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Major volcanic eruptions inject massive amounts of dust and gases into the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere. Stratospheric volcanic aerosols can scatter incoming solar radiation to space, increasing planetary albedo, reducing the total amount of solar energy reaching the troposphere and the earth's surface, and decreasing the daytime maximum temperature (aerosol shortwave forcing). They can also absorb and scatter outgoing terrestrial longwave radiation, increasing the nighttime minimum surface temperature (longwave forcing). However, persuasive evidence of climate response to this forcing has thus far been lacking. Here we examine patterns of annual and seasonal variations in mean maximum and minimum temperature trend during the periods 1992–1994 and 1985–1987 relative to that during the period 1988–1990 at 47 stations in the southeastern U.S. for evidence of such climate responses. The stratospheric volcanic aerosol optical depths over the southeastern U.S. during the period 1985–1994 were inferred from the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gases Experiment (SAGE) 11 satellite extinction measurement. After the long-term trend signals are removed, it is shown that the dominant decreasing trend of mean maximum temperature and the dominant increasing trend of mean minimum temperature over periods 1992–1994 and 1985–1987 relative to that over the period 1988–1990 are consistent with the distribution of stratospheric volcanic aerosols and predictions from aerosol radiative forcing in the southeastern U.S.  相似文献   
基于环境一号卫星的气溶胶光学厚度反演技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于环境一号卫星(HJ-1)遥感观测数据,采用改进的暗目标算法和深蓝算法分别对暗像元、亮像元地表的气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)进行反演,并将其结果与MOD04产品对比。结果表明:二者反演的AOD空间变化特征较一致,相关系数达0.874,HJ-1星反演结果有更高的空间分辨率。当AOD值0.2时,HJ-1星反演结果可靠性较低;当AOD值在0.2~0.8之间时,HJ-1星CCD相机反演气溶胶的结果与MOD04产品最相近,二者相对误差10%;当AOD值在0.8~1.5之间时,HJ-1星反演结果相对MOD04产品显著偏高;当AOD值1.5时,HJ-1星反演结果相对MOD04产品偏低。  相似文献   
风云四号A星(FY-4A)是我国新一代静止气象卫星,多通道扫描成像辐射计(AGRI)是风云四号静止气象卫星的主要载荷之一.为探究FY4A数据用于气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)反演的可行性,基于FY-4A/AGRI数据,利用暗像元算法对2019年2月23~26日及10月27~30日京津冀地区AOD进行反演研究,并与AERONET地基观测AOD数据进行了对比分析.结果表明,基于FY-4A数据及构建响应函数库,通过暗像元方法能较好的反演出京津冀地区气溶胶空间分布;AOD主要的高值区体现在京津冀中南部地区并向周边郊区逐渐降低,在AOD值较大时此特征较为明显;将反演值与同期AERONET地基观测数据对比验证,相关系数达到0.869,均方根误差为0.221,表明AOD反演值与观测值吻合较好,FY-4A卫星数据反演AOD具有一定可行性.  相似文献   
In autumn of 2008, the chemical characteristics of major secondary ionic aerosols at a suburban site in central Taiwan were measured during an annually occurring season of high pollution. The semicontinuous measurement system measured major soluble inorganic species, including NH(4)(+), NO(3)(-), and SO(4)(2-), in PM(10) with a 15 min resolution time. The atmospheric conditions, except for the influences of typhoons, were dominated by the local sea-land breeze with clear diurnal variations of meteorological parameters and air pollutant concentrations. To evaluate secondary aerosol formation at different ozone levels, daily ozone maximum concentration (O(3,daily max)) was used as an index of photochemical activity for dividing between the heavily polluted period (O(3,daily max) ≧80 ppb) and the lightly polluted period (O(3,daily max)<80 ppb). The concentrations of PM(10), NO(3)(-), SO(4)(2-), NH(4)(+) and total major ions during the heavily polluted period were 1.6, 1.9, 2.4, 2.7 and 2.3 times the concentrations during the lightly polluted period, respectively. Results showed that the daily maximum concentrations of PM(10) occurred around midnight and the daily maximum ozone concentration occurred during daytime. The average concentration of SO(2) was higher during daytime, which could be explained by the transportation of coastal industry emissions to the sampling site. In contrast, the high concentration of NO(2) at night was due to the land breeze flow that transport inland urban air masses toward this site. The simulations of breeze circulations and transitions were reflected in transports and distributions of these pollutants. During heavily polluted periods, NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+) showed a clear diurnal variations with lower concentrations after midday, possibly due to the thermal volatilization of NH(4)NO(3) during daytime and transport of inland urban plume at night. The diurnal variation of PM(10) showed the similar pattern to that of NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+) aerosols. This indicated that the formatted secondary aerosols in the inland urban area could be transported to the coastal area by the weak land breeze and deteriorated the air quality in the coastal area at night.  相似文献   
