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林修咏  王书敏  李强  谢云成 《环境科学》2018,39(10):4539-4546
构建了两套防渗型生物滞留中试系统,在2017年3~4月期间,跟踪监测了系统在低温小强度降雨条件下的径流水质特点,并同步分析了降雨径流的三维荧光光谱特征.系统降雨径流水质监测结果表明,经系统净化后,出水污染物浓度波动较小,对NH_4~+-N和TP均有相对稳定的去除效率,可分别达到78.38%~95.03%和72.04%~76.04%.荧光光谱特征分析表明,生物滞留系统出水中的主要溶解性有机物(dissolved organic matters,DOMs)为蛋白类物质和类腐殖质物质,主要来自生物或水生细菌代谢物;系统对于Ⅰ区、Ⅱ区蛋白类荧光有机物和类富里酸具有较好的去除效果,去除率可分别达到57.33%~61.30%、29.82%~31.28%和35.55%~43.16%.径流水质与DOMs相关性分析表明,系统径流出水中的TN、TP和TOC均与芳香类蛋白质含量呈显著正相关关系,而NO_3~--N和NH_4~+-N与芳香类蛋白质含量呈显著负相关关系;TN浓度均与Ⅳ区DOMs(微生物代谢产物)和V区DOMs(类胡敏酸)呈显著负相关关系.  相似文献   
In the present study, arsenate(As(V)) and phosphate(P(V)) interactions were investigated in growth, uptake and RNA content in yeast(Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Yeast grew slowly with As(V) concentrations increasing in the medium. However, the maximal population density was almost the same among different As(V) treatments. It was in the late log phase that yeast growth was aug- mented by low As(V), which was maybe due to the fact that methionine metabolism was stressed by vitamin B6 deprivation, so As(V) treatments did not affect maximal population density. However, with P (V) concentrations increasing, the maximal population density increased. Therefore, the maximal population density was determined by P (V) concentrations in the medium but not by As (V) concentrations in the medium. Ycflp(a tonoplast transpor) transports As(GS)3 into the vacuole, but arsenic(As) remaining in the thalli was 1.27% with As(V) exposure for 60 h, from which it can be speculated that the percentage of As transported into vacuole should be lower than 1.27%. However, the percentage of As pumped out of cell was 71.49% with As (V) exposure for 68 h. Although two pathways (extrusion and sequestration) were involved in As detoxification in yeast, the extrusion pathway played a major role in As detoxification. RNA content was the highest in the early-log phase and was reduced by As(V).  相似文献   
There is little to no toxicity information regarding thousands of chemicals to which people are exposed daily. In fact, of the 84,000 chemicals listed in the United States Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory, there is limited information available on their effects on neural development (Betts, 2010 and US EPA, 2015). The number of chemicals tested remains low due to the high cost of conducting multi-generational animal studies and the lack of alternative testing methods.  相似文献   
