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鱼类游泳能力研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对鱼类游泳能力及其游泳状态下的生态行为研究,可以为水利水电工程过鱼、拦鱼和诱鱼等设施的设计提供依据,保证其水电工程储能设施能够发挥较大的功能。对鱼类的游泳类型及游泳能力的评价指标进行了总结,介绍了目前国内外鱼类游泳能力及行为的研究方法,并和自行设计的鱼类游泳能力装置进行了比较;从洄游鱼道设计的角度,综述了国外已有的鱼类游泳能力评价模型,主要包括最优游泳速度模型,最大游泳速度模型,跳跃高度模型及游泳耐力模型,可为鱼道设计提供关键参数。最后简述了鱼类游泳能力在鱼道设计的应用及主要的研究趋势,旨在为鱼类游泳能力相关研究及水利水电过鱼设施的设计与建设提供一定基础资料,从而促进我国生态系统的平衡和物种多样化的保护。  相似文献   
在游泳池循环水处理的消毒工艺中,一般采用传统的氯化消毒.但氯化消毒是否适合日益发展的海水游泳馆的池水消毒,笔者从几种泳池消毒工艺的特点,应用发展情况,设备的投资和运行费用等角度,阐明海水游泳馆宜采用臭氧消毒工艺.  相似文献   
为研究火灾中植筋连接构件的抗火性能,进行了35个化学植筋试件在不同温度下(25~200°C)的拉拔试验以及12个植筋连接混凝土构件的受火试验。拉拔试验重点研究了植筋胶的粘结力随温度变化的规律,以及不同温度下植筋胶的粘结—滑移关系,结果表明:随着温度升高,植筋胶的粘结力显著下降。植筋构件的受火试验中,考虑了植筋深度(15d,20d,d为钢筋直径)和保护层厚度(25、40、60mm)两种影响因素。首先对6个试件按ISO834标准升温曲线升温(荷载为常温下植筋构件设计承载力的10%),到指定时间后,加载至构件破坏失效,结果表明:植筋深度和保护层厚度对火灾中植筋连接构件的极限承载力均有重要影响。其后进行了6个构件的恒载升温试验(荷载为常温下常规植筋构件设计承载力的80%),直至构件破坏,结果表明:当保护层厚度小于40mm时,植筋深度和保护层厚度对耐火极限均有重要影响;当保护层厚度大于40mm时,对耐火极限的影响植筋深度要大于保护层厚度。  相似文献   
利用摇动床生物膜反应器(简称摇动床)技术具有的容积负荷高与污泥产量低的优点,在普通活性污泥池的前部填充高性能丙烯酸树脂纤维(Biofringe)填料,研究了摇动床和活性污泥法组合技术处理高浓度有机废水的有效性。结果表明,该组合技术具有很强的有机物去除能力,当进水COD平均质量浓度由1500mg/L上升到2514mg/L时,出水COD的平均去除率基本保持在96%以上;整个运行阶段的出水COD浓度均满足《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)的二级标准;当进水NH4+-N浓度增加时,NH4+-N的去除率由99.7%降低到76.5%,但是在试验运行的整个阶段,摇动床和活性污泥法组合技术系统都表现出较强的硝化能力;活性污泥池中最高的混合液悬浮固体(MLSS)质量浓度为10625mg/L,最高MLSS约为普通活性污泥法的4倍;运行结束后的污泥产率为0.186,污泥产率仅为普通活性污泥法的50%左右。  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to investigate the occurrence of haloacetic acids (HAAs), a group of disinfection byproducts, in swimming pool and spa water. The samples were collected from six indoor pools, six outdoor pools and three spas in Pennsylvania, the United States, and from five outdoor pools and nine indoor pools in Beijing, China. Five HAAs (HAA5), including monochloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid, and dibromoacetic acid were analyzed. Total chlorine, pH and total organic carbon concentration were analyzed as well. Results indicated that the levels of HAA5 in swimming pools and spas in the United States ranged from 70 to 3980μg·L^-1, with an arithmetic average at 1440μg·L^-1 and a median level at 1150μg·L^-1. These levels are much higher than the levels reported in chlorinated drinking water and are likely due to organic matters released from swimmers' bodies. The levels of HAA5 in swimming pools in China ranged from 13 to 332μg·L^-1, with an arithmetic average at 117μg·L^-1 and a median level at 114μg·L^-1. The lower HAA levels in swimming pools in China were due to the lower chlorine residuals. Results from this study can help water professionals to better understand the formation and stability of HAAs in chlorinated water and assess risks associated with exposures to HAAs in swimming pools and spas.  相似文献   
6种陕北适生豆科植物生长对原油污染土壤的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为筛选优良的石油污染土壤修复植物,选取陕北适生的6种豆科乡土植物,对不同浓度原油污染土壤中植物的生长差异进行研究.采用混油法盆栽试验,分设0、5 000、10 000、20 000、40 000 mg·kg-1共5个不同的原油污染浓度,分析其对土壤理化性质的改变,对植物出芽时间、出芽率、株高、植物干重、叶绿素含量和枯萎率的影响.结果表明,原油污染显著改变土壤理化性质.5 000 mg·kg-1低浓度原油污染,对受试植物的发芽率和植物株高有促进作用,后随原油浓度加大植物生长受到明显抑制.原油污染浓度低时草本植物耐受力较强,其中紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)在出芽时间、出芽率、株高及枯萎率等方面综合表现较优.从40 000 mg·kg-1浓度时枯萎率及叶绿素含量分析,刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)表现较高的耐受力.相关分析表明,原油污染浓度与植物出芽时间、出芽率、株高、干重均呈显著负相关,但与叶绿素含量呈极显著正相关.  相似文献   
