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本文应用水生物、污水生物体系的划分阶段,以评价上海市第二水源长江两个取水口的环境质量.1989年枯水期(2~3月)和丰水期(7月)在长江口河流段南岸的浏河和浪港二个站位,分别在近岸(5m水深)和远岸(10m水深上、下层)的断面,进行浮游植物,浮游动物调查.结果认为两个取水口应是β中污型(βm),属尚清洁带.相比之下,浏河站比浪港站差,近岸比远岸差,丰水期低潮时比高潮时差,浏河站丰水期比枯水期差,浪港站枯水期比丰水期差.其主要受自邻近河道排放水,上海市污水排放和涨落潮污水流向变化的影响,反映了河口区环境的复杂性.  相似文献   

The calculation of the combined uncertainty of the international estimated short-term intake (IESTI) of ethephon residues in apples is shown as an example. The ethephon residues in apples were reported by the Joint FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)/WHO (World Health Organization) Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR). The apple consumption data were taken from the IESTI (international short-term intake) calculation template used by the JMPR. The IESTI was calculated with the currently used method (case 2a) and a proposed one recommended by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)/RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health) Scientific Workshop co-sponsored by FAO and WHO. In this example, the ratio of IESTIproposed/IESTIcurrent and their combined relative uncertainty are about 2.8, and 1.7, respectively. The larger IESTI and uncertainty obtained with the proposed equation are the consequence of calculation only with the large portion (LP) instead of its combination with unit mass, and the MRL instead of the highest residue (HR). The LP is the major contributor to the combined uncertainty. Both the calculated IESTI and its combined uncertainty depend on the actual food – pesticide residue combination, and should be calculated for each case.  相似文献   
目的解决高海拔地域中重型越野车辆的起动困难问题。方法从进气温度对车辆起动的影响因素入手,系统地研究几种典型进气预热型式的优缺点。针对中型和重型两台越野车的具体情况,设计选型集中加热的电阻型格栅式进气预热器。经设计计算和反复测试,确定两型加热器的尺寸和功率等主要参数和控制策略,计算分析与车载蓄电池的匹配关系。结果对两型进气预热器进行实车安装后,分别经过实验室试验和野外现场验证,在-30℃实验室常压环境和-27℃的高原环境条件下,两型车辆均能在3 min内顺利起动。结论在高原高寒地域,格栅式电阻进气预热器可有效解决-30℃以上温度范围的起动困难问题。该装置结构简单、安装方便、可靠性高,便于中重型车辆加装使用,为该类问题提供了有效的技术解决途径。  相似文献   
针对袋式除尘器的进气均布板主要结构参数对气流分布影响的问题,采用正交试验方法进行CFD模拟试验设计,并以气流速度相对均方根σ值作为气流均匀性的评价指标。研究结果给出了σ与板数n、板长L、挡板上端距灰斗顶部截面高度ΔH、挡板前后偏角θ及过滤风速v之间的函数关系式。表明适当增加n、增大ΔH和θ、减小L、降低v,可以提高进气流分布均匀程度,影响进气均匀分布程度的排序为L>θ>n>ΔH>ΔL。  相似文献   
The association between dietary patterns and blood dioxin levels has not been fully investigated. The present study population consisted of 755 men and 901 women (aged 15-73 years) living in 90 different areas of 30 prefectures of Japan. Dietary habits were assessed by inquiring about the consumption frequency of 28 foods, food groups and beverages. In addition, the blood levels of 29 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzo-furans (PCDFs), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl (DL-PCBs) congeners were determined by high-resolution gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The median total toxicity equivalent (TEQ) in the blood, which was calculated on the basis of the toxicity equivalency factors of WHO (2005), was 16 pg TEQ g−1 lipid. Principal component analysis identified five dietary patterns: Healthy diet (high intake of vegetables and fruits); Meat/High fat intake (high intake of meat, meat products, and eggs); Seafood and Alcohol (high intake of fish, shellfish, and alcoholic beverages); Miscellaneous; and Milk products and Alcohol intake (high intake of milk, Milk products, and alcoholic beverages). After adjusting for sex, age, body mass index, and smoking habits, the Seafood and Alcohol pattern scores were significantly related to higher blood levels of total TEQ and PCDDs/PCDFs/DL-PCBs, and the Milk products and Alcohol pattern scores were correlated with higher blood levels of DL-PCBs. More detailed analysis showed that the intake frequencies for alcoholic beverages and seafood were independently and positively associated with total TEQ and the TEQ of PCDFs and DL-PCBs. The association between alcoholic beverage intake and PCDDs was also significant. Analysis of dietary patterns may be useful for identifying the dietary characteristics of individuals with a high dioxin body burden.  相似文献   
