹矾,浠庤€岄檷浣庡崟浣嶇粡娴庢晥鐩婄殑鐢熸€佽冻杩?瀹炵幇搴愬北鐨勫彲鎸佺画鍙戝睍.  相似文献   
The implementation of sustainable development may seem a simple concept when written on paper. However to carry-out long term actions put forward by the Agenda 21 (AG21) at the local level represents one of the main challenges as municipal governments in general do not have the capacity to effectively implement the process. Regional environmental assessment (REA) has shown to be effective in supporting decision-making not only to correct environmental problems due to past unsustainable social-economic developments but also help local governments to implement sustainable actions. However this requires long-term investments of AG21 plans and projects. The allocation of regular and consistent financial resources is one of the main ingredients for the sustainable development process. But traditional plans and projects financed by national and/or international funds may not be sustainable in the long-term because they become dependent on external funding. Research demonstrate that innovative economic instruments such as ecotaxes represent a feasible alternative to sponsor local sustainability because taxes are collected permanently by the government and could be invested in continuous actions. Ecotaxes experiences have provided important reference to structure a municipal incentive model (MIM) to sponsor AG21’s environmental plans and projects on a long-term (permanent) basis. However sustainable development cannot be solely through economic investments. A comprehensive municipal environmental management scheme (MEMS) has been established to support the incentive model. The scheme seeks not only to improve local institutional framework but also incentive continuous participation of local stakeholders at all levels of society. Participatory events and the provision of incentives (educational and financial) are key to motivate society to protect the environment and support actively the sustainable development process as emphasised in the RIO-92 Conference.  相似文献   
不同经济发展阶段区域经济发展差异比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在介绍区域经济发展阶段各种理论及划分方法的基础上,通过计算1985-2004年间,广西崇左市、安徽滁州市、江苏南通市经济发展的变化轨迹,确定不同区域经济发展阶段.利用偏离-份额分析法对区域经济发展水平进行研究,表明崇左市经济结构较差,结构对于经济增长的贡献小且竞争能力较弱;滁州市经济中增长快的产业部门比重较大,总体经济结构较好,结构对于经济增长具有一定贡献,竞争能力较强;南通市经济中朝阳的、增长快的产业部门比重大,总体经济结构好,结构对于经济增长的贡献大,且各产业部门总的增长势头大,具有很强的竞争能力.建议:①崇左市参与中国-东盟自由贸易区、中越"两廊一圈"经济带以及泛珠三角经济区域,吸收泛珠三角经济区的产业转移,加快发展国际贸易.②滁州市应融入南京都市圈,吸引和承接东部地区的产业转移,注意生态城市建设,发展循环经济,实现经济和生态环境的综合协调发展.③南通市应把资源节约型的增长模式和消费方式作为经济增长方式转变的核心,提升产业的综合竞争力,最终实现经济社会协调发展.  相似文献   
前沿技术进步、技术效率和区域经济差距   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1998-2009年中国30个省市的人均GDP与当年全国人均GDP的差值作为区域经济差距指标,运用核密度估计方法观察了我国区域经济差距的变动状况。从核密度图可知,我国区域经济呈现出收敛的态势;通过随机前沿模型从全要素生产率中分解出前沿技术进步和技术效率,利用1998-2009年28个省市的面板数据,检验了全要素生产率对区域经济差距的影响。实证结果显示,前沿技术进步能够显著的缩小区域经济差距,其中对于东部地区的效果较为显著,技术效率则能够扩大东部地区的经济差距,对于中部和西部地区的影响不显著。政策含义是缩小东部地区经济差距的主要途径是加大对科技创新领域的投入,加强对欠发达地区的技术支持;对于中部地区和西部地区而言,则应该是加大市场化水平、对外开放水平和地方支出比重。  相似文献   
In order to determine the potential for sustainable regional development of the Caspian coastal zone, a study was made for the Khachmaz–Absheron zone of Azerbaijan. An evaluation was performed to assess the anthropogenic load on landscapes. Using the 8-point scale offered by Isachenko [2001, Ecological Geography of Russia, Saint Petersburg University Press, Saint Petersburg] for the indicators of agricultural, industrial, urban and integral anthropogenic loads, we did a preliminary ranking of the provinces in the Khachmaz–Absheron zone of Azerbaijan for the each indicator taken