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杜彩丽  杨丽  赵诣  吴晓敏  徐慕  王丽卿  张玮 《环境科学》2019,40(10):4513-4522
淀山湖是上海市最大的淡水湖泊,属亚热带浅水湖泊.于2017年对该湖的浮游动物和水质参数进行逐月调查,并结合浮游植物群落数据,采用多元回归树模型(multivariate regression trees,MRT)和主坐标分析(principal coordinates analysis,PCo A)等方法研究了该湖浮游动物群落结构时空分布特征及其与环境因子的关系.结果表明,淀山湖浮游动物群落结构季节差异显著(P 0. 05),但仅在春、夏季节存在空间差异(P 0. 05),其他季节空间差异不显著(P 0. 05).水温、叶绿素a、氨氮以及蓝藻丰度是引起淀山湖浮游动物群落时空变化的关键性因子. MRT分析表明,当水温13. 07℃时,表现为冬季群落特征,当水温在13. 07~19. 57℃之间时,表现为春季群落特征;当水温≥19. 57℃时,叶绿素a浓度≥9. 03μg·L-1,则为夏季群落特征,而当叶绿素a浓度9. 03μg·L-1时,则表现为秋季群落特征.聚类分析将淀山湖浮游动物群落分成3个空间区域;春季时,当氨氮浓度1. 11 mg·L-1时,上游进水区(区域Ⅱ)浮游动物群落与其他两个区域有显著差异(P 0. 05);而夏季当蓝藻生物量≥2. 58 mg·L-1时,区域Ⅰ的浮游动物群落与其他两个区域有显著的空间差异(P 0. 05).  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Automatic plankton samplers installed at two dams on the Connecticut River Continuously monitored crustacean zooplankton from October 1977 through 1979 and allowed a significant reduction in man-hours involved in an extensive sampling program. Automatic samplers efficiently sampled most species and size classes of crustacean zooplankton in a similar, but not consistently identical manner as a commonly used towed-net plankton sampler. The smallest sized zooplankton were captured more efficiently than the largest. Mesh selection and sampler avoidance exerted different influences on automatic samplers and towed nets. Future use of the samplers and direct comparison of results to results obtained by other methods was supported.  相似文献   
Schwierzke, Leslie, Daniel L. Roelke, Bryan W. Brooks, James P. Grover, Theodore W. Valenti, Jr., Mieke Lahousse, Carrie J. Miller, and James L. Pinckney, 2010. Prymnesium parvum Population Dynamics During Bloom Development: A Role Assessment of Grazers and Virus. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(1):63-75. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00391.x Abstract: The toxic haptophyte Prymnesium parvum is a harmful alga known to cause fish-killing blooms that occur worldwide. In Texas (United States), P. parvum blooms occur in inland brackish water bodies and have increased in frequency and magnitude in recent years. In this study we conducted three consecutive field experiments (Lake Whitney) to investigate the influence of zooplankton and viruses on P. parvum bloom dynamics during the time of year when blooms are still typically active in Texas (early spring). A localized P. parvum bloom developed during our study that involved increasing levels of toxicity (based on Pimephales promelas and Daphnia magna bioassays). Only in our last experiment, during later stages of bloom development and under highly toxic conditions, did the presence of grazers show a statistically significant, negative effect on P. parvum population dynamics. During this experiment, a rotifer-dominated zooplankton community emerged, composed mostly of Notholca laurentiae, suggesting that this species was less sensitive than other grazers to toxins produced by P. parvum. Microzooplankton may have also been important at this time. Similarly, only our final experiment demonstrated a statistically significant, negative effect of viruses on P. parvum. This exploratory study, resulting in observed impacts on P. parvum populations by both grazers and virus, enhances our understanding of P. parvum ecology and highlights direction for future studies on resistance of zooplankton to prymnesin toxins and algal-virus interactions.  相似文献   
Field and laboratory investigations were performed to study the distribution and functional significance of antilysozyme activity (ALA) in algal cultures. According to the results obtained, ALA as a trait is widespread among green and blue-green algae but is expressed to different extents. Experiments on the algae–zooplankters model showed that ALA is a factor facilitating the survival of algae in freshwater communities by promoting the establishment of their trophic and symbiotic relationships with other aquatic organisms. Analyzing the intrapopulation structure of algal cultures associated with zooplankters, it was shown that changes in the ALA of algal clones have adaptive significance, providing for a greater stability of algal populations in biocenoses.  相似文献   
