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职业卫生安全管理体系(OHSMS)标准倡导好的管理的共同原理,将OHSMS融入组织总的管理体系,与我国组织职业卫生安全(OHS)管理的经验相容,对我国组织在市场经济体制下建立自主安全管理机制有极重要的意义。实施OHSMS标准不存在经济实力的前提,且OHS投入与组织的经济效益是一致的。这种标准化适应了我国经济体制转变时期政府安全管理职能和管理方式的变化,还与我国OHS管理体制的改革方向相吻合。我国基本具备实施OHSMS标准的法律基础。为有效实施OHSMS标准化,应加强OHS法规建设,在监察体系上实行第三方机构的认证/注册制度 相似文献
氯碱生产中,氯气系统压力不易控制,容易发生泄漏爆炸事故。为解决这一难题,保证安全生产,金川公司化工厂于1996年设计并安装了一套氯气压力自动检测调节系统,经过两年的实际使用,达到了稳定氯气系统压力的良好效果。 相似文献
Juliane Ventura-Lima Daniele Fattorini José M. Monserrat 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》2009,157(12):3479-3484
Differences in the toxicological and metabolic pathway of inorganic arsenic compounds are largely unknown for aquatic species. In the present study the effects of short-time and acute exposure to AsIII and AsV were investigated in gills and liver of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae), measuring accumulation and chemical speciation of arsenic, and the activity of glutathione-S-transferase omega (GST Ω), the rate limiting enzyme in biotransformation of inorganic arsenic. Oxidative biomarkers included antioxidant defenses (total glutathione-S-transferases, glutathione reductase, glutathione, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), total scavenging capacity toward peroxyl radicals, reactive oxygen species (ROS) measurement and lipid peroxidation products. A marked accumulation of arsenic was observed only in gills of carps exposed to 1000 ppb AsV. Also in gills, antioxidant responses were mostly modulated through a significant induction of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity which probably contributed to reduce ROS formation; however this increase was not sufficient to prevent lipid peroxidation. No changes in metal content were measured in liver of exposed carps, characterized by lower activity of GST Ω compared to gills. On the other hand, glutathione metabolism was more sensitive in liver tissue, where a significant inhibition of glutathione reductase was concomitant with increased levels of glutathione and higher total antioxidant capacity toward peroxyl radicals, thus preventing lipid peroxidation and ROS production. The overall results of this study indicated that exposure of C. carpio to AsIII and AsV can induce different responses in gills and liver of this aquatic organism. 相似文献
The dissipation of carbendazim and chloramphenicol alone and in combination and their effects on soil fungal:bacterial ratios and soil enzyme activities were investigated. The results revealed that carbendazim dissipation was little affected by chloramphenicol, whereas chloramphenicol dissipation was found to be retarded significantly by the presence of carbendazim. The inhibitory effect of carbendazim on the fungal:bacterial ratios was increased by the presence of chloramphenicol, and the inhibitory effect of chloramphenicol on neutral phosphatase was increased by the presence of carbendazim. Carbendazim increased soil catalase and urease activities, but this increase was partially diminished by the presence of chloramphenicol. Little interaction was observed between carbendazim and chloramphenicol with regard to their influence on soil invertase. The results obtained in this study suggest that combinations of fungicides and antibiotics may alter the compounds’ individual behaviors in soil and their effects on soil enzymes. 相似文献
为创新安全管理范式,进一步丰富安全管理理论,基于压电理论与安全管理理论,开展压电安全管理研究。首先,分析压电理论对安全管理的启示,探讨压电安全管理的内涵,并提出压电安全管理概念模型;在此基础上,结合安全管理全生命周期理论,构建与解析压电安全管理模型;最后,阐述压电安全管理的特点。结果表明:压电安全管理是一种可根据系统在一定时空内安全状态的变化而采取针对性措施并满足系统安全需求的安全管理新范式,兼备常态安全管理和非常态安全管理2种安全管理模式,同时,涵盖安全风险防控、应急响应和调整优化3种安全管理行为。 相似文献
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) such as DDT and DDE have been detected in the surface 0.2 m of Vertisols in the lower Namoi Valley of north western New South Wales, Australia even though they have not been applied to crops since 1982. However, their presence in the deeper soil horizons has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to determine if OCPs were present to a depth of 1.2 m in Vertisols under irrigated cotton farming systems in the lower Namoi Valley of New South Wales. Soil was sampled from the 0-1.2 m depths in three sites, viz. the Australian Cotton Research Institute, ACRI, near Narrabri (149°36′E, 30°12′S), and two cotton farms near Wee Waa (149°27′E, 30°13′S) and Merah North (149°18′E, 30°12′S) in northern New South Wales, Australia. The OCPs detected and their metabolites