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利用2013~2015年水稻生长季期间气象因子、O3浓度和气孔导度的实测数据,分析了O3浓度与AOT40的变化,引入并修订了水稻气孔导度模型,模拟了水稻气孔O3吸收通量的动态变化,评估了当前和未来气候变化情景下O3污染所造成的水稻产量损失.结果表明:2013~2015年水稻生长季期间的白天时段,平均O3浓度分别为35.8,42.0,47.9nL/L,AOT40值分别为5.33,9.03,11.25μL/(L·h).修订后的模型可用于本地区水稻气孔导度的模拟,2013~2015年水稻气孔O3通量AFst02分别为2.02,6.42,7.79mmol/m2.2013~2015年地表O3造成水稻平均相对产量损失分别为4.9%、11.7%和14.3%.在未来气候变化情景下若不考虑O3浓度的变化,O3对水稻的胁迫效应将会降低,若考虑未来O3浓度的变化,O3造成水稻产量的损失将增加4.7~5.7%.  相似文献   
在铜胁迫下,以水培的方法,对污染区、非污染区海州香薷的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、气孔限制值(Ls)、叶绿素(Chl)等进行比较研究。结果表明,15μmol/L和45μmol/L铜处理下,污染区、非污染区海州香薷Pn均显著下降,但是污染区Pn下降了16%~27%,非污染区Pn下降了56%~62%。此外,非污染区海州香薷Gs、Ci均明显下降,Ls明显上升,Chla、Chlb含量没有明显变化(15μmol/L铜的Chla含量除外),表明其净光合速率下降的主要原因是气孔限制;但是,污染区海州香薷Gs、Ci、Ls上升或轻微变化,Chla、Chlb含量均明显下降,表明其光合作用可能不存在气孔限制,同时Chl含量明显下降可能是其净光合速率下降的原因之一。此研究揭示了金属型植物光合作用差异及其气孔和非气孔限制,可为进一步查明其生长限制因子提供科学依据。  相似文献   
室内天然气意外泄漏后极易引起火灾爆炸事故,为避免或减少其事故的发生,得到泄漏后气体扩散规律及爆炸危险浓度分布状况,利用Fluent软件对某12m×7m厂房在不同泄漏孔径下泄漏扩散情况进行了数值模拟.分析风速为1 m/s时,泄漏孔径对甲烷气体扩散的影响,并将燃气管道泄漏速率的模拟结果与理论预测值进行对比分析.结果表明:所建立的数学模型和设置参数是合理的;在不同泄漏孔径下,监测受限空间内5个不同点气体分布状况,得出在风速和壁面的影响下,排气扇附近相对较危险,窗户下方相对较安全.  相似文献   
Ozone and energy fluxes have been measured using the eddy covariance technique, from June to December 2004 in Castelporziano near Rome (Italy), and compared to similar measurements made in the previous year. The studied ecosystem consisted in a typical Mediterranean Holm oak forest. Stomatal fluxes have been calculated using the resistance analogy and by inverting the Penmann-Monteith equation. Results showed that the average stomatal contribution accounts for 42.6% of the total fluxes. Non-stomatal deposition proved to be enhanced by increasing leaf wetness and air humidity during the autumnal months. From a comparison of the two years, it can be inferred that water supply is the most important limiting factor for ozone uptake and that prolonged droughts alter significantly the stomatal conductance, even 2 months after the soil water content is replenished. Ozone exposure, expressed as AOT40, behaves similarly to the cumulated stomatal flux in dry conditions whereas a different behaviour for the two indices appears in wet autumnal conditions. A difference also occurs between the two years.  相似文献   
Ahammed GJ  Yuan HL  Ogweno JO  Zhou YH  Xia XJ  Mao WH  Shi K  Yu JQ 《Chemosphere》2012,86(5):546-555
The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of exogenously applied 24-epibrassinolide (BR) on growth, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant systems of tomato seedlings grown under different levels (0, 10, 30, 100 and 300 μM) of phenanthrene (PHE) and pyrene (PYR) in hydroponics. A concentration-dependent decrease in growth, photosynthetic pigment contents, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), maximal quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII), photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) has been observed following PHE and PYR exposure. By contrast, non-photochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ) was increased. PHE was found to induce higher stress than PYR. However, foliar or root application of BR (50 nM and 5 nM, respectively) alleviated all those depressions with a sharp improvement in the activity of photosynthetic machinery. The activities of guaicol peroxidase (GPOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR) as well as content of malondialdehyde (MDA) were increased in a dose-dependent manner under PHE or PYR treatments. Compared with control the highest increments of GPOD, CAT, APX, GR and MDA by PHE/PYR alone treatments were observed following 300 μM concentration, which were 67%, 87%, 53%, 95% and 74% by PHE and 42%, 53%, 30%, 86% and 62% by PYR, respectively. In addition, both reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) were induced by PHE or PYR. Interestingly, BR application in either form further increased enzymatic and non enzymatic antioxidants in tomato roots treated with PHE or PYR. Our results suggest that BR has an anti-stress effect on tomato seedlings contaminated with PHE or PYR and this effect is mainly attributed by increased detoxification activity.  相似文献   
