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Examination of vapor above commercial sodium humate and above 10wt% aqueous humate solution by gas chromatography (GC) revealed the presence of chloroform and trichloroethylene. Further examination of the aqueous humate by the purge and trap procedure confirmed the association of chloroform and trichloroethylene with the humate. GC/mass spectrometry analyses of methylene chloride extract of the humate established the association of LMHs with the humate. Improved headspace capillary GC technique showed that the humate contained not only chloroform, trichloroethylene but several other LMHs in the range 190 to 4000ng·kg‐1. 相似文献
Eutrophication control programs are based on phosphorus management which, in turn, requires a detailed quantification of the watershed phosphorus budget. This involves an assessment of non‐point sources of phosphorus, a key element of which is determining the fraction of soil‐P and sediment‐P available to support algal growth. This paper presents a review of the state‐of‐the‐art of estimating algal available‐P from non‐point sources, and an analysis of pertinent data. The need to employ multi‐interval algal bioassays in developing phosphorus management systems is stressed. 相似文献
R.M. Stern 《毒物与环境化学》2013,95(3-4):185-193
The interaction of HCH (50 mg/kg) and dietary protein levels on microsomal drug metabolizing enzymes system and liver lipids were studied in the rats for 90 days. The results indicated that rats fed a lower protein diet and HCH has a higher rate of mortality, lower rate of growth and an increased liver weight. A significant induction in the hepatic microsomal aminopyrine‐N‐demethylase, p‐nitroanisole‐O‐dealkylase, benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase and glutathione‐S‐transferase activity was observed in pesticide treated animals as compared to control animals. The pathological changes observed in liver of HCH treated animals consisted mainly of necrosis and fatty degeneration of hepatocytes. HCH also induced the significant accumulation of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipid and total lipid in liver in low protein diet animals. Protein accelerates the metabolism of HCH, resulting in a decrease of HCH concentration with the increase of dietary protein level. A close correlation existed between lipid accumulation, induction of drug metabolizing enzyme system and deposition of HCH in liver. 相似文献
China has the fifth largest forest area in the world and any change in China's forestry development will have inevitable impacts on global ecological sustainability. China has undergone excessive logging of natural forests and also made tremendous efforts in afforestation during the past half century. China's forestry is now going through a variety of transitions and several forestry programs have been implemented to drive forestry transitions. The goal of these actions is to protect ecological services of forests and sustain China's forestry development. These forestry programs are spatially sophisticated and cannot be successfully implemented without accurate and transparent forest/forestry information. A variety of digital technologies, including forest modeling, remote sensing, geographic information systems, global positioning systems, and visualization, have been applied in handling diverse information in China's forestry. Digital forestry is not just a theoretical concept in China. Our digital forestry experience in northeast China suggests that digital technology is both usable and useful in China's forestry development. Digital technology is playing an important interactive role in China's top-down forestry administration system. The analog-to-digital transition in technology is expected to lead to the success of forestry programs and forestry transitions in China. 相似文献
Herry Purnomo 《国际发展与全球生态学杂志》2013,20(2):164-176
This article presents a system dynamics (SD) method to examine the problem of forest degradation. The model developed takes a system-oriented view of forest management, embracing both social and biophysical factors affecting deforestation. Social factors examined are socio-economic variables or elements that influence behaviour and decision-making choices at the household level. Biophysical factors are four sub-components that are considered major land uses namely, the paddy field component, rattan plantations, coffee plantations and forest stands. The model was applied in a case study located in Pasir District of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The site covers an area that includes a protected forest and a privately allocated timber license concession. Three village communities are examined in the case study. The SD model developed was applied to the case study focusing on three management policies or scenarios, which are based on access rights to the forest resources within the study area. Specifically, the property arrangements examined in each scenario are: Policy 1 – status quo (i.e. continue present property rights arrangements); Policy 2 – local communities manage the forest exclusively; and Policy 3 – collaborative management involving both local communities and a private company. Results from the model show that the third policy is the most viable option, and also lead to a win–win solution. 相似文献
