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• Effects of metabolic uncoupler TCS on the performances of GDMBR were evaluated. • Sludge EPS reduced and transformed into dissolved SMP when TCS was added. • Appropriate TCS increased the permeability and reduced cake layer fouling. • High dosage aggravated fouling due to compact cake layer with low bio-activity. The gravity-driven membrane bioreactor (MBR)system is promising for decentralized sewage treatment because of its low energy consumption and maintenance requirements. However, the growing sludge not only increases membrane fouling, but also augments operational complexities (sludge discharge). We added the metabolic uncoupler 3,3′,4′,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS) to the system to deal with the mentioned issues. Based on the results, TCS addition effectively decreased sludge ATP and sludge yield (reduced by 50%). Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS; proteins and polysaccharides) decreased with the addition of TCS and were transformed into dissolved soluble microbial products (SMPs) in the bulk solution, leading to the break of sludge flocs into small fragments. Permeability was increased by more than two times, reaching 60–70 L/m2/h bar when 10–30 mg/L TCS were added, because of the reduced suspended sludge and the formation of a thin cake layer with low EPS levels. Resistance analyses confirmed that appropriate dosages of TCS primarily decreased the cake layer and hydraulically reversible resistances. Permeability decreased at high dosage (50 mg/L) due to the release of excess sludge fragments and SMP into the supernatant, with a thin but more compact fouling layer with low bioactivity developing on the membrane surface, causing higher cake layer and pore blocking resistances. Our study provides a fundamental understanding of how a metabolic uncoupler affects the sludge and bio-fouling layers at different dosages, with practical relevance for in situ sludge reduction and membrane fouling alleviation in MBR systems.  相似文献   
北京地区夏冬季颗粒物污染边界层的激光雷达观测   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
在对激光雷达测量数据处理方法讨论的基础上,根据"北京空气污染物垂直结构测量试验"(BAPIE)冬季和夏季测量的数据,对北京地区气溶胶高度分布及近地面气溶胶污染边界层指标、气溶胶污染边界层统计特征、气溶胶输送南北通量高度分布、API-Ⅰ级优质大气和Ⅴ级重度污染个例等,进行了讨论。   相似文献   
Interactive modes of knowledge production offer a strategy for seeking solutions to complex environmental problems. The outcome of such knowledge production is socially robust knowledge. Social robustness refers to knowledge that is relevant and accepted by actors in the context of its application. This is achieved when knowledge is credible, salient and produced in a legitimate way. To date, only limited research has focused on how social robustness is achieved. As coastal problems are characterised by conflicting interests and major uncertainties, the coastal zone represents a relevant domain for studying socially robust knowledge. This paper analyses and presents three conditions that need to be in place if one is to achieve socially robust knowledge in coastal projects. The conditions are based on theories related to socially robust knowledge, boundary spanning, project arrangements and knowledge arrangements. The conditions specify how social robustness can be achieved through knowledge testing by boundary spanners, the involvement of diverse actors and a close connection between knowledge production and the evolving project. In a case study, these conditions are compared to developments in a Dutch coastal project involving spatial developments near the Ems estuary. The comparison highlights the relevance of the three conditions in achieving socially robust knowledge. In addition, a fourth aspect is empirically uncovered: the role of boundary spanning among project partners prior to producing knowledge. These four conditions clarify how social robustness may be achieved in coastal solutions. As such, this paper contributes to the theoretical and empirical understanding of socially robust knowledge.  相似文献   
