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A survey was conducted in the United Statesin 1998 and 1999 to determine what members of theNational Association of State Universities and LandGrant Colleges (NASULGC) and of the AmericanAssociation of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)offered agricultural ethics as an undergraduatecourse. Of the 59 responses, the survey found 15 USuniversities that have a course on agricultural ethicsor one that includes the topic. This paper willdiscuss the survey's findings and offer six reasonsthat explain why so few universities includeagricultural ethics in their curriculum. The sixreasons are: 1) lack of education in ethics andphilosophy on the part of agricultural scientists; 2)lack of institutional or disciplinary incentives foragricultural scientists to reflect on their work andits effects; 3) lack of administrative leadership incolleges of agriculture due to their failure tounderstand the benefits of agricultural ethics; 4)continuance of the prevailing assumption thatagriculture is inherently ethically correct; 5) thefelt necessity by agricultural scientists to defendthemselves against what are perceived to be unjust andinaccurate criticisms of agriculture; and 6) areluctance to engage in ethical reflection because itmay raise more problems than it solves. The paper'scentral question is why ethics is not taught in morecolleges of agriculture. Those who teach know thattheir students are tomorrow's farmers, businesspeople, professors, and policy makers. If we who nowteach and administer fail to include true ethicalstudy in our student's education, our students willstill be defensive when confronted with an ethicalissue and unable to respond except with assertionsbased on the production paradigm, the correctness ofwhich, although unexamined, we taught them. If theagricultural faculty does not recognize theopportunity and the obligation to participate in theshaping of values, then the values of agriculture willbe shaped elsewhere in the institution and insociety.  相似文献   
Noise conditions specifically in areas inside university facilities and its impact on the quality of life of university students are topics that have received little attention. This paper presents a study of the noise conditions in which university students of various institutions in Madrid, Spain, carry out their daily studies. A representative number of measurements was carried out using noise dosemeters and dataloggers in order to evaluate the levels of noise, noise dose and exposure to noise during school periods and extracurricular activities. The results were compared with the recommendations given by current environmental noise regulations. This paper was complemented with a survey to get to know how students perceive the exposure to noise in university environments.  相似文献   
高等学校危险化学品安全管理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析我国与危险化学品安全管理相关的法律法规及国家标准体系的基础上,对高校危险化学品安全管理模式进行了研究,构建了高校危险化学品的组织管理体系,包括仓储、领取、使用、废弃安全管理模式和应急救援预案,以期为推进高校危险化学品安全管理工作建言献策。  相似文献   
在新形势下,高校思想政治工作面临着新情况、新问题,如:大学生的思想观念和价值取向发生了新的变化;大学生生活方式发生了新变化;大学生接受信息的渠道发生了新的变化等。高校思想政治工作者要不断提高思想工作的创新性和实效性,研究工作对策和方法,开拓高校思想政治工作的新局面。  相似文献   
新时期中外高校体育教育思想发展趋势比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了德国和俄罗斯学校在体育发展的多方向、多功能的趋势,分析了我国高校体育教育的现状,从体育与健康课程整合的方面,提出高校体育应借鉴国外体育教育强国的思想观念,强调体育教改应重视学生身心的全面成长,贯穿“个体化、专项化、社会化”的思想。  相似文献   
本文深入探讨了高校主体性人力资源的特点及其职业生涯发展的主要特征,针对高校当前在职业生涯发展管理上存在的主要问题,提出了进行管理创新的几个基础性工作,为全面有效地进行职业生涯发展管理奠定坚实的基础.  相似文献   
李震  夏田 《安全》2020,(4):84-88
为了深入探究当前高校消防安全责任制落实情况,本文通过文献梳理、问卷调查等研究方法,对华中地区20所高校进行问卷调查,调查显示当前高校消防安全责任制落实方面存在消防安全责任制管理机制不健全、二级单位责任制落实缺乏主动性和有效性、责任制落实缺乏量化考核机制以及宣传有效性不够等问题,并有针对性地就如何加强高校消防安全责任制落实提出对策及建议。  相似文献   
Many universities around the world have served as active centers for research on climate change. However, there are several barriers to their activities, stemming from the nature of research, resources, and the structure of institutions. This document provides an overview of barriers, potential factors, and activities to develop and implement sustainable energy processes in public higher education institutions (HEIs) in Brazil. The research was conducted from March to April of 2018 with representatives of HEIs (rectors or prorectors of research). A total of 63 invitations to respond to the Survey‐monkey survey were emailed, and responses were received from 32 universities. The research concludes by proposing measures that can be taken to make the issue of climate change more present and effective in university research and teaching activities. This includes changes in research, information dissemination, and teaching approaches to better support actions to address climate change. In Brazil, there are many potentialities in terms of natural resources, but actions for implementation are still incipient. Further efforts and investment in research and development will be required.  相似文献   
针对高校能源消耗建模研究与应用问题,文中介绍了高校能耗日益增长现状,给出了高校能耗模型构建,为节约能源必须做好精准能耗预测.建立了灰色径向基函数神经网络高校能耗预测模型,并采用基于排序等分法赌盘规则选择算子的遗传算法对该模型进行全局优化,进一步用实例对比分析评估了模型的有效性.实践表明,优化后的模型能有效预测能耗,与传统单一的建模方式相比,有更好的拟合性、稳定性、预测精度和更快的收敛速度,为节能评估和设计提供了决策依据.  相似文献   
文章以西部某高校为调查对象,采用资料收集法和实地调查法,对该校进行清洁生产审核,得出该校清洁生产现状及存在问题,并提出相应的清洁生产措施.结果表明:(1)该校水、电等能、资源用量无精确计量,实行不限量供给,是造成浪费的原因之一.(2)通过清洁生产措施,可明显降低和减少该校能、资源用量及一次性污染排放量.因此,对高校实施清洁生产,对于减轻学校的财政压力、建立环境友好型社会具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
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