This article examines the relationship between tourism, energy, and environment. This article approaches tourism as a complex adaptive system composed of consumers, transportation providers, travel intermediaries, and destinations composed of multiple tourism-related companies and other stakeholder groups. Environmental and energy-related challenges of components to the system are examined as well as various units – the system as a whole, enterprises and individuals – within the system. A total of 92 peer-reviewed articles were studied that address ‘energy’ and ‘tourism’ published between 1974 and 2011. Also addressed are the impacts of social and cultural differences between the United States and China concerning responses to environmental and energy-related challenges. This article concludes with recommendations for addressing the challenges associated with such challenges, including building system capacity, technology development and adoption, support of individual behavior change, increasing understanding of the trade-offs and interactions within the system, and adoption of multidisciplinary approaches to these challenges within the tourism system. 相似文献
G. H. Krausse 《国际发展与全球生态学杂志》2013,20(3):166-181
SUMMARY Coral atolls, as visitor destinations, have received little attention in the literature of tourism on mid-oceanic islands. However, the current trend of nature-based tourism, which involves travelling to relatively remote and undisturbed places, makes the atolls a desirable destination. This paper explores ways of how appropriate tourism can be introduced to atoll society within the context of traditional resource uses and the application of intermediate technologies. With the acceptance of a code of ethics for tourist behaviour and technologies aimed at reducing dependency of foreign imports, atoll tourism could become a viable economic alternative to the continued over-exploitation of marine resources. 相似文献
工业绿色发展评价指标体系及应用于广东省区域评价的分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
工业的快速发展,给资源环境带来了前所未有的压力,于是人们纷纷探讨绿色发展之路.工业绿色发展评价指标体系的研究旨在发现工业绿色转型升级中的薄弱环节,设计评估工业的绿色发展状况的指标,引导工业绿色转型升级,从而实现工业发展与资源环境的和谐统一.文章借鉴脱钩理论的核心理念,分析资源环境的特征指标,利用工业资源消耗或污染物排放变化对工业产值的弹性脱钩值作为考察工业绿色转型升级的动态指标,建立包括工业资源环境压力、工业资源环境弹性脱钩和工业发展绿化度3个方面的工业绿色发展评价指标体系,并应用于广东省21个地级以上城市的评价分析.研究表明,该指标体系对于评价工业绿色发展具有实际可操作性,结果合理、可靠.对广东各地的实证评价分析显示,广东省工业总体绿色发展水平不断提升,在高压力水平下,逐步向资源节约型、环境友好型的新型工业化道路转型.但由于各地工业发展水平不同、资源环境约束目标不同,工业绿色发展的进程也存在较大区域差异.资源环境约束严格的珠三角核心区工业绿色发展情况相对其他地区较好,属高绿化度高资源环境压力的绿色发展模式.资源环境约束较严格的粤北山区工业转型升级也有明显进展.而在资源环境约束管理不大的珠三角非核心区与粤西地区中,江门和湛江工业绿色发展相对较好,肇庆和茂名一般,惠州和阳江工业呈粗放发展,粤东地区除汕头外,工业粗放发展趋势明显.因此,各地应制定针对性措施,促进工业结构调整,限制高消耗、重污染型行业发展,加大工业污染防治力度,推进高消耗、重污染型行业的生态化转型,推动工业绿色转型升级加快. 相似文献
采用静水生物测试法,研究了氰戊菊酯(fenvalerate,FEN)对河川沙塘鳢(Odontobutis potamophila)幼鱼的毒性效应.结果显示,FEN对河川沙塘鳢幼鱼的24、48、72和96 h(t)的半数致死质量浓度ρ(LC50)(95%置信区间)分别为(3.19±1.38)、(1.66±1.02)、(0.98±0.69)和(0.70±0.49) μg·L-1,变化规律符合指数衰减模型ρ(LC50) =0.915 1 +15.012 3 ×exp(-0.075 8 ×t)(r=0.996 2),安全浓度为(0.13±0.97) μg·L-1.半数致死时间t(LT50)表现出显著的剂量[ρ(FEN)]效应,可用方程t(LT50) =2 653.467 6 ×exp[-5.590 4 ×ρ(FEN)]+56.378 7 ×exp[-0.209 5×ρ(FEN)](r=0.999 4)对其进行拟合.双因素方差分析显示,肝脏过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量随FEN浓度的增加和暴露时间的延长而均呈显著变化(P<0.05),但两个因素的交叉影响不显著(P>0.05).暴露24 h时,4μg· L-1浓度组SOD和CAT活性达到峰值,随后开始下降,而此时各浓度组MDA含量无显著变化(P>0.05),48和96 h时,4、6和10 μg·L-1浓度组MDA含量则表现为显著上升.暴露时间和FEN浓度的交互作用对鳃Na+ /K+-ATP酶活性影响显著(P<0.05),暴露24、48和96 h时,高浓度(6和10 μg·L-1)组Na +/K+-ATP酶活性均呈现显著下降;上述指标可较好地用于评价FEN的毒性效应.组织病理观察发现,FEN污染对河川沙塘鳢幼鱼的鳃、肝脏均造成严重损伤:鳃丝紊乱,上皮细胞增生,柱状细胞破裂;肝细胞实质空泡化,胆管内皮细胞肥大、融合. 相似文献
Pengfei DU Zhiyi LI Jinliang HUANG 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2013,7(5):735-745
Drinking water sources are highly valued by authorities for safeguarding the life of a city. Models are widely applied as important and effective tools in the management of water sources. However, it is difficult to apply models in water source management because water managers are often not equipped with the professional knowledge and operational skills necessary for making use of the models. This paper introduces a drinking water source simulation and prediction system that consists of a watershed model, a hydrological model and a water quality model. This system provides methods and technical guidance for the conventional management of water sources and emergency water event response. In this study, the sub-models of the system were developed based on the data of the Jiangdong Reservoir in Xiamen, and the model validation was based on local monitoring data. The hydrological model and water quality model were integrated by computer programming, and the watershed model was indirectly integrated into the system through a network platform. Furthermore, three applications for Jiangdong Reservoir water protection utilizing the system were introduced in this paper, including a conventional simulation, an emergency simulation, and an emergency measures evaluation. 相似文献