separately. Vital statistics were used as a supplementary indicator of environmental conditions in the region. By comparing the data for provinces with each other and the data on Azerbaijan average, we have classified the provinces into 4 groups according to specific combinations of the indicators. Each group of provinces has distinctive environmental conditions and features for sustainable development. The classification makes it possible to develop certain recommendations for the regional sustainable development. Measures to be implemented within the Azerbaijan State Program on Social and Economic Development of Regions are also discussed. In the Khachmaz province, production of ecologically pure products is highly recommended. Special attention should be given to the development of tourism and recreational institutions in the Khachmaz, Khizi and Devechi provinces. Recommendations for these provinces include further development of industry on the basis of modern safe technologies. The irrigation and drainage networks should be reconstructed. The reconstruction will make it possible to reduce water loss and to increase the productivity of agriculture. In the Absheron province, Baku and Sumgait cities environmental systems are overloaded, and so the works at highly polluting enterprises must be stopped, the enterprises have to be re-equipped (old filters must be changed first of all) or relocated from the area (a decrease of environmental risk should be in the focus of attention). For improving of air quality, green areas should increase. There is a need to reduce urban traffic density and to reconstruct highways. Use of old vehicles must be forbidden or restricted, and transition to environmentally friendly fuel should be supported in every way possible. It is necessary to bring the waste management system and sanitary landfills up to international standards, and to improve the water supply and sewerage systems.  相似文献   
上海都市旅游与长三角区域旅游的互动响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着经济全球化和区域一体化进程的加速,从长江三角洲地区区域旅游发展的视角重新审视上海都市旅游发展,探析都市旅游与其周边区域旅游发展的互动响应,具有重要的先导和示范效应。基于上海都市旅游发展面临挑战及长三角区域旅游合作进程的梳理,在对长三角旅游城市体系规模结构、长三角城市旅游经济联系度等指标的测评分析与研究基础上,提出上海都市旅游与长三角区域旅游互动响应路径首先是长三角核心城市(上海 南京 杭州)网络化发展,通过旅游产业网络化、市场网络化、组织网络化、服务保障体系网络化等各个子(分)网络共同构成互补、协作和理性竞争的长三角大旅游产业体系,尝试构筑“上海都市旅游 长三角区域旅游”共轭型的旅游地域综合体,旨在推进上海都市旅游与长三角区域旅游的和谐可持续发展,进而提升长三角区域旅游的整体竞争优势。  相似文献   
随着近年来我国碳排放总量的增加,一些西方国家开始把碳减排责任的矛头指向中国。为了明确中国碳排放的国际地位,运用历史唯物主义观点,从经济发展阶段视角进行了国际比较研究。首先运用IEA2011年公布的碳排放数据分析了我国2009年面临的碳排放形势,继而研究了工业革命以来中国碳排放的总体贡献情况,最后从经济发展阶段视角进行了国际比较研究。认为:①尽管我国当前的碳排放总量巨大,但人均碳排放量低于世界前10名的主要碳排放国家,碳排放强度与世界主要碳排放国家相比还存在一定差距;②我国的历史累计碳排放贡献及人均碳排放均较低,发达国家和地区的累计碳排放量达到世界累计碳排放量的近3/4;③与发达国家相同经济发展阶段相比,我国的人均碳排放和碳排放强度远低于主要发达国家和地区;④世界主要发达国家和地区在快速推进工业化的经济发展阶段普遍伴随着高碳排放。鉴于此,我们认为应该辩证地看待中国的碳排放,一方面中国当前的确产生了较大的碳排放,另一方面中国的经济发展阶段决定了这种碳排放规模和水平。发达国家的经济发展轨迹和碳足迹也表明,在工业化快速推进的过程中,一定程度的高碳排放是世界经济发展的客观规律。  相似文献   
中国区域创新能力差异变动实证分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
区域创新能力是决定区域经济发展水平和经济增长实力的关键,在建设"创新型国家"的战略背景下,各省市越来越注重区域创新能力的建设。区域创新能力作为一个动态的发展过程,其差异在不断变化,差异可能扩大也可能缩小,区域创新能力的差异性及随时间的波动性对政府相关管理部门的决策具有重要影响。本文以发明专利申请量和大中型工业企业新产品产值衡量区域创新能力,运用Theil系数模型测算了1990-2008年间我国发明专利申请量和大中型工业企业新产品产值的区域差异变动情况。结果发现:发明专利申请量区域差异变动呈现S型曲线;大中型工业企业新产品产值区域差异变动呈现近似倒U型曲线;区间差异和东部地区内部差异在总差异中占主导地位。在此基础上,本文进一步提出了缩小我国区域创新能力差异的针对性政策建议。  相似文献   
With the increase of global population, grain-popula- tion relationship has attracted great attention worldwide. In China, grain-population relationship has become an increasingly impor- tant economic ...  相似文献   
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