This survey undertaken in Greece (Mytilene town) has shown that Volatile halogenated organics (VHO) are present in swimming pool water. Analysis was performed by purge‐and‐trap (PAT) gas chromatographic (GC) technique and samples from two public indoor swimming pools in Mytilene were analyzed for VHO. Water samples were collected every week for a period of three months, and have shown the occurrence of chloroform, dichlorobromomethane, chlorodi‐bromomethane, bromoform (all four are trihalomethanes [THMs]), as a result of the chlorination and the occurrence of tetrachloroethylene and 1,1,1,2‐tetrachloroethane is assigned to their introduction as impurities during the process treatment of water. The levels of concentrations ranged from 4.0 to 26.0 μg/1 for chloroform, from 0.26 to 7.0 μg/1 for dichlorobromomethane, from 0.5 to 3.0 μg/1 for chlorodibromomethane, from 0.07 to 0.9 μg/1 for bromoform, from no detectable levels to 0.07 μg/1 for tetrachloroethylene and from no detectable levels to 0.2 μg/1 for 1,1,1,2‐tetrachloroethane.  相似文献   
Aim. Firefighters must meet minimum physical demands. The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (NLIA) has approved a standardised treadmill walking test and 3 simple strength tests for smoke divers. The results of the Trondheim test were compared with those of the NLIA tests taking into account possible effects of age, experience level and gender. Methods. Four groups of participants took part in the tests: 19 young experienced firefighters, 24 senior male firefighters and inexperienced applicants, 12 male and 8 female. Results. Oxygen uptake (VO2) at exhaustion rose linearly by the duration of the treadmill test. Time spent on the Trondheim test was closely related to performance time and peak VO2 on the treadmill test. Senior experienced firefighters did not perform better than equally fit young applicants. However, female applicants performed poorer on the Trondheim test than on the treadmill test. Performance on the Trondheim test was not closely related to muscle strength beyond a minimum. Conclusion. Firefighters completing the Trondheim test in under 19 min fit the requirements of the NLIA treadmill test. The Trondheim test can be used as an alternative to the NLIA tests for testing aerobic fitness but not for muscular strength. Women’s result of the Trondheim test were poorer than the results of the NLIA treadmill test, probably because of their lower body mass.  相似文献   
本研究采用氯化混凝技术 ,有效地抑制了游泳池水中藻类生长。经此技术处理后的游泳池水清澈透明 ,达到卫生部颁布的《游泳场所卫生标准》的要求 ,既节约水资源 ,又避免污染环境 ,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
采用臭氧法水处理系统对地上游泳池的循环水进行灭菌消毒,研究了臭氧用量、循环水流量和运行时间等因素对臭氧法灭菌效果的影响。结果表明,3组PEM臭氧发生器应用于21.2 m3的地上游泳池,在4 m3/h的循环水流量下运行12 h后,水中的细菌总数与大肠杆菌群数达到国家标准,去除率均在99%以上。与盐电解法水处理系统相比较,臭氧法水处理系统的优势在于:杀菌快速高效、出水水质的理化指标较好和运行费用低廉。  相似文献   
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