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In order to address the risk of combustible gas explosions in sewage culverts, a numerical model was established using ANSYS/LS-DYNA software. The model consisted of a culvert and a cover plate, and was used to study the effect of cover plate thickness (ranging from 0.08 m to 0.12 m) on the dynamic response and damage of the structure under explosive loads. The results indicated that, during the loading negative pressure stage, the equivalent stress peak value of the central monitoring unit of the cover plate first increased and then decreased with increasing cover plate thickness. Additionally, the maximum principal stress peak value first decreased and then increased, while the maximum shear stress peak value first increased and then decreased. During the loading positive pressure stage, the maximum principal strain peak value of the monitoring unit decreased overall with increasing cover plate thickness. However, the equivalent plastic strain peak value initially increased and then decreased gradually. The equivalent strain indicated that plastic damage occurred in the cover plate. Beyond a thickness of 0.11 m, increasing the cover thickness did not appear to enhance its resistance to plastic damage. The damage analysis revealed that as cover plate thickness increased, the peak displacement and velocity of the monitoring unit continued to decrease, while the overall stability and explosive resistance of the cover plate increased. Additionally, the number of damaged fragments decreased. However, once the cover plate thickness reached 0.11 m, the bonding performance of the reinforced concrete structure had been fully developed, increasing the thickness of the cover plate no longer had a significant impact on the explosive resistance of the cover plate.  相似文献   
为解决抑尘剂多功能组分优选过程中存在的非线性问题,提出基于响应面法(RSM)的抑尘剂配比优化模型,在分析影响因素与响应值、各影响因素之间的交互作用特征的基础上,通过分析响应面的变化特征获得抑尘剂的最优配比。采用星点设计法,以润湿、保湿、黏结组分的体积分数为自变量,以粉尘沉降时间、失水率和风蚀率为因变量,在室内试验数据的基础上,开展多元线性方程拟合和方差分析,获得最优配比的预测结果,并进行试验验证。研究结果表明:星点设计—RSM模型的预测值与试验值偏差小于6.0%,优选组相比对照组(水)而言,粉尘沉降时间缩短23倍,失水率和风蚀率分别降低3.00%和2.64%,说明优选组具有优良的润湿、保湿和黏结性能,证明所构建的优化模型对抑尘剂多组分非线性优化问题具有良好的预测性能。  相似文献   
为更精准地评估交叉口范围内的驾驶风险,首先,引入驾驶员心电(EGG)数据,提出基于余弦相似性距离的逼近理想解排序(TOPSIS)模型;其次,建立滚动时间窗法,并改进传统的短期频域指标计算方法,计算模型中低频(LF)变化率指标和低频与高频之比(LF/HF)等心率变异性(HRV)指标,模型时域指标有心脏搏动周期(R-R间期)变化率和其标准差(SDNN);然后,根据心电频域和时域指标与静息状态下对应指标的接近程度进行综合排序,按照越接近驾驶风险越小的原则,评估交叉口区域的驾驶风险;最后,选择30名驾驶员,在西安市23个交叉口开展实车试验,采集试验数据并验证模型方法。结果表明:驾驶员在相同交叉口环境下的驾驶风险评估结果相似性超90.1%,所提方法可应用稀疏样本评估交叉口的整体驾驶风险;高驾驶风险的交叉口评估方差较中、低驾驶风险路口分别高38.8%和67.9%,表明低风险交叉口区域驾驶风险的评估更精准。  相似文献   
为应对新时代风险和危机,我国应急管理工作主张多部门、多区域的协同,提倡专业应急人才与协同应急人才的合作,形成上下联动的中国特色应急管理体制。协同应急管理新形势下,政策和时代都召唤着协同应急人才的发展。基于协同应急管理新形势提出协同应急人才概念,分析应急社工人才培养状况,即应急社工人才的内涵、培养现状及必要性,进一步探讨应急社工人才培养对策。结果表明:应急社会工作人才培养对策应从人才培养目标、课程体系、教学模式3个维度探索,树立需求导向、创新发展的培养目标;建设特色鲜明、优势显著的课程体系;探索教学为本、研训结合的教学模式。  相似文献   
有机磷酸酯(organophosphate esters, OPEs)的广泛应用导致其在环境累积并凸显其日益严峻的生态毒性问题。研究有机磷酸酯对引江济淮工程菜子湖流域沉积物微生物群落及其功能基因的影响,有助于我们认识这类新型污染物的生态风险并制定有效防控措施。本研究通过实地采样分析了2021年11月至2022年11月间菜子湖线流域水体中OPEs的时空分布特征,并运用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术对沉积物微生物进行分析,结合主坐标分析(PCoA)和冗余分析(RDA),探究了OPEs浓度变化与微生物群落结构的关系,同时借助PICRUSt预测了微生物功能基因。研究表明,菜子湖线水域ΣOPEs浓度均值从2021年11月的167.55 ng·L-1上升至2022年11月的177.48 ng·L-1。氯代类OPEs如磷酸三氯乙酯(TCEP)和磷酸三氯丙酯(TCPP)为主要污染成分,浓度分别达到数百ng·L-1级别。在微生物群落方面,变形菌门、厚壁菌门和拟杆菌门在较高OPEs浓度下相对丰度显著增加,其中相对应的菌属与OPEs含量呈正相关。通过FAPROTAX预测功能分析,结果显示微生物群落具有化学异养、需氧化学异养、芳香化合物降解及硫化合物暗氧化等功能活性,暗示了该水域微生物可能具备对OPEs及其他有机污染物的降解能力。同时,结合PICRUSt预测数据,微生物组功能主要涉及氨基酸代谢、碳水化合物代谢等关键通路,进一步表明微生物可能通过这些途径参与OPEs的生物转化过程。本研究表明,菜子湖线水域沉积物微生物群落结构受到OPEs污染影响,特定菌门的丰度变化可能反映出其对OPEs的潜在降解能力,为进一步探讨OPEs的环境行为及微生物修复机制提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Surveys aimed at finding threatened and invasive species can be challenging due to individual rarity and low and variable individual detection rates. Detection rate in plant surveys typically varies due to differences among observers, among the individual plants being surveyed (targets), and across background environments. Interactions among these 3 components may occur but are rarely estimated due to limited replication and control during data collection. We conducted an experiment to investigate sources of variation in detection of 2 Pilosella species that are invasive and sparsely distributed in the Alpine National Park, Australia. These species are superficially similar in appearance to other yellow-flowered plants occurring in this landscape. We controlled the presence and color of flowers on target Pilosella plants and controlled their placement in plots, which were