were α-endosulfan, β-endosulfan, endosulfan sulphate, DDD, DDE, DDT and endrin. The metabolite DDE, a breakdown product of DDT, was the most persistent OCP in all depths analysed. Endosulfan sulphate was the second most persistent followed by endrin > α-endosulfan > β-endosulfan > DDT and DDD. DDT was sprayed extensively in the lower Namoi Valley up to the early 1980s and may explain the persistence of DDE in the majority of soil samples. Dicofol and Dieldrin, two OCPs previously undocumented in Vertisols were also detected. The movement of OCPs into the subsoil of Vertisols may occur when irrigation or rain transports soil colloids and organic matter via preferential flow systems into the deeper layers of a soil profile. Persistence of OCPs was closely correlated to soil organic carbon concentrations. The persistence in soil of OCP’s applied to cotton crops grown more than two decades ago suggests that they could enter the food chain. Their presence at depths of 1.2 m suggests that they could move into groundwater that may eventually be used for domestic and stock consumption. 相似文献
基于改进型AHP与证据理论的应答器系统风险评估 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了科学客观地对应答器系统进行风险评估,规避评估过程中的主观性和不确定性,提出了一种基于改进型AHP与证据理论的评估方法。首先识别系统的风险因素,采用改进型AHP法确定风险因素的权重;然后依据权重将模糊子集引入证据体空间,并加入模糊概率,将专家的模糊描述转换为定量描述,利用证据理论合成规则得到系统风险的mass函数值。最后,以应答器系统为例进行风险评估,结果表明,该方法的评估结果与实际情况基本吻合,验证了该方法的可靠性和有效性。 相似文献
Addition of pesticide-primed soil containing adapted pesticide degrading bacteria to the biofilter matrix of on farm biopurification systems (BPS) which treat pesticide contaminated wastewater, has been recommended, in order to ensure rapid establishment of a pesticide degrading microbial community in BPS. However, uncertainties exist about the minimal soil inoculum density needed for successful bioaugmentation of BPS. Therefore, in this study, BPS microcosm experiments were initiated with different linuron primed soil inoculum densities ranging from 0.5 to 50 vol.% and the evolution of the linuron mineralization capacity in the microcosms was monitored during feeding with linuron. Successful establishment of a linuron mineralization community in the BPS microcosms was achieved with all inoculum densities including the 0.5 vol.% density with only minor differences in the time needed to acquire maximum degradation capacity. Moreover, once established, the robustness of the linuron degrading microbial community towards expected stress situations proved to be independent of the initial inoculum density. This study shows that pesticide-primed soil inoculum densities as low as 0.5 vol.% can be used for bioaugmentation of a BPS matrix and further supports the use of BPS for treatment of pesticide-contaminated wastewater at farmyards. 相似文献
Hatice Esen Ahmet Cihan Nilgün Fiğlali 《International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics》2019,25(1):123-137
Introduction. Shift patterns, work hours, work arrangements and worker motivations have increasingly become key factors for job performance. The main objective of this article is to design an expert system that identifies the negative effects of shift work and prioritizes mitigation efforts according to their importance in preventing these negative effects. The proposed expert system will be referred to as the shift expert. Methods. A thorough literature review is conducted to determine the effects of shift work on workers. Our work indicates that shift work is linked to demographic variables, sleepiness and fatigue, health and well-being, and social and domestic conditions. These parameters constitute the sections of a questionnaire designed to focus on 26 important issues related to shift work. The shift expert is then constructed to provide prevention advice at the individual and organizational levels, and it prioritizes this advice using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process model, which considers comparison matrices provided by users during the prioritization process. An empirical study of 61 workers working on three rotating shifts is performed. After administering the questionnaires, the collected data are analyzed statistically, and then the shift expert produces individual and organizational recommendations for these workers. 相似文献
本文根据采油厂生产过程风险特点,以生产单元为对象,通过建立全员参与的HSE监督检查体系,实现对采油厂HSE监督检查标准的统一规范,利用开发的HSE监督检查信息集成平台,创建完成采油厂HSE监督检查管理系统。在大庆油田第五采油厂的应用实践显示,其能为采油厂带来巨大的风险管理效益,是全面落实直线与属地HSE责任的有效载体。对于采油厂有效实施HSE监督检查具有重大意义,是HSE管理制度的一种创新。 相似文献