Empirical equations were developed and applied to predict losses of 0.01–100 μm airborne particles making a single pass through 120 different ventilation duct runs typical of those found in mid-sized office buildings. For all duct runs, losses were negligible for submicron particles and nearly complete for particles larger than 50 μm. The 50th percentile cut-point diameters were 15 μm in supply runs and 25 μm in return runs. Losses in supply duct runs were higher than in return duct runs, mostly because internal insulation was present in portions of supply duct runs, but absent from return duct runs. Single-pass equations for particle loss in duct runs were combined with models for predicting ventilation system filtration efficiency and particle deposition to indoor surfaces to evaluate the fates of particles of indoor and outdoor origin in an archetypal mechanically ventilated building. Results suggest that duct losses are a minor influence for determining indoor concentrations for most particle sizes. Losses in ducts were of a comparable magnitude to indoor surface losses for most particle sizes. For outdoor air drawn into an unfiltered ventilation system, most particles smaller than 1 μm are exhausted from the building. Large particles deposit within the building, mostly in supply ducts or on indoor surfaces. When filters are present, most particles are either filtered or exhausted. The fates of particles generated indoors follow similar trends as outdoor particles drawn into the building.  相似文献   
Physical and chemical properties of ambient aerosols at the single particle level were studied in Shanghai from December 22 to 28, 2009. A Cavity-Ring-Down Aerosol Extinction Spectrometer(CRD-AES) and a nephelometer were deployed to measure aerosol light extinction and scattering properties, respectively. An Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer(ATOFMS)was used to detect single particle sizes and chemical composition. Seven particle types were detected. Air parcels arrived at the sampling site from the vicinity of Shanghai until mid-day of December 25, when they started to originate from North China. The aerosol extinction,scattering, and absorption coefficients all dropped sharply when this cold, clean air arrived.Aerosol particles changed from a highly aged type before this meteorological shift to a relatively fresh type afterwards. The aerosol optical properties were dependent on the wind direction.Aerosols with high extinction coefficient and scattering Angstrom exponent(SAE) were observed when the wind blew from the west and northwest, indicating that they were predominantly fine particles. Nitrate and ammonium correlated most strongly with the change in aerosol optical properties. In the elemental carbon/organic carbon(ECOC) particle type, the diurnal trends of single scattering albedo(SSA) and elemental carbon(EC) signal intensity had a negative correlation. We also found a negative correlation(r =-0.87) between high mass-OC particle number fraction and the SSA in a relatively clean period, suggesting that particulate aromatic components might play an important role in light absorption in urban areas.  相似文献   
A scanning transmission X-ray microscope at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is used to measure organic functional group abundance and morphology of atmospheric aerosols. We present a summary of spectra, sizes, and shapes observed in 595 particles that were collected and analyzed between 2000 and 2006. These particles ranged between 0.1 and 12 μm and represent aerosols found in a large range of geographical areas, altitudes, and times. They include samples from seven different field campaigns: PELTI, ACE-ASIA, DYCOMS II, Princeton, MILAGRO (urban), MILAGRO (C-130), and INTEX-B. At least 14 different classes of organic particles show different types of spectroscopic signatures. Different particle types are found within the same region while the same particle types are also found in different geographical domains. Particles chemically resembling black carbon, humic-like aerosols, pine ultisol, and secondary or processed aerosol have been identified from functional group abundance and comparison of spectra with those published in the literature.  相似文献   
1987-1989年春秋季在西南重庆、贵阳、成都和广元等地区采集大气颗粒物和雨水样品,测定了其中S和SO4^2-。探讨了颗粒物中S在粗细粒中的分布及水溶性S的百分比,估算了大气中S在气相(SO2)、液相(H2SO4)及固相(SO4^2-)中的分配比例,得知颗粒物中S对降雨的贡献率为18~50%。  相似文献   
Photochemical aging of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere is an important source of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). To evaluate the formation potential of SOA at an urban site in Lyon (France), an outdoor experiment using a Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM) oxidation flow reactor (OFR) was conducted throughout entire days during January-February 2017. Diurnal variation of SOA formations and their correlation with OH radical exposure (OHexp), ambient pollutants (VOCs and particulate matters, PM), Relative Humidity (RH), and temperature were explored in this study. Ambient urban air was exposed to high concentration of OH radicals with OHexp in range of (0.2–1.2)×1012 molecule/(cm3?sec), corresponding to several days to weeks of equivalent atmospheric photochemical aging. The results informed that urban air at Lyon has high potency to contribute to SOA, and these SOA productions were favored from OH radical photochemical oxidation rather than via ozonolysis. Maximum SOA formation (36 µg/m3) was obtained at OHexp of about 7.4 × 1011molecule/(cm3?sec), equivalent to approximately 5 days of atmospheric oxidation. The correlation between SOA formation and ambient environment conditions (RH & temperature, VOCs and PM) was observed. It was the first time to estimate SOA formation potential from ambient air over a long period in urban environment of Lyon.  相似文献   
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