胭脂红酸分光光度法测定废水中硼   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用胭脂红酸分光光度法测定废水中的硼,着重进行了方法的条件和干扰试验。方法检测限为0.063mg/L,线性范围为0.21mg/L-1.25mg/L。5个实验室对5.00mg/L硼标准样品测得重复性相对标准差为3.4%,再次性相对标准差为3.6%;相对误差为-0.8%-1.4%,回收率在95.2%-104.6%之间。  相似文献   
In this study we evaluated the effect of different fertilizer treatments on Brassica plants grown on boron-contaminated sediments. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and on the lysimeter scale. At laboratory scale (microcosm), five different fertilizers were tested for a 35-d period. On the lysimeter scale, nitrogen fertilization was tested at three different doses and plants were allowed to grow until the end of the vegetative phase (70 d). Results showed that nitrogen application had effectively increased plant biomass production, while B uptake was not affected. Total B phytoextracted increased three-fold when the highest nitrogen dose was applied. Phytotoxicity on Brassica was evaluated by biochemical parameters. In plants grown in unfertilized B-contaminated sediments, the activity of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and pyrogallol peroxidase (PPX) increased, whereas catalase (CAT) decreased with respect to control plants. Addition of N progressively mitigated the alteration of enzymatic activity, thus suggesting that N can aid in alleviating B-induced oxidative stress. SOD activity was restored to control levels just at the lowest N treatment, whereas the CAT inhibition was partially restored only at the highest one. N application also lowered the B-induced increase in APX and PPX activities. Increased glutathione reductase activity indicated the need to restore the oxidative balance of glutathione. Data also suggest a role of glutathione and phytochelatins in B defense mechanisms. Results suggest that the nitrogen fertilizer was effective in improving B phytoextraction by increasing Brassica biomass and by alleviating B-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   
在甘肃省夏河县对鼓翅皱膝蝗的种群结构、数量变动、空间格局及动脉进行了系统研究。鼓翅皱膝蝗1a发生1代,以卵在土中越冬,翌年5月中旬开始孵化出土,6月上旬达到出土高峰,此期蝗虫种群仅由1龄和2龄蝗蝻组成,其中1龄蝗蝻占81.8%,2龄蝗蝻占18.2%,成虫于7月上旬开始羽化,8月上旬达到羽化高峰,此期的成虫数量达61.3%,而蝗蝻仅占38.7%,蝗蝻期约为72d,成虫寿命54d左右,每雌平均产卵32.6粒。鼓翅皱膝蝗在草地上属聚集分布,蝗蝻发生期种群的空间动态主要表现出扩散趋势,但初孵化出土时有短暂的聚集行为。取食量随龄期增大而增大,每头鼓翅皱膝蝗取食牧草量蝗蝻期平均为1.5g,成早期约为5.8g,成早期的食量是蝗蝻期的3.7倍。表3参12  相似文献   
Nitrate in groundwater: an isotopic multi-tracer approach   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In spite of increasing efforts to reduce nitrogen inputs into groundwater from intensive agriculture, nitrate (NO3) remains one of the major pollutants of drinking-water resources worldwide. Determining the source(s) of NO3 contamination in groundwater is an important first step for improving groundwater quality by emission control, and it is with this aim that we investigated the viability of an isotopic multi-tracer approach (delta15N, delta11B, 87Sr/86Sr), in addition to conventional hydrogeologic analysis, in two small catchments of the Arguenon watershed (Brittany, France). The main anthropogenic sources (fertilizer, sewage effluent, and hog, cattle and poultry manure) were first characterized by their specific B, N and Sr isotope signatures, and compared to those observed in the ground- and surface waters. Chemical and isotopic evidence shows that both denitrification and mixing within the watershed have the effect of buffering NO3 contamination in the groundwater. Coupled delta11B, delta15N and 87Sr/86Sr results indicate that a large part of the NO3 contamination in the Arguenon watershed originates from the spreading of animal manure, with hog manure being a major contributor. Point sources, such as sewage effluents, contribute to the NO3 budget of the two watersheds.  相似文献   
人和动物体内的硬组织(牙齿、骨骼等)是氟化物作用的主要部位,严重者可引起氟骨症和氟斑釉,其中氟斑釉是慢性氟中毒的一项特异指标。通常日摄氟量高的居民其氟斑釉率和斑釉指标均增高。本文用日摄氟量作指标评价环境氟对居民牙齿的影响。研究结果揭示,当地居民的斑釉率和斑釉指数均与日摄氟量呈非常显著的正相关,r=0.9084,P<0.01。  相似文献   
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