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物种多样性对植物生长与土壤镉污染修复的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
土壤重金属污染是当今最为突出的环境问题之一,其中,重金属镉(Cd)已成为我国受污染土壤中最主要的无机污染物之一.植物修复法是去除土壤重金属的重要方法,研究表明,植物物种多样性的增加能促进生态系统功能.那么在Cd污染土壤中,植物物种多样性对植物生长和Cd污染修复会有怎样的影响,其内在机理是怎样的并不清楚.基于此,本研究选择6种本地常见草本植物(荆芥、鸡眼草、短叶水蜈蚣、牛筋草、鸭跖草和细风轮菜),通过室内控制实验研究不同植物物种多样性(1-,2-,3-,6-物种)对植物生长与土壤Cd污染修复的影响.结果表明:植物物种多样性的增加显著促进植物地下生物量和总生物量的积累,并对植物根系形态(根总长、根总表面积、根尖总数与根平均直径)和叶绿素荧光参数(PSII最大光能转化效率F_v/F_m和PSII潜在活性F_v/F_0)有显著的促进作用;植物物种多样性的增加能显著提高植物地上、地下及总Cd含量(积累量)和富集系数;植物物种多样性的增加对植物生长、根系形态指标及Cd的富集具有显著的净效应,且以互补效应为主.本研究选取的是对环境条件要求不高、生长周期短的本地草本植物,可为利用本地常见短世代周期植物进行土壤重金属污染修复提供理论依据.  相似文献   
研究嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans,A.f)对铅锌硫化矿尾矿重金属离子的生物浸出和重金属形态变化有助于了解生物浸出作用的过程变化.通过考察生物浸出体系中不同的矿浆浓度对pH值和浸出尾矿重金属的影响,探究生物浸出过程的重金属形态变化情况.结果表明,生物浸出作用对pH值和尾矿重金属的浸出影响巨大,随着矿浆浓度的增加,pH值下降速率呈现先升高后降低、重金属浸出率也呈现先增加后降低的趋势,最佳的生物浸出矿浆浓度为50 g·L~(-1),Fe和Zn的最佳浸出率分别为85.45%和97.85%.重金属形态分析表明,生物浸出作用对尾矿重金属形态变化产生巨大的影响,随着浸出时间的延长,重金属形态逐渐改变,首先易迁移的重金属被生物浸出,然后稳定的重金属也逐渐被生物浸出.  相似文献   
沼渣是厌氧发酵的残余物,可作为肥料施用,但因其含有一定量的重金属等有害物质可能导致环境污染风险.丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌作为植物共生真菌,可以促进植物对矿质养分的吸收,同时能够通过不同途径减轻重金属对植物的毒害.本文采用甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.)为供试植物开展盆栽试验,考察施用沼渣结合接种AM真菌对甘草生长和矿质营养的影响.试验结果表明,施用沼渣显著促进了植物生长,提高了植物生物量、磷含量和叶片叶绿素含量,与此同时提高了土壤有机质和磷、铬、铜、铅含量,并导致植物重金属含量显著升高.另一方面,AM真菌能够和甘草根系形成良好共生关系,但施用沼渣对菌根侵染表现出显著抑制作用.接种AM真菌促进了甘草生长、提高了根系磷含量及叶片叶绿素含量,同时显著降低了植株重金属含量至安全阈值以内.本试验表明,施用沼渣同时接种AM真菌可在促进甘草生长的同时阻控重金属污染风险,因而可作为沼渣安全利用的一种可行技术途径.  相似文献   
Levels of environmental pollutants are usually higher in mainland and coastal areas than in offshore or oceanic islands due to higher inputs from agricultural and industrial sources. Levels of heavy metals are usually higher in adult than in young birds, because they have had longer to accumulate metals in their tissues, and/or because they may eat larger, more contaminated, prey. We examined the levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, and selenium in the adults and young of Bonin petrel (Pterodroma hypoleuca), Christmas shearwater (Puffinus nativitatis) and red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda) on Midway Atoll, and adult wedge-tailed shearwater (Puffinus pacificus) on Midway Atoll and on Manana Island (off Oahu) in the northern Pacific. All birds were analyzed individually except for Christmas Shearwater chicks where samples were pooled to obtain sufficient quantities for analysis. Significant (p<0.05) age-related differences were found for mercury, selenium, manganese and chromium in Bonin petrels, for selenium and mercury in Christmas shearwaters, and for chromium and mercury in Red-tailed Tropicbirds. Lead approached significance for all three species. Adults had higher levels than young except for chromium and manganese in the petrels and arsenic in all three species. There were significant interspecific differences in concentrations of all metals except arsenic for the adults nesting on Midway. Christmas shearwaters had the highest levels of all metals except mercury and chromium. Bonin petrels, the smallest species examined, had mercury levels that were over three times higher than any of the adults of the other three species. For wedge-tailed shearwaters, levels of chromium and lead were significantly higher, and manganese and selenium were lower on Midway than Manana. Knowledge of the foraging ranges and habits of these far-ranging seabirds is inadequately known, but does not currently explain the observed differences among species. We could not find a consistent pattern of differences between the burrow nesting species (Bonin petrel, Wedge-tailed shearwater) and the surface nesting tropicbirds. There was no consistent pairwise correlation between any metals across all species.  相似文献   
