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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) investigation in different matrices has been reported largely, whereas reports on snow samples were limited. Snow, as the main matrix in the polar region, has an important study meaning. PAHs in snow samples were analyzed to investigate the distribution and contamination status of them in the Antarctic, as well as to provide some references for global migration of PAHs. Snow samples collected in Fildes Peninsula were enriched and separated by solid-phase membrane disks and eluted by methylene dichloride, then quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. All types of PAHs were detected except for Benzo(a)pyrene. Principal component analysis method was applied to characterize them. Three factors (Naphthalene, Fluorene and Phenanthrene) accounted for 60.57%, 21.61% and 9.80%, respectively. The results showed that the major PAHs sources maybe the atmospheric transportation, and the combustion of fuel in Fildes Peninsula. The comparison of concentration and types of PAHs between accumulated snow and fresh snow showed that the main compound concentrations in accumulated snow samples were higher than those in fresh ones. The risk assessment indicated that the amount of PAHs in the snow samples would not lead to ecological risk.  相似文献   
基于百度指数数据,运用指数测度、空间地理分析、回归模型和地理探测器,对2011—2019年中国大陆26个代表性滑雪场网络关注度的时空演变特征及影响因素进行分析。结果表明:(1)时间演化上,网络关注度呈先增后减且逐渐平稳的规律。2015年、2016年为峰值年份,季节性差异明显,共两个波动峰值且为“南北为单,中东为双”的分布格局。(2)空间特性上,全国和地区均为先增后减特征,地区差异显著;变异程度先降后增并趋于稳定,全国分布相对稳定平衡,地区分布呈不稳定集聚特性。省区冷热区域分布总体呈“东北热—西南冷”格局,层级变化以稳定型为主。(3)滑雪场层面上,滑雪场总体偏好层级变动较大,高偏好保持稳定领先,其余层级以下降变动为主。滑雪场冷热点分级呈“北热南冷”的格局,东北、华北两个热点集聚区域演变较为稳定。(4)影响因素上,需求侧影响因素排序为滑雪消费吸引力>受教育程度>经济发展水平>信息化水平>滑雪场建设水平。供给侧的滑雪人次占比、滑雪经济贡献、客运承载力、冰雪旅游资源丰度、官方媒体建设水平解释力较强,其他因素影响并不显著。  相似文献   
目的研究救灾帐篷性能受恶劣环境的影响。方法建立多灾复合环境试验平台,利用其平台开展救灾帐篷不同工况下的试验研究,探究不同环境下救灾帐篷内部热环境分布和保温性能的变化。结果帐篷内部热环境分层现象只发生在温度上升阶段,而在附加风载后,分层现象减弱,在下降阶段,各内表面温度变化情况表现基本一致,当附加雪载环境温度低于–10℃时,救灾帐篷的保温性变差。利用价值函数法建立了救灾帐篷耦合环境适应性评价指标体系,提出了风&低温、雨雪复合环境下救灾帐篷适应性评价方法,得出评价得分,并与试验结果相印证。结论低温复合环境下,帐篷内环境受外界影响较大,保温性能不佳,易出现“冷室效应”,应积极寻找新型材料改善帐篷在恶劣环境下的环境适应性。  相似文献   
2008年1月中旬至2月初,我国长江中下游地区出现了大范围持续低温、雨雪、冰冻天气气候事件,造成了特大积雪灾害。以湖北省为例,基于RS和GIS技术对这次雪灾进行了动态的监测评估。利用连续多天的卫星遥感资料和积雪深度观测资料,在GIS的支持下,计算归一化差分积雪指数(NDSI),提取积雪分布信息,并根据不同海拔高度,确定了积雪深度的NDSI分层阈值,实现了3层积雪深度(0~10、10~20 和20~30 cm)的判识。针对积雪区内不同的土地利用类型,统计了不同深度的积雪面积。结果表明:湖北省近90%面积被雪覆盖,其中江汉平原、鄂东北和鄂东南等地雪灾最为严重,部分地区积雪深度在20 cm以上;水田、旱地等农业用地以及湖泊、水库、河渠等水系积雪最为严重,居民点用地也有较大范围的积雪,居民生活受较大影响;2月2日以后积雪面积逐日减少,到2月8日,积雪基本融化。在上述研究基础上形成了基于RS和GIS的长江中下游积雪监测的业务流程.  相似文献   
青藏高原冰川雪细菌与气候环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过荧光显微镜测定细菌密度,利用DGGE图谱和Shannon-Weaver指数分析细菌种类多样性,对青藏高原北部老虎沟12号冰川、南部东绒布冰川和东南部海螺沟2号冰川雪坑的细菌密度和种类多样性做了差异性分析. 结果表明:老虎沟12号冰川雪坑细菌密度平均值比东绒布冰川和海螺沟2号冰川高,老虎沟12号冰川雪坑细菌种类多样性比东绒布冰川高,这与高原南、北部不同大气环流引起的大气微粒含量的差异性有关. 海螺沟2号冰川雪坑细菌种类多样性均最高,与该冰川所受的大气环流多样性最高相一致. 东绒布冰川雪坑细菌密度平均值与南极点相近,与其远离人类污染,因而大气环境本底值低有关. 海拔高的东绒布冰川雪坑细菌密度和种类多样性均比海拔低的海螺沟2号冰川和老虎沟12号冰川低,即二者与海拔高度呈反比.   相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Consumptive loss of water attributable to man-made snowmaking was estimated using an energy balance model and a mass balance procedure. Data from nine field experiments at Colorado ski areas were collected and used in these models. The mean consumptive loss using the energy balance model for the nine experiments was 6.0 percent and 5.8 percent for the mass balance model A thermodynamic relationship and a regression equation were developed to provide a procedure to estimate consumptive loss as a linear function of atmospheric temperature.  相似文献   
We evaluated long‐term trends and predictors of groundwater levels by month from two well‐studied northern New England forested headwater glacial aquifers: Sleepers River, Vermont, 44 wells, 1992‐2013; and Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire, 15 wells, 1979‐2004. Based on Kendall Tau tests with Sen slope determination, a surprising number of well‐month combinations had negative trends (decreasing water levels) over the respective periods. Sleepers River had slightly more positive than negative trends overall, but among the significant trends (p < 0.1), negative trends dominated 67 to 40. At Hubbard Brook, negative trends outnumbered positive trends by a nearly 2:1 margin and all seven of the significant trends were negative. The