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Identifying and characterising the factors that determine why a local authority opts for a particular way of managing its waste collection service is an important issue, warranting research interest in the field of municipal solid waste (MSW) management. This paper presents empirical evidence spanning a broad time horizon (2002–2010) showing that economic and political factors impact in different ways on the provision of waste management services. We examine five alternatives in this area, including public and private service delivery formulas and, within each field, individual and joint options. Our findings highlight the importance of the service cost and that of the various indicators of fiscal stress as determinant factors of management decisions regarding the provision of MSW management services.  相似文献   
在实验室内模拟研究的基础上,运用生理生态学的原理,研究了水盐胁迫对钠猪毛菜(salsola nitraria)和散枝猪毛菜(salsola brachiata)种子萌发的影响,结果显示,钠猪毛菜与散枝猪毛菜种子萌发的最适温度分别为25 ℃和15 ℃.在盐溶液和PEG溶液中,2种种子的萌发规律相似,即随着水势的降低,萌发率和萌发速率下降.在盐胁迫下钠猪毛菜和散枝猪毛菜种子萌发的最低水势接近-7.2 MPa;在水分胁迫下2种种子萌发的最低水势均未超过-2.0 MPa,其中,钠猪毛菜种子表现出较强的耐水分胁迫能力.在相同水势条件下,PEG对2种猪毛菜种子萌发的抑制程度显著大于等渗NaCl,说明渗透胁迫是影响2种植物种子萌发的主要因素.  相似文献   
马志宏  李进  李慧 《环境技术》2011,33(2):29-33
介绍了可靠性增长摸底试验方法的适用范围,对其试验对象进行了探讨,并对如何确定最佳试验时间的两种方法进行了研究.分析指出试验应力的选取也是影响可靠性增长摸底试验效果的关键因素,并用具体试验方案举例说明其有效性,证明了开展可靠性增长摸底试验这项工作可达到快速有效、节约经费的作用.  相似文献   
介绍了氨法脱硫技术在国内外的应用情况以及氨法烟气脱硫工艺的工作原理和工程应用难点;分析了热电厂煤粉锅炉烟气脱硫的工艺路线特点及新型氨法脱硫工艺应用后取得了的显著效果;提出了氨法脱硫工艺存在的问题和发展前景。  相似文献   
文章针对GJB1032-1990<电子产品环境应力筛选方法>提供的环境应力筛选方法在实际应用中的筛选能力不足的问题,介绍了一种基于应力调查分析的优化方法,通过在加固计算机生产中的实际应用,证明此方法对提高产品缺陷筛选剔除率具有非常明显的作用.  相似文献   
Hester, Erich T. and Martin W. Doyle, 2011. Human Impacts to River Temperature and Their Effects on Biological Processes: A Quantitative Synthesis. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(3):571‐587. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00525.x Abstract: Land‐use change and water resources management increasingly impact stream and river temperatures and therefore aquatic organisms. Efforts at thermal mitigation are expected to grow in future decades. Yet the biological consequences of both human thermal impacts and proposed mitigation options are poorly quantified. This study provides such context for river thermal management in two ways. First, we summarize the full spectrum of human thermal impacts to help thermal managers consider the relative magnitudes of all impacts and mitigation options. Second, we synthesize biological sensitivity to river temperature shifts using thermal performance curves, which relate organism‐level biological processes to temperature. This approach supplements the popular use of thermal thresholds by directly estimating the impact of temperature shifts on the rates of key biological processes (e.g., growth). Our results quantify a diverse array of human thermal impacts, revealing that human actions tend to increase more than decrease river temperatures. Our results also provide a practical framework in which to quantify the sensitivity of river organisms to such impacts and related mitigation options. Finally, among the data and studies we synthesized, river organisms appear to be more sensitive to temperature above than below their thermal maxima, and fish are more sensitive to temperature change than invertebrates.  相似文献   
特大型煤和瓦斯突出的地质条件及其成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
特大型煤和瓦斯突出危害极大,具有独特的发生条件,应专门研究。在全国99 次特大型煤和瓦斯突出详细研究的基础上,总结了特大型突出的一般特征及发生的地质和采矿条件,并给出了南桐矿区的几个临界值。对特大型突出地质条件的成因进行了较深入的探讨,提出了防止特大型突出的几点建议  相似文献   
火电厂无GGH湿法脱硫机组烟囱降雨原因分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某火电厂无GGH湿法脱硫机组运行中出现的烟囱降雨现象,分析影响"湿烟囱"降雨的因素,找出该电厂无GGH湿法脱硫机组烟囱降雨的主要原因。从湿法脱硫系统的设计和运行等方面提出解决问题的方法和建议,通过分析认为,完善除雾器设备,保证电除尘高效运行,可以使烟囱降雨现象有所缓解。  相似文献   
4种硝酸酯热安定性的绝热试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用绝热加速量热仪(ARC)对硝酸正丙酯(NPN)、硝酸异丙酯(IPN)、太根(TEGDN)、敌根(DEGDN)4种硝酸酯的热稳定性进行了绝热试验研究,得到绝热放热曲线和热分解特征参数。分析了4种物质分解过程的特点,对测试结果进行了修正。计算得到动力学参数和自加速分解温度SADT,以此作为评估热安定性的判据。结果表明,4种硝酸酯在外界热作用下容易发生分解,反应速度较快,伴随明显的热效应和压力效应。4种硝酸酯的热安定性由好到差排序为:IPN、NPN、TEGDN、DEGDN。  相似文献   
以富勒烯和甘氨酸为原料合成富勒烯甘氨酸,再与硝酸铜反应得到富勒烯甘氨酸铜盐。通过单因素方法探讨了反应温度、反应时间、反应物物料比对目标物富勒烯甘氨酸铜盐中铜质量分数的影响。获得最佳工艺条件为:富勒烯甘氨酸和硝酸铜的摩尔比1∶5,反应时间2.0 h,反应温度35℃。此时富勒烯甘氨酸铜盐中铜质量分数为17.8%。同时用FT-IR、MS、元素分析及原子吸收等方法表征了产物的结构。用差热仪测试了富勒烯甘氨酸铜盐的热稳定性,表明产物具有良好的热稳定性。  相似文献   
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