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崇明岛共有区系植物55科157属198种,区系组成复杂,地理成分多样,涵盖全部15个分布区类型,具有明显的热带-温带过渡性质,落叶树种占木本植物种类的90.5%,属于北亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林地带。群落外貌及属的相似性系数分析表明,崇明岛植物区系更接近江苏宜兴,而与临近的大金山岛和佘山差别略大。此外,岛上还有栽培植物和外来植物共235种,其中蔷薇科、菊科、禾本科、豆科、木犀科等科的种类较丰富,以加拿大一枝黄花、臭荠、刺果毛莨、一年蓬、空心莲子草、大米草、互花米草等对当地植被资源和生态系统的影响最大。崇明岛植物群落结构单一,缺乏灌木层,草本层多为广布杂草,其植被资源可以根据功能划分为江防海防林、湿地植被、道路绿化带、庭院景观林、游憩林、大田作物及经济林、水源涵养林等7大类,其中江防海防林及湿地植被是崇明岛植被生态系统的关键成分。提供了崇明岛新纪录野生及外来种子植物名录。  相似文献   
This paper examines possible ozone-induced foliar injury to ponderosa pine areas in the Rincon Mountains of southern Arizona from 1972 to 1992. Spatiotemporal differences in a satellite-derived vegetation index (VI) are examined with respect to antecedent moisture conditions, temporal variations in ozone exposure levels, and measured foliar injury values from 1985. Seasonal ozone exposure levels (SUM60 and W126) increased from 1982 to 1998 and were significantly correlated (r = 0.49 and 0.53, α= 0.05) with annual population totals in the Tucson area. Extensive masking of satellite images from 1972, 1986, and 1992 resulted in two optimal change detection areas, with one site, TVWMica, exposed mostly to the Tucson air pollution plume, while the other site, EMica, was more protected from Tucson-derived pollution. An overall increase in VI from 1972 to 1992 at both sites appears to have been caused by an increase in moisture availability. Larger foliar injury values in 1985 were associated with a smaller increase in VI (i.e., a smaller increase in green leaf biomass) from 1972 to 1986. From 1972 to 1986 and from 1986 to 1992, VI values at TV/WMica increased at a slower rate compared to those at EMica. The reduced increase in “green-up” may have been caused partially by ozone-induced foliar injury and resulting decreases in green leaf biomass. However, these spatial differences in VI values may have also been caused by a number of other factors. Results nevertheless reveal the strong possibility of distinct, topographically based, spatial variations in ozone-induced foliar injury within the Rincons.  相似文献   
林口林业局通过对红松母树林下的细小可燃物进行计划烧除实验,证明这种方法不但是预防森林火灾、保护红松母树林安全的有效措施,而且还可消除森林病害虫和增加林木生长量。  相似文献   
The structure of the crown and branching; the growth, development, and ontogeny of branches; and organogenesis and growth of female shoots in the model Siberian stone pine trees were studied in four types of habitats at the timberline in the central Altai Mountains (1700–2170 m a.s.l.). The results provided evidence that the ecological forms of trees appear due to changes in the pattern of branching as well as to the decreased rate of vegetative (primarily apical) growth. The diameter of the shoot pith is one of the most variable characters reflecting the deterioration of environmental conditions at higher elevations.  相似文献   
With growing populations fueling increased groundwater abstraction and forecasts of greater water scarcity in the southeastern United States, identifying land management strategies that enhance water availability will be vital to maintaining hydrologic resources and protecting natural systems. Management of forested uplands for lower basal area, currently a priority for habitat improvement on public lands, may also increase water yield through decreased evapotranspiration (ET). To explore this hypothesis, we synthesized studies of precipitation and ET in coastal plain pine stands to develop a statistical model of water yield as a function of management strategy, stand structure, and ecosystem water use. This model allowed us to estimate changes in water yield in response to varying management strategies across spatial scales from the individual stand to a regional watershed. Results suggest that slash pine stands managed at lower basal areas can have up to 64% more cumulative water yield over a 25‐year rotation compared to systems managed for high‐density timber production, with the greatest increases in stands also managed for recurrent understory fire. Although there are important uncertainties in the magnitude of additional water yield and its final destination (i.e., surface water bodies vs. groundwater), this analysis highlights the potential for management activities on public and private timber lands to partially offset increasing demand on surface and groundwater resources.  相似文献   

为服务海南自由贸易港水生态环境保护,基于海南省地表水环境质量监测网监测数据,对海南岛南渡江、昌化江、万泉河三大流域“十三五”期间水质状况、主要污染物浓度、综合污染指数变化进行了分析,采用Spearman秩相关系数研判其污染变化特征,并采用均值GM(1,1)模型(EGM)预测“十四五”期间水质变化趋势。结果表明:“十三五”期间,海南岛三大流域水质状况总体呈稳中向好趋势,南渡江、万泉河流域水质优良比例分别上升至96.3%、100%,昌化江流域水质优良比例保持在100%;三大流域CODMn、CODCr、氨氮、总磷浓度年均值均处于较低水平,低于GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅱ类标准限值,其中CODCr年均值均低于Ⅰ类标准限值,“十三五”期间除氨氮浓度下降外,其他指标均有不同程度的上升或波动,上升幅度为6.7%~23.8%;干流综合污染指数均小幅下降,下降幅度为0.03~0.04,主要支流综合污染指数自上游到下游呈波动上升的空间变化特征。EGM预测结果表明,“十四五”期间海南岛三大流域干流和绝大部分支流水质综合污染指数呈上升趋势,最大上升幅度达108.3%,三大流域水环境仍面临较大的压力,尤其是支流汇入带来的污染负荷不容忽视。“十四五”期间,应以系统保护思路,落实“六水共治”“一河一策”等措施,进一步改善三大流域水质。

从铅锌矿的污泥中筛选出4株能高效降解松醇油的优势菌,经鉴定均为铜绿假单胞菌。研究了4株菌的生理生化特征、挂膜能力及对松醇油(俗称2#油)的降解能力。结果表明,上述4株菌单独挂膜能力最佳的菌株为JS19;混合菌挂膜能力优于单株菌,菌膜致密,菌体含量大。进水COD约250 mg·L-1,混合菌处理组的废水在4 d后出水COD降低到42 mg·L-1;对COD高达480 mg·L-1的含松醇油废水,菌膜处理废水在7 d后逐步稳定,出水COD低于40 mg·L-1,这表明混合菌膜挂膜稳定,抗负荷冲击能力强,更适用于工业废水的处理。  相似文献   
Trends of changes in species richness and dominance in staphylinid communities depending on the age of pine plantations have been analyzed. The species richness of these communities is high in the plantations of age classes 1 and 2 (11 and 28 years, respectively) but decreases in the plantations of age class 3 (60 years). The highest and lowest indices of species diversity are observed in the plantations of age classes 2 and 3, respectively. Four groups of rove beetles have been distinguished by the criterion of their dominance in pine plantations of different ages.__________Translated from Ekologiya, No. 4, 2005, pp. 306–313.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Derunkov.  相似文献   
运用能值分析的理论和方法,以中国第三大岛崇明岛为研究对象,定量分析和评价了1980~2003年岛内“社会-经济-自然”复合生态系统的能值自给率、人均能值用量、能值密度、环境负荷率、人口承载量以及基于能值分析的可持续发展指数等多项指标的变化趋势,并将2003年的数据进行了国内外对比。针对崇明建设生态岛的目标,分析了崇明岛的优势和不足,为其可持续发展提出了对应的建议和措施。研究表明:虽然良好的生态环境提升了人民的生活质量,但由于缺乏经济和科技竞争力,崇明岛的发展水平处于全国平均水平,与所处的长三角地区整体发展水平相差较大。但岛屿系统现状良好,运行稳定、健康、有活力,可持续性高。未来崇明岛的发展应当合理权衡和协调绎济发展和环境保护的关系,维持系统的可持续性。  相似文献   
Some persistent pesticides, as organochlorines, are not efficiently removed from usual wastewater treatment plants, unless a tertiary treatment, commonly activated carbon adsorption, is applied. The downside of this practice rests on its high regeneration costs. This fact motivated the research for alternative processes involving the use of natural materials. Pine bark was used in this work, to remove lindane from contaminated waters. The adsorptive capabilities of this material were studied (equilibrium time, adsorption model and saturation of the adsorbent) and the interference of some metals (iron, cadmium, copper, nickel and lead) was also investigated. Results showed an excellent efficiency of adsorption (average 80,65%) and that the presence of the studied metals did not affect both efficiency and the model of the adsorption, within the range of the concentration of the pesticide studied.  相似文献   
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