The adverse effects of environmental pollution on our well-being have been intensively studied with many in vitro and in vivo systems. In our group, we focus on stem cell toxicology due to the multitude of embryonic stem cell (ESC) properties which can be exerted in toxicity assays. In fact, ESCs can differentiate in culture to mimic embryonic development in vivo, or specifically to virtually any kind of somatic cells. Here, we used the toxicant Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical known as a hazard to infants and children, and showed that our stem cell toxicology system was able to efficiently recapitulate most of the toxic effects of BPA previously detected by in vitro system or animal tests. More precisely, we demonstrated that BPA affected the proper specification of germ layers during our in vitro mimicking of the embryonic development, as well as the establishment of neural ectoderm and neural progenitor cells.  相似文献   
构建一种新型的三室微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cells,MFCs)对重金属Cu污染的土壤进行修复,研究不同外阻条件下MFC的产电性能和土壤中Cu的迁移去除情况.结果表明,当外接电阻从100Ω增大到1000Ω时,三室MFC的输出电压从0.1V提高到0.4V,最大功率密度从1.10W/m3降低到0.71W/m3,且阴极极化现象也随外阻增大而更加显著.装置运行63d后,MFC外接电阻越大,近阳极土壤区的Cu的去除率越高,外阻为1000Ω的MFC近阳极土壤区的Cu去除率达到39.7%.通过改进欧共体标准(BCR)连续提取法分析重金属的形态,发现乙酸可提取态和可还原态为Cu迁移的两种主要形态.此外,土壤的性质也发生变化,pH值呈现由阳极到阴极逐渐升高的趋势,而电导率则相反.阴极电极的扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射(XRD)结果也表明部分迁移到阴极的Cu(Ⅱ)被还原成单质Cu.  相似文献   
为打破传统厌氧发酵周期长,有机质利用率低等瓶颈,增强污泥的资源利用和能源回收,探讨了游离亚硝酸(FNA)预处理对剩余污泥电解效果及微生物群落的影响.对比分析了FNA预处理前后剩余污泥在微生物电解池(MEC)中的电流和氢气产生、溶解性有机物和挥发酸的释放和利用及功能菌群的变化情况.结果表明,FNA预处理能有效地促进剩余污泥在MEC系统中的水解和酸化,其溶解性糖类、蛋白和挥发酸的含量远高于未预处理组,进而促进了水解发酵菌、产电菌及反硝化菌的生长和富集,最终挥发酸利用率均在97%以上,表现为电流(1.9mA)和氢气(0.86mL/g VSS)的增强,分别是空白组的3.8倍和5.1倍.  相似文献   
为研究不同来源的大气颗粒物中PM2.5对人体的健康毒性效应,于2016年1-3月在南京市交通源区、化工园区、生活区等代表性站点分别采集PM2.5样品,分析其水溶性离子和金属元素含量,并以PM2.5对人体肺上皮细胞A549染毒24 h,研究暴露于不同来源颗粒物后的细胞活性和氧化损伤程度.结果表明:交通源区和化工园区日均ρ(PM2.5)远高于生活区,3个区域均含有大量二次污染物,其中SO42-、NO3-和NH4+占PM2.5总离子质量的80.6%~85.0%.交通源区PM2.5中w(Zn)较高,主要来源于燃料燃烧和柴油发动机排放;而化工园区PM2.5中w(Cu)、w(Pb)和w(Mn)均高于其他站点.将PM2.5染毒剂量设定为50、100、200、400 μg/mL,各站点颗粒物均显著抑制A549细胞的存活率,并呈剂量-效应关系,化工园区对细胞存活率的半抑制浓度(IC50=229.1 μg/mL)最低,而在高暴露浓度(200 μg/mL)下化工园区诱导产生的活性氧(ROS)最少.因此,南京地区主要受二次污染影响,机动车污染正在加剧;化工园区的颗粒物具有较大的细胞毒性,而较低的氧化损伤程度可能与该站点颗粒物中较低的w(Zn)以及测试暴露时间有关.   相似文献   
妊娠小鼠子宫对2,3,7,8-四氯苯二噁英毒性的敏感性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对妊娠早期小鼠用不同剂量的TCDD进行处理,妊娠第9天采集血清、肝、肾、脑、脂肪、子宫和胎儿等样品,利用酵母报道基因系统进行组织中TCDD含量检测,结果发现脂肪中TCDD含量最高,其次是肝脏、子宫和胎儿.由于TCDD的毒性需通过体内包括细胞色素P4501A2在内的代谢酶的活化,采用免疫组化的方法对TCDD诱导的该酶的表达水平进行了检测,发现肝脏和子宫的阳性反应最强,并且所需剂量很低,肾脏和脂肪组织在较高剂量出现阳性反应,而脑组织则仅在更大剂量时出现微弱的阳性信号.此现象说明子宫和肝脏一样,可以通过芳香烃类受体诱导细胞色素P4501A2酶的产生,活化TCDD,引起对细胞的毒性并产生对胚胎的毒性.在低剂量时观察到的强烈的生殖毒性应该和TCDD在子宫的蓄积和子宫内敏感的细胞色素P4501A诱导能力有关.  相似文献   
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