白音华二号矿滑坡区边坡治理工程是针对稳定性差的南帮非工作帮和南排土场构成的复合边坡进行的。滑坡体受多层弱层控制,治理过程中易导致边坡失稳,所以治理工程采取分区开采的条采方案,充分利用边坡治理的三维效应来进行边坡的失稳破坏研究和稳定性分析。选取滑坡区的典型剖面作为研究对象,基于强度折减方法(SRM),应用有限差分FLAC3D软件,在两种开挖条件下,对含多弱层的复合边坡的稳定性规律和破坏机制进行了数值模拟分析,揭示了多弱层对复合边坡的失稳破坏及稳定性的影响。研究结果表明,治理工程中,弱层被揭露一定宽度,滑体沿煤底板弱层水平错动、竖直方向拉裂破坏;随弱层暴露宽度的增加,边坡稳定性明显降低,说明治理边坡具有三维效应;开挖至3-3煤层底板,开挖坡角20°,弱层暴露宽度为400m,边坡的稳定系数刚好达到安全储备系数1.1,建议矿方首选此方案,可以最大限度的回收煤炭资源。  相似文献   
滁州地区覆盖层厚度对场地地震动参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以滁州地区近百个钻孔资料为原型建立土层模型,采用一维频域等效线性化波动方法进行了土层地震反应分析,重点分析了覆盖层厚度对场地地震动参数的影响。研究结果表明,随着覆盖层厚度的增加,地表峰值加速度及土层放大系数逐渐增大,当覆盖层厚度超过一定值时,地表峰值加速度及土层放大系数呈逐渐缓慢减小的趋势;而反应谱特征周期总体上随着覆盖层厚度的增加而逐渐增大。  相似文献   
对焙烧炉筒体结构进行有限元建模仿真,考虑热应力、压力和重力对筒体结构受力的影响,计算了焙烧炉关键部位的蠕变疲劳寿命,同时探究进气温度、保温层及对流系数等参数的影响。结果表明:热应力是影响结构强度的关键因素;焙烧炉筒体在许用蠕变变形量为5%的情况下,其使用寿命超过设计寿命;在筒体加热过渡段铺设保温层,降低与外界空气对流和提高进气温度,有利于降低筒体应力。  相似文献   
2018年12月15~18日使用激光雷达在河北望都观测气溶胶与O3,利用气溶胶消光系数廓线判断边界层的变化,进而研究大气边界层对于近地表层(300m)O3浓度的影响.结果表明,边界层主要影响O3的干沉降以及高空O3的垂直输送,在受本地污染控制时,近地表O3浓度受干沉降控制明显,随着边界层高度的下降而减少;西北地区气团占主导时,O3浓度主要受水平传输以及高空垂直输送影响.  相似文献   
康重阳  赵军  宋国富 《中国环境科学》2019,39(10):4033-4042
使用2005~2017年遥感数据研究了全球大气边界层SO2时空分布特征及变化趋势.结果表明:空间分布上SO2呈现空间异质性,大气高SO2柱量值集中在以火山喷发为代表的自然源区域和以工业排放为代表的人为源及附近区域;一、二、三级SO2柱量值在全球范围内整体呈现纬度地带性分布特征,北半球受人为影响较为明显,分界线在陆地区域向南凸出,海洋上向北凹陷,而南半球受人为影响较小,分界线呈现与纬线平行趋势;2005~2017年全球大气边界层SO2单元栅格年均值整体呈现先增后减趋势,火山喷发导致2008、2009、2011年夏季出现了明显的波动,其余季节无显著变化;全球范围内大气边界层SO2年内变化,伴随太阳直射点南北移动,2005~2014年一级SO2柱量值延纬向对称轴的纬度,除10~12月份外,其余月份与对应月15日太阳赤纬基本吻合.  相似文献   
Single-chamber sediment microbial fuel cells(SSMFCs) have received considerable attention nowadays because of their unique dual-functionality of power generation and enhancement of wastewater treatment performance. Thus, scaling up or upgrading SSMFCs for enhanced and efficient performance is a highly crucial task. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, an innovative physical technique of using interface layers with four different pore sizes embedded in the middle of SSMFCs was utilized in this study.Experimental results showed that the performance of SSMFCs employing an interface layer was improved regardless of the pore size of the interface material, compared to those without such layers. The use of an interface layer resulted in a positive and significant effect on the performance of SSMFCs because of the effective prevention of oxygen diffusion from the cathode to the anode. Nevertheless, when a smaller pore size interface was utilized, better power performance and COD degradation were observed. A maximum power density of 0.032 mW/m~2 and COD degradation of 47.3% were obtained in the case of an interface pore size of 0.28 μm. The findings in this study are of significance to promote the future practical application of SSMFCs in wastewater treatment plants.  相似文献   
Cake layer formation is inevitable over time for ultrafiltration(UF) membrane-based drinking water treatment.Although the cake layer is always considered to cause membrane fouling,it can also act as a "dynamic protection layer",as it further adsorbs pollutants and dramatically reduces their chance of getting to the membrane surface.Here,the UF membrane fouling performance was investigated with pre-deposited loose flocs in the presence of humic acid(HA).The results showed that the floc dynamic pr...  相似文献   
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