The performance of a new dry deposition module, developedfor the European-scale mapping and modelling of ozone flux to vegetation, was tested against micrometeorological ozone and water vapour flux measurements. The measurement data are for twoconiferous (Scots pine in Finland, Norway spruce in Denmark) and one deciduous forest (mountain birch in Finland). On average, themodel performs well for the Scots pine forest, if local inputdata are used. The daytime deposition rates are somewhat over-predicted at the Danish site, especially in the afternoon. The mountain birch data indicate that the generic parameterisationof stomatal responses is not very representative of this northernspecies. The module was also tested by using modelled meteorological data that constitute the input for a photochemical transport model.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has the secondary effect on plants of reducing transpiration. The degree of reduction in transpiration has been studied mostly at the leaf scale and as such, has not taken feedbacks into account that come into play when the plant canopy or the atmosphere as a whole is considered. The objective of this paper is to examine the role of negative feedback processes that act through the dynamics of the canopy and the atmosphere. This is done through the application of two canopy models, one of which is later coupled to a full Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) called GENESIS. The results suggest that the reduction in transpiration in a double CO2 environment compared to present day will not be as considerable as the leaf scale experiments suggest ‐ a 7 percent reduction compared to 15 to 57 percent when feedbacks are considered. At the regional scale, precipitation patterns appear to be the primary factor in determining evapotranspiration. The implications for agriculture, in terms of water usage, would therefore not seem to be as acute as the leaf scale experiments depict. Regarding climate change, there is a suggestion that regional water usage may vary from present day values in certain areas.  相似文献   
某尾矿库初期坝采用分段施工,可能产生不均匀沉降,影响坝体的稳定性。采用孔径雷达干涉技术对尾矿库初期坝进行了短期变形速率观测,得出坝体右侧的后期填筑区域整体上与主体仍能够基本保持同步沉降。建立了三维流固耦合模型,分析了尾矿库初期坝的静力稳定性和渗流稳定性,结果表明:初期坝体的水平位移和竖向位移都在安全范围之内,考虑水和尾砂的共同作用,后期堆积坝堆积至1765m高程时,坝体顶部和后期回填区域,存在小量位移变形,静态稳定性安全系数达到2.25,初期坝能够保持稳定。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖流域典型树种夏季气孔导度模型及影   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物气孔是调控土壤-植被-大气连续体间物质和能量交换的关键环节,其变化对植物蒸腾作用有着重要的影响,进而对环境湿度和温度等起着重要的调节作用. 基于鄱阳湖流域5种典型树种叶片气体交换观测数据,对14种组合的气孔导度模型〔Jarvis模型12种,Ball-Berry-Leuning(BBL)模型2种〕的参数进行了拟合,筛选出5种典型树种夏季最优气孔导度模型;结合多元逐步回归技术,分析了大气温度(Ta)、叶片与空气间饱和水汽压差(De)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、大气CO2浓度(Ca)4种环境因子对气孔导度的影响. 结果表明:杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、湿地松(Pinus elliottii)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)的最优模型均为BBL-B2模型;沉水樟(Cinnamomum micranthum)的最优模型为BBL-B1模型;柑桔(Citrus reticulata)的最优模型为Jarvis-J12模型;饱和水汽压差(De)为影响鄱阳湖流域5种典型树种夏季气孔导度的最敏感因素.   相似文献   
Stomatal behavior, growth performance and the accumulation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were evaluated in seedlings of the mangrove Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh., treated with a water-soluble fraction (WSF) of Abu-Dhabi light Arabian crude oil through foliar spraying or soil application.Irregular stomatal behavior and weak stomatal control over transpiration were observed during the first 24 hours, where stomatal resistances of plants sprayed with 150 and 300 g PAHs plant–1 were significantly lower than that of the control plants. After six weeks, all treated plants showed no significant difference in their relative growth rate (RGR) or in the net assimilation rate (NAR) compared with the control plants.Tri-aromatic hydrocarbons were the most accumulated in tissues of the treated plants. Penta- and hexa-aromatics, on the other hand, were undetectable in the WSF and consequently in the treated plants. A linear relationship was observed between the dose applied to plants and the amounts of tissue accumulated PAHs (r 2=0.515 for soil application and r 2=0.984 for foliar spray). In plants sprayed with 300 g PAHs plant–1, the total PAHs accumulated were more than that accumulated in plants treated through soil application.These findings suggest that: aqueous extraction of crude oil tends to signify the percentage of the low molecular weight PAHs, e.g. naphthalene, to the total PAHs; disturbed stomatal behavior in the first day of the treatment may be due to the venting of the volatile low molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g. benzene, toluene, and xylenes) through the stomata; and uptake of water-soluble hydrocarbons by plants is equally possible through both of the root system and the foliage. The ecological implications of these finding are discussed in relation to oil pollution of mangrove stands under field conditions.  相似文献   
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