negative trends occurred despite generally increasing trends in monthly and annual precipitation. This counterintuitive pattern may be a result of increased precipitation intensity causing higher runoff at the expense of recharge, such that evapotranspiration demand draws down groundwater storage. We evaluated predictors of month‐end water levels by multiple regression of 18 variables related to climate, streamflow, snowpack, and prior month water level. Monthly flow and prior month water level were the two strongest predictors for most months at both sites. The predictive power and ready availability of streamflow data can be exploited as a proxy to extend limited groundwater level records over longer time periods.  相似文献   
We developed Columbia River streamflow reconstructions using a network of existing, new, and updated tree‐ring records sensitive to the main climatic factors governing discharge. Reconstruction quality is enhanced by incorporating tree‐ring chronologies where high snowpack limits growth, which better represent the contribution of cool‐season precipitation to flow than chronologies from trees positively sensitive to hydroclimate alone. The best performing reconstruction (back to 1609 CE) explains 59% of the historical variability and the longest reconstruction (back to 1502 CE) explains 52% of the variability. Droughts similar to the high‐intensity, long‐duration low flows observed during the 1920s and 1940s are rare, but occurred in the early 1500s and 1630s‐1640s. The lowest Columbia flow events appear to be reflected in chronologies both positively and negatively related to streamflow, implying low snowpack and possibly low warm‐season precipitation. High flows of magnitudes observed in the instrumental record appear to have been relatively common, and high flows from the 1680s to 1740s exceeded the magnitude and duration of observed wet periods in the late‐19th and 20th Century. Comparisons between the Columbia River reconstructions and future projections of streamflow derived from global climate and hydrologic models show the potential for increased hydrologic variability, which could present challenges for managing water in the face of competing demands.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The objective is to develop techniques to evaluate how changes in basic data networks can improve accuracy of water supply forecasts for mountainous areas. The approach used was to first quantify how additional data would improve our knowledge of winter precipitation, and second to estimate how this knowledge translates, quantitatively, into improvement in forecast accuracy. A software system called DATANET was developed to analyze each specific gage network alternative. This system sets up a fine mesh of grid points over the basin. The long-term winter mean precipitation at each grid point is estimated using a simple atmospheric model of the orographic precipitation process. The mean runoff at each grid point is computed from the long-term mean precipitation estimate. The basic runoff model is calibrated to produce the observed long-term runoff. The error analysis is accomplished by comparing the error in forecasts based on the best possible estimate of precipitation using all available data with the error in the forecasts based on the best possible estimate of winter precipitation using only the gaged data. Different data network configurations of gage sites can be compared in terms of forecast errors.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Daily‐to‐weekly discharge during the snowmelt season is highly correlated among river basins in the upper elevations of the central and southern Sierra Nevada (Carson, Walker, Tuolumne, Merced, San Joaquin, Kings, and Kern Rivers). In many cases, the upper Sierra Nevada watershed operates in a single mode (with varying catchment amplitudes). In some years, with appropriate lags, this mode extends to distant mountains. A reason for this coherence is the broad scale nature of synoptic features in atmospheric circulation, which provide anomalous insolation and temperature forcing that span a large region, sometimes the entire western U.S. These correlations may fall off dramatically, however, in dry years when the snowpack is spatially patchy.  相似文献   
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