Total concentrations of Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Pb, Sr, Ti, V and Zn in the epiphytic lichen Parmelia sulcata and superficial soils from 60 remote sampling sites in Tuscany (central Italy) were determined to evaluate the contribution of soil to the elemental composition of the lichen. The results showed that in the Mediterranean environment, the trace element content of unwashed lichen samples is greatly affected by soil contamination. However, despite the strong correlations between the concentrations of lithogene elements such as Al, Fe and Ti in P. sulcata, lichen levels of these elements were not at all linearly correlated with their concentrations in the soil, suggesting that dust contamination is highly variable and probably dependent on local site characteristics. All methods evaluated to minimize soil contamination indicated Cu, Pb and Zn as elements of atmospheric origin. However, while levels of Pb were similar to those reported for background areas, moderate pollution by Cu and Zn, probably from fertilizers used in agriculture, was revealed. For elements such as Cd and Mo, identified as atmophile, some uncertainty exists due to the fact that they are essential for lichen metabolism and accumulate intracellularly in lichens; they may therefore occur in soluble form in the lichen thallus.  相似文献   
A main goal of investigations is to determine could a soilrespiration be an indicator of the soil pollution. In this case a measured levelof the soil oxygen consumption depends of its pollution. It alsomeans that the pollution reduces biological processes in edaphon.Investigated soil samples were taken from polluted andnon-polluted places in the Baix Llobregat near Barcelona (Catalonia, NE Spain). Soil samples were taken from the top ofsoil (0–5 cm) without a litter. Soil analysis were done, determining percentage shares of coarsefragments, coarse sand, fine sand, coarse silt, fine silt, clay,CaCO3, organic matter as well as water pH and conductivityCE (1:5 [mS cm-1]). Also were determined (in mg kg-1)quantities of heavy metals, as Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, Cr, Ni, V, Cu, Cd, Pb.The soil respiration was investigated in temperatures15 and 30 °C and with controlled humidity.The respiration in 30 °C is number of times greater thenin 15 °C both for polluted and non-polluted soils.Particularly high coefficients of correlation between the soilrespiration and soil pollution in polluted soils were obtainedfor Pb: r = 0.75 in 15 °C and r = 0.98 in30 °C; for Ba: 0.90 and 0.57; for V: 0.99 and 0.81. In non-polluted soils highest correlation coefficients are for Pb: r = 0.70 in 15 °C; Fe: 0.60 and 0.72; Al: 0.68 and0.64; Mn: 0.51 and 0.66; Ba: 0.63 and 0.61; Cr: 0.94 and0.70; Ni: 0.64 and 0.65; Cu: 0.69 and 0.48; as well as V: 0.62in 15 °C; and Cd: 0.69 in 15 °C.This way the soil respiration could be a good indicator of the soil pollution.  相似文献   
The epiphytic lichen Parmelia caperata was usedas biomonitor in the area of a municipal solid wasteincinerator (Poggibonsi, central Italy) to investigatethe levels and the spatial distribution of the heavymetals Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb and Zn. Levels ofAl, Cu and Hg were similar to those in unpollutedareas, whereas high values were found for Cr, Zn andespecially Cd. The distribution pattern of the lastthree metals and the exponential relationship of theirconcentrations with distance from the incinerator,showed that the disposal plant is a local source ofatmospheric pollution due to Cd, Cr and Zn. For thesemetals, long-term hazard should be seriously taken into account.  相似文献   
山区土壤重金属监测中,密集均匀的布点采样困难大,成本高。根据稀疏非均匀样本数据准确预测山区土壤重金属空间分布,对可视化描述检测元素的分布及趋势具有重要意义。基于云南省楚雄市南部山区表层土壤中重金属锰、钒的采样数据,对集成径向基函数神经网络(IRBFANNs)和传统插值方法:反距离(IDW)、普通克里格(OK)、径向基函数神经网络(RBFANNs),进行了不同等级采样密度下的插值性能比较。结果表明,样本点数量减少时,传统预测方法的插值精度都有所下降,而IRBFANNs算法在样本点较少情况下能够保持最好的插值精确度和稳定性,有效改进了空间插值性能。  相似文献   
董铮  王琳  田芳 《干旱环境监测》2014,28(4):149-153
为了锯镇江地区土壤中重金属Cu和Ph的污染状况与空间分布,对镇江地区表层土壤中的Cu和Pb进行了采样监测。结果表明,镇江地区表层土壤中cu的含量为19.2~273mg/kg,Pb的含量为20.6~3846mg/kg。与全省土壤背景值相比,均有一定程度的富集。对cu和Pb的相互关系进行分析可得出,镇江地区土壤在一定程度上受到农业面源的污染。  相似文献   
针铁矿及腐残质对水体重金属离子的吸附作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用针铁矿、腐殖质,针铁矿-腐殖复合微粒对重合微粒对重金属离子进行了吸附-解吸实验。结果表明它们对Cu^2 ,Zn^2 有强烈的吸附作用。针铁矿对Cu^2 和Zn^2 的吸附边界pH值分别为4.3和5.8,且吸附率可达95%以上。腐殖质对Cu^2 和Zn^2 的吸附边界pH值分别为4.1和5.6,且在pH值为8时,吸附率可达96%以上。针铁矿与腐殖形成的稳定复合微粒不仅对重金属离子具有良好的吸附作用,还具有均匀性好和沉降稳定的特点,可用于土壤修复和含重金属离子的污水的处理。  相似文献   
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