selected for their variation in cover of non-target yellow flowers and dominant vegetation type. Observers mimicked Pilosella surveys in the plots and reported 1 categorical and 4 quantitative indicators of their survey experience level. We applied survival analysis to detection data to model the influence of both controlled and uncontrolled variables on detection rate. Orange- and yellow-flowering Pilosella in grass- and heath-dominated vegetation were detected at a higher rate than nonflowering Pilosella. However, this detection gain diminished as the cover of other co-occurring yellow-flowering species increased. Recent experience with Pilosella surveys improved detection rate. Detection experiments are a direct and accessible means of understanding detection processes and interpreting survey data for threatened and invasive species. Our detection findings have been used for survey planning and can inform progress toward eradication. Interaction of target and background characteristics determined detection rate, which enhanced predictions in the Pilosella eradication program and demonstrated the difficulty of transferring detection findings into untested environments.  相似文献   
• Chlorine addition enhanced the release of TOC, TN from the sediment. • Chlorine has a long-term negative effect on microbial richness. • Usually enzymes lose activity, and expression of genes was downregulated. • Carbon degradation and nitrification might be strongly inhibited. Chlorine is often used in algal removal and deodorization of landscape waters, and occasionally used as an emergency treatment of heavily polluted sediments. However, the ecological impact of this practice has not been fully studied and recognized. In this study, NaClO at 0.1 mmol/g based on dry weight sediment was evenly mixed into the polluted sediment, and then the sediment was incubated for 150 days to evaluate its microbial effect. Results showed that NaClO addition enhanced the release of TOC, TN, Cr and Cu from the sediment. The microbial richness in the examined sediment decreased continuously, and the Chao1 index declined from 4241 to 2731, in 150 days. The microbial community composition was also changed. The abundance of Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes increased to 54.8% and 4.2% within 7 days compared to the control, and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) showed gram-negative bacteria and aerobic bacteria enriched after chlorination. The functional prediction with PICRUSt2 showed the functions of the microbial community underwent major adjustments, and the metabolic-related functions such as carbon metabolism, including pyruvate and methane metabolisms were significantly inhibited; besides, 15 out of 22 analyzed key enzymes involved in C cycling and 6 out of 12 key enzymes or genes involved in N cycling were strongly impacted, and the enzymes and genes involved in carbon degradation and denitrification showed remarkable downregulation. It can be concluded that chlorination posed a seriously adverse effect on microbial community structure and function. This study deepens the understanding of the ecological effects of applying chlorine for environmental remediation.  相似文献   
为探究民航员工安全信息自愿报告意愿的作用路径,基于个人-环境匹配理论,构建个体特征和组织环境影响员工自愿报告意愿的多条件联动模型,基于178份调查问卷,应用模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA)方法开展验证。结果表明:安全信息自愿报告意愿的产生不是认知水平、工作嵌入、职业身份认同、领导支持和安全文化等单一条件促发的结果,而是由多个条件共同作用,高水平安全信息自愿报告意愿的促进模式有3个,分别为:员工自主驱动型,核心条件是员工的高认知水平、高工作嵌入和高职业身份认同;领导员工共鸣型,核心条件是员工的高认知水平、高职业身份认同、工作嵌入不足和组织的高领导支持;领导支持牵引型,核心条件是组织的高领导支持和安全文化缺失。  相似文献   
基于水泥窑热工条件参数,结合响应曲面设计基本原理,开展了十溴二苯醚(BDE-209)热分解规律及影响因素研究,并分析了BDE-209的脱溴路径。结果表明:烟气中多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)含量随着溴取代数降低而降低;不同PBDEs单体受不同因素影响明显,烟气中BDE-209浓度主要受样品中原始浓度和温度的影响,九溴二苯醚和八溴二苯醚浓度主要受温度和氧气交互作用的影响;结合文献研究与本实验结果推测BDE-209在水泥窑热工条件下的最主要的两条降解路径,生成九溴二苯醚的最主要路径是由BDE-209 脱去一个溴生成BDE-207;生成八溴二苯醚的最主要路径是由BDE-209 脱去一个溴生成BDE-206,再由BDE-206脱去一个溴再生成BDE-203。明确BDE-209的热分解规律及影响因素,能够为水泥窑热工条件下处置含PBDEs废物提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), as persistent toxic substances(PTS), have been widely monitored in coastal environment, including seawater and sediment. However, scientific monitoring methods, like ecological risk assessment and integrated biomarker response, still need massive researches to verify their availabilities. This study was performed in March, May, August and October of 2018 at eight sites, Yellow River estuary(S1), Guangli Port(S2), Xiaying(S3), Laizhou(S4), Inner Bay(S5), Ou...  相似文献   
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