2004年春季(5月)和夏季(8月)用浅海I型I、I型标准浮游生物网在河北沿岸22 km以内近岸海域进行了浮游动物生态调查。结果显示,春季仅记录37种浮游动物,而夏季记录60种浮游动物。浮游动物总生物量以春季为高,平均为886 mg/m3;夏季为低,平均为234 mg/m3。中华哲水蚤,腹针胸刺水蚤,双毛纺锤水蚤为春季优势种;强壮箭虫,小拟哲水蚤,拟长腹剑水蚤为夏季优势种。  相似文献   
东海浮游多毛类的时空分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据1997~2000年东海23°30′~33°00′N、118°30′~128°00′E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,探讨了东海浮游多毛类数量变化、相应的动力学过程及与渔场的关系。结果表明:浮游多毛类秋季平均丰度为23.68×10-2/m3,夏季8.59×10-2/m3,冬季5.80×10-2/m3,春季最低(1.20×10-2/m3);温度在多毛类丰度的季节变化中起主要作用,盐度次之。除了秋季,其他季节多毛类丰度平面分布较为均匀。多毛类的数量波动,与东海暖流势力消长和沿岸水有密切的联系,也同暖流势力从夏季到秋季维持一段时间有密切关系。  相似文献   
长江口南北支浮游动物群落生态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江口特殊的生态环境使得浮游动物的种类组成、密度和时空分布等生态特征有别于其它水体。2005年秋季(丰水期)和2006年春季(枯水期)对长江口南北支浮游动物进行了2个航次的调查,沿南北支由西向东设立3个采样断面共20个采样点。共采集到浮游动物227种,其中轮虫65种,原生动物107种,枝角类15种,桡足类40种。优势种包括龟甲轮虫(Keratella)、刺簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)、砂壳虫(Difflugia)、表壳虫(Arcella)、砂壳纤毛虫(Tintinnid)、中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)、广布中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops leuckarti)、象鼻溞(Bosmina)等。文章对南北两支浮游动物的种类组成和结构进行了比较,南支浮游动物的种类、数量及生物多样都高于北支,南北两支的浮游动物群落相似度很低。南北两支水域环境的不同造成其浮游动物群落结构的较大差异,文章分析了环境因子与浮游动物群落结构的相关性,其中水温是重要的影响因素,水温的季节性决定...  相似文献   
Cultures of the copepod Acartia tonsa are used both in aquaculture and ecotoxicology studies. However, the cultivation of these crustaceans at high densities results in the proliferation of microorganisms that can affect the organisms of interest, leading to illness or death. Antimicrobials inhibit microbial growth and may favour the cultivated species, aiding the development of ecological studies. This study investigated the potential of antimicrobials (antibiotic + antifungal) to inhibit bacteria and fungi when applied to marine zooplankton cultures, using the copepod A. tonsa as a bioindicator of acute toxicity. Treatment with 0.025?g?L?1 of penicillin G potassium + 0.08?g?L?1 of streptomycin sulphate + 0.04?g?L?1 of neomycin sulphate + 0.005?g?L?1 of nystatin resulted in 95% bacterial inhibition (after 12?h of exposure); however, after this time, the inhibitory effect was lost. The antimicrobial combination tested in this study prevented colonisation by fungi until 168?h after exposure, without causing acute toxicity to A. tonsa. Thus, it has potential for use in marine cultures of less sensitive organisms.  相似文献   
Using Multiple Taxonomic Groups to Index the Ecological Condition of Lakes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Biological indicators of communitiestypically reflect a common environmental signalreflecting the general condition of the ecosystem, as well asindividual signals by indicators differentiallysensitive to particular environmental conditions. Wedescribe here a method of integrating and interpretingsuch indicators from 19 New England lakes for fivetaxonomic groups (diatoms, benthos, zooplankton, fish,and birds). Our approach provides a systematicstandardized way to integrate multiple metrics fromdifferent taxonomic groups by addressing four elementscrucial to analyzing data from multiple indicators: covariate control, re-scaling of data, standardizing the sign of responses, and dimensional reduction. We evaluated the biologicalmetrics against individual environmental stressors andagainst multivariate physicochemical metricscharacterizing general anthropogenic stress among thelakes. The method detected a response to variationin the gross environmental condition of the lakes thatwas correlated across taxa and metrics. In addition,a differential response to near shore conditions wasdemonstrated for fish. The success of the approach inthis study lends support to its general application toecological monitoring involving complex data sets.  相似文献   
抚仙湖后生浮游动物种类组成及水质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对湖区内11个采样位点进行浮游动物采集,分析了抚仙湖浮游动物种类及数量组成,共检出浮游动物33种,幼体3类。其中轮虫27种,隶属9科14属;枝角类5种,隶属于4科4属;桡足类1种,主要优势种为螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratellacochlearis)、胶鞘轮虫(Collotheca sp.)、小型腹尾轮虫(Gastropus minor)、广生多肢轮虫(Ployarthravalgaris)、象鼻潘(Bosmina sp.)、舌状叶镖水蚤(Phfllodiaptomus tunguidus)及桡足类幼体(Copepodalarva)。轮虫Margalef多样性指数为3.42,浮游动物Shannon—Wiener多样性指数2.34,两项指标均反映抚仙湖的水质为清洁水体。,另外,浮游动物Shannon—Wiener多样性指数与